Actually if does matter because your choice to be Catholic is one made as an individual. Thus opinion is very relevant.

Do you have a link to the Obama promise? I've been researching for a while and am yet to locate a resource. Thank you.

Obama sandbags the Archbishop

In November, New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, held what he describes as an “extraordinarily friendly” meeting with Obama at the White House.

The president assured the archbishop of his respect for the Church, and the archbishop came away persuaded Obama would never force the Church to adopt any policy that would violate her principles.

I did as you suggested CG.

On behalf of the Catholic Church, thank you. :eusa_angel:
Thank you for the link. I can see how the church feels betrayed. Symantics I suppose, I will always see an independent business (hospital, university) with ties to the church. And Catholics will always see Catholic institutions which provide healthcare and/or education.

Since Catholic and Jesuit institions are already practicing this offering, why is this now an issue? Is it because the states which mandate this coverage are STATES and now a federal mandate is more ominous?

I don't see it as 'semantics', although I can understand why you might. I see it as a complete betrayal by Obama towards my Church. He looked our Arch Bishop - our highest authority in the country - and point blank lied. And because of that lie, our Church backed his bill.

Now, on the 'independent business' thing. Again, I do understand why you see it that way. However, from a Catholic perspective, there are certain things that we - as a Church - are required to do. These things come from the Bible.. such as:

"Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.' They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?' He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least among you, you did not do for me.'" Matthew 25:41-45

Now, when you look at the life of Jesus, he healed the sick - so we fund hospitals. He was a teacher - so we fund schools. His life was spent in service to the poor - so we provide services to the most needy. That is a Christian mission for us. It is absolutely core to our faith.
If Mandated Health Insurance Benefits are not permissible, than please review the following mandated benefits which would be impacted and possibly lose coverage:

Mandate Links
Please see topic specific pages (click to view):


Cancer Mandates and Exceptions

Childhood Immunizations

Clinical Trials Coverage

Colorectal Cancer Screening


Dependent Coverage


Infertility Treatment

Mental Health Benefits

Newborn Hearing Screening

Newborn Genetic & Metabiolic Disease Screening

Mandated Health Insurance Benefits and State Laws: Overview

There is a very straightforward way to fix the current situation - which is that President honor the promise he made to the Church.

Solution: The government should allow insurance companies to offer policies that do not include contraception. That is all the Church is asking for.

So, liberals.... is it 'freedom for me, but not for thee' or will you support the right of others to believe differently to you? Hmmm? This should not be a hard call.

Would you support the removal of fertility treatments?

Is Infertility Treatment Covered by Health Insurance?

Is Infertility Treatment Covered by Health Insurance?

Given that over two million American women undergo infertility treatment in some form each year, one would think that health insurance coverage for the condition would be standard practice. In reality, though, only about 25% of employer-subsidized health plans offer coverage for infertility treatments. Financing infertility can be prohibitively expensive, which may rule it out as an option for women whose insurance plans do not provide coverage. In this post, we'll discuss the issue of infertility and insurers' reluctance to cover the condition in more depth.

Hearing Aids are not covered by any insurance plan I'm aware of. Mine cost $5k each. Replacing them every 5-8 years has always been more than a challenge, never had a problem affording birth control.
Insurance doesn't cover dental bridgework either. I say we force the state to pay for them!
When the church operates as a business it must follow the rules every other business must follow.

Anything else is making special rules for religion and that is unconstitutional.
When the church operates as a business it must follow the rules every other business must follow.

Anything else is making special rules for religion and that is unconstitutional.

So then the question comes right around again as to just why birth control is a mandated coverage but hearing aids and infertility treatments are not as already pointed out. Why are you all right with this one area as mandated but other areas that are of FAR more consequence are not. It is not difficult to obtain free birth control or even that expensive if you do not want to get the free stuff. That sounds like special treatment due to an agenda to me. True hypocrisy.
I haven't been following this story very closely, but it seems to me that while many Catholics do practice birth control, it's the abortion pill that has everyone so enraged.
Too bad the catholic church didn't work this hard to weed out the child rapers. Good to see they have their priorities straight.

You dont think protecting religious liberty in this nation should be a high priority?

And what makes you think they can't multi task? I mean there are like a billion catholics. Im pretty sure they can do more than one thing at the same time effectively and without any hiccups.

Religious liberty is not the least bit in jeopardy. And saying it repeatedly will not make it so.
Religious liberty is in jeopardy when the government dictates that they must do things against their doctrine and belief, when their belief HARMS NO ONE. It's a classic example of removing the line between church and state, which is something you all claim to care so much about.

Of course, everybody knows you don't care about it, and the only reason you repeat that mantra is to hide the fact that you do want the state to dictate what we shall believe and how we shall follow our faith.
I haven't been following this story very closely, but it seems to me that while many Catholics do practice birth control, it's the abortion pill that has everyone so enraged.

It's the open and blatant attack on the first amendment that has everyone so enraged.

Obama committed political suicide.
I haven't been following this story very closely, but it seems to me that while many Catholics do practice birth control, it's the abortion pill that has everyone so enraged.

I agree Chanel. Obama is very much a 'create the crisis' strategist. He'll look for a compromise and I believe this will be the sticking point.
I haven't been following this story very closely, but it seems to me that while many Catholics do practice birth control, it's the abortion pill that has everyone so enraged.

Actually, it is the encroachment of government into Church Doctrine that is the core issue. The issue is not about abortion, or birth control.... it is whether the Government can force a Church to provide something that is against its Doctrine.
I haven't been following this story very closely, but it seems to me that while many Catholics do practice birth control, it's the abortion pill that has everyone so enraged.

It's the open and blatant attack on the first amendment that has everyone so enraged.

Obama committed political suicide.

I think he's afraid of his left wing. They have not been happy that he has not governed from as far left as they wanted him to. Now, he's stuck between pandering to them and taking on a fight that he knows he's not likely to win. And, if he does win... the cost is likely to be extremely high.

I kind of hope he doesn't back down.... the longer this goes on, and the more entrenched in his position he is... the better for conservatives... and liberty lovers. The backlash against him could very well cost him that second term.
I haven't been following this story very closely, but it seems to me that while many Catholics do practice birth control, it's the abortion pill that has everyone so enraged.

Actually, it is the encroachment of government into Church Doctrine that is the core issue. The issue is not about abortion, or birth control.... it is whether the Government can force a Church to provide something that is against its Doctrine.

Almost. The core issue is whether the government can force an employer to provide something that is against it's doctrine. In this case, the employer is a church. According to the federal government, ALL employers need to extend ALL benefits to ALL people. That is first and foremost.
I haven't been following this story very closely, but it seems to me that while many Catholics do practice birth control, it's the abortion pill that has everyone so enraged.

Actually, it is the encroachment of government into Church Doctrine that is the core issue. The issue is not about abortion, or birth control.... it is whether the Government can force a Church to provide something that is against its Doctrine.

Almost. The core issue is whether the government can force an employer to provide something that is against it's doctrine. In this case, the employer is a church. According to the federal government, ALL employers need to extend ALL benefits to ALL people. That is first and foremost.

Except that it is not doing that. It has waivered big business, and unions... it's 'buddies'. And it promised our Church that it would protect the Church's "business" also. Didn't see you screaming foul about the waivers for your buddies.... only for my Church. Hypocritical much?

Those who do not find the coverage provided by their employer are free to seek employment elsewhere.

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