I Love Liberals!

1. the liberty to discriminate against gays, people of color, religions other than Christian, for example.

Hmm. Okay.


2. If you don't know who the less fortunate in our society are, you are one of the mentally less fortunate in our society.
The people who qualify for government assistance that conservatives oppose, that's who.

Remember how I just said my posts serve unique purposes? Well my previous post just got you to revert to another emotional argument. Oh, and let's not forget the insult there at the end.

I am far from "mentally less fortunate". For me to reasonably handle acute bi-polar disorder with borderline suicidal bouts of depression shows just how mentally superior to you I am.

Your argument rests on the fact that conservatives like me are heartless because they don't want people to rely on government assistance forever. That's not an honest argument, it's an emotional one. Liberals like you on this board are often making fun of my lack of employment, but are also encouraging me to rely on a method of income that will discourage me from ever becoming self reliant in the future. You fail to realize that government assistance is a temporary measure, not a permanent one. When someone challenges that idea that it should be permanent, you accuse them of preying on the less fortunate. When conservatives want to encourage them to be self reliant, you accuse them of preying on the less fortunate.

Seriously. This little essay shouldn't have been necessary to explain how flawed your reasoning is.

3. Dictating values on abortion, sexual orientation, religion, for example.

Oh, you mean like the PC culture on college campuses pervading the rest of American society?
We live under the Constitution not a contract. A contract is a two way agreement. Our Constitution isn't. Our government is in no position to negotiate anything. You see, we own government.

Leftists like you pretend we surrendered our authority to the government, that may be in your mind but that's not reality. I've worked hard for what I have and when smug superior leftists pretend they are entitled to some of it I called them what they are. Leeches. We need fewer leeches and more freemen willing to better their own lives without taking from another.

Damn Iceweasel - take a bow! That was by far and away the post of 2017 to this point.
No matter how you attack the the Social Contract Theory, you cannot refute it's goodness and effectiveness in mitigating human suffering, no matter how much you mock such governance.

You, trump and the current iteration of conservatives would have this greeting rubbed out, and in its place a new sign burnished brightly in gold, and without a hint of remorse stating, "I got mine, stay the hell out of my county and take the bleeding heart liberals with you!".
Oh fuck you, you mealy mouthed little punk. Where's this social contract besides whatever you want it to be? There's no such thing. We live under the Constitution not a contract. A contract is a two way agreement.
Exactly! And none of us ever agreed to this imaginary "social contract" that the idiot progressives like Guy Catcher want to pretend exists.
1. the liberty to discriminate against gays, people of color, religions other than Christian, for example.
Where exactly do you derive the power to tell a private person on private property who they can and cannot "discriminate" against. We all agree that government cannot discriminate because it exists to serve all people and to protect our rights.

But where do you derive power over people in the private sector? Your inability to articulate that much says it all.
1. the liberty to discriminate against gays, people of color, religions other than Christian, for example.

2. If you don't know who the less fortunate in our society are, you are one of the mentally less fortunate in our society.
The people who qualify for government assistance that conservatives oppose, that's who.

3. Dictating values on abortion, sexual orientation, religion, for example.
1. Liberty is liberty. Not just the kind you enjoy. Liberty to not attend a gay wedding as a photographer is a right we've had until very recently. You don't pay the bills so you should run the business. Or dictate your values to anybody else.

2. Lots of people abuse public assistance and don't try to hard since they can get it. Or they get drugged out. Robbing people to pay for it is against my morals.

3. Except that you want to be the one dictating the values. Hypocrite!
It is a laughing matter when you suggest a conservative's words put forward the Ministry of Jesus Christ, which you so vainly claim as your guiding light.
Every last bit of conservatism encompasses the guiding light of Jesus Christ. Nowhere in the Bible does it state "man shall serve as government, and ye shall place a gun to the head of your fellow man, and ye shall take from them against their will for the betterment of other man".

Of course - you ignorant ass would know that if you ever bothered to read.
No matter how you attack the the Social Contract Theory, you cannot refute it's goodness and effectiveness in mitigating human suffering, no matter how much you mock such governance.

You, trump and the current iteration of conservatives would have this greeting rubbed out, and in its place a new sign burnished brightly in gold, and without a hint of remorse stating, "I got mine, stay the hell out of my county and take the bleeding heart liberals with you!".
Oh fuck you, you mealy mouthed little punk. Where's this social contract besides whatever you want it to be? There's no such thing. We live under the Constitution not a contract. A contract is a two way agreement. Our Constitution isn't. Our government is in no position to negotiate anything. You see, we own government.

Leftists like you pretend we surrendered our authority to the government, that may be in your mind but that's not reality. I've worked hard for what I have and when smug superior leftists pretend they are entitled to some of it I called them what they are. Leeches. We need fewer leeches and more freemen willing to better their own lives without taking from another.
No matter how you attack the the Social Contract Theory, you cannot refute it's goodness and effectiveness in mitigating human suffering, no matter how much you mock such governance.

You, trump and the current iteration of conservatives would have this greeting rubbed out, and in its place a new sign burnished brightly in gold, and without a hint of remorse stating, "I got mine, stay the hell out of my county and take the bleeding heart liberals with you!".
Oh fuck you, you mealy mouthed little punk. Where's this social contract besides whatever you want it to be? There's no such thing. We live under the Constitution not a contract. A contract is a two way agreement. Our Constitution isn't. Our government is in no position to negotiate anything. You see, we own government.

Leftists like you pretend we surrendered our authority to the government, that may be in your mind but that's not reality. I've worked hard for what I have and when smug superior leftists pretend they are entitled to some of it I called them what they are. Leeches. We need fewer leeches and more freemen willing to better their own lives without taking from another.
I think it is imperative to point out that Guy Catcher completely ignores Infantile Contract Theory - which states that progressives surrender their rights, including, but not limited to, vote, voice their opinion in support of or opposition to any given issue, form political organizations, create literature of any kind and disseminate it, or otherwise attempt to influence the direction of any nation due to their acknowledgement that support of failed policies out of feelings, denial of reality, and for creating fiction such as "Social Contract Theory" and attempting to pass it off as reality".

Because Infantile Contract Theory is a contract - the left is bound to abide by it. So Wry Catcher? Uh buh-bye sweetie! Time to delete your account and leave USMB.
No matter how you attack the the Social Contract Theory, you cannot refute it's goodness and effectiveness in mitigating human suffering, no matter how much you mock such governance.

You, trump and the current iteration of conservatives would have this greeting rubbed out, and in its place a new sign burnished brightly in gold, and without a hint of remorse stating, "I got mine, stay the hell out of my county and take the bleeding heart liberals with you!".
Oh fuck you, you mealy mouthed little punk. Where's this social contract besides whatever you want it to be? There's no such thing. We live under the Constitution not a contract. A contract is a two way agreement.
Exactly! And none of us ever agreed to this imaginary "social contract" that the idiot progressives like Guy Catcher want to pretend exists.

You never stop proving how ignorant you are.

Look up the word "Tacit", and the fact is, by using and or benefiting from any aspect of the Social Contract you accept and support the Social Contract!
That means anything provided by local, state and federal agencies - i.e. the police, fire, safe water and all other means which defends you or benefit you - even if you are too stupid to accept it.
No matter how you attack the the Social Contract Theory, you cannot refute it's goodness and effectiveness in mitigating human suffering, no matter how much you mock such governance.
You can "mitigate human suffering". You choose not to. Why is that?

You have no idea what I've done or will do. In fact not voting for trump was an effort to mitigate human suffering.
No matter how you attack the the Social Contract Theory, you cannot refute it's goodness and effectiveness in mitigating human suffering, no matter how much you mock such governance.

You, trump and the current iteration of conservatives would have this greeting rubbed out, and in its place a new sign burnished brightly in gold, and without a hint of remorse stating, "I got mine, stay the hell out of my county and take the bleeding heart liberals with you!".
Oh fuck you, you mealy mouthed little punk. Where's this social contract besides whatever you want it to be? There's no such thing. We live under the Constitution not a contract. A contract is a two way agreement.
Exactly! And none of us ever agreed to this imaginary "social contract" that the idiot progressives like Guy Catcher want to pretend exists.

You never stop proving how ignorant you are.

Look up the word "Tacit", and the fact is, by using and or benefiting from any aspect of the Social Contract you accept and support the Social Contract!
That means anything provided by local, state and federal agencies - i.e. the police, fire, safe water and all other means which defends you or benefit you - even if you are too stupid to accept it.
You pulled that out of your ass. As usual. If we drive on a road we are accepting the social contract? Cite a source.

The government is here to do our bidding. The only contract we have is they do their job or get fired.
Look up the word "Tacit", and the fact is, by using and or benefiting from any aspect of the Social Contract you accept and support the Social Contract!
Bwahahahahaha! I love how Guy Catcher just makes stuff up as he goes and attempts to pass it off not only as "reality" - but also as sane.

I want to make this very clear to your ignorant, uneducated ass: I do not support any part of your imaginary "Social Contract". Now go look up the "Infantile Contract Theory". By supporting your "Social Contract" - you accept and support the "Infantile Contract Theory". Time to close your account little boy. Uh buh-bye!
No matter how you attack the the Social Contract Theory, you cannot refute it's goodness and effectiveness in mitigating human suffering, no matter how much you mock such governance.
You can "mitigate human suffering". You choose not to. Why is that?

You have no idea what I've done or will do. In fact not voting for trump was an effort to mitigate human suffering.
Sorry buttercup - if your lazy, greedy ass was doing anything to "mitigate human suffering" you wouldn't need me to do it for you. I do know. You don't do shit but sit on your ass crying and spreading lies.
No matter how you attack the the Social Contract Theory, you cannot refute it's goodness and effectiveness in mitigating human suffering, no matter how much you mock such governance.
You can "mitigate human suffering". You choose not to. Why is that?

You have no idea what I've done or will do. In fact not voting for trump was an effort to mitigate human suffering.
Sorry buttercup - if your lazy, greedy ass was doing anything to "mitigate human suffering" you wouldn't need me to do it for you. I do know. You don't do shit but sit on your ass crying and spreading lies.

If I had to make a character in a novel or short story, based on your posts, I would use your comments in the dialogue, a written dialogue one might expect to be written by an immature 14 year old boy with no close friends and few acquaintances; a child who has spend a good deal of his life in his/her room room watching TV, playing games on his/her computer, and attempting to convince readers he or she had real life experiences, a child who had never lived outside the next, never experienced life unsupported by his/her parents, and never faced adversity or needed to make serious decisions.

That may not be you to a T, but it how I imagine you to be, based on your childish posts and the enormous ignorance which they expose.
If I had to make a character in a novel or short story, based on your posts, I would use your comments in the dialogue, a written dialogue one might expect to be written by an immature 14 year old boy with no close friends and few acquaintances; a child who has spend a good deal of his life in his/her room room watching TV, playing games on his/her computer, and attempting to convince readers he or she had real life experiences, a child who had never lived outside the next, never experienced life unsupported by his/her parents, and never faced adversity or needed to make serious decisions.

That may not be you to a T, but it how I imagine you to be, based on your childish posts and the enormous ignorance which they expose.
Well...I think it's painfully clear that I struck a nerve calling you out on your selfishness, your greed, your false narratives, and your disingenuous dialogue.

As I previously stated (and you ran like hell from) absolutely everything that progressives desire can be achieved legally through foundations. And not only would conservatives not fight you on it, they would actually assist you on it.

But you're not the least bit interested in the "human condition" - are you Wry? You don't lose a minute of sleep over the lack of "mitigatimg human suffering" - do you Wry? Nope. Like all progressives it's about control and punishing those you believe have a better life than you. Such a shame.
No matter how you attack the the Social Contract Theory, you cannot refute it's goodness and effectiveness in mitigating human suffering, no matter how much you mock such governance.
You can "mitigate human suffering". You choose not to. Why is that?

You have no idea what I've done or will do. In fact not voting for trump was an effort to mitigate human suffering.
Sorry buttercup - if your lazy, greedy ass was doing anything to "mitigate human suffering" you wouldn't need me to do it for you. I do know. You don't do shit but sit on your ass crying and spreading lies.

If I had to make a character in a novel or short story, based on your posts, I would use your comments in the dialogue, a written dialogue one might expect to be written by an immature 14 year old boy with no close friends and few acquaintances; a child who has spend a good deal of his life in his/her room room watching TV, playing games on his/her computer, and attempting to convince readers he or she had real life experiences, a child who had never lived outside the next, never experienced life unsupported by his/her parents, and never faced adversity or needed to make serious decisions.

That may not be you to a T, but it how I imagine you to be, based on your childish posts and the enormous ignorance which they expose.
Hey, great job of defending your social contract assertion. You couldn't run away fast enough.
The right live on planet delusion!

They invented fake news and wallowed in it the last 8 years. Now it's the worst thing ever?

Except what they call "fake news" usually isn't fake, they just WANT it to be.
Like your CNN? :lol:

What did CNN report that wasn't true?

They didn't report anything false (in this unique circumstance), but they lent credence to something that was proven false.

What did they give credence to that was proven false?

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