I Love Liberals!

For example they're already admitting global warming is real. So realize we were right.
My dear - it has already been proven that "Global Warming" is a farce. It is amazing how easy it was for Al Gore to dupe you people into making him a billionaire.

Why can't you just ask yourself - after colder than normal weather in 2013 and 2014 humiliated your side of the aisle, they scrambled to rebrand it to "Climate Change". Does that resonate with you at all?!?

How about the fact that your side of the aisle predicted that the polar ice-cap would be completely melted by 2014 - when in fact it expanded a mind-boggling 60% (over 900,000 sq. miles) by that point? Confirmed by NASA satellite photos.

Or the fact that your side of the aisle was caught in not one - but two humiliating rounds of "ClimateGate" where they were caught discussing in email how they falsify climate data in order to advance the "Global Warming" agenda?

The list goes on and on and on my dear. "Global Warming" is fake. The weather has proved it. History has proved it. Emails have proved it.
Now that Trump has been elected we can expect our nation to become more and more like China and Russia. We well see an erosion of freedoms, more and more wealth concentrated in the hands of the Power Elite, and more fees to be paid by the middle class and working poor. Taxes for the rich will be cut, while the need for government revenue will grow, especially to feed the Military-Industrial Complex and the Pharmaceutical-Medical Establishment.
Barack Obama already handled that, snowflake. He was a typical fascist Dumbocrat. He forced us to carry health insurance (erosion of freedom). He forced us to bake cakes for homosexuals (erosion of freedom). He forced us to host weddings for homosexuals (erosion of freedom). He forced us to hand over most of our money (erosion of freedom). He expanded the Patriot Act - spying 24x7 on every single American (erosion of freedom). He handed over ICANN to an international consortium to ensure the internet will have less freedom.

Would you like me to keep going, stupid?

Please do, you forgot to equate President Obama as a tyrannical leader. You're ridiculous, what rational people see as an expansion of freedoms for those who have suffered discrimination for their lifetime, by bigots, xenophobes, homophobes, racists and neo fascists.
How is it an "expansion of freedom" for homosexuals?!? They were already free. Forcing someone to provide their labor for them doesn't make the homosexual any more "free" you nitwit.

I think you realize now how stupid your comment was and you're trying to backtrack. Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet - you literally have no idea what he is going to do. So the only reason to claim that freedoms will be eroded is to by a hyperbolic fear-mongering partisan hack. You should be ashamed. I cringe for you. You obliterated what little credibility you have left.

In his post you see the explanation as to why conservatives eat Liberal's lunch in the marketplace of debate and ideas.

And....why their every attempt is to simply shut down the opposing voice with which they cannot compete.

I would never shut down your voice PC, to censor you would do a great injustice to truth, justice and the American way. For to allow you to revise history, assassinate the character of all who question the fictions you post as fact, would allow more biddable American's to be mislead and remain ignorant.

You hate every person who has ideas which challenge your dogma, seek happiness in ways you disapprove, and those of us who support the needy out of empathy not ideology. No matter how you attack the the Social Contract Theory, you cannot refute it's goodness and effectiveness in mitigating human suffering, no matter how much you mock such governance.

It is a laughing matter when you suggest a conservative's words put forward the Ministry of Jesus Christ, which you so vainly claim as your guiding light. Nothing in your words has ever included the sentiment posted on the gate to our nation:

'Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

You, trump and the current iteration of conservatives would have this greeting rubbed out, and in its place a new sign burnished brightly in gold, and without a hint of remorse stating, "I got mine, stay the hell out of my county and take the bleeding heart liberals with you!".
Nothing in your words has ever included the sentiment posted on the gate to our nation:

'Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Nice strawman. Not a single conservative opposes legal immigration. You left-wing loons have become so unhinged and radical - you actually support illegal, criminal activity. And that's why we can't come together and can't compromise with you people.
For example they're already admitting global warming is real. So realize we were right.
My dear - it has already been proven that "Global Warming" is a farce. It is amazing how easy it was for Al Gore to dupe you people into making him a billionaire.

Why can't you just ask yourself - after colder than normal weather in 2013 and 2014 humiliated your side of the aisle, they scrambled to rebrand it to "Climate Change". Does that resonate with you at all?!?

How about the fact that your side of the aisle predicted that the polar ice-cap would be completely melted by 2014 - when in fact it expanded a mind-boggling 60% (over 900,000 sq. miles) by that point? Confirmed by NASA satellite photos.

Or the fact that your side of the aisle was caught in not one - but two humiliating rounds of "ClimateGate" where they were caught discussing in email how they falsify climate data in order to advance the "Global Warming" agenda?

The list goes on and on and on my dear. "Global Warming" is fake. The weather has proved it. History has proved it. Emails have proved it.

What graduate degree did you earn?

You argument, let's be honest, it is not an argument, it is an opinion and not even yours, it is an echo of the right wing meme with no scientific foundation.
I would never shut down your voice PC, to censor you would do a great injustice to truth, justice and the American way.
That's all you progressives do! You can't do it legally because of the 1st Amendment so you do it through nonsense political correctness, false accusations of "racism", threats of violence and various other forms of intimidation. Your side is sick.
Nothing in your words has ever included the sentiment posted on the gate to our nation:

'Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Nice strawman. Not a single conservative opposes legal immigration. You left-wing loons have become so unhinged and radical - you actually support illegal, criminal activity. And that's why we can't come together and can't compromise with you people.

Really, are you that ignorant on social issues too?
I would never shut down your voice PC, to censor you would do a great injustice to truth, justice and the American way.
That's all you progressives do! You can't do it legally because of the 1st Amendment so you do it through nonsense political correctness, false accusations of "racism", threats of violence and various other forms of intimidation. Your side is sick.

I was being facetious when I asked you what graduate degree you held, it's pretty clear your education is limited or was ineffective do to the brainwashing you must have experienced.

An ad hominem, which is all your post #187 is, is both mendacious and bigotry. That is undeniable!
For example they're already admitting global warming is real. So realize we were right.
My dear - it has already been proven that "Global Warming" is a farce. It is amazing how easy it was for Al Gore to dupe you people into making him a billionaire.

Why can't you just ask yourself - after colder than normal weather in 2013 and 2014 humiliated your side of the aisle, they scrambled to rebrand it to "Climate Change". Does that resonate with you at all?!?

How about the fact that your side of the aisle predicted that the polar ice-cap would be completely melted by 2014 - when in fact it expanded a mind-boggling 60% (over 900,000 sq. miles) by that point? Confirmed by NASA satellite photos.

Or the fact that your side of the aisle was caught in not one - but two humiliating rounds of "ClimateGate" where they were caught discussing in email how they falsify climate data in order to advance the "Global Warming" agenda?

The list goes on and on and on my dear. "Global Warming" is fake. The weather has proved it. History has proved it. Emails have proved it.

What graduate degree did you earn?
Ah! So someone can't have facts unless they have a graduate degree?

Well F.A. Hayek held three degrees - two of which were doctorate degrees - and yet you wing nuts reject his teachings.
Nothing in your words has ever included the sentiment posted on the gate to our nation:

'Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Nice strawman. Not a single conservative opposes legal immigration. You left-wing loons have become so unhinged and radical - you actually support illegal, criminal activity. And that's why we can't come together and can't compromise with you people.

Really, are you that ignorant on social issues too?
So now legal immigration is "ignorant" in your mind. Wow...
HUD. Ben carson, good luck. Lol
Yeah...because running a government bureaucracy is going to be sooooooo difficult for a world renowned physician. :eusa_doh:

That poster is validating the axiom 'We can only judge others by ourselves.'

Methinks you need to look up axiom in a dictionary (that's a big book with lots of words). An axiom - not withstanding the term used in math - describes a meme, one of the many things believed by today's conservative as self evident, yet never proved or critically examined.
I would never shut down your voice PC, to censor you would do a great injustice to truth, justice and the American way.
That's all you progressives do! You can't do it legally because of the 1st Amendment so you do it through nonsense political correctness, false accusations of "racism", threats of violence and various other forms of intimidation. Your side is sick.

I was being facetious when I asked you what graduate degree you held, it's pretty clear your education is limited or was ineffective do to the brainwashing you must have experienced.

An ad hominem, which is all your post #187 is, is both mendacious and bigotry. That is undeniable!
Apparently you have no idea what "ad hominem" means. Post #187 is the furthest thing from an "ad hominem" and obliterates your false narrative. Which is why you once again have to make a flash accusation - because you can't dispute what was said. But of course, you can't use "racism" since I pointed that out. I guess "ad hominem" is your #2 behind "racism"? :lol:
Methinks you need to look up axiom in a dictionary (that's a big book with lots of words). An axiom - not withstanding the term used in math - describes a meme, one of the many things believed by today's conservative as self evident, yet never proved or critically examined.
Well me thinks you need to get some counseling to explore why you have this fascist desire to control all of society and you need to get a job rather than mooching off of society. That's what me thinks. A little education wouldn't kill you either.
For example they're already admitting global warming is real. So realize we were right.
My dear - it has already been proven that "Global Warming" is a farce. It is amazing how easy it was for Al Gore to dupe you people into making him a billionaire.

Why can't you just ask yourself - after colder than normal weather in 2013 and 2014 humiliated your side of the aisle, they scrambled to rebrand it to "Climate Change". Does that resonate with you at all?!?

How about the fact that your side of the aisle predicted that the polar ice-cap would be completely melted by 2014 - when in fact it expanded a mind-boggling 60% (over 900,000 sq. miles) by that point? Confirmed by NASA satellite photos.

Or the fact that your side of the aisle was caught in not one - but two humiliating rounds of "ClimateGate" where they were caught discussing in email how they falsify climate data in order to advance the "Global Warming" agenda?

The list goes on and on and on my dear. "Global Warming" is fake. The weather has proved it. History has proved it. Emails have proved it.

What graduate degree did you earn?
Ah! So someone can't have facts unless they have a graduate degree?

Well F.A. Hayek held three degrees - two of which were doctorate degrees - and yet you wing nuts reject his teachings.

LOL, a mendacious logical fallacy ^^^. Hayek's quote on Climate Change would be appreciated, I couldn't find one. However, I did find one which explains trump's rhetoric, "'Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded".
No matter how you attack the the Social Contract Theory, you cannot refute it's goodness and effectiveness in mitigating human suffering, no matter how much you mock such governance.

You, trump and the current iteration of conservatives would have this greeting rubbed out, and in its place a new sign burnished brightly in gold, and without a hint of remorse stating, "I got mine, stay the hell out of my county and take the bleeding heart liberals with you!".
Oh fuck you, you mealy mouthed little punk. Where's this social contract besides whatever you want it to be? There's no such thing. We live under the Constitution not a contract. A contract is a two way agreement. Our Constitution isn't. Our government is in no position to negotiate anything. You see, we own government.

Leftists like you pretend we surrendered our authority to the government, that may be in your mind but that's not reality. I've worked hard for what I have and when smug superior leftists pretend they are entitled to some of it I called them what they are. Leeches. We need fewer leeches and more freemen willing to better their own lives without taking from another.
Most of the liberty that conservatives want is the liberty to discriminate, the liberty to ignore the less fortunate in our society, and the liberty to dictate to all what their values must be.

And liberals like you love to employ emotional arguments when you have little else to argue.

1) Discriminate against whom?
2) Who are the "less fortunate in our society"? Snowflakes like you?
3) And who was it dictating values to America for the past 8 years? Wasn't conservatives, that's for sure.

Don't posts like the above just make you cringe?

Nope. They serve unique purposes. Such as getting you to dodge questions instead of answering them.

You're as dishonest as they come, Carbine.
Most of the liberty that conservatives want is the liberty to discriminate, the liberty to ignore the less fortunate in our society, and the liberty to dictate to all what their values must be.

And liberals like you love to employ emotional arguments when you have little else to argue.

1) Discriminate against whom?
2) Who are the "less fortunate in our society"? Snowflakes like you?
3) And who was it dictating values to America for the past 8 years? Wasn't conservatives, that's for sure.

Don't posts like the above just make you cringe?

Nope. They serve unique purposes. Such as getting you to dodge questions instead of answering them.

You're as dishonest as they come, Carbine.

1. the liberty to discriminate against gays, people of color, religions other than Christian, for example.

2. If you don't know who the less fortunate in our society are, you are one of the mentally less fortunate in our society.
The people who qualify for government assistance that conservatives oppose, that's who.

3. Dictating values on abortion, sexual orientation, religion, for example.

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