I Love Liberals!

They have not hijacked anything, people like you and Poli don't know any other way of rhetorical fallacy to describe what they really are, so you pin a label that tries to denigrate a political philosophy for political points...

Don’t look now, but someone wrote ‘wash me’ on your back.
Ah yes, the Asian lady in red that makes her living on a bed chimes in...


Did you think that post made sense???

If so, you must be sitting in an Ojibwe sweat lodge, on peyote.

OK....time for you to go back to your Helen Hunt blow-up doll.

The Liberal's white flag: resorting to what would be considered humor in the third grade boys bathroom.

Time to wash your mouth out …with a revolver.
They don't let people like you have revolvers...It's wong..
Asian pregnancy test: Stick a Rubik cube into vagina. Wait 30 seconds, if it's solved then there's a little Asian in there.
Don’t look now, but someone wrote ‘wash me’ on your back.
Ah yes, the Asian lady in red that makes her living on a bed chimes in...


Did you think that post made sense???

If so, you must be sitting in an Ojibwe sweat lodge, on peyote.

OK....time for you to go back to your Helen Hunt blow-up doll.

The Liberal's white flag: resorting to what would be considered humor in the third grade boys bathroom.

Time to wash your mouth out …with a revolver.
They don't let people like you have revolvers...It's wong..


I want to rob a bank with a BB gun. This will be my note to the teller:"Give me all your money and I will give you a dimple! I will be rich, you will be cute. We both win."

Good plan???
Now that Trump has been elected we can expect our nation to become more and more like China and Russia. We well see an erosion of freedoms, more and more wealth concentrated in the hands of the Power Elite, and more fees to be paid by the middle class and working poor. Taxes for the rich will be cut, while the need for government revenue will grow, especially to feed the Military-Industrial Complex and the Pharmaceutical-Medical Establishment.
Barack Obama already handled that, snowflake. He was a typical fascist Dumbocrat. He forced us to carry health insurance (erosion of freedom). He forced us to bake cakes for homosexuals (erosion of freedom). He forced us to host weddings for homosexuals (erosion of freedom). He forced us to hand over most of our money (erosion of freedom). He expanded the Patriot Act - spying 24x7 on every single American (erosion of freedom). He handed over ICANN to an international consortium to ensure the internet will have less freedom.

Would you like me to keep going, stupid?

Please do, you forgot to equate President Obama as a tyrannical leader. You're ridiculous, what rational people see as an expansion of freedoms for those who have suffered discrimination for their lifetime, by bigots, xenophobes, homophobes, racists and neo fascists.
Which hero do I have now? What should I wear today, eat??...Should I part my hair on the left or right.??... So many questions about me you really should answer...According to you, you know what I think...
Honestly, I could care less about a liberal like you other that what you type here....

Honestly, I read posts by owebo and others like him for they are emblematic of what is wrong in our country today. There are a couple of dozen anti intellectual, anti liberal, anti progressive, and anti democratic posters very similar to him/her who are easy to ID - they are defined by what they oppose.

They are iconoclasts by design, and the architect of that design - the propagandists who write blogs and bloviate on conservative radio - are echoed by owebo and others.

Q. What do they oppose

A. Equal Rights, Civil Rights, Universal Health Care, Journalists, Gun Controls, Sex Ed. in schools, part of a comprehensive curriculum on health, taxes, governmental regulations, government in general, government employees, the poor and working poor, labor unions and collective bargaining, a minimum wage, Social Security, Medicare and Medicade, the PPACA (Obamacare), Head Start, SNAP & CHIP, TANF (most still believe AFDC still exists), the EPA, FDA, The UN, easy access and free access to voter ID's (and to the Polls) and ideas that challenge them and the dogma they hold as a sacred truth.

"I read posts by owebo and others like him for they are emblematic of what is wrong in our country today."

Actually, what is wrong with the country is that there are enough truly stupid people to have put this crypto-Islamofascist snake in the White House....

"..... Obama sometimes seems to have an indifference to historical truth that often borders on antagonism. Obama has again tried to re-write history by claiming that Greece, with the help of the winners of World War I, was an aggressive and imperialistic state that cared only to re-build its Empire against the Turks.

The notion that ancient non-Muslim nations are occupiers in their own lands, is repeated in the UN Resolution 2334.

Historically, Muslim forces began invading Syria in 634, and ended by conquering Constantinople in 1453. They invaded not only all of Turkey -- obliterating the great Christian empire of Byzantium -- but then went on to conquer all of North Africa, Greece, southern Spain, parts of Portugal and eastern Europe.

President Obama apparently did not learn about the Trojan War in school; he apparently never read Homer to know that the inhabitants of the Bosporus and much of Asia Minor were Greeks -- just as he apparently never read the Bible, or the Greek and Roman historic records of the Jewish people and their capital, Jerusalem."
The UN and Obama's Act of Aggression

It would take a total imbecile to vote for this.

Sooo....I guess you voted for this, huh?

"Gatestone Institute is funded by private donors and foundations. We are grateful for your support."

Ambassador John R. Bolton, Chairman

Who funds Gatestone? And Mr. Bolton is the Neo Cons neo con. Do you really feel your link is credible when the sources of its funding are unknown, and the chairperson is a warmonger? Did I smell the green of a Los Vegas Casino Owner as one of the private donors?

One never tires of chuckling at the truly insipid, who, upon realizing that they cannot dispute the truth presented, carp and complain about the who or how presented it is..

It seems you have no way to deny the substance....

Substance: exactly what is missing from your post.

I’ll bet you don’t even realize that you are the Jonathan Harker to Obama's Vlad Dracula….

.....Then, again, he had an immortal soul….

I question everything you post, and when you post a source with Bolton as a Chairperson two things emerge:
  1. Bolton's reputation as a war monger, a zero sum game advocate;
  2. Bolton's arrogant disregard for others - their opinions and their very existence.
Honestly, I could care less about a liberal like you other that what you type here....

Honestly, I read posts by owebo and others like him for they are emblematic of what is wrong in our country today. There are a couple of dozen anti intellectual, anti liberal, anti progressive, and anti democratic posters very similar to him/her who are easy to ID - they are defined by what they oppose.

They are iconoclasts by design, and the architect of that design - the propagandists who write blogs and bloviate on conservative radio - are echoed by owebo and others.

Q. What do they oppose

A. Equal Rights, Civil Rights, Universal Health Care, Journalists, Gun Controls, Sex Ed. in schools, part of a comprehensive curriculum on health, taxes, governmental regulations, government in general, government employees, the poor and working poor, labor unions and collective bargaining, a minimum wage, Social Security, Medicare and Medicade, the PPACA (Obamacare), Head Start, SNAP & CHIP, TANF (most still believe AFDC still exists), the EPA, FDA, The UN, easy access and free access to voter ID's (and to the Polls) and ideas that challenge them and the dogma they hold as a sacred truth.

"I read posts by owebo and others like him for they are emblematic of what is wrong in our country today."

Actually, what is wrong with the country is that there are enough truly stupid people to have put this crypto-Islamofascist snake in the White House....

"..... Obama sometimes seems to have an indifference to historical truth that often borders on antagonism. Obama has again tried to re-write history by claiming that Greece, with the help of the winners of World War I, was an aggressive and imperialistic state that cared only to re-build its Empire against the Turks.

The notion that ancient non-Muslim nations are occupiers in their own lands, is repeated in the UN Resolution 2334.

Historically, Muslim forces began invading Syria in 634, and ended by conquering Constantinople in 1453. They invaded not only all of Turkey -- obliterating the great Christian empire of Byzantium -- but then went on to conquer all of North Africa, Greece, southern Spain, parts of Portugal and eastern Europe.

President Obama apparently did not learn about the Trojan War in school; he apparently never read Homer to know that the inhabitants of the Bosporus and much of Asia Minor were Greeks -- just as he apparently never read the Bible, or the Greek and Roman historic records of the Jewish people and their capital, Jerusalem."
The UN and Obama's Act of Aggression

It would take a total imbecile to vote for this.

Sooo....I guess you voted for this, huh?

"Gatestone Institute is funded by private donors and foundations. We are grateful for your support."

Ambassador John R. Bolton, Chairman

Who funds Gatestone? And Mr. Bolton is the Neo Cons neo con. Do you really feel your link is credible when the sources of its funding are unknown, and the chairperson is a warmonger? Did I smell the green of a Los Vegas Casino Owner as one of the private donors?

One never tires of chuckling at the truly insipid, who, upon realizing that they cannot dispute the truth presented, carp and complain about the who or how presented it is..

It seems you have no way to deny the substance....

Substance: exactly what is missing from your post.

I’ll bet you don’t even realize that you are the Jonathan Harker to Obama's Vlad Dracula….

.....Then, again, he had an immortal soul….

I question everything you post, and when you post a source with Bolton as a Chairperson two things emerge:
  1. Bolton's reputation as a war monger, a zero sum game advocate;
  2. Bolton's arrogant disregard for others - their opinions and their very existence.

Here is the post you supposedly responded to:

Actually, what is wrong with the country is that there are enough truly stupid people to have put this crypto-Islamofascist snake in the White House....

"..... Obama sometimes seems to have an indifference to historical truth that often borders on antagonism. Obama has again tried to re-write history by claiming that Greece, with the help of the winners of World War I, was an aggressive and imperialistic state that cared only to re-build its Empire against the Turks.

The notion that ancient non-Muslim nations are occupiers in their own lands, is repeated in the UN Resolution 2334.

Historically, Muslim forces began invading Syria in 634, and ended by conquering Constantinople in 1453. They invaded not only all of Turkey -- obliterating the great Christian empire of Byzantium -- but then went on to conquer all of North Africa, Greece, southern Spain, parts of Portugal and eastern Europe.

President Obama apparently did not learn about the Trojan War in school; he apparently never read Homer to know that the inhabitants of the Bosporus and much of Asia Minor were Greeks -- just as he apparently never read the Bible, or the Greek and Roman historic records of the Jewish people and their capital, Jerusalem."
The UN and Obama's Act of Aggression

The post refers to a dirt-eating low-life crypto-Islamist back-stabbing infanticide-supporting snake named Barack Obama.....with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being.

As you are an Obama sycophant, you simply sidestepped the essence of the post, to pretend that Bolton has anything to do with it.

1. I care not what you post.....that's certainly your right and privilege

2. But I never want to miss an opportunity to to remind all what a half-head you are.
Now that Trump has been elected we can expect our nation to become more and more like China and Russia. We well see an erosion of freedoms, more and more wealth concentrated in the hands of the Power Elite, and more fees to be paid by the middle class and working poor. Taxes for the rich will be cut, while the need for government revenue will grow, especially to feed the Military-Industrial Complex and the Pharmaceutical-Medical Establishment.
Barack Obama already handled that, snowflake. He was a typical fascist Dumbocrat. He forced us to carry health insurance (erosion of freedom). He forced us to bake cakes for homosexuals (erosion of freedom). He forced us to host weddings for homosexuals (erosion of freedom). He forced us to hand over most of our money (erosion of freedom). He expanded the Patriot Act - spying 24x7 on every single American (erosion of freedom). He handed over ICANN to an international consortium to ensure the internet will have less freedom.

Would you like me to keep going, stupid?

Please do, you forgot to equate President Obama as a tyrannical leader. You're ridiculous, what rational people see as an expansion of freedoms for those who have suffered discrimination for their lifetime, by bigots, xenophobes, homophobes, racists and neo fascists.

There is a distinction which, due to your cerebral disability, you fail to give its due importance.

For conservatives, there are no thought crimes.
We don't admit to any 'hate crimes' based on what someone thought....only 'crimes'...what they do.
Freedom is thinking, believing, saying whatever we please.

Totalitarians such as you and your masters believe in gulags, re-education camps, mental hospitals, deprivation of livelihood, and $135,000 fines for not baking a cake for any who don't have 'the right thoughts.'

Mao's China, Stalin's Russia, and Democrat's America all share these views.

Of course, conservatives are far stronger than you gutless, weak-kneed invertebrates, and we simply carry on in life no matter what others think of us.

Why would you imagine you are any different than any other boilerplate Nazi, or Fascist?

1. No....f'real......I do.

Real Liberals....the sort who stand for liberty....not the America-hating, crawling, dictatorship loving, camouflaged Fascisti, Democrat-voting sort who claim to be Liberals, but are direct descendants of the Bolsheviks.
You know who you are.

a.I love this sort of Liberal....
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech,"
by Kirsten Powers

The low-life Liberals will never read the book, but any who are real Liberals, should.

2. Glenn Greenwald is another fav. I liked this book, "With Liberty and Justice for Some: How the Law Is Used to Destroy Equality and Protect the Powerful," by Greenwald, but that's not the reason for this post.

Waaayyy Left gay Liberal Greenwald has a new online publication called 'The Intercept'... The magazine serves....to "produce aggressive, adversarial journalism across a wide range of issues" in the long term."
The Intercept - Wikipedia

3. In a recent edition, he skewered the establishment and its open war with Trump: he takes on the Democrats, the media....and the intell community!

"This is the faction that is now engaged in open warfare against the duly elected and already widely disliked president-elect, Donald Trump. They are using classic Cold War dirty tactics and the defining ingredients of what has until recently been denounced as “Fake News.”

Their most valuable instrument is the U.S. media, much of which reflexively reveres, serves, believes, and sides with hidden intelligence officials.

And Democrats, still reeling from their unexpected and traumatic election loss, as well as a systemic collapse of their party, seemingly divorced further and further from reason
with each passing day, are willing — eager — to embrace any claim, cheer any tactic, align with any villain, regardless of how unsupported, tawdry, and damaging those behaviors might be.

....cheering for the CIA and its shadowy allies to unilaterally subvert the U.S. election and impose its own policy dictates on the elected president is both warped and self-destructive..... Demanding that evidence-free, anonymous assertions be instantly venerated as Truth — despite emanating from the very precincts designed to propagandize and lie — is an assault on journalism, democracy, and basic human rationality.

And casually branding domestic adversaries who refuse to go along as traitors and disloyal foreign operatives is morally bankrupt and certain to backfire on those doing it.

....there is no bigger favor that Trump opponents can do for him than attacking him with such lowly, shabby, obvious shams, recruiting large media outlets to lead the way. " The Deep State Goes to War With President-Elect, Using Unverified Claims, as Democrats Cheer

4. Glenn Greenwald....anti-Trump from the get-go....but he eviscerates Democrats, the intell agencies, the media for:
'...using classic Cold War dirty tactics ..'
'....embrace any claim, cheer any tactic, align with any villain, regardless of how unsupported, tawdry,....
"Demanding that evidence-free, anonymous assertions be instantly venerated as Truth — despite emanating from the very precincts designed to propagandize and lie —..."

...is a true Liberal, and the closest thing to Voltaire's
"I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It"

poor dear.

nice cut and paste though.

how about you try for actual thought

btw, not everyone called a "liberal" agrees with greenwald.

but no worries. no one expects you to have that type of knowledge

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