I Love Liberals!

Greenwald goes on to explain why the establishment in general, and the intelligence community in particular, opposed a Trump presidency.

"It is not hard to understand why the CIA preferred Clinton over Trump. Clinton was critical of Obama for restraining the CIA’s proxy war in Syria and was eager to expand that war, while Trump denounced it.

Clinton clearly wanted a harder line than Obama took against the CIA’s long-standing foes in Moscow, while Trump wanted improved relations and greater cooperation.

In general, Clinton defended and intended to extend the decades long international military order on which the CIA and Pentagon’s preeminence depends, while Trump — through a still-uncertain mix of instability and extremist conviction — posed a threat to it."
The Deep State Goes to War With President-Elect, Using Unverified Claims, as Democrats Cheer
"Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong." Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Peoria, Illinois (October 16, 1854),

There are reasons to believe that there are areas where American and Russian interests coincide.

"Russia's Turning Muslim, Says Mufti" is the startling headline in the Times of London today. Ravil Gaynutdin, head of the Council of Muftis of Russia, announced that Russia's population of 144 million contains 23 million ethnic Muslims – and not, as the census indicates, 14.5 million, or, as the Orthodox Church estimates, nearer to 20 million. An estimated 3-4 million Muslims are migrants from former Soviet regions, including 2 million Azeris, 1 million Kazakhs, and several hundred thousand Uzbeks, Tajiks and Kyrgyz."

"Goble notes the exponential growth in Islam since the demise of the Soviet Union: Russia had about 300 mosques in 1991 and now there are at least 8,000, about half of which were built with money from abroad, especially from Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia. There were no Islamic religious schools in 1991 and today there are between 50 and 60, teaching as many as 50,000 students. The number of Russians going on the hajj each year, has jumped from 40 in 1991 to 13,500 in 2005. He quotes a Russian commentator predicting that within the next several decades there will be a mosque on Red Square."

"By 2015, Muslims will make up a majority of Russia's conscript army, and by 2020 a fifth of the population."

Source:predicting a Majority-Muslim Russia - Daniel Pipes Blog
Source: Russian Army to become a Muslim-Majority Army by 2015-2020.

Trump my be prescient in this regard.
"....Schumer issued a warning to Trump, telling Rachel Maddow that Trump was being “really dumb” by challenging the unelected intelligence community because of all the ways they possess to destroy those who dare to stand up to them.

....many Democrats openly embraced and celebrated what was, so plainly, an attempt by the Deep State to sabotage an elected official who had defied it: ironically, its own form of blackmail."

What gave BuzzFeed, with the impetus from CNN, the resolve to publish what is totally unsubstantiated smears of Trump?

"What changed was the intelligence community’s resolution to cause this all to become public and to be viewed as credible."

As he characterizes the Democrats, the media, and the intelligence community:

'...using classic Cold War dirty tactics ..'

'....embrace any claim, cheer any tactic, align with any villain, regardless of how unsupported, tawdry,....

"Demanding that evidence-free, anonymous assertions be instantly venerated as Truth — despite emanating from the very precincts designed to propagandize and lie —..."

Glenn Greenwald....my kind of Liberal
BTW, Happy New Year. It is a new year, time to forgive and forget that former liberal lover boy or girl friend who dumped you, and created the bitter person you are today.
Ohhhhhh....so that's what happened to you. I wondered why you were such a dick. I'm sorry brother. Didn't realize some guy hurt you that badly. But you know, spreading lies and voting to destroy the U.S. Constitution is kind of like doing heroin to ease the pain. In both cases - they are harming you more than helping.
Why don't you list the liberal opinions that you tolerate.
I find lying to be completely intolerable so there really is no left-wing "opinion" I can tolerate. Such a shame that none of you have the capacity to be honest. Then again, if you did, you wouldn't be progressives in the first place.
Last edited:
It's a shame that radical progressives have hijacked the term "liberal" and forever corrupted it. History will view it with disdain instead of the honor it should have been viewed with.
They have not hijacked anything, people like you and Poli don't know any other way of rhetorical fallacy to describe what they really are, so you pin a label that tries to denigrate a political philosophy for political points...

Don’t look now, but someone wrote ‘wash me’ on your back.
The low-life Liberals will never read the book, but any who are real Liberals, should.

The first fallacy, no evidence has been shown that this is a statement of fact

Well....let's test you early, ducky....

This is the specific you were responding to.
a.I love this sort of Liberal....
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech,"
by Kirsten Powers

The low-life Liberals will never read the book, but any who are real Liberals, should.

Have you read it?
Or....perhaps the Glenn Greenwald tome that I mentioned?

Of not....and, I'm betting not.....
Could you list a few in this realm that you have read?

Careful....or folks might conclude you are simply a dunce yearning to score some points without the necessary ability to do so.
I have over 500 books in my house, just because I don't have that one doesn't mean I don't read books..Now, next lie...Since that is how you operate, showing intellectual dishonesty at every opportunity to score hit points and make yourself feel all warm and fuzzy inside...

I get that warm, fuzzy feeling that only cruelty to the stupid can provide.
The low-life Liberals will never read the book, but any who are real Liberals, should.

The first fallacy, no evidence has been shown that this is a statement of fact

Well....let's test you early, ducky....

This is the specific you were responding to.
a.I love this sort of Liberal....
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech,"
by Kirsten Powers

The low-life Liberals will never read the book, but any who are real Liberals, should.

Have you read it?
Or....perhaps the Glenn Greenwald tome that I mentioned?

Of not....and, I'm betting not.....
Could you list a few in this realm that you have read?

Careful....or folks might conclude you are simply a dunce yearning to score some points without the necessary ability to do so.
I have over 500 books in my hose, just because I don't have that one doesn't mean I don't read books..Now, next lie...Since that is how you operate, showing intellectual dishonesty at every opportunity to score hit points and make yourself feel all warm and fuzzy inside...

You're a Liberal.....you've certainly been trained to follow orders....

This was the post to which you've tried to respond:

This is the specific you were responding to.
a.I love this sort of Liberal....
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech,"
by Kirsten Powers

The low-life Liberals will never read the book, but any who are real Liberals, should.

Have you read it?
Or....perhaps the Glenn Greenwald tome that I mentioned?

Of not....and, I'm betting not.....
Could you list a few in this realm that you have read?

Wanna 'nother chance?
Prove what orders I follow...or stfu. Considering I have no party affiliation and vote for whom I want that are running..This year I voted for Trumpet....Have you read books I own like electronic engineering or physics or fundamentals of legal research? Or does it really matter? I think not.I am not the one pronouncing rhetorical fallacies in an argument..

Try picking up a copy of a book on logic, you sorely need it...

What’s that you’re muttering? “Must-defend-self…”
1. No....f'real......I do.

Real Liberals....the sort who stand for liberty....not the America-hating, crawling, dictatorship loving, camouflaged Fascisti, Democrat-voting sort who claim to be Liberals, but are direct descendants of the Bolsheviks.
You know who you are.

a.I love this sort of Liberal....
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech,"
by Kirsten Powers

The low-life Liberals will never read the book, but any who are real Liberals, should.

2. Glenn Greenwald is another fav. I liked this book, "With Liberty and Justice for Some: How the Law Is Used to Destroy Equality and Protect the Powerful," by Greenwald, but that's not the reason for this post.

Waaayyy Left gay Liberal Greenwald has a new online publication called 'The Intercept'... The magazine serves....to "produce aggressive, adversarial journalism across a wide range of issues" in the long term."
The Intercept - Wikipedia

3. In a recent edition, he skewered the establishment and its open war with Trump: the takes on the Democrats, the media....and the intell community!

"This is the faction that is now engaged in open warfare against the duly elected and already widely disliked president-elect, Donald Trump. They are using classic Cold War dirty tactics and the defining ingredients of what has until recently been denounced as “Fake News.”

Their most valuable instrument is the U.S. media, much of which reflexively reveres, serves, believes, and sides with hidden intelligence officials.

And Democrats, still reeling from their unexpected and traumatic election loss, as well as a systemic collapse of their party, seemingly divorced further and further from reason
with each passing day, are willing — eager — to embrace any claim, cheer any tactic, align with any villain, regardless of how unsupported, tawdry, and damaging those behaviors might be.

....cheering for the CIA and its shadowy allies to unilaterally subvert the U.S. election and impose its own policy dictates on the elected president is both warped and self-destructive..... Demanding that evidence-free, anonymous assertions be instantly venerated as Truth — despite emanating from the very precincts designed to propagandize and lie — is an assault on journalism, democracy, and basic human rationality.

And casually branding domestic adversaries who refuse to go along as traitors and disloyal foreign operatives is morally bankrupt and certain to backfire on those doing it.

....there is no bigger favor that Trump opponents can do for him than attacking him with such lowly, shabby, obvious shams, recruiting large media outlets to lead the way. " The Deep State Goes to War With President-Elect, Using Unverified Claims, as Democrats Cheer

4. Glenn Greenwald....anti-Trump from the get-go....but he eviscerates Democrats, the intell agencies, the media for:
'...using classic Cold War dirty tactics ..'
'....embrace any claim, cheer any tactic, align with any villain, regardless of how unsupported, tawdry,....
"Demanding that evidence-free, anonymous assertions be instantly venerated as Truth — despite emanating from the very precincts designed to propagandize and lie —..."

...is a true Liberal, and the closest thing to Voltaire's
"I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It"
You don't know the meaning of the word honesty.
You don't know the meaning of the word truth.
I suspect you don't know the meaning of the word love.
But something tells me you are very familiar with the words selfish and dishonest.

Did I get it right?

Before you start this, ask yourself whether Nachos will taste as good through a feeding tube.
Prove what orders I follow...or stfu. Considering I have no party affiliation and vote for whom I want that are running..This year I voted for Trumpet....Have you read books I own like electronic engineering or physics or fundamentals of legal research? Or does it really matter? I think not.I am not the one pronouncing rhetorical fallacies in an argument..

Try picking up a copy of a book on logic, you sorely need it...

What’s that you’re muttering? “Must-defend-self…”
I assure you - everything he's saying about his reading habits and education level are an egregious lie. He's bragged in other threads about criminal activity, smoking, drinking, etc. Hardly the lifestyle of the educated sophisticate he wants you to believe in this thread.
Prove what orders I follow...or stfu. Considering I have no party affiliation and vote for whom I want that are running..This year I voted for Trumpet....Have you read books I own like electronic engineering or physics or fundamentals of legal research? Or does it really matter? I think not.I am not the one pronouncing rhetorical fallacies in an argument..

Try picking up a copy of a book on logic, you sorely need it...

What’s that you’re muttering? “Must-defend-self…”
I assure you - everything he's saying about his reading habits and education level are an egregious lie. He's bragged in other threads about criminal activity, smoking, drinking, etc. Hardly the lifestyle of the educated sophisticate he wants you to believe in this thread.
OMG smoking and drinking keeps one from reading....From your den in grandma's house, your fat ass can't reach a book...
Last edited:
It's a shame that radical progressives have hijacked the term "liberal" and forever corrupted it. History will view it with disdain instead of the honor it should have been viewed with.
They have not hijacked anything, people like you and Poli don't know any other way of rhetorical fallacy to describe what they really are, so you pin a label that tries to denigrate a political philosophy for political points...

Don’t look now, but someone wrote ‘wash me’ on your back.
Ah yes, the Asian lady in red that makes her living on a bed chimes in...
BTW, Happy New Year. It is a new year, time to forgive and forget that former liberal lover boy or girl friend who dumped you, and created the bitter person you are today.
Ohhhhhh....so that's what happened to you. I wondered why you were such a dick. I'm sorry brother. Didn't realize some guy hurt you that badly. But you know, spreading lies and voting to destroy the U.S. Constitution is kind of like doing heroin to ease the pain. In both cases - they are harming you more than helping.

And, on that topic.....
Transvestite: A guy who likes to eat, drink
And be Mary.
It's a shame that radical progressives have hijacked the term "liberal" and forever corrupted it. History will view it with disdain instead of the honor it should have been viewed with.
They have not hijacked anything, people like you and Poli don't know any other way of rhetorical fallacy to describe what they really are, so you pin a label that tries to denigrate a political philosophy for political points...

Don’t look now, but someone wrote ‘wash me’ on your back.
Ah yes, the Asian lady in red that makes her living on a bed chimes in...


Did you think that post made sense???

If so, you must be sitting in an Ojibwe sweat lodge, on peyote.

OK....time for you to go back to your Helen Hunt blow-up doll.
Before you start this, ask yourself whether Nachos will taste as good through a feeding tube.

Please release the hems of my garment and arise from your knees; your tears are staining my boots. The whining and caterwauling become painful to my ears.

You have my permission to leave the liberal-darkside.
It's a shame that radical progressives have hijacked the term "liberal" and forever corrupted it. History will view it with disdain instead of the honor it should have been viewed with.
They have not hijacked anything, people like you and Poli don't know any other way of rhetorical fallacy to describe what they really are, so you pin a label that tries to denigrate a political philosophy for political points...

Don’t look now, but someone wrote ‘wash me’ on your back.
Ah yes, the Asian lady in red that makes her living on a bed chimes in...


Did you think that post made sense???

If so, you must be sitting in an Ojibwe sweat lodge, on peyote.

OK....time for you to go back to your Helen Hunt blow-up doll.
Prove what orders I follow...or stfu. Considering I have no party affiliation and vote for whom I want that are running..This year I voted for Trumpet....Have you read books I own like electronic engineering or physics or fundamentals of legal research? Or does it really matter? I think not.I am not the one pronouncing rhetorical fallacies in an argument..

Try picking up a copy of a book on logic, you sorely need it...

What’s that you’re muttering? “Must-defend-self…”
I assure you - everything he's saying about his reading habits and education level are an egregious lie. He's bragged in other threads about criminal activity, smoking, drinking, etc. Hardly the lifestyle of the educated sophisticate he wants you to believe in this thread.

Perhaps he's a recovering Liberal???

It doesn't always take the first dozen tries to become.....normalized.
It's a shame that radical progressives have hijacked the term "liberal" and forever corrupted it. History will view it with disdain instead of the honor it should have been viewed with.
They have not hijacked anything, people like you and Poli don't know any other way of rhetorical fallacy to describe what they really are, so you pin a label that tries to denigrate a political philosophy for political points...

Don’t look now, but someone wrote ‘wash me’ on your back.
Ah yes, the Asian lady in red that makes her living on a bed chimes in...


Did you think that post made sense???

If so, you must be sitting in an Ojibwe sweat lodge, on peyote.

OK....time for you to go back to your Helen Hunt blow-up doll.

The Liberal's white flag: resorting to what would be considered humor in the third grade boys bathroom.

Time to wash your mouth out …with a revolver.

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