I Love The left


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Don't you just love the left?

They love you. They love Republicans too.

Just look.... They want to give elected Representatives an all-expense paid vacation in a Federal Penal facility.

And I'm sure they'd just love to do the same for any and all of you who don't agree with them.

The love.... Feel the love from the left

MoveOn.org Petition Calls For “Arresting And Trying House GOP Leadership For Sedition”…

Via MoveOn.org:


True to their “progressive” roots many are calling for Republicans to be hanged.



Rest here…

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers
Criminalizing politics is what's done in places like Nazi Germany, North Korea and Stalin's Russia.

At least you have the cahones to post in the thread. :thup:
144 house GOP members and 18 GOP senators voted to default on our debt and cause a recession. If that isn't economic terrorism I don't know what is.
Criminalizing politics is what's done in places like Nazi Germany, North Korea and Stalin's Russia.

At least you have the cahones to post in the thread. :thup:

Just how many "impeach Obama" conspiracy theories have there been? like 50?
Don't you just love the left?

They love you. They love Republicans too.

Just look.... They want to give elected Representatives an all-expense paid vacation in a Federal Penal facility.

And I'm sure they'd just love to do the same for any and all of you who don't agree with them.

The love.... Feel the love from the left

MoveOn.org Petition Calls For “Arresting And Trying House GOP Leadership For Sedition”…

Via MoveOn.org:


True to their “progressive” roots many are calling for Republicans to be hanged.



Rest here…

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

Then they wonder why they are called socialists and communists. :cuckoo:
This is exactly what socialists and communists do in other countries, arrest and jail opposition to their political ideologies.
Move on only wants freedom for them but not anyone else.
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Criminalizing politics is what's done in places like Nazi Germany, North Korea and Stalin's Russia.

At least you have the cahones to post in the thread. :thup:

Just how many "impeach Obama" conspiracy theories have there been? like 50?

Got any links?

Let's see some links.

I give you a link, a name, a site and I can also provide you documentary evidence that MoveOn.org is a MAJOR organ of the dimocrap party. Not some fucking blogger in his mommy's basement.

I'm talking MAJOR.

And BTW, idiot.... Nobody has called for the president to be hanged.

Take your phony, self-righteous tu quoque indignation and shove it up your goat-smelling ass.
to stop the evil obama, you should sign one of these petitions:

Arrest Barack Hussein Obama & His Criminal Assistants in the Commission of Treason! | Petition2Congress

In the past, any countrymen who committed TREASON & were found to be TRAITORS to their country were HANGED, most without trial due to blatant circumstances, which, in this case, has been proven against B. Obama & his cohorts in crime again & again.
I say drag all of them out of OUR WHITE HOUSE & hang them from the big oak trees on the WHITE HOUSE lawn in front of TV cameras broadcasting all over the world at the same time, in real time.
It would show the entire world AMERICANS are not to be messed with & will not condone nor allow TRAITORS or TREASON within our borders.
Then go after the financial Crime Lords running the government from BEHIND & BACKING B. Obama & his cohorts with all intents & purposes of achieving a 'one world order.'
('THE OBAMA DECEPTION HQ' - a 2 hour video explaining how this 'one world order' will take place & whose behind it. Well worth the time to watch).
We need to & must act NOW without hesitation against the TYRANNY being FORCED upon the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

Mr Obama has not only used forged documents as proof of eligibility to being an American citizen he has also violated our constitution and our laws in many aspects.Obama's laundry list of lies is near 150 now told and he has also taken steps to arrest Americans with out just cause or due process. Before he can finish off the worth of our nation he MUST be arrested and impeached for his treasonous crimes!
The left would have us all lined up by firing squad if they could pull the trigger... then demand that they be allowed to keep the guns they just shot us with and try to confiscate everyone elses....

Seems off topic, but it's not.

the TRUE statist left is absolutely venomous... their hatred is and always has been unmatched by any other political theology in history. They accuse you of hating children while they threaten yours in blogs for disagreeing with you- they accuse you of being a racist while chanting "Put his ass back in the field where he belongs!" and "Hang him from a tree!" at fundraisers for conservative african americans.

To feign surprise at such articles must be theatrical- Anyone who has been on the side of personal liberty and responsibility would certainly know that things of this nature are, in fact, quite common.
Don't you just love the left?

They love you. They love Republicans too.

Just look.... They want to give elected Representatives an all-expense paid vacation in a Federal Penal facility.

And I'm sure they'd just love to do the same for any and all of you who don't agree with them.

The love.... Feel the love from the left

MoveOn.org Petition Calls For “Arresting And Trying House GOP Leadership For Sedition”…

Via MoveOn.org:


True to their “progressive” roots many are calling for Republicans to be hanged.



Rest here…

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

Well, if the definition of sedition is:

Crime of creating a revolt, disturbance, or violence against lawful civil authority with the intent to cause its overthrow or destruction. Because it is limited to organizing and encouraging opposition to government rather than directly participating in its overthrow, sedition is regarded as falling one step short of the more serious crime of treason. In the U.S. the display of a certain flag or the advocacy of a particular movement, such as syndicalism, anarchism, or communism, has periodically been declared seditious. More recently, the courts have applied a more stringent test of sedition to ensure that constitutional guarantees regarding freedom of speech are not abridged. See also Alien and Sedition Acts.

Then I guess Moveon.org is correct. And of course since this is a free country, they have every right to move on with this campaign.

I'll sign it. Thanks for the link.
to stop the evil obama, you should sign one of these petitions:

Arrest Barack Hussein Obama & His Criminal Assistants in the Commission of Treason! | Petition2Congress

In the past, any countrymen who committed TREASON & were found to be TRAITORS to their country were HANGED, most without trial due to blatant circumstances, which, in this case, has been proven against B. Obama & his cohorts in crime again & again.
I say drag all of them out of OUR WHITE HOUSE & hang them from the big oak trees on the WHITE HOUSE lawn in front of TV cameras broadcasting all over the world at the same time, in real time.
It would show the entire world AMERICANS are not to be messed with & will not condone nor allow TRAITORS or TREASON within our borders.
Then go after the financial Crime Lords running the government from BEHIND & BACKING B. Obama & his cohorts with all intents & purposes of achieving a 'one world order.'
('THE OBAMA DECEPTION HQ' - a 2 hour video explaining how this 'one world order' will take place & whose behind it. Well worth the time to watch).
We need to & must act NOW without hesitation against the TYRANNY being FORCED upon the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

Mr Obama has not only used forged documents as proof of eligibility to being an American citizen he has also violated our constitution and our laws in many aspects.Obama's laundry list of lies is near 150 now told and he has also taken steps to arrest Americans with out just cause or due process. Before he can finish off the worth of our nation he MUST be arrested and impeached for his treasonous crimes!

So you found an ignorant blog that wants to impeach obama?

Good for you. I'm sure that, somewhere, someone believes you're not a blithering fucking idiot. But I don't have the time to look for it.

I'm talking MoveOn.org here, idiot. A MAJOR, MAJOR, MAJOR organ of the dimocrap party.

Maybe the key to dimocrap elections of the past ten years. They INVENTED the way to get the small donations that have powered the dimocrap machine for the last two cycles. They invented it. It's what has kept the dimocrap machine in the riches for years.

dimocraps routinely out-raise Republicans and other Patriots by WIDE margins and MoveOn is one the biggest reasons why.

We're talking about a group that the Stuttering Clusterfuck has PERSONALLY met with...

Obama Meets With Union Leaders and MoveOn.org Today at White House


AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka (2nd L) talks to reporters, beside Executive Director of MoveOn.org Justin Ruben (L),
SEIU President Mary Kay Henry (2nd R) and AFSCME President Lee Saunders.

For MoveOn to say something like this, for them to sponsor a petition like this, it had to have been approved at the White House level.

There's just no doubt of that. None.

And you're an idiot.

Big time.
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144 house GOP members and 18 GOP senators voted to default on our debt and cause a recession. If that isn't economic terrorism I don't know what is.

I guess you hope to see obama tried then as he too voted against a debt ceiling increase as a Senator

He VOTED, he did not EXTORT. Do you know the difference?

Had they both succeeded the result would have been the same. So yes, I know there is no difference.
18 USC § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy

Current through Pub. L. 113-36. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

18 USC § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy | Title 18 - Crimes and Criminal Procedure | U.S. Code | LII / Legal Information Institute
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Criminalizing politics is what's done in places like Nazi Germany, North Korea and Stalin's Russia.

At least you have the cahones to post in the thread. :thup:

Just how many "impeach Obama" conspiracy theories have there been? like 50?

Uh, those don't count. It doesn't matter that they claim Obama is an illegitimate pres, not a citizen, a muslim, loves the terrorist, hates America...none of that matters.

Because apparently the GOP believes that people should play nice with them while they kick sand in everyones faces. When someone punches back they grab their nose and cry about it like this thread
144 house GOP members and 18 GOP senators voted to default on our debt and cause a recession. If that isn't economic terrorism I don't know what is.

I guess you hope to see obama tried then as he too voted against a debt ceiling increase as a Senator

He VOTED, he did not EXTORT. Do you know the difference?

So..... When Unions shut down a Company while on strike, is that 'extortion' too?

If so, then shouldn't they all be in Prison?

Or are you just a hypocritical bitch?

That's what I thought

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