I Love This Video

See? She had two verytelling words. IF and NO. Fucking witch hunt!
Governor Sununu's pwning of that Crooked Hillary/Democrat stooge was EPIC! Common sense wins over fake news and the fake democrat investigation into the non-existent "Russia collusion!"
I used to love watching her on FOX News back when I watched television.


Was she always an ignorant lib, or did she catch the disease when she went over to CNN?

And Andy's comments in the end certainly does prove THEY have a "version"they want to promote.

Too bad for them he mopped the floor with her.
This whole thing is so stupid; an investigation into a possible crime with no specific crime proven or even alleged.

There was no collusion, and what has come out so far is firmly established by even left over Obama appointees to not be criminal.

this is nothing more than a witch hunt an\\being used as a deflection from the main factoid of the last 9 months; Trump beat the Establishments sure-to-win nominee, contrary to all polls, and the Establishment was humiliated by this.

So they keep the subject on anything other than their continued loss of influence and control over the American people.
This whole thing is so stupid; an investigation into a possible crime with no specific crime proven or even alleged.

There was no collusion, and what has come out so far is firmly established by even left over Obama appointees to not be criminal.

this is nothing more than a witch hunt an\\being used as a deflection from the main factoid of the last 9 months; Trump beat the Establishments sure-to-win nominee, contrary to all polls, and the Establishment was humiliated by this.

So they keep the subject on anything other than their continued loss of influence and control over the American people.
Benghazi, deleted emails...

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