I love Trump?

Trump has been on TV almost every day. He puts up with these Liberal Hack jobs from CNN NBC etc. So yeah, they die hard commie pukes must be seeing him. Then they see Bernie or Hill, what a contrast.
Trump may be a lot of things but ignorant is not one of them. He destroyed Bush's political machine without spending a dime and he has China shaking in their boots and he isn't even the nominee yet.

You could be right. He certainly used the fears of right wingers to fool them supporting him.
The only fear I see is coming from liberals.

You're not looking.
Yes liberals always show their fear and it is on full display with Trump.
Being that I've been a regular listener to the Howard Stern show for a couple of decades, Donald Trump has been on my radar for a very long time. I've often laughed with him as a fantastic show guest and there will always be a soft spot in my heart for the man. I highly recommend that you all check YouTube for clips of his appearances. Very presidential.

I never would have predicted it....but he sure does have a good shot at winning enough delegates to become the GOP nominee for POTUS. What an awesome think to ponder!

Given the field running against him....no other choice is as liberal or as likely to employ reason in office. Trump would never bring that prop bible with him to the Oval Office.....and his cabinet would probably include an immigrant or two. If the nutbag fantasy came true and Hillary were arrested while Bernie choked to death on his matzah....I can think of no Republican who'd be more fun in the White House than the golden boy himself.

Go Trump!!
Trump may be a lot of things but ignorant is not one of them. He destroyed Bush's political machine without spending a dime and he has China shaking in their boots and he isn't even the nominee yet.
He also shut America's power couple up over the sexist smear.

Trump is a juggernaut and very likely unstoppable by either party. This may be a watershed when real Americans choose a president over party apparatchiks,
Trump may be a lot of things but ignorant is not one of them. He destroyed Bush's political machine without spending a dime and he has China shaking in their boots and he isn't even the nominee yet.
China shaking in their boots over that loud mouthed political moron?? Ypu're kidding ? If he ever goes face to face with other countries leaders we're in DEEP S--T
Being that I've been a regular listener to the Howard Stern show for a couple of decades, Donald Trump has been on my radar for a very long time. I've often laughed with him as a fantastic show guest and there will always be a soft spot in my heart for the man. I highly recommend that you all check YouTube for clips of his appearances. Very presidential.

I never would have predicted it....but he sure does have a good shot at winning enough delegates to become the GOP nominee for POTUS. What an awesome think to ponder!

Given the field running against him....no other choice is as liberal or as likely to employ reason in office. Trump would never bring that prop bible with him to the Oval Office.....and his cabinet would probably include an immigrant or two. If the nutbag fantasy came true and Hillary were arrested while Bernie choked to death on his matzah....I can think of no Republican who'd be more fun in the White House than the golden boy himself.

Go Trump!!
THE RISE AND FALL OF AMERICA ....as if any republican isn't doing a great job at americas failure
Many love Trump because they're just as ignorant as Trump – having no idea Trump is wrong.

Indeed, Trump's is a campaign of ignorance and bigotry, seeking to exploit the ignorance and fear common to a third of republicans.

NOthing but spin.

His policies are popular. And will give him reach across party lines.

And you know it.

Denial won't get you out of this one.

If he is able to reach across party lines, why hasn't he done that yet?

He has. A lot of dems like him, including me. Muslims can turn USA into another Europe if we don't have a Trump at the helm. Also, why is it racist to not want open borders? Also, some of us are against the trade "deals" that both parties have given us. The democrats, including bill clinton and obama, have shoved through - nafta, wto, tpp, etc. that the republican rats never could have done without demorat assistance. Only Trump addresses the trade issues that have de industrialized America. Well, bernie sanders somewhat, but he's a wimp, not a fighter. He proved that when he defended hillary during the debates on her email problems. I'm sure if bernie were president, he would seek out merkle to find the best way fill this country up with muslim refugees, because he's so compassionate .
Trump may be a lot of things but ignorant is not one of them. He destroyed Bush's political machine without spending a dime and he has China shaking in their boots and he isn't even the nominee yet.

You could be right. He certainly used the fears of right wingers to fool them supporting him.

Fear is the rational response to random death.

Keep that tinfoil hat tight, and you should be OK.

Ridicule won't stop Trump.
Many love Trump because they're just as ignorant as Trump – having no idea Trump is wrong.

Indeed, Trump's is a campaign of ignorance and bigotry, seeking to exploit the ignorance and fear common to a third of republicans.

NOthing but spin.

His policies are popular. And will give him reach across party lines.

And you know it.

Denial won't get you out of this one.

If he is able to reach across party lines, why hasn't he done that yet?

Who says he hasn't?

Most primaries are closed, but dems and independents have heard his various messages.

And I am sure many have liked what they have heard.

You have any reason to believe that other than AM radio or fox?

My life spent among working class dems. The dems on this site who admit certain portions of his message are attractive to them.
Trump may be a lot of things but ignorant is not one of them. He destroyed Bush's political machine without spending a dime and he has China shaking in their boots and he isn't even the nominee yet.
China shaking in their boots over that loud mouthed political moron?? Ypu're kidding ? If he ever goes face to face with other countries leaders we're in DEEP S--T

Trump is no moron, that would be the US political elite that thinks exporting US manufacturing jobs is a great idea.
Trump may be a lot of things but ignorant is not one of them. He destroyed Bush's political machine without spending a dime and he has China shaking in their boots and he isn't even the nominee yet.

You could be right. He certainly used the fears of right wingers to fool them supporting him.

Fear is the rational response to random death.

Keep that tinfoil hat tight, and you should be OK.

Ridicule won't stop Trump.

Nope. The sanity of a general election will stop Trump.
Many love Trump because they're just as ignorant as Trump – having no idea Trump is wrong.

Indeed, Trump's is a campaign of ignorance and bigotry, seeking to exploit the ignorance and fear common to a third of republicans.

NOthing but spin.

His policies are popular. And will give him reach across party lines.

And you know it.

Denial won't get you out of this one.

If he is able to reach across party lines, why hasn't he done that yet?

Who says he hasn't?

Most primaries are closed, but dems and independents have heard his various messages.

And I am sure many have liked what they have heard.

You have any reason to believe that other than AM radio or fox?

My life spent among working class dems. The dems on this site who admit certain portions of his message are attractive to them.

Good luck with that.
Trump may be a lot of things but ignorant is not one of them. He destroyed Bush's political machine without spending a dime and he has China shaking in their boots and he isn't even the nominee yet.

You could be right. He certainly used the fears of right wingers to fool them supporting him.

Fear is the rational response to random death.

Keep that tinfoil hat tight, and you should be OK.

Ridicule won't stop Trump.

Nope. The sanity of a general election will stop Trump.

Perhaps. You libs have done a great job of importing Third World Voters.

But don't pretend it has anything to do with having better ideas.

You do realize that Trump will crush Hillary in the White Vote, right? NO matter what?
NOthing but spin.

His policies are popular. And will give him reach across party lines.

And you know it.

Denial won't get you out of this one.

If he is able to reach across party lines, why hasn't he done that yet?

Who says he hasn't?

Most primaries are closed, but dems and independents have heard his various messages.

And I am sure many have liked what they have heard.

You have any reason to believe that other than AM radio or fox?

My life spent among working class dems. The dems on this site who admit certain portions of his message are attractive to them.

Good luck with that.

Thanks. A lot depends on how many and how fast people are learning to dismiss whatever the MSM says.

I don't think it will take very much luck.
I'll be voting for Trump. My Dad will too. Dad died but I know were he alive he would vote for the Donald. Like a good son, I will see to it that Dad's vote is counted.
You could be right. He certainly used the fears of right wingers to fool them supporting him.

Fear is the rational response to random death.

Keep that tinfoil hat tight, and you should be OK.

Ridicule won't stop Trump.

Nope. The sanity of a general election will stop Trump.

Perhaps. You libs have done a great job of importing Third World Voters.

But don't pretend it has anything to do with having better ideas.

You do realize that Trump will crush Hillary in the White Vote, right? NO matter what?

You hold your breath for that.
Trump may be a lot of things but ignorant is not one of them. He destroyed Bush's political machine without spending a dime and he has China shaking in their boots and he isn't even the nominee yet.
So Trump gets free transportation, dining and hair spray for free?

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