American horse,i will.
i may need a techie like conservative to help preserve the date and timestamp.
also,other evidence,still wrapped i found are three cuban cigars that are dated,literally on the bag,from a trip that gonzalez and obama took together.
Not lying,middle.
I gotem,and i will convert em,and i will push forwards...
but,what do i do about the damn cigars without getting myself into trouble?
Even playing and recording to a tmobile LG optimus t it sounds like shit,though.....
You owe it to America to report this valuable information to Donald Trump, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, and Orly Taitz - including Fox News and WorldNetDaily. They would certainly investigate it and publish the facts. You owe it to America!
Trust me,i will.
and your commie god will be sucking the dick of impeachment.
Middle,youre wrong.i have twenty recordings,with 1:45:45 total from 2008/2009.

You are really going to stick with the story that your phone doesn't follow the laws the rest of the world does? As soon as I read it I knew you were lying. ONLY smartphones have that kind of capacity.

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Memory 5 MB internal storage

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He said they're audio recordings, not video.
I never really got the whole thing about communism being like some sort of poison anyway.... it's a form of government, a political belief system. Like any other, it has it's merits and it's pit falls. China seems to be coming along economically as a communist nation.... Cuba is still using that system, despite 50 years of isolation from US markets.

I mean... I don't think communism is something we need to go to but the whole idea that anyone who touches communism becomes a brain craving zombie is just soo.... done.

Communisum exist. They aren't as bad as in the movies you saw. Get over it.
Communism is dead except in a couple of countries and has been for many years. Many fanatics on the right tend label anything they hate or don't understand as communist, not realizing how silly that must sound to younger people.
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I have proof of obamas admittance tobeing part of the communist party via this carlos gonzalez stating he reported to the communist party boss,obama.
daveman,youre right.
AUDIO.not video.
Another bad by product of this,is that the NE is full of complete garbage,leadershipwise.
You know what occupied?
waitll it comes out,and i post it,on media.
along with authenticity verification.
You make no effort to dispute me.
what youre affiliated with,occupied,is as bad as the communist infiltration of america.
hate to say it...
sen.joe mccarthy was right decades ago.
just wait.
i made a fool of kerry and dan rather in 04'with those phonyass bush docs.
waitll this hits the fan.
The bush docs were phonies drafted off microsift word in times newroman fonts represented to be legit from tge 70s,and it was called out.
Okay,I may need help from the board with this evidence I found.
In the hurry me and my fiancee had to leave Holyoke,ma.in 2010 after PR gangs arsoned her house,I looked at,and found an old ipod,and an older cellphone,with something very interesting.

2008/2009 were pretty dark years.
back in 2008,i was struggling badly,and came to get sidework at a place in holyoke,ma.on high street called SALSARENGUE RESTAURANT and SEAFOOD. The guy that owns the place,Jose Bou,is a card-carrying member of the Latino chamber of commerce,abd also,a card carrying member of the COMMUNIST PARTY OF AMERICA.The owner also had several important,verified information,that his backer and business partner,and head of the mass LLC is CARLOS GONZALEZ,and is also head of the mass chapter of the COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE UNITED STATES.

Now,how is this important?
i have evidence,dated,and timestamped,that i had been cleaning up in this restaurant during some closed door meetings in that restaurant,which claims its the latino oasis.Mr.bou was a retired clinical psychologist with the university of massachusetts. In any event,they have closed door meetings,which included local latin gangleaders on their payroll,and attending several of the meetings,it was to promote communist latino agenda in massachusetts,to eliminate the influence of white america in massachusetts,had several local leaders like the building code inspector of holyoke,who was a card carrying communist as well,and two springfield leaders that are part of the communist party,springfield mayor,domenic sarno and us house rep richard neal,who is also a member of the COMMUNIST PARTY OF AMERICA.

Also,at these meetings,they talked about undermining the power of the us constitution,as outlined by their "boss"the head of the COMMUNIST PARTY of america,who reported to the castro family and vladimir putin.

Several meetings i digitally recorded had bou representing the interests of the state regional communists,so that gonzalez could meet with the"boss"in washi

You need a shrink and a plastic surgeon, ASAP.
Bush docs wrre proven fraud,as only typewriters existed in the 70s,and the fakeys were done by microsoft word.do i need to repeat?

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