Okay,I may need help from the board with this evidence I found.
In the hurry me and my fiancee had to leave Holyoke,ma.in 2010 after PR gangs arsoned her house,I looked at,and found an old ipod,and an older cellphone,with something very interesting.

2008/2009 were pretty dark years.
back in 2008,i was struggling badly,and came to get sidework at a place in holyoke,ma.on high street called SALSARENGUE RESTAURANT and SEAFOOD. The guy that owns the place,Jose Bou,is a card-carrying member of the Latino chamber of commerce,abd also,a card carrying member of the COMMUNIST PARTY OF AMERICA.The owner also had several important,verified information,that his backer and business partner,and head of the mass LLC is CARLOS GONZALEZ,and is also head of the mass chapter of the COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE UNITED STATES.

Now,how is this important?
i have evidence,dated,and timestamped,that i had been cleaning up in this restaurant during some closed door meetings in that restaurant,which claims its the latino oasis.Mr.bou was a retired clinical psychologist with the university of massachusetts. In any event,they have closed door meetings,which included local latin gangleaders on their payroll,and attending several of the meetings,it was to promote communist latino agenda in massachusetts,to eliminate the influence of white america in massachusetts,had several local leaders like the building code inspector of holyoke,who was a card carrying communist as well,and two springfield leaders that are part of the communist party,springfield mayor,domenic sarno and us house rep richard neal,who is also a member of the COMMUNIST PARTY OF AMERICA.

Also,at these meetings,they talked about undermining the power of the us constitution,as outlined by their "boss"the head of the COMMUNIST PARTY of america,who reported to the castro family and vladimir putin.

Several meetings i digitally recorded had bou representing the interests of the state regional communists,so that gonzalez could meet with the"boss"in washi

And you bring it here to a bulletin board? Wow. How many different bb's did you post this crap in?

Wow the right makes me sick.
Or more likely someone who isn’t very bright, exceedingly immature, and comprehensively ignorant.

In any even it is sad.

…or he’s a brilliant, highly disciplined troll having a great time at our expense; as it’s often difficult to believe anyone is actually this stupid.

Make him a mod. He's qualified.
vamp... if you got the goods, first, make back up copies of everything. Second, contact everyone you can think of from Sheriff Arpio to WND. Third, watch your back.

But as far as posting here and arguing with the obama dick lickers... don't bother. You see where that gets you.


Did you know before what the guy might have had smart ass? No, you didn't, and neither did I. There was no way to know.

So go fuck yourself.

LOLOLOLOL....you are so pathetic in your FAIL support that I almost feel sorry for you. Almost.
Nice try disproving,no charade.its real.

its a real hoot. if thats what you mean...

you know what though, you should send this over to Brietbart. Yeah yeah I know he died, but his website will promote this as completely real and you can say you started the whole thing.
Okay,I may need help from the board with this evidence I found.
In the hurry me and my fiancee had to leave Holyoke,ma.in 2010 after PR gangs arsoned her house,I looked at,and found an old ipod,and an older cellphone,with something very interesting.

2008/2009 were pretty dark years.
back in 2008,i was struggling badly,and came to get sidework at a place in holyoke,ma.on high street called SALSARENGUE RESTAURANT and SEAFOOD. The guy that owns the place,Jose Bou,is a card-carrying member of the Latino chamber of commerce,abd also,a card carrying member of the COMMUNIST PARTY OF AMERICA.The owner also had several important,verified information,that his backer and business partner,and head of the mass LLC is CARLOS GONZALEZ,and is also head of the mass chapter of the COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE UNITED STATES.

Now,how is this important?
i have evidence,dated,and timestamped,that i had been cleaning up in this restaurant during some closed door meetings in that restaurant,which claims its the latino oasis.Mr.bou was a retired clinical psychologist with the university of massachusetts. In any event,they have closed door meetings,which included local latin gangleaders on their payroll,and attending several of the meetings,it was to promote communist latino agenda in massachusetts,to eliminate the influence of white america in massachusetts,had several local leaders like the building code inspector of holyoke,who was a card carrying communist as well,and two springfield leaders that are part of the communist party,springfield mayor,domenic sarno and us house rep richard neal,who is also a member of the COMMUNIST PARTY OF AMERICA.

Also,at these meetings,they talked about undermining the power of the us constitution,as outlined by their "boss"the head of the COMMUNIST PARTY of america,who reported to the castro family and vladimir putin.

Several meetings i digitally recorded had bou representing the interests of the state regional communists,so that gonzalez could meet with the"boss"in washi

If this is true, you should seek out media outlets or at least Glenn Beck or Lou Dobbs or numbers usa to see if they could help .
"sigh" not that many other media outlets could help get the word out. And, this isn't surprising, but it IS confirming what few folks are speaking out about.

The commie pigs want nothing more but to bring down the biggest free-est country in the world.
Just a bump to remind everyone what a lying sack of shit EdSpacer is.

Obviously, he made this shit up.
Prove it,you traitor.
no one critic here has.
the evidence says different! if you didn't make this shit up then why post a rebuttal twice.
the truth need be only spoken once, bullshit needs constant repeating!-me
Prove it,you traitor.
no one critic here has.
Okay,I may need help from the board with this evidence I found.
In the hurry me and my fiancee had to leave Holyoke,ma.in 2010 after PR gangs arsoned her house,I looked at,and found an old ipod,and an older cellphone,with something very interesting.

2008/2009 were pretty dark years.
back in 2008,i was struggling badly,and came to get sidework at a place in holyoke,ma.on high street called SALSARENGUE RESTAURANT and SEAFOOD. The guy that owns the place,Jose Bou,is a card-carrying member of the Latino chamber of commerce,abd also,a card carrying member of the COMMUNIST PARTY OF AMERICA.The owner also had several important,verified information,that his backer and business partner,and head of the mass LLC is CARLOS GONZALEZ,and is also head of the mass chapter of the COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE UNITED STATES.

Now,how is this important?
i have evidence,dated,and timestamped,that i had been cleaning up in this restaurant during some closed door meetings in that restaurant,which claims its the latino oasis.Mr.bou was a retired clinical psychologist with the university of massachusetts. In any event,they have closed door meetings,which included local latin gangleaders on their payroll,and attending several of the meetings,it was to promote communist latino agenda in massachusetts,to eliminate the influence of white america in massachusetts,had several local leaders like the building code inspector of holyoke,who was a card carrying communist as well,and two springfield leaders that are part of the communist party,springfield mayor,domenic sarno and us house rep richard neal,who is also a member of the COMMUNIST PARTY OF AMERICA.

Also,at these meetings,they talked about undermining the power of the us constitution,as outlined by their "boss"the head of the COMMUNIST PARTY of america,who reported to the castro family and vladimir putin.

Several meetings i digitally recorded had bou representing the interests of the state regional communists,so that gonzalez could meet with the"boss"in washi

I actually know CPUSA from Cambridge Ma. You haven't a clue who is CPUSA in MA and who is not. It's all an open secret who is who. They even had BookMarx store and website. How do I know this?

because unlikemost con-idjits here, some of us actually know people and things

now stfu and take your meds

I suggest you contact your local authorities. The people here are simply posters on a message board and are not authorized to prosecute potential criminal activity in your locale.

and local authorities will take appropriate action -- like notifying the proper mental health professionals :lol:

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