just wait.
i made a fool of kerry and dan rather in 04'with those phonyass bush docs.
waitll this hits the fan.

Oh, YOU did, huh? You seriously need professional help (in the form of a shrink, a plastic surgeon, and an English teacher).
No joke,youre a troll who cant dispute a one iota item i post.get lost,faggot.
Prove me wrong,then,dickweed.

You don't "prove wrong" the urine-stained, drooling lunatic on a public bus screaming about how aliens have hacked into his eyeballs. You either ignore him or, if you are kind, you suggest he seek help for his obvious mental illness. Your mental illness is obvious. The fact that you are also stupid doesn't help. Take that fugly head of yours to a doctor and start trying to find the proper balance of chemicals.
I never really got the whole thing about communism being like some sort of poison anyway.... it's a form of government, a political belief system. Like any other, it has it's merits and it's pit falls. China seems to be coming along economically as a communist nation.... Cuba is still using that system, despite 50 years of isolation from US markets.

I mean... I don't think communism is something we need to go to but the whole idea that anyone who touches communism becomes a brain craving zombie is just soo.... done.

Communisum exist. They aren't as bad as in the movies you saw. Get over it.
Communism is dead except in a couple of countries and has been for many years. Many fanatics on the right tend label anything they hate or don't understand as communist, not realizing how silly that must sound to younger people.

If it sounds silly to younger people, it's because the left has whitewashed Communism's history.
Perhaps your obvious homosexual fixation is part of your overall mental illness.
Exactly,peach,and hes also a communist party leader who visits and travels wuth obama frequently.
Why, in your opinion, would someone like President Barack Obama wish to become a communist? What would be the advantage? Don't you think that's rather like someone who is dining on sirloin going out of his way to switch to a Ramen Noodles diet?

By the way, are you aware that it's not against the law to belong to the Communist Party, the KKK, NAMBLA, or the Flat Earth Society? So I wouldn't be so concerned about this presumptive conspiracy if I were you.

Bottom line: It's not the communists we need be concerned about. It's the guys with the tea bags hanging from their hat brims and the wild look in their eyes.
Exactly,peach,and hes also a communist party leader who visits and travels wuth obama frequently.
Why, in your opinion, would someone like President Barack Obama wish to become a communist? What would be the advantage? Don't you think that's rather like someone who is dining on sirloin going out of his way to switch to a Ramen Noodles diet?

By the way, are you aware that it's not against the law to belong to the Communist Party, the KKK, NAMBLA, or the Flat Earth Society? So I wouldn't be so concerned about this presumptive conspiracy if I were you.

Bottom line: It's not the communists we need be concerned about. It's the guys with the tea bags hanging from their hat brims and the wild look in their eyes.

Are you trying to prove you can be as stupid as the OP?
You need a shrink and a plastic surgeon, ASAP.

Oh, YOU did, huh? You seriously need professional help (in the form of a shrink, a plastic surgeon, and an English teacher).

You are truly - no joke - mentally ill.

You don't "prove wrong" the urine-stained, drooling lunatic on a public bus screaming about how aliens have hacked into his eyeballs. You either ignore him or, if you are kind, you suggest he seek help for his obvious mental illness. Your mental illness is obvious. The fact that you are also stupid doesn't help. Take that fugly head of yours to a doctor and start trying to find the proper balance of chemicals.

Perhaps your obvious homosexual fixation is part of your overall mental illness.

Are you trying to prove you can be as stupid as the OP?
Oh look... it's SAUL ALINSKY... here to employ his favorite "RULE FOR RADICALS," ridicule.

Just what the hell have you added to this conversation so far? NOTHING!

If your so damn cock sure that everything vamp is saying is BS, then why don't we see any proof from you that it is?
Just what the hell have you added to this conversation so far? NOTHING!

If your so damn cock sure that everything vamp is saying is BS, then why don't we see any proof from you that it is?

Have you read anything that he has posted here? Insanity is not a political position. Unless you are as nuts as he is you'd better stop being so desperate for allies that you'll jump into bed with mentally defective ogres like him. He is not a conservative, he is a fucking mental case. Get ahold of yourself.
Thanks Pale,im going to get the evidence out there.
pile on to unkofag
prove me wrong
i dare you,four times,this thread i asked.
Not a one scumbag here can debate,intellectually.
its not an adavantage thing,its who.obama is,hellbent on destroying the nation,by means of using communism,like the aforementioned groups,to destroy the constitution and fabric of this nation that they hate so much. They called at several meetings,america the terrorists,and that we deserved 9/11,etc,accused us of giving cancer to some PR revolutionary who was fighting for freedom via the CIA...

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