I may have gotten the impeachment thing all wrong

Cool that proves Obama ordered Joe to extort Ukraine for personal gain!

By the time November comes will there be anything left Of The Democrat Party?
Fake News Prove it.

Why did you applaud Obama Bin Lying giving Iran Obama Bucks for Obama Bombs to kill Americans with?

Yeah, people keep telling me about these other countries, yet I can't find any of them on Google. Not that it would make a difference anyway, the US is not responsible to carry out the will of other nations.

"You have six hours to get rid of Shokin." Why the hurry? Why the need to put an hourly time clock on executing the matter? What was his hurry?

Seems to me that Shokin has more credibility than anybody else involved in this matter. Shokin has nothing to gain by outing Joe and his son. He's out, and he's not coming back. I would venture to say that Shokin is more believable. What reinforces that is the Democrats knee-jerk reaction by creating this phony impeachment bit. Seems they have a time clock as well. Wonder what that could be???
ive posted links and would do so again but you just said it wouldnt make a difference so I won’t waste my time. The support from other countries and the IMF shows that Joe wasn’t acting alone to protect his son unless you think our congress, administration and allied countries were all in on outing a good prosecutor to protect Hunter Biden from his boss getting busted. Do you realize how stupid that sounds?

Not nearly as stupid as making the claim that Joe had Shokin fired because he wasn't doing enough to find corruption of a company that his son was employed by, doing a job he wasn't qualified to do, and barely showed up for work.
well tell me Ray. Why did GOP senators wrote and sign a letter to get Shokin pitted? Why did the IMF threaten to hold aid funding until they reformed his office. What’s your explaination?
2 seconds on Google and you could verify it instead of sounding like a fool calling it fake news...
Republican senators echoed Biden in urging Ukrainian president to reform prosecutor general's office - CNNPolitics
If you were not a geigh hairy man butt lover You will post your tax returns and your real address on here.

I don’t need to abandon anything. You made a horrible point. Executive priv gets enforced to questions and documents that cross that line. It does not get used to completely ignore subpoenas.
The only thing about my point that is 'horrible' is the fact that you don't like that I pointed out how Barry used the same Executive Privilege when he ordered then US AG Holder to refuse to release documents regarding Fast and Furious, that Democrats and snowflakes defended that use of Executive Privilege, but now you bitch and whine about it because this time it doe NOT benefit the Democrats.

Forget 'Executive Privilege' and the House Impeachment Manager's demand for more 'fishing' for something that MIGHT exist - it is all irrelevant and a complete distraction...

The House voted to Impeach the US President based on their already existing case - existing information they had / have. The U Senate is now asking the Democrats / House to present THAT case, THAT information - the case / information that was their foundation / justification for Impeaching the President.

THAT case, THAT evidence either warrants / justifies Impeachment or it does NOT.

WHY are the House Democrats refusing to present THAT case, THAT information?
They are presenting that case. The docs and witnesses they are asking for are just further credible accounts of what happened. We should all want to see it. You especially because it would vindicate trump without the appearance of the cover up which it currently looks like he is doing.

The problem here is that the witnesses will not vindicate trump.
How do you know what the witnesses would say?
If trump was innocent and if they were not complicit, they would have testified to congress.
I think it means to start putting people like Obama, Clinton.Comey, Schiff, Nadler, McCabe, Pelosi, Waters, Strozk, Page, Brennan, Clapper et al in front of firing squads for Treason Again.

Make Treason Great Again!

Yeah, people keep telling me about these other countries, yet I can't find any of them on Google. Not that it would make a difference anyway, the US is not responsible to carry out the will of other nations.

"You have six hours to get rid of Shokin." Why the hurry? Why the need to put an hourly time clock on executing the matter? What was his hurry?

Seems to me that Shokin has more credibility than anybody else involved in this matter. Shokin has nothing to gain by outing Joe and his son. He's out, and he's not coming back. I would venture to say that Shokin is more believable. What reinforces that is the Democrats knee-jerk reaction by creating this phony impeachment bit. Seems they have a time clock as well. Wonder what that could be???
ive posted links and would do so again but you just said it wouldnt make a difference so I won’t waste my time. The support from other countries and the IMF shows that Joe wasn’t acting alone to protect his son unless you think our congress, administration and allied countries were all in on outing a good prosecutor to protect Hunter Biden from his boss getting busted. Do you realize how stupid that sounds?

Not nearly as stupid as making the claim that Joe had Shokin fired because he wasn't doing enough to find corruption of a company that his son was employed by, doing a job he wasn't qualified to do, and barely showed up for work.
well tell me Ray. Why did GOP senators wrote and sign a letter to get Shokin pitted? Why did the IMF threaten to hold aid funding until they reformed his office. What’s your explaination?

I don't know. Why did they only ask for reform, and Joe issued a six hour emergency to have him fired? That doesn't sound like any kind of reform to me. It doesn't sound very urgent.
what do you think reform means Ray?
No one cares about your mentally ill dribble.

Traitors need to go on trial for treason and be shot.

That’s what needs to happen again.
Hunter Biden May Go To Jail!

When do we get to talk to this piece of crap
whistleblower & his fellow traitors and their lawyers and Hunter Biden and Joe Biden?

Hunter is being ordered Again to appear in court by the way and has been refusing all orders Freon the judge for financial disclosure and will probably be sent to jail.
first, Barr/the DOJ needs to have probable cause to EVEN investigate him, the DOJ would then work with the Ukraine prosecutor to legally obtain any of the evidence, and in a constitutional manner that gives Hunter his constitutional rights, and a grand jury that finds crimes to charge him with, and then a trial with a jury to find him guilty or not guilty.....

breaking the law, to try to claim another person has broken the law.... is no less lawless than an original law breaker.... just as vigilantes are still lawless, outlaws.

even if hunter did something criminal, which there is no solid proof of, but say he did..... it IS NOT THE PRESIDENT'S JOB or his private campaign operative lawyer's position to investigate or accuse or rather falsely accuse an American citizen, in public of a criminal offense.

IF he were concerned about corruption, he would not have been an OUTLAW with his giuliani conspiratorial actions....

the president would have used the DOJ, their foreign corruption investigators, following the treaty we have with the Ukraine to LEGALLY investigate an American allegedly committing a crime in their country.....
According to Nadler, they would convict anyone else in 3 minutes.

So why the fuck does he need witnesses. Sounds like he's got a one bang up case.

but he doesn't.
I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on

There is no Biden corruption.
Now you know so you will not repeat the lie.
Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends|Paperback
Since the House held the whole thing behind closed doors, no one saw anything.

Derp... except the 12 or more witnesses that testified on national tv that is.
The ones with nothing but hearsay and hurt feelings?

Sure. Go with that.
The truth? I always do. You should try it once, see how you like it.
The truth is to hard for leftists
One of these things is not like the others:
  1. Airtight
  2. Incontrovertible
  3. Overwhelming
  4. We need to call witnesses and access documents!!
I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on

The House Managers are doing awesome job of explaining it, I can't see how any republican can dismiss an impeachment of abuse of office and obstruction of congress and removal of office.

Gullible anti-Americans agree with you!

The republican senate is also on trial.
Actually, the House Democrats are on trial and have put their jobs on the line for kabuki theater.

the House acts as prosecutors and grand juries, they investigate and decide if high crimes and misdemeanors have met a ''probable cause'' burden needed, in order to place charges.

the Senate tries the defendant, acting as jurors and judges.

the Senate is where all evidence supporting the charges is presented and given to them, and all exculpatory evidence the defense team may have, gets presented and turned over as well.There is no rule that it has to only be evidence the House collected before the impeachment vote.

(no prosecutor stops collecting evidence after he has charged a person, he continues to collect new evidence and submits it thru the trial)

the Senate has a much greater burden than the House with their votes, because the senators can only convict with the standard of ''BEYOND a reasonable doubt'' not simply a ''probable cause'' like the House.

the trial stage is where even more evidence needs presented in order to reach that much higher burden of proof, to convict.

Holding material evidence back is not what happens in trials, presenting all the evidence you got and some, is needed by both sides, in order for Senators to get to the truth, and make their impartial, fair, just, and sound verdict.

That's all very nice, but is any of it true?

The only provisions found are, the House has the sole power to impeach, and the Senate has the sole power to try all impeachments. Just about the only rule is, there's a super-majority required to convict. That is it. Just as there is no rule there be only House-collected evidence in the trial, there is no rule as to the applicable evidentiary standards in either the House or the Senate. They can follow whatever standards they wish to apply, or no standards at all, provided they have the votes.

That is to say, the Senate is well within Constitutional language to acquit despite overwhelming evidence of guilt, despite the most egregious abuses of power, and also to convict based on the flimsiest of evidence for the most inconsequential personal foibles. That's just how it is. Just about the only remedy for either is an electorate sufficiently dissatisfied with either course to throw the bums out the next opportunity they get. That's the meaning of the phrase, "The Senate is also on trial."

So, what we are seeing in the Senate is not a trial analogous to the proceedings of a court of law, but a fight before the court of public opinion for the public support for the respective sides' judgment in light of "evidence" provided, or narratives promulgated, as the case may be. The claim to be in search of "evidence" - in the form of documents or witness testimonies - is one way to go about it, hinting at a trial before a court of law analogy, just as is the denigration of, and the lying about, the House procedures. In the end, what Schiff & Co. are doing is not pursuing a "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard, but to make the clown show on behalf of the president as unreasonable and unsupportable as it actually is, so as to convince as many as possible out of the Goobers' electorate that the Senate majority will vote to acquit because they are as corrupt as is Trump. Because, according to every reasonable standard, and by their overwhelming majority, they are.
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I don’t need to abandon anything. You made a horrible point. Executive priv gets enforced to questions and documents that cross that line. It does not get used to completely ignore subpoenas.
The only thing about my point that is 'horrible' is the fact that you don't like that I pointed out how Barry used the same Executive Privilege when he ordered then US AG Holder to refuse to release documents regarding Fast and Furious, that Democrats and snowflakes defended that use of Executive Privilege, but now you bitch and whine about it because this time it doe NOT benefit the Democrats.

Forget 'Executive Privilege' and the House Impeachment Manager's demand for more 'fishing' for something that MIGHT exist - it is all irrelevant and a complete distraction...

The House voted to Impeach the US President based on their already existing case - existing information they had / have. The U Senate is now asking the Democrats / House to present THAT case, THAT information - the case / information that was their foundation / justification for Impeaching the President.

THAT case, THAT evidence either warrants / justifies Impeachment or it does NOT.

WHY are the House Democrats refusing to present THAT case, THAT information?
They are presenting that case. The docs and witnesses they are asking for are just further credible accounts of what happened. We should all want to see it. You especially because it would vindicate trump without the appearance of the cover up which it currently looks like he is doing.

The problem here is that the witnesses will not vindicate trump.

Trump doesn't need to be vindicated. The Democrats need to prove intent and none of the witnesses can do that.

You guys are still applying the the guilty until proven inncocent faulty premise when it comes to Trump.
The US Senate is well within its authority to dismiss this case based on the House's Impeachment, during which they presented no prosecutable crime, presented no evidence, presented no witnesses...those they had testify could not name 1 crime or Impeachable offense committed by the President when asked to do so.


The closest thing to a 'witness' with direct knowledge was Schiff and his personally-authored fictional transcript 'parody'.
I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on

The House Managers are doing awesome job of explaining it, I can't see how any republican can dismiss an impeachment of abuse of office and obstruction of congress and removal of office.

Gullible anti-Americans agree with you!

The republican senate is also on trial.
Please, remove President Trump with the sham impeachment, watch 200 million pissed off US citizens rise up and start to finish the war on US..

VIDEO AT Ingraham investigation: Emails expose what Obama admin knew about Bidens and Burisma


This explains it. Anti-Trump CIA whistleblower Eric Ciaramella filed his second-hand “whistleblower” complaint against President Trump after speaking with Adam Schiff’s team in September.

Ciaramella claimed he was concerned about President Trump’s discussion of Hunter Biden during his call with Ukrainian President Zelensky.

Now we know why Ciaramella was so concerned. According to White House visitor logs Eric Ciaramella was hosting the January 19, 2016 White House meeting where Ukrainian officials were told to drop the investigation into Hunter Biden.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Investigative reporter John Solomon at The Hill reported in April on the January 2016 meeting between Ukrainian officials and Obama officials at the White House.

The other case raised at the January 2016 meeting, Telizhenko said, involved Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company under investigation in Ukraine for improper foreign transfers of money. At the time, Burisma allegedly was paying then-Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter as both a board member and a consultant. More than $3 million flowed from Ukraine to an American firm tied to Hunter Biden in 2014-15, bank records show.

According to Telizhenko, U.S. officials told the Ukrainians they would prefer that Kiev drop the Burisma probe and allow the FBI to take it over. The Ukrainians did not agree. But then Joe Biden pressured Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to fire Ukraine’s chief prosecutor in March 2016, as I previously reported. The Burisma case was transferred to NABU, then shut down.

According to Stephen McIntyre the demand that Ukrainian top prosecutor Viktor Shokin be fired as a condition for IMF loan almost certainly originated with Biden staff. The demand was first announced to Ukrainian prosecutors at a January..

(Excerpt) Read more at thegatewaypundit.com
Cool that proves Obama ordered Joe to extort Ukraine for personal gain!

By the time November comes will there be anything left Of The Democrat Party?
Fake News Prove it.

Why did you applaud Obama Bin Lying giving Iran Obama Bucks for Obama Bombs to kill Americans with?

ive posted links and would do so again but you just said it wouldnt make a difference so I won’t waste my time. The support from other countries and the IMF shows that Joe wasn’t acting alone to protect his son unless you think our congress, administration and allied countries were all in on outing a good prosecutor to protect Hunter Biden from his boss getting busted. Do you realize how stupid that sounds?

Not nearly as stupid as making the claim that Joe had Shokin fired because he wasn't doing enough to find corruption of a company that his son was employed by, doing a job he wasn't qualified to do, and barely showed up for work.
well tell me Ray. Why did GOP senators wrote and sign a letter to get Shokin pitted? Why did the IMF threaten to hold aid funding until they reformed his office. What’s your explaination?
2 seconds on Google and you could verify it instead of sounding like a fool calling it fake news...
Republican senators echoed Biden in urging Ukrainian president to reform prosecutor general's office - CNNPolitics

And the IMF, EU and all allies of the US wanted Shokin gone. But the impeachment has to do with tramp, and you know that or must.

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