I may have gotten the impeachment thing all wrong

There is no such rule. New subpoenas, witnesses and documents have been a part of past Senate impeachment trials.
It's not a rule, it's in the Constitution, Dummy.

Post it.
The Constitution? You can’t find it?

Cripple me.
Post it.
If you don’t know how to find the Constitution on the innerweb I’m not gonna help ya.

I’ll just sit back and laugh.

Good job.
The subpoenas were not valid as the House never held the required vote to begin impeachment proceedings.

You lose again.

Nonsense. Impeachment is not required for the House to subpoena materials or witnesses from the admin. That of course in no way changes the fact that EP was never invoked by the President.
When you are issuing subpoenas for an impeachment, there needs to be an official impeachment going on. There wasn’t.

You need a legit reason to get a subpoena issued. Schifferbrains butt plug acting up isn’t a legit reason.

The stated reason was impeachment. There was no House vote to start impeachment at that point.

You lose again.

Nonsense. No impeachment is required for the House or the Senate to subpoena materials and testimony from the WH or any agency.
I never said an impeachment was required. I said a legit reason.

Learn to read, Gomer.

When you are issuing subpoenas for an impeachment, there needs to be an official impeachment going on. There wasn’t.

I never said an impeachment was required. I said a legit reason.

Learn to read, Gomer.

Good job, idiot. :thup:
Thanks. I destroyed you again, and you are too stupid to figure it out.

I said you need a legit reason to issue a subpoena. The stated reason for those in question was “impeachment”. Turns out it wasn’t legit because there was no vote by the House to start impeachment. That makes them worthless.

You lose again, moron.
Pay attention.
They're asking the Senate to do it's job, dope.
No, the are begging the Senate to do the House’s job.

Witnesses have been a part of all 15 Senate impeachment trials. Some Including new witnesses. It is the job of the Senate. They just know it won't work out for them this time.
The House Clowns played clips of their witnesses today, so why are you shitting your Depends?
Still irrelevant to the duties of the Senate.
You just said witnesses “is the job of the Senate”. I pointed out there were witnesses today, and you say it is irrelevant to the duties of the Senate.

You are getting flustered.

It is irrelevant. It wasn't witnesses called by the Senate, dope.
No, the are begging the Senate to do the House’s job.

Witnesses have been a part of all 15 Senate impeachment trials. Some Including new witnesses. It is the job of the Senate. They just know it won't work out for them this time.
The House Clowns played clips of their witnesses today, so why are you shitting your Depends?
Still irrelevant to the duties of the Senate.
You just said witnesses “is the job of the Senate”. I pointed out there were witnesses today, and you say it is irrelevant to the duties of the Senate.

You are getting flustered.

It is irrelevant. It wasn't witnesses called by the Senate, dope.
Don’t throw you back out twisting yourself into that pretzel.

You don’t know which was is up at this point. I own you.
Nonsense. Impeachment is not required for the House to subpoena materials or witnesses from the admin. That of course in no way changes the fact that EP was never invoked by the President.
When you are issuing subpoenas for an impeachment, there needs to be an official impeachment going on. There wasn’t.

You need a legit reason to get a subpoena issued. Schifferbrains butt plug acting up isn’t a legit reason.

The stated reason was impeachment. There was no House vote to start impeachment at that point.

You lose again.

Nonsense. No impeachment is required for the House or the Senate to subpoena materials and testimony from the WH or any agency.
I never said an impeachment was required. I said a legit reason.

Learn to read, Gomer.

When you are issuing subpoenas for an impeachment, there needs to be an official impeachment going on. There wasn’t.

I never said an impeachment was required. I said a legit reason.

Learn to read, Gomer.

Good job, idiot. :thup:
Thanks. I destroyed you again, and you are too stupid to figure it out.

I said you need a legit reason to issue a subpoena. The stated reason for those in question was “impeachment”. Turns out it wasn’t legit because there was no vote by the House to start impeachment. That makes them worthless.

You lose again, moron.

You destroyed yourself, dope.
I have never seen so few bitch slap so many scum sucking Ledt Tards for so Long.

You DemNazi Douchebags aren’t fighting to remove Trump, you are fighting to prevent your own self induced political extinction!

Die Die Die Bitches!
Witnesses have been a part of all 15 Senate impeachment trials. Some Including new witnesses. It is the job of the Senate. They just know it won't work out for them this time.
The House Clowns played clips of their witnesses today, so why are you shitting your Depends?
Still irrelevant to the duties of the Senate.
You just said witnesses “is the job of the Senate”. I pointed out there were witnesses today, and you say it is irrelevant to the duties of the Senate.

You are getting flustered.

It is irrelevant. It wasn't witnesses called by the Senate, dope.
Don’t throw you back out twisting yourself into that pretzel.

You don’t know which was is up at this point. I own you.
Keep trying, dope.
When you are issuing subpoenas for an impeachment, there needs to be an official impeachment going on. There wasn’t.

You need a legit reason to get a subpoena issued. Schifferbrains butt plug acting up isn’t a legit reason.

The stated reason was impeachment. There was no House vote to start impeachment at that point.

You lose again.

Nonsense. No impeachment is required for the House or the Senate to subpoena materials and testimony from the WH or any agency.
I never said an impeachment was required. I said a legit reason.

Learn to read, Gomer.

When you are issuing subpoenas for an impeachment, there needs to be an official impeachment going on. There wasn’t.

I never said an impeachment was required. I said a legit reason.

Learn to read, Gomer.

Good job, idiot. :thup:
Thanks. I destroyed you again, and you are too stupid to figure it out.

I said you need a legit reason to issue a subpoena. The stated reason for those in question was “impeachment”. Turns out it wasn’t legit because there was no vote by the House to start impeachment. That makes them worthless.

You lose again, moron.

You destroyed yourself, dope.
See, you are so flustered you are hyperventilating.
The House Clowns played clips of their witnesses today, so why are you shitting your Depends?
Still irrelevant to the duties of the Senate.
You just said witnesses “is the job of the Senate”. I pointed out there were witnesses today, and you say it is irrelevant to the duties of the Senate.

You are getting flustered.

It is irrelevant. It wasn't witnesses called by the Senate, dope.
Don’t throw you back out twisting yourself into that pretzel.

You don’t know which was is up at this point. I own you.
Keep trying, dope.
I’m not even trying. That’s how weak your game is.
you and your party won’t be on this forum in 286 days.

When you are issuing subpoenas for an impeachment, there needs to be an official impeachment going on. There wasn’t.

You need a legit reason to get a subpoena issued. Schifferbrains butt plug acting up isn’t a legit reason.

The stated reason was impeachment. There was no House vote to start impeachment at that point.

You lose again.

Nonsense. No impeachment is required for the House or the Senate to subpoena materials and testimony from the WH or any agency.
I never said an impeachment was required. I said a legit reason.

Learn to read, Gomer.

When you are issuing subpoenas for an impeachment, there needs to be an official impeachment going on. There wasn’t.

I never said an impeachment was required. I said a legit reason.

Learn to read, Gomer.

Good job, idiot. :thup:
Thanks. I destroyed you again, and you are too stupid to figure it out.

I said you need a legit reason to issue a subpoena. The stated reason for those in question was “impeachment”. Turns out it wasn’t legit because there was no vote by the House to start impeachment. That makes them worthless.

You lose again, moron.

You destroyed yourself, dope.
I have never seen so few bitch slap so many scum sucking Ledt Tards for so Long.

You DemNazi Douchebags aren’t fighting to remove Trump, you are fighting to prevent your own self induced political extinction!

Die Die Die Bitches!

Bless your heart.

The latest impeachment polling reflects America’s deep polarization
Americans are largely united in their desire to hear from witnesses
There is one part of the trial that does seem to have some bipartisan support among Americans: whether the proceedings should include witnesses. The new SSRS poll found 69 percent of respondents said the trial should include new witness testimony.
Your 4 Year Long Witch Hunt is Over!
I have never seen so few bitch slap so many scum sucking Ledt Tards for so Long.

You DemNazi Douchebags aren’t fighting to remove Trump, you are fighting to prevent your own self induced political extinction!

Die Die Die Bitches!

Bless your heart.

The latest impeachment polling reflects America’s deep polarization
Americans are largely united in their desire to hear from witnesses
There is one part of the trial that does seem to have some bipartisan support among Americans: whether the proceedings should include witnesses. The new SSRS poll found 69 percent of respondents said the trial should include new witness testimony.
Because Shokin's story makes sense. The Democrat story does not.

What the Democrats are claiming is that Joe went to Ukraine to have Shokin fired because he was not doing enough to look into the company that was paying his drug addict son 83K a month. Shokin's story is that's why he got fired; because he was looking into money laundering by Hunter. Which is more believable to you?

Unless Joe was having a huge dispute with his son and looking to get even with him somehow that he would want to see his company closed down, then it doesn't make any kind of sense at all. I know you on the left can't believe it, but it's the truth.

Joe and his sons seem like a pretty close family as it should be. So if Shokin was breathing down his sons neck and about to expose him, it would make sense that a protective father do what he could to make sure that didn't happen.
It was the US foreign policy to get Shokin out. Same for the IMF and allied countries. There are articles about corruption in shokins office from all over the world. There’s a signed letter from GOP congressmen... this was not a Joe Biden solo mission. Why do you continuously ignore these facts? I’ve told them to you before, I’ve provided links.... at this point I’m convinced you are simply trolling.

Yeah, people keep telling me about these other countries, yet I can't find any of them on Google. Not that it would make a difference anyway, the US is not responsible to carry out the will of other nations.

"You have six hours to get rid of Shokin." Why the hurry? Why the need to put an hourly time clock on executing the matter? What was his hurry?

Seems to me that Shokin has more credibility than anybody else involved in this matter. Shokin has nothing to gain by outing Joe and his son. He's out, and he's not coming back. I would venture to say that Shokin is more believable. What reinforces that is the Democrats knee-jerk reaction by creating this phony impeachment bit. Seems they have a time clock as well. Wonder what that could be???
ive posted links and would do so again but you just said it wouldnt make a difference so I won’t waste my time. The support from other countries and the IMF shows that Joe wasn’t acting alone to protect his son unless you think our congress, administration and allied countries were all in on outing a good prosecutor to protect Hunter Biden from his boss getting busted. Do you realize how stupid that sounds?

Not nearly as stupid as making the claim that Joe had Shokin fired because he wasn't doing enough to find corruption of a company that his son was employed by, doing a job he wasn't qualified to do, and barely showed up for work.
well tell me Ray. Why did GOP senators wrote and sign a letter to get Shokin pitted? Why did the IMF threaten to hold aid funding until they reformed his office. What’s your explaination?

I don't know. Why did they only ask for reform, and Joe issued a six hour emergency to have him fired? That doesn't sound like any kind of reform to me. It doesn't sound very urgent.
The time to gather facts, witnesses, and documents was when it was in the House.

In the Senate, they are allowed ONLY the witnesses, documents, and facts (yeah, I snickered a bit there) that they put together for the Articles of Impeachment.

The fact-finding and cross-examination by the Democrats is over.

Now it is Trump's turn, if the Senate votes to allow it.

Otherwise, the Dems make their case based upon what they have. Nothing more, nothing less.
Are you interested at all to hear what Mik and Bolton and Pompeo have to say about the situation?
Not really. Nor am I interested in what Guliani has to say. He makes all these claims of documents, yet none of them seem to be published or even forwarded to the USAG.

The case for impeachment by the Democrats is listed in the Articles along with what evidence and testimony that have.

That is ALL that is allowed now. That is how the process works.
the process works however the senate wants it to work. They could vote to dismiss right now if they wanted but they won’t because the public would crucify them. It will be their call if not allowing the pursuit of documents and testimony that the house was blocked from will be a good move or not. I personally think it makes it look like they are hiding from the truth

Actually, most of us Trump supporters did want Mitch to throw it out in one hour. He's giving the Democrats some slack here, and all they do is cry about it. The commies want to run the Senate as well as the House. Too bad.
I get that. Yall like to play childish gotchya games and troll people on forums so I’m not surprised that you don’t support or respect a smart honest and fair procedure

What's not fair and honest about it? The commies made the charge, called their witnesses, concluded their inquiry with an impeachment, and now the Senate gets to vote on it. Sounds pretty fair to me. It's not unfair for the Republicans to not continue their witch hunt, or allow them to drag this on for months???? Sorry, again, it's the Senate's call now. It's their hearing, and they run it as they see fit.
I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on

The amendments were designed to drag the process out as far as possible, add new charges not part of the articles, and basically make the whole thing a shit show. If they allowed one side to bring in new evidence, they would have opened a floodgate.

The House was supposed to make it's case via the articles themselves, not with added bullshit afterwards.
they have their case with their articles. They were blocked from getting supporting evidence in the house. I think it completely reasonable for the senate to allow the subpoena of documents and witnesses. Also very reasonable to let a Republican appointed Supreme Court justice determine whether witnesses are material or not. The fact that the Reps blocked that completely shows their cards.

It shows they learned from the Democrats "we control the venue, we control the rules"

There is zero gain for Republicans to play nice when Democrats wouldn't do it in the house.

That's why for the past few decades they have been constantly outmaneuvered by the left.
The gain for Republicans is to show the public a fair trail.

The commies don't get to determine what is a fair trial or not. They had their shot in the inquiry, they blew it, and it's not up to the Republicans to fix it.
I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on

The amendments were designed to drag the process out as far as possible, add new charges not part of the articles, and basically make the whole thing a shit show. If they allowed one side to bring in new evidence, they would have opened a floodgate.

The House was supposed to make it's case via the articles themselves, not with added bullshit afterwards.
Marty hates the truth. He knows additional witnesses would just confirm the impeachment charges. Msrtuy wuill do anything to save his orange buddy.

The only people that confirm the impeachment are the Senators--not witnesses. And they're not going to confirm this with or without them. The clown show stops here.
BTW, while Adolph Schiffler was repeating the same lies 800 Times, President Trump just sent another Terrorist to Hell!

Iranian Commander Shot and Killed in Front of His Own Home: State Media

Iranian Basij forces commander Abdolhossein Mojaddami was shot and killed in front of his home on Wednesday, according to state-run news outlet IRNA.

Your 4 Year Long Witch Hunt is Over!
I have never seen so few bitch slap so many scum sucking Ledt Tards for so Long.

You DemNazi Douchebags aren’t fighting to remove Trump, you are fighting to prevent your own self induced political extinction!

Die Die Die Bitches!

Bless your heart.

The latest impeachment polling reflects America’s deep polarization
Americans are largely united in their desire to hear from witnesses
There is one part of the trial that does seem to have some bipartisan support among Americans: whether the proceedings should include witnesses. The new SSRS poll found 69 percent of respondents said the trial should include new witness testimony.
I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on

The amendments were designed to drag the process out as far as possible, add new charges not part of the articles, and basically make the whole thing a shit show. If they allowed one side to bring in new evidence, they would have opened a floodgate.

The House was supposed to make it's case via the articles themselves, not with added bullshit afterwards.
Marty hates the truth. He knows additional witnesses would just confirm the impeachment charges. Msrtuy wuill do anything to save his orange buddy.

The only people that confirm the impeachment are the Senators--not witnesses. And they're not going to confirm this with or without them. The clown show stops here.
Fake News Prove it.

Why did you applaud Obama Bin Lying giving Iran Obama Bucks for Obama Bombs to kill Americans with?

It was the US foreign policy to get Shokin out. Same for the IMF and allied countries. There are articles about corruption in shokins office from all over the world. There’s a signed letter from GOP congressmen... this was not a Joe Biden solo mission. Why do you continuously ignore these facts? I’ve told them to you before, I’ve provided links.... at this point I’m convinced you are simply trolling.

Yeah, people keep telling me about these other countries, yet I can't find any of them on Google. Not that it would make a difference anyway, the US is not responsible to carry out the will of other nations.

"You have six hours to get rid of Shokin." Why the hurry? Why the need to put an hourly time clock on executing the matter? What was his hurry?

Seems to me that Shokin has more credibility than anybody else involved in this matter. Shokin has nothing to gain by outing Joe and his son. He's out, and he's not coming back. I would venture to say that Shokin is more believable. What reinforces that is the Democrats knee-jerk reaction by creating this phony impeachment bit. Seems they have a time clock as well. Wonder what that could be???
ive posted links and would do so again but you just said it wouldnt make a difference so I won’t waste my time. The support from other countries and the IMF shows that Joe wasn’t acting alone to protect his son unless you think our congress, administration and allied countries were all in on outing a good prosecutor to protect Hunter Biden from his boss getting busted. Do you realize how stupid that sounds?

Not nearly as stupid as making the claim that Joe had Shokin fired because he wasn't doing enough to find corruption of a company that his son was employed by, doing a job he wasn't qualified to do, and barely showed up for work.
well tell me Ray. Why did GOP senators wrote and sign a letter to get Shokin pitted? Why did the IMF threaten to hold aid funding until they reformed his office. What’s your explaination?
2 seconds on Google and you could verify it instead of sounding like a fool calling it fake news...
Republican senators echoed Biden in urging Ukrainian president to reform prosecutor general's office - CNNPolitics
Fake News Prove it.

Why did you applaud Obama Bin Lying giving Iran Obama Bucks for Obama Bombs to kill Americans with?

Yeah, people keep telling me about these other countries, yet I can't find any of them on Google. Not that it would make a difference anyway, the US is not responsible to carry out the will of other nations.

"You have six hours to get rid of Shokin." Why the hurry? Why the need to put an hourly time clock on executing the matter? What was his hurry?

Seems to me that Shokin has more credibility than anybody else involved in this matter. Shokin has nothing to gain by outing Joe and his son. He's out, and he's not coming back. I would venture to say that Shokin is more believable. What reinforces that is the Democrats knee-jerk reaction by creating this phony impeachment bit. Seems they have a time clock as well. Wonder what that could be???
ive posted links and would do so again but you just said it wouldnt make a difference so I won’t waste my time. The support from other countries and the IMF shows that Joe wasn’t acting alone to protect his son unless you think our congress, administration and allied countries were all in on outing a good prosecutor to protect Hunter Biden from his boss getting busted. Do you realize how stupid that sounds?

Not nearly as stupid as making the claim that Joe had Shokin fired because he wasn't doing enough to find corruption of a company that his son was employed by, doing a job he wasn't qualified to do, and barely showed up for work.
well tell me Ray. Why did GOP senators wrote and sign a letter to get Shokin pitted? Why did the IMF threaten to hold aid funding until they reformed his office. What’s your explaination?
2 seconds on Google and you could verify it instead of sounding like a fool calling it fake news...
Republican senators echoed Biden in urging Ukrainian president to reform prosecutor general's office - CNNPolitics
Did they endorse extortion?
It was the US foreign policy to get Shokin out. Same for the IMF and allied countries. There are articles about corruption in shokins office from all over the world. There’s a signed letter from GOP congressmen... this was not a Joe Biden solo mission. Why do you continuously ignore these facts? I’ve told them to you before, I’ve provided links.... at this point I’m convinced you are simply trolling.

Yeah, people keep telling me about these other countries, yet I can't find any of them on Google. Not that it would make a difference anyway, the US is not responsible to carry out the will of other nations.

"You have six hours to get rid of Shokin." Why the hurry? Why the need to put an hourly time clock on executing the matter? What was his hurry?

Seems to me that Shokin has more credibility than anybody else involved in this matter. Shokin has nothing to gain by outing Joe and his son. He's out, and he's not coming back. I would venture to say that Shokin is more believable. What reinforces that is the Democrats knee-jerk reaction by creating this phony impeachment bit. Seems they have a time clock as well. Wonder what that could be???
ive posted links and would do so again but you just said it wouldnt make a difference so I won’t waste my time. The support from other countries and the IMF shows that Joe wasn’t acting alone to protect his son unless you think our congress, administration and allied countries were all in on outing a good prosecutor to protect Hunter Biden from his boss getting busted. Do you realize how stupid that sounds?

Not nearly as stupid as making the claim that Joe had Shokin fired because he wasn't doing enough to find corruption of a company that his son was employed by, doing a job he wasn't qualified to do, and barely showed up for work.
well tell me Ray. Why did GOP senators wrote and sign a letter to get Shokin pitted? Why did the IMF threaten to hold aid funding until they reformed his office. What’s your explaination?

I don't know. Why did they only ask for reform, and Joe issued a six hour emergency to have him fired? That doesn't sound like any kind of reform to me. It doesn't sound very urgent.
what do you think reform means Ray?

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