I met a veteran Navy Intelligence spook at my job


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
While I was serving their food during cocktail hour, this gentlemen, who looked at 40-45, overheard my friend and I talking about the NSA. He was in full uniform while there, and told us, in the most general of terms, that the "Big Brother" state is far more broad and intrusive then we can possibly imagine. He also expressed a belief, without saying it directly, that the 2nd Amendment would be the only manner in which we can restore the Rule of Law.

When he was finished and I finished preparing the food and said "Here you go sir,"

he replied:

"There is no need to call me sir."

And then he said in rather vulgar terms:

"Well, if shit hits the fan, perhaps you'll have to."


I made a request to temporarily demote myself at my job last night, in order to be a regular waiter, so that I may have his table.

I told him some things concerning the Liberty movement out here on Long Island. After enough informational exchange, it seemed that he trusted me (I suppose it would be unlikely that a waiter would be a FBI/CIA agent spying on him).

He told me where to go when shit hits the fan, and what equipment I'll need.

That's as much as I'll say on this thread for obvious reasons.

All I want to tell you Libs and Neocons, is that the people with guns make the rules, and you're playing with napalm is that your political leadership isn't playing with fire, they're playing with napalm.

"All Political Power Comes From The Barrel Of The Gun" - Chinese Communist Leader Mao Tse Tung.
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Does it really make sense that a naval officer in uniform, one that is in the position to know the extent of the security state (one has to be in that system to know it) would trust an unknown waiter enough to risk his career to warn YOU about it?

Seriously...does that story make sense to you?
Does it really make sense that a naval officer in uniform, one that is in the position to know the extent of the security state (one has to be in that system to know it) would trust an unknown waiter enough to risk his career to warn YOU about it?

Seriously...does that story make sense to you?

If he said "no need to call me sir" he was probably enlisted. Given his age, I'd speculate that he's a Senior Chief or a Master Chief. One doesn't necessarily have to risk their career to say stuff like that, he didn't reveal any classified information no details, no sources and methods, and no names. That said, without any details the information he gave really isn't of any use to anyone who has been paying attention. He's probably an analyst doing his own speculation and stating the obvious.

Just a reading of The Puzzle Palace is all anyone needs to know, really.
Does it really make sense that a naval officer in uniform, one that is in the position to know the extent of the security state (one has to be in that system to know it) would trust an unknown waiter enough to risk his career to warn YOU about it?

Seriously...does that story make sense to you?

If he said "no need to call me sir" he was probably enlisted. Given his age, I'd speculate that he's a Senior Chief or a Master Chief. One doesn't necessarily have to risk their career to say stuff like that, he didn't reveal any classified information no details, no sources and methods, and no names. That said, without any details the information he gave really isn't of any use to anyone who has been paying attention. He's probably an analyst doing his own speculation and stating the obvious.

Just a reading of The Puzzle Palace is all anyone needs to know, really.

Yeah, a very plausible theory, Asterism.

Still I find it somewhat disturbing that a senior petty officer would encourage a treasonous waiter by supporting the notion of armed rebellion.
Does it really make sense that a naval officer in uniform, one that is in the position to know the extent of the security state (one has to be in that system to know it) would trust an unknown waiter enough to risk his career to warn YOU about it?

Seriously...does that story make sense to you?

If he said "no need to call me sir" he was probably enlisted. Given his age, I'd speculate that he's a Senior Chief or a Master Chief. One doesn't necessarily have to risk their career to say stuff like that, he didn't reveal any classified information no details, no sources and methods, and no names. That said, without any details the information he gave really isn't of any use to anyone who has been paying attention. He's probably an analyst doing his own speculation and stating the obvious.

Just a reading of The Puzzle Palace is all anyone needs to know, really.

Yeah, a very plausible theory, Asterism.

Still I find it somewhat disturbing that a senior petty officer would encourage a treasonous waiter by supporting the notion of armed rebellion.

Encourage treason? Where was that stated?

If you don't think these guys talk like this you should go hang out at some bars around Ft. Meade.
We have reached the point where loyalty to the nation and its Constitution IS treason to obama.
Does it really make sense that a naval officer in uniform, one that is in the position to know the extent of the security state (one has to be in that system to know it) would trust an unknown waiter enough to risk his career to warn YOU about it?

Seriously...does that story make sense to you?

I had a Pentagon Major tell me quite alot while I took a commercial sales job to set his business up. He had retired. These guys have egos the size of Mt. Rushmore. Getting them to talk is easier than you think.

We have reached the point where loyalty to the nation and its Constitution IS treason to obama.

Not just Obama, much of the GOP leadership, Democrat leadership considers it treason as well. If they didn't they would supporting Snowden right now. Plenty of blame to go around.
Still I find it somewhat disturbing that a senior petty officer would encourage a treasonous waiter by supporting the notion of armed rebellion.

Their oath is to uphold the Constitution of the United States, and it's not that difficult to understand the Constitution, unless you're a mentally handicapped self-declared interest driven intellectual.
While I was serving their food during cocktail hour, this gentlemen, who looked at 40-45, overheard my friend and I talking about the NSA. He was in full uniform while there, and told us, in the most general of terms, that the "Big Brother" state is far more broad and intrusive then we can possibly imagine. He also expressed a belief, without saying it directly, that the 2nd Amendment would be the only manner in which we can restore the Rule of Law.

When he was finished and I finished preparing the food and said "Here you go sir,"

he replied:

"There is no need to call me sir."

And then he said in rather vulgar terms:

"Well, if shit hits the fan, perhaps you'll have to."


I made a request to temporarily demote myself at my job last night, in order to be a regular waiter, so that I may have his table.

I told him some things concerning the Liberty movement out here on Long Island. After enough informational exchange, it seemed that he trusted me (I suppose it would be unlikely that a waiter would be a FBI/CIA agent spying on him).

He told me where to go when shit hits the fan, and what equipment I'll need.

That's as much as I'll say on this thread for obvious reasons.

All I want to tell you Libs and Neocons, is that the people with guns make the rules, and you're playing with napalm is that your political leadership isn't playing with fire, they're playing with napalm.

"All Political Power Comes From The Barrel Of The Gun" - Chinese Communist Leader Mao Tse Tung.

You're a fucking liar or a complete fool

Pick one and apologize
Does it really make sense that a naval officer in uniform, one that is in the position to know the extent of the security state (one has to be in that system to know it) would trust an unknown waiter enough to risk his career to warn YOU about it?

Seriously...does that story make sense to you?

If he said "no need to call me sir" he was probably enlisted. Given his age, I'd speculate that he's a Senior Chief or a Master Chief. One doesn't necessarily have to risk their career to say stuff like that, he didn't reveal any classified information no details, no sources and methods, and no names. That said, without any details the information he gave really isn't of any use to anyone who has been paying attention. He's probably an analyst doing his own speculation and stating the obvious.

Just a reading of The Puzzle Palace is all anyone needs to know, really.

You're a fool if you think any of that story has a shred of truth
Navy "intelligence" is not a "spook show". It's an accumulation of data fed to other "intelligence" agencies and more than likely eventually discarded. Americans should have learned from the gigantic failure of 9-11 and the minor failure of the "intelligence community" at the Boston Marathon that there is no "intelligence" in the intelligence community.
You overhear all sorts of Intel in and around Bases. When I was stationed in Korea I listened to a couple of Navy guys talk about Satellite Communication in a restaurant right outside the gate at Osan AB.

But the best sources are the Hookers. You wanna' know when an Exercise or Deployment is gonna' happen? Talk to them. For some reason the Military thinks them girls are gonna' be all impressed.
Does it really make sense that a naval officer in uniform, one that is in the position to know the extent of the security state (one has to be in that system to know it) would trust an unknown waiter enough to risk his career to warn YOU about it?

Seriously...does that story make sense to you?

If he said "no need to call me sir" he was probably enlisted. Given his age, I'd speculate that he's a Senior Chief or a Master Chief. .

Or he could have meant simply that civilians don't have to address military officers as 'sir'.
You're a fucking liar or a complete fool

You do not know if it is a true story or not. There are all kinds of officers in the military, from those just short of treasonous, to blithering fools, to talkative concerned staffers who know they will never be called on the carpet because they told classified information. I have known officers who would talk about classified information all day, tossing it out like candy to orphans and they did not care who heard it. I found it shocking at first when I was in the service, but I grew accustomed to it.

The story is definitely plausible, though the OP could be lying, it seems more likely to be true than not. Why would someone go onto an internet forum to lie about something that is almost common knowledge?

Pick one and apologize

This is the clean debate zone, is it not? Sounds like you owe the apology.
Does it really make sense that a naval officer in uniform, one that is in the position to know the extent of the security state (one has to be in that system to know it) would trust an unknown waiter enough to risk his career to warn YOU about it?

Seriously...does that story make sense to you?

If he said "no need to call me sir" he was probably enlisted. Given his age, I'd speculate that he's a Senior Chief or a Master Chief. One doesn't necessarily have to risk their career to say stuff like that, he didn't reveal any classified information no details, no sources and methods, and no names. That said, without any details the information he gave really isn't of any use to anyone who has been paying attention. He's probably an analyst doing his own speculation and stating the obvious.

Just a reading of The Puzzle Palace is all anyone needs to know, really.

You're a fool if you think any of that story has a shred of truth

Do you have any idea of what an unwarranted assertion is?
I met the leader of SEAL Team 6 that killed Bin Laden.

He said they ate lobster bisque off his corpse before tossing him into the Med.

This story is as true as the op

Maybe you did but maybe you didn't. But so what if you did?

Weird shit happens, and weird shit especially happens in the military.

So you presumably lied about eating a meal off of Obamas corpse and use this apparent lie as though it were somehow impossible to be true. Why do you think that impossible?

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