I met a veteran Navy Intelligence spook at my job

You overhear all sorts of Intel in and around Bases. When I was stationed in Korea I listened to a couple of Navy guys talk about Satellite Communication in a restaurant right outside the gate at Osan AB.

But the best sources are the Hookers. You wanna' know when an Exercise or Deployment is gonna' happen? Talk to them. For some reason the Military thinks them girls are gonna' be all impressed.

That is why throughout history brothels have been one of the first things spy rings would establish connections to or just set up themselves.
This story reminds me of an experience I had when I was in the Army back in the late 70's.

Our company was in training near Baumholder and we were tasked to provide some enlisted to support some ammo relocation. Seems that logistics was having a bad day or something, I don't know why. Being an enlisted PFC at the time, I got duly tasked.

After moving a several tons of ammo off several duce-na-halfs, several of us were sitting around waiting for the truck to take us back and we got to talking about what would happen if the balloon went up. One guy said when the shooting started he planned to keep his head low and only shoot if explicitly told to do so. Another said he thought there would never be an actual shooting war, and everyone hoped he was right. Another said that the US military was so under-equipped and out-matched in numbers that he planned to skip out at the first opportunity and get west of the Rhine river.

An officer (a captain if I recall correctly) stepped around a corner and told the guy who planned to skip that he was exactly right, and if shooting started the US planned to blow up the Fulda Gap with nuclear demolitions and retreat behind the Rhine river till air power could decimate the Soviet Air Force, then their ground units, and we would then advance back into Germany from behind the Rhine.

I asked him if anyone was going to stay behind and cover the advance to the rear, or words to that effect. He asked me why, did I want to get killed? Another soldier said, Would rather die in place than run all the way back behind the Rhine cause he sure wasn't going to ride in a moving steel coffin (referring to an M1134, which was actually aluminum and he knew that). The officer laughed and walked off, smoking the last of his cigarette.

But what the officer said never made sense to me. Why would he say what the 'plans' were? Disinformation? He was just pissed and was talking out so he could get RIFed? Or maybe he just made it up to shock the enlisted for grins and giggles? The disinformation theory sounds the most plausible to me. But the point to my story is simply this; just because an officer said something doesn't make it true. He could be lying to you for some valid reason. Or he might not be lying for equally valid reasons, valid from his perspective anyway.

Personally I don't repeat anything I read from classified shit, even 40 year old shit. But rumors are just rumors and are not classified. meaningless, and can be used as camouflage for the real thing and the brass knows this.

The real relevant question is 'Why is this guy telling me this shit?'
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If he said "no need to call me sir" he was probably enlisted. Given his age, I'd speculate that he's a Senior Chief or a Master Chief. One doesn't necessarily have to risk their career to say stuff like that, he didn't reveal any classified information no details, no sources and methods, and no names. That said, without any details the information he gave really isn't of any use to anyone who has been paying attention. He's probably an analyst doing his own speculation and stating the obvious.

Just a reading of The Puzzle Palace is all anyone needs to know, really.

Yeah, a very plausible theory, Asterism.

Still I find it somewhat disturbing that a senior petty officer would encourage a treasonous waiter by supporting the notion of armed rebellion.

Encourage treason? Where was that stated?


He also expressed a belief, without saying it directly, that the 2nd Amendment would be the only manner in which we can restore the Rule of Law.

If you don't think these guys talk like this you should go hang out at some bars around Ft. Meade.

Oh I think people say all sorts of things..including advocating treason to waiters.

What I do not believe is that these people are "Spooks"
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What I do not believe is that these people are "Spooks"

Well, that depends on your definition of spook. Most of them these days sit in cubicles and worry more about traffic going home than any enemies, lol.

very instructional video

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJsvI8TKPzo]Spies Like Them - YouTube[/ame]
Yeah, a very plausible theory, Asterism.

Still I find it somewhat disturbing that a senior petty officer would encourage a treasonous waiter by supporting the notion of armed rebellion.


If you don't think these guys talk like this you should go hang out at some bars around Ft. Meade.

Oh I think people say all sorts of things..including advocating treason to waiters.

What I do not believe is that these people are "Spooks"

You have a far different definition for treason than I. The phrase was "to restore the rule of law." How is it treason if the rule of law has broken down? :confused:
He told me where to go when shit hits the fan, and what equipment I'll need.


Where did the guy say to go?

Three rules I've heard to keep safe once the SHTF are:

1) Get out of the city.

2) Get out of the city.

3) Get out of the city.

hope that helps.
Does it really make sense that a naval officer in uniform, one that is in the position to know the extent of the security state (one has to be in that system to know it) would trust an unknown waiter enough to risk his career to warn YOU about it?

Seriously...does that story make sense to you?

How did he risk his career?
Does it really make sense that a naval officer in uniform, one that is in the position to know the extent of the security state (one has to be in that system to know it) would trust an unknown waiter enough to risk his career to warn YOU about it?

Seriously...does that story make sense to you?

If he said "no need to call me sir" he was probably enlisted. Given his age, I'd speculate that he's a Senior Chief or a Master Chief. One doesn't necessarily have to risk their career to say stuff like that, he didn't reveal any classified information no details, no sources and methods, and no names. That said, without any details the information he gave really isn't of any use to anyone who has been paying attention. He's probably an analyst doing his own speculation and stating the obvious.

Just a reading of The Puzzle Palace is all anyone needs to know, really.

Yeah, a very plausible theory, Asterism.

Still I find it somewhat disturbing that a senior petty officer would encourage a treasonous waiter by supporting the notion of armed rebellion.

You haven't been in the military have you?
I have known several military folks who would talk about things that were not "common knowledge" with me. A naval captain, an air force captain and a supply sargent (logistics) in the Army. I got to know one through a job I had at the time, one through a mutual "friend" and the other through family friends.

I can tell you that "getting out of the city" if the SHTF is not going to do you any good. You have to be away from any populated area and at least 25 miles from any major roads, 75 miles away from any military bases, and 10 miles from any paved roads. There are few places east of the Mississippi River that meats those specifications.

Those who are prepared to be self sufficient will be far better off than those who are not prepared.
If he said "no need to call me sir" he was probably enlisted. Given his age, I'd speculate that he's a Senior Chief or a Master Chief. One doesn't necessarily have to risk their career to say stuff like that, he didn't reveal any classified information no details, no sources and methods, and no names. That said, without any details the information he gave really isn't of any use to anyone who has been paying attention. He's probably an analyst doing his own speculation and stating the obvious.

Just a reading of The Puzzle Palace is all anyone needs to know, really.

Yeah, a very plausible theory, Asterism.

Still I find it somewhat disturbing that a senior petty officer would encourage a treasonous waiter by supporting the notion of armed rebellion.

Encourage treason? Where was that stated?

If you don't think these guys talk like this you should go hang out at some bars around Ft. Meade.

Or Ft. Huachuca...

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