I might as start yet another Akin thread


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Sure seem like the liberal left has certainly won the day once again. There has to be at least 15 posts on what appears to be a misfortunate statement made by Akins.

Obama calls a surprise pregnancy a punishment and the left just thinks that is fine and dandy. Kind of exposing what they think of life. Oh wait, they think a lot of life, they want to abort the unborn but save the cop killers. Interesting duplicity.

Romney speaks the truth about the 2012 Olympics and the left acts as if that is going to start another war of 1812. Obama insults the Swiss and the left again they have to eat his words.

Biden says "put Y'all in chains" and the left just ignores it or some even support the idiocy. He says this yet blacks will still vote democrat. What on Earth do they see in that party?

But in reality what Akin says the left could really give a crap about. What they are really doing is Alinsky type work. Change the subject off of the awful economic news onto something that effects NO ONE.

Sorry about the subject line, I meant to post might as well.
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Akin made a dumb statement. No doubt. Obama/Biden have made dumber.

I am going to stick up for Biden, there is a reason he makes dumb statements he is dumb, and dishonest. On the other hand Obama is suppose to be the smartest man who ever thought there were 57 states.
Akin did not make a dumb statement -

he simply has run out of real estate by the criminal offense and refuses to accept abortion as the viable solution to an unwanted pregnancy.

too bad for them they would rather victimize the Gal again than accept the obvious flaw to their own stringent beliefs they attempt to impose on others without their approval.

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