“I need a favor” was about Cloudstrike! Not Biden, not Burisma

Trump never said nor implied that Ukraine should announce any investigation into the Bidens. BTW, they should investigate it as should the US. It was nefarious at best.

That only flies if you take it in isolation, and not what Rudy and his crew were doing in trying to get that investigation.

How long do you think Rudy is going to go along with being the "Fall Guy" for this? Because that's what he's being set up for.

Much of the top brass, yes. Have you read comments by these folks? You can't actually believe they are unbiased.

yeah, I've read the comments...

Here's the thing. Trump is unfit for office mentally, intellectually and in terms of temperament and experience. BOTH parties know this, and the gag for the last three years is trying to distract him like a cranky toddler to keep him from doing anything really stupid or dangerous.

This time he ran out in the middle of the street.
In Reality.... Unemployment is at a historic lows, especially for American Blacks, Women, Other Minorities, and Veterans. The Stock Market is at an all time high. Wages are at the fastest increase in decades. The Caliphate is gone and the top 2 ISIS leaders are feeding worms.

In reality, Trump inherited a growing economy, full employment, low unemployment, record stock market, a defeated ISIS, and a bunch of dead terrorists.
Thank God we finally have a President who is willing to fight government corruption. It does us no good to allow Soros, the Bidens and the Clintons to run roughshod over our laws. It does us harm when our intelligence operatives are covering up criminality for their crooked political allies. Cleaning up the corruption will be one of Trump's greatest first term accomplishments. Trump-that's right.
Why do you not understand that there are proper channels to ask for assistance of any kind from other nations? We have this thing called a "State Department" that is built to deal with other nations and has a lot of lawyers who know what is proper and what is not. This bureaucracy protects the president from perhaps getting caught conducting diplomacy for his own gain.
Wrong the President of the United States sets foreign policy, he is the chief executive he can see whatever he likes and whatever he wants it is not against the law to ask the president about the 2016 foreign interference. Democrat media urged trump in a press conference to tell Putin not to interfere in the elections..
The language absolutely exonerates Donald Trump
You miss my point. The president does set foreign policy but the sole instrument of that policy is the US State Department. He tells his Sec. of State what he wants and they try to achieve it within the limits of the law. That way the president is insulated from any blunders or impropriety. Trump was stupid to directly engage in hanky-panky especially for something as fleetingly valuable as political dirt.
The sole instrument? Lol

False equivalence.

Bull. Only in your fantasies.

Thank God we finally have a President who is willing to fight government corruption. It does us no good to allow Soros, the Bidens and the Clintons to run roughshod over our laws. It does us harm when our intelligence operatives are covering up criminality for their crooked political allies. Cleaning up the corruption will be one of Trump's greatest first term accomplishments. Trump-that's right.
This motherfucker is the poster boy for government corruption.
Trump was told there was no Crowdstrike. He suggested the Bidens were into something that should be looked into. There is no out here. The president violated the law. Now do we accept this as standard presidential behavior or not? Because if we accept this, the rules don't change when a democrat does it.
Who told Trump there was no Crowdstrike, and how is that relevant?

Trump was exonerated by the transcript, which is why the whiners have to resort to what a Secret Whistleblower says someone else feels about the conversation.

Trump broke no laws, otherwise you would have proof.

You've already being set up for a Democrat Nominee that's up to his wrinkled neck in Influence Peddling. Be careful about overdoing the fake outrage.
Trump was told there was no Crowdstrike. He suggested the Bidens were into something that should be looked into. There is no out here. The president violated the law. Now do we accept this as standard presidential behavior or not? Because if we accept this, the rules don't change when a democrat does it.
He violated the law by asking about Crowdstrike and Bidens extortion, bribery and money laundering.

In reality, Trump inherited a growing economy, full employment, low unemployment, record stock market, a defeated ISIS, and a bunch of dead terrorists.
And guy you called incompetent managed to improve every catagory.

Don't be a sore loser.
Trump never said nor implied that Ukraine should announce any investigation into the Bidens. BTW, they should investigate it as should the US. It was nefarious at best.

That only flies if you take it in isolation, and not what Rudy and his crew were doing in trying to get that investigation.

How long do you think Rudy is going to go along with being the "Fall Guy" for this? Because that's what he's being set up for.

Much of the top brass, yes. Have you read comments by these folks? You can't actually believe they are unbiased.

yeah, I've read the comments...

Here's the thing. Trump is unfit for office mentally, intellectually and in terms of temperament and experience. BOTH parties know this, and the gag for the last three years is trying to distract him like a cranky toddler to keep him from doing anything really stupid or dangerous.

This time he ran out in the middle of the street.
In Reality.... Unemployment is at a historic lows, especially for American Blacks, Women, Other Minorities, and Veterans. The Stock Market is at an all time high. Wages are at the fastest increase in decades. The Caliphate is gone and the top 2 ISIS leaders are feeding worms.

In reality, Trump inherited a growing economy, full employment, low unemployment, record stock market, a defeated ISIS, and a bunch of dead terrorists.
Why do you not understand that there are proper channels to ask for assistance of any kind from other nations? We have this thing called a "State Department" that is built to deal with other nations and has a lot of lawyers who know what is proper and what is not. This bureaucracy protects the president from perhaps getting caught conducting diplomacy for his own gain.

He's the President you dumb fuck. He can use whatever channels he wants.
The State Dept. doesn't run President, The President runs the State Dept.
And the same thing goes for the DOJ, the FBI, the Intel communities, etc.
The President is in charge of the administration.

Trump doesn't like doing things the way they have always been done. That's why we voted for him.
The lack of basic civics is astounding isn’t it? I mean it’s actually not, considering the education system gives it a passing glance at the very best. This will change soon, be patient and pray on it
Thank God we finally have a President who is willing to fight government corruption. It does us no good to allow Soros, the Bidens and the Clintons to run roughshod over our laws. It does us harm when our intelligence operatives are covering up criminality for their crooked political allies. Cleaning up the corruption will be one of Trump's greatest first term accomplishments. Trump-that's right.
You talk a lot and say nothing. Give us some examples of Soros (?) /Biden/ Clinton running roughshod over laws. Of intelligence services covering up criminality for crooked political allies. Trump does this too, so I see you are following his example in the way you make accusations without proof. I expect you will also pull his trick of saying you will clear it all up..in a day or so (and it never happens) leaving the accusation without proof indefinitely. Sad you haven't caught on to that trick yet but I suspect you like being duped.
Trump was told there was no Crowdstrike. He suggested the Bidens were into something that should be looked into. There is no out here. The president violated the law. Now do we accept this as standard presidential behavior or not? Because if we accept this, the rules don't change when a democrat does it.
What in the world are you talking about? No crowdstrike?
Yes, there's a CrowdStrike, but they didn't do anything nefarious. CrowdStrike committed the cardinal sin of agreeing that Russians hacked the DNC, which was not what Trump wanted to hear, for some reason. So his supporters did what they always do and said "I know you are, so what am I?" and accused CrowdStrike of hacking instead. Jeeeezzzzussss. How clear can this get, folks? What is really scary here is that our PRESIDENT believes this shit. When our President starts taking his opinions from the journalistic likes of the National Enquirer, it's a little terrifying. He has been doing it more and more in the past months and it needs to stop.

This is what CrowdStrike really found. Fact:

CrowdStrike stands fully by its analysis and findings identifying two separate Russian intelligence-affiliated adversaries present in the DNC network in May 2016[...] We've had lots of experience with both of these actors attempting to target our customers in the past and know them well. In fact, our team considers them some of the best adversaries out of all the numerous nation-state, criminal and hacktivist/terrorist groups we encounter on a daily basis. Their tradecraft is superb, operational security second to none and the extensive usage of 'living-off-the-land' techniques enables them to easily bypass many security solutions they encounter.[4]

Other cybersecurity firms, Fidelis Cybersecurity and FireEye, independently reviewed the malware and came to the same conclusion as CrowdStrike—that expert Russian hacking groups were responsible for the breach.[24] In November 2017, US authorities identified 6 Russian individuals who conducted the hack.[25] Beginning in December 2016 the Russian government arrested Sergei Mikhailov, a high ranking government cyber-spy, Ruslan Stoyanov, a private sector cyber-security expert, Georgy Fomchenkov, a former government cyber-spy, and Dmitry Dokuchaev, a Mikhailov associate and charged them with aiding U.S. intelligence agencies which the New York Times associated with the DNC hacking.[26][27]
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Trump never said nor implied that Ukraine should announce any investigation into the Bidens. BTW, they should investigate it as should the US. It was nefarious at best.

That only flies if you take it in isolation, and not what Rudy and his crew were doing in trying to get that investigation.

How long do you think Rudy is going to go along with being the "Fall Guy" for this? Because that's what he's being set up for.

Much of the top brass, yes. Have you read comments by these folks? You can't actually believe they are unbiased.

yeah, I've read the comments...

Here's the thing. Trump is unfit for office mentally, intellectually and in terms of temperament and experience. BOTH parties know this, and the gag for the last three years is trying to distract him like a cranky toddler to keep him from doing anything really stupid or dangerous.

This time he ran out in the middle of the street.
In Reality.... Unemployment is at a historic lows, especially for American Blacks, Women, Other Minorities, and Veterans. The Stock Market is at an all time high. Wages are at the fastest increase in decades. The Caliphate is gone and the top 2 ISIS leaders are feeding worms.

In reality, Trump inherited a growing economy, full employment, low unemployment, record stock market, a defeated ISIS, and a bunch of dead terrorists.

1. In reality, Trump inherited a stagnant economy, the DOW was flat-lining due to democrat policies:

2. Trump has unemployment to all time record lows:

3. Obama grew ISIS and Trump destroyed ISIS

Maximum extent of ISIL's territorial control in Syria and Iraq in late 2015.
ISIL territorial claims - Wikipedia

4. So your partisan lies are very easy to disprove. Thanks for playing.
Democrats keep saying I need a favor was towards Biden, to help trump in the election..

After the president of Ukraine congratulates the President Trump a rooting out corruption in the United States the conversation proceeded to javelin missile’s when Trump said I need a favor about cloud strike and do you know a cloud strike is?
It was about election interference in the two thousand and 16 presidential election the Democrats are begging Trump to fix.

lol this is like the twilight zone!!

The favor was about cloud strike! lol not Biden or Burisma in fact the Ukraine president brought up first. This is going to be so embarrassing for Democrats
Desperate excuse making.
Trump never said nor implied that Ukraine should announce any investigation into the Bidens. BTW, they should investigate it as should the US. It was nefarious at best.

That only flies if you take it in isolation, and not what Rudy and his crew were doing in trying to get that investigation.

How long do you think Rudy is going to go along with being the "Fall Guy" for this? Because that's what he's being set up for.

Much of the top brass, yes. Have you read comments by these folks? You can't actually believe they are unbiased.

yeah, I've read the comments...

Here's the thing. Trump is unfit for office mentally, intellectually and in terms of temperament and experience. BOTH parties know this, and the gag for the last three years is trying to distract him like a cranky toddler to keep him from doing anything really stupid or dangerous.

This time he ran out in the middle of the street.
In Reality.... Unemployment is at a historic lows, especially for American Blacks, Women, Other Minorities, and Veterans. The Stock Market is at an all time high. Wages are at the fastest increase in decades. The Caliphate is gone and the top 2 ISIS leaders are feeding worms.

In reality, Trump inherited a growing economy, full employment, low unemployment, record stock market, a defeated ISIS, and a bunch of dead terrorists.

1. In reality, Trump inherited a stagnant economy, the DOW was flat-lining due to democrat policies:
View attachment 288725

2. Trump has unemployment to all time record lows:

3. Obama grew ISIS and Trump destroyed ISIS

Maximum extent of ISIL's territorial control in Syria and Iraq in late 2015.
ISIL territorial claims - Wikipedia

4. So your partisan lies are very easy to disprove. Thanks for playing.

Nothing you have said is true.





Now that's just the beginning.

Donald Trump takes credit for gains against ISIS but there's more to the story

President Donald Trump campaigned on a promise to hit the Islamic State hard, and the armed fundamentalist group has suffered major losses on his watch.

In July, coalition forces broke ISIS' hold on Mosul, the largest Iraqi city under their control. In October, they were forced out of Raqqa, the Syrian city the Islamic State claimed as the capital of their would-be caliphate.

During a news conference, Trump drew a sharp contrast with his predecessor in the White House.

"We have done more in eight months than the previous administration has done in many years," Trump said Oct. 25.

Based on numbers from the battlefield and the assessment of terrorism analysts, Trump can rightly claim that he built on the work done under President Barack Obama, but he can’t take full ownership of the gains that followed.

Sorties and munitions
Numbers tell only part of the story, but Pentagon figures on the missions flown and the explosives rained down on ISIS put the first months of the Trump administration into context.

The campaign to defeat ISIS took shape in September 2014 under the name of Operation Inherent Resolve. According to U.S. Air Force Central Command data, coalition forces engaged the enemy nearly 33,000 times between the launch of the operation and September 2017. (The Air Force includes strikes taking place in August 2014.)

Counting only sorties in which at least one weapon was released, about three-fourths of the action took place during the Obama years.

The Air Force reports over 102,000 missiles, bombs and other explosives dropped in the course of the campaign. Over two-thirds of that came before Trump took office.

Loss of territory

By late August 2014, the Islamic State controlled about 35,000 square miles. The defense data firm IHS Markit mapped the terrorist group’s declining influence between 2015 and 2017. The ISIS zones are in gray.


The maps show that most of the territorial collapse of ISIS took place during the Trump administration. But defense experts say that what the maps don’t show are the offensive operations that began under Obama. The battle for Mosul, for example, began in October 2016, about four months before Trump took office.

The collapse was a continuation of what had begun earlier. Between the start of 2015 and February 2016, IHS reported that ISIS had lost 22 percent of the territory it once controlled.

A drawn-out effort
Some defense analysts criticize Obama for not moving quickly enough to confront the Islamic State. Anthony Cordesman at the Center for Strategic and International Studies said the Obama administration was "grindingly slow" to get air power and equipment into the region. But that changed rapidly through 2015.

"Virtually all were in place before the Trump administration came to office, along with virtually all of the key arms transfers and other assistance that went to Iraqi forces and the Syrian forces supported by the U.S," Cordesman said.

Under Trump, the tempo of airstrikes increased, and military commanders were given greater leeway to order attacks. But Cordesman said that represented no great shift in overall strategy.

"Trump deserves credit for fully implementing the plan and some limited improvements, but it is nonsense for him to take credit for a program his predecessor had largely put in place," he said.

Trump takes full credit for gains against ISIS. Should he?

Trump inherits Obama boom

On the campaign trail, Donald Trump repeatedly described the U.S. economy as a hollowed-out disaster of high unemployment and stagnant growth.

But the latest numbers show the president-elect will in fact inherit a fairly robust economy with the lowest jobless rate in nearly a decade, record home and stock prices and a healthy growth rate.

Trump inherits Obama boom
Fact check: Did Trump pull off an 'economic turnaround?'

Donald Trump Inherits a Booming American Economy

It has been eight years since the mortgage crisis and subsequent collapse of the United States economy. Former President Barrack Obama has left the oval office, handing the keys to the kingdom over to American businessperson and entrepreneur Donald J. Trump.

The 45th president of the United States has wasted no time getting his executive agenda underway. Ruffling the feathers of Democrats and Republicans alike, President Trump has swiftly and abruptly enacted executive orders to fulfil the promises he made on the campaign trail.

One of these promises was to bring business back to America with a focus on financial reform. When former President Barrack Obama took office, he inherited the worst economy in living memory.

As President Trump begins his administration, what is the current state of the economy? Between all the promises, appointments and scrutiny, the President has not so quietly inherited a booming American Economy.

Donald Trump Inherits a Booming American Economy

Last edited:
Democrats keep saying I need a favor was towards Biden, to help trump in the election..

After the president of Ukraine congratulates the President Trump a rooting out corruption in the United States the conversation proceeded to javelin missile’s when Trump said I need a favor about cloud strike and do you know a cloud strike is?
It was about election interference in the two thousand and 16 presidential election the Democrats are begging Trump to fix.

lol this is like the twilight zone!!

The favor was about cloud strike! lol not Biden or Burisma in fact the Ukraine president brought up first. This is going to be so embarrassing for Democrats
Don't you mean Crowdstrike?
Trump never said nor implied that Ukraine should announce any investigation into the Bidens. BTW, they should investigate it as should the US. It was nefarious at best.

That only flies if you take it in isolation, and not what Rudy and his crew were doing in trying to get that investigation.

How long do you think Rudy is going to go along with being the "Fall Guy" for this? Because that's what he's being set up for.

Much of the top brass, yes. Have you read comments by these folks? You can't actually believe they are unbiased.

yeah, I've read the comments...

Here's the thing. Trump is unfit for office mentally, intellectually and in terms of temperament and experience. BOTH parties know this, and the gag for the last three years is trying to distract him like a cranky toddler to keep him from doing anything really stupid or dangerous.

This time he ran out in the middle of the street.
In Reality.... Unemployment is at a historic lows, especially for American Blacks, Women, Other Minorities, and Veterans. The Stock Market is at an all time high. Wages are at the fastest increase in decades. The Caliphate is gone and the top 2 ISIS leaders are feeding worms.

In reality, Trump inherited a growing economy, full employment, low unemployment, record stock market, a defeated ISIS, and a bunch of dead terrorists.

1. In reality, Trump inherited a stagnant economy, the DOW was flat-lining due to democrat policies:
View attachment 288725

2. Trump has unemployment to all time record lows:

3. Obama grew ISIS and Trump destroyed ISIS

Maximum extent of ISIL's territorial control in Syria and Iraq in late 2015.
ISIL territorial claims - Wikipedia

4. So your partisan lies are very easy to disprove. Thanks for playing.

Nothing you have said is true.
Your Post should be Reported for being a LIE. You are a proven Liar. Everyone knows you lie and no one believes anything you say.
Why do you not understand that there are proper channels to ask for assistance of any kind from other nations? We have this thing called a "State Department" that is built to deal with other nations and has a lot of lawyers who know what is proper and what is not. This bureaucracy protects the president from perhaps getting caught conducting diplomacy for his own gain.
Wrong the President of the United States sets foreign policy, he is the chief executive he can see whatever he likes and whatever he wants it is not against the law to ask the president about the 2016 foreign interference. Democrat media urged trump in a press conference to tell Putin not to interfere in the elections..
The language absolutely exonerates Donald Trump
You miss my point. The president does set foreign policy but the sole instrument of that policy is the US State Department. He tells his Sec. of State what he wants and they try to achieve it within the limits of the law. That way the president is insulated from any blunders or impropriety. Trump was stupid to directly engage in hanky-panky especially for something as fleetingly valuable as political dirt.

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