I need a new, gender-neutral honorific form of address for strangers

I like to call strangers "Sir," or "Ma'am," but now there are people who I honestly don't know what gender they are, nor what gender they are representing.

I will suggest "Compeer," which means:

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I have nothing against people who represent themselves as the gender opposite their biological sex. To each his own, I'll call them "Sir," or "Ma'am" in accordance with the wishes they clearly express through their appearance. I don't think anyone should be forced to do that, but I choose to.

But, I'm talking about people who are not so obvious about which gender they are representing, either because they are deliberately ambiguous or because their efforts at illusion are poor.

I'm not asking that anyone else use it. I'm just saying that I will be using it from now on. It seems much better than "Sir or Ma'am," and way better than "Comrade."
Liberal democrats pull gender and race crap out of their collective asses. Gender/sex and identity is a thousand year old concept. As constructs go, the recently made up contrarian bullshit. What seemed like just a Bill Murray being a atypical liberal mocking conservatism, seems comically prophetic.
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If I know itā€™s a woman, I say ā€œmaā€™am.ā€ If it know itā€™s a man, I say ā€œsirā€. If itā€™s unclear, I lose the honorific, altogether.

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