Zone1 I need to clarify my views on the Novus Ordo sect v the Sedevacantist (both claim to be Catholic)

I would bet money the unborn do not want the "diversity of thought" known as legalized abortion. Of course there would be no point in actually asking them...

bullies always like when their victims are helpless
Not even sure why you think this applies. You must be reading from conspiracy theory websites again.
oh, so you know me better than I know myself.. My, aren't you impressive?


Silly me, I thought only God knew me better than I know myself!

Whoda thunk????
Yeah, I've explained it to you several times. Your mind is made up. This one link refutes everything you believe. It's not the first time I shared it with you.


The Dinginator doesn't want to respond to my point about how his view of the papacy USED to be correct but that Vatican II changed everything...

the old ostrich effect
How many times do I have to address it? How many more OP's are you going to create on this subject. Here's my response.

you have some weird psychological problem

you appear to have a compulsive need to put others down while claiming or acting like you know so much more than them.

If you get help for that, maybe I will respond in the future... If not.. oh well
My problem is with people who spread lies.
Maybe you should go research this on the web. Here... let me help.

In my experience, the first and most important step is to practice virtue by maintaining patience. [\quote]

It didn't take very long to get to the excuses.
You can be patient for as long as it takes.
Yeah, my interest is in finding out how many Christians and Catholics have lost patience!
Not sure what that has to do with the post you responded to but it's been my experience when someone tells you to prove they said something instead of categorically denying they said something, it's usually because they don't want to tell a lie or admit the truth.
Donald H everything you need to know or that I would tell you is contained in this link. It's actually quite articulate and a direct rebuttal to the OP.

Try praying the pedophiles away! Don't worry about knowing their names, the god has all that recorded! LOL
Try praying the pedophiles away! Don't worry about knowing their names, the god has all that recorded! LOL
No idea what you are trying to say here. Read the report, don't read the report. I'm good either way. But there's some pretty interesting statistics in there. There were only about 200 actual predator priests and they are all in jail. The vast majority were homosexual dalliances with teenage males. So I can understand why you might be hesitant to read the statistics.
Thank you for your concern.
But it still seems to me as an atheist that some prerequisites need to be accepted by the Catholic church before it tries to enlist support for new members.

Namely, leave the little ones alone!
The Vatican is full of pedophiles and those who protect them. When the Catholic Church was in the Vatican (pre-1958), there wasn't a pedo problem.. There were a lot of problems after Vat II that we never had before it..
The Vatican is full of pedophiles and those who protect them. There were a lot of problems after Vat II that we never had before it..
I'll be happy to take your word on that over Ding's on that much at least. But you lose everybody when you go off with the communism bullsh-t.

Oops! in the 1950's too.

In fact, as I know through my research, the Vatican and its American bishops have known about the problem of priestly pedophilia since at least the 1950s. And the Church has consistently silenced would-be whistleblowers from within its own ranks.

The defense is again going to need to rely on rhetoric, allegory, and embellishment.
Yeah, I've explained it to you several times. Your mind is made up. This one link refutes everything you believe. It's not the first time I shared it with you.

I couldn't get beyond the BS part.. I mean, I have limited time. I don't have time to read Introductions to Introductions and etc..

maybe you could go through it and highlight what you seem to think is so important for malcontents like yours truly to read...
I'll be happy to take your word on that over Ding's on that much at least. But you lose everybody when you go off with the communism bullsh-t.

Oops! in the 1950's too.

The defense is again going to need to rely on rhetoric, allegory, and embellishment.
It was 1958 when the Vatican was wrested from true Catholics. I never said or meant to imply that pedophilia didn't exist in the Church until then. But the problem mushroomed after Vatican II and many other problems did also. And right now the thing that bothers a lot of Catholics most is finding out that the Church they thought was at the Vatican is not there and they have to drive some 150 miles to go to a REAL Mass. Again, there are sincere Catholics still in the NO sect but.. in my experience, the Real Presence is leaving the NO sect entirely. Maybe it's a miracle He stayed around as long as He did
I couldn't get beyond the BS part.. I mean, I have limited time. I don't have time to read Introductions to Introductions and etc..

maybe you could go through it and highlight what you seem to think is so important for malcontents like yours truly to read...
Any statement not protected by the charism of infallibility carries the possibility of error.

"The ordinary and usual form of papal teaching activity is not infallible. Further, the decisions of the Roman Congregations (Holy Office, Bible Commission) are not infallible.

The ordinary and usual form of papal teaching activity is not infallible.

There are various levels of assent owed by Catholics to the body of statements put forth by the Magisterium.

Vatican II did not define any Catholic doctrine.

None of the documents of Vatican II proclaim any new doctrine binding upon Catholics.

So... Vatican II does not demand any assent to its teaching.

Therefore, Novusordowatch insistence that assent is required is false and the Sedevacantist's belief that anything the Pope says must be accepted by the members is false.

Sedevacantists believe that any churchman (or at least any pontiff) who has made a materially heretical statement as evidence that he has lost his office.

It is clear, defined Catholic teaching that it is possible for a true pope to make statements which contain error as long as those statements are not presented as infallible teaching.

In summary... not commenting on any of your bullshit allegations specifically... A pope making a fallible statement doesn't make him a false pope it just makes him wrong.

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