I need your prayers this morning.

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
I need your prayers this morning. My son and his best friend were in a terrible car accident last night. They hit a telephone pole going 50 mph and neither of them had their seat belts on. My sons precious friend, Don, his beautiful face went into the windshield and was badly damaged. My son called us in the middle of the night last night. He said he was not injured but he is sore and his nose bled. He says he is fine. He didn't have a scratch on him. He doesn't understand how God could allow this to happen and this morning he is angry with God. I know this.

He should be angry with me. Not God. Last night I was at a prayer meeting. I brought with me 3 pages full of names front and back - covered in names! The screen names of the people on this message board. The names of the Jewish people I know and have met on message boards, the names of family members both my husbands and mine. Names of people I've met in the past. I listed every name I could think of!

The Pastor at the prayer meeting handed me back the papers with all the names and said, You can stand up and read them out loud and we will agree with you in prayer. So I did this and I listed every single name - I listed some of you for needs such as Bayou Bill, Gracie, CMike, Professor, Billo Really, I named you and asked God to bless Billy for his kindness toward me, a special blessing, I prayed for my own son and his girlfriend towards the end of the list that they would come to the Lord with their whole hearts. My son and his girlfriend are Christians but they are not walking with him as they should be. I thought I had covered it all! Oh! I thought I had it all laid before the Lord! But I didn't! My sons best friends name was not on that prayer list! It is because of ME that he is suffering today! I feel so undone and sorry for not praying for him! Why didn't I think of him? Why wasn't his name on that list?

I am praying for him this morning and would appreciate your prayers for him. His name is Don. I'm asking the Lord why I missed something so important today. Because I do not understand. I need your prayers this morning. My son needs your prayers and his best friend needs your prayers that he will recover from this and have no scars from this accident, that God will restore his face completely and that he will know God saved his life. That he will know God loves him deeply!

I need my son to realize that it was his own mothers fault for not pleading the blood of Jesus every day over his best friend and his car and that God did not fail. I did! I failed my sons best friend and I'm having a very hard time this morning. I need Jesus to come to me and help me. I'm desperate this morning for God to help me.

Last night I was attacked by someone for speaking the truth about something the Lord showed me that was going on in the church. It was not received well. I came home and asked the Lord, why is this happening to me? The Lord said, The devil is coming down with great wrath, because he knows he has but a short time. He tried to kill my son last night but he couldn't. Because before my son was in that accident I had prayed for him. The church had prayed for him.

My heart is breaking this morning because I didn't do that for his best friend. I had no idea they were even out last night in a car. I didn't know. But God did. Now you know why I pray for God to protect you people! Do you see? This is why I pray for you!! Now I need your prayers! Please! Please pray for me that God will not let me miss someone in need of prayer like this ever again! Even my sons own best friend! May God forgive me!
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Jeri, I am saddened by the news of your son, this morning and for the grief you are experiencing. May all involved find hope, for a better outlook in every way, as the days unfold. (((J)))
Jeri..... this is not your fault. I am so sorry for your grief and pain.

something you may want to ponder.... how do you know this was not gods plan? If that is so, you should not have this overwhelming guilt that it was your fault.
Oh J, I am so sorry to hear this! Please don't beat yourself up, you are doing the best you can. You can not prevent bad things from happening. Pray for Don now, as I send out prayers to him, as well as to your family. {hugs}
Matthew 6:8

King James Bible

Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.

Matthew 6:8

Bad things happen to good people.

Matthew 5:45

King James Version (KJV)

45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

To think you are the cause of this is an error. It is magical thinking. Young people have to learn. Sometimes they learn the hard way about things like seat belts.

God does not test us to find out what we are made of. He knows. God tests us so WE can find out what we are made of. I learned as much from my tests in college as I learned from the classes themselves. And I'll never forget my mother's words, 'Let that be a lesson to ya.'
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The Bible says that things like this can happen to anyone.

Matthew 5:45 " That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust"
My heart aches for you Jeri but please don't think you are responsible! Things happen, and sometimes it's beyond our understanding, as this is. Your son is ok, his friend is alive - time, love and support will heal.
I will certainly pray for your son and his friend.

Please dont be angry with yourself. You didn't cause the accident. Sometimes we are called to pass through tribulations. Bad things happen, but the Lord can use the trials in our life to work together for our own good.

A few years ago, I was dealing with incredibly physical pain in my joints. For months the doctors couldnt figure out what was causing it. Some thought I was making it up. after about 6 months I found out I had a form of arthritis that was difficult to diagnose.

After that, I was put on meds and I had to get my blood tested regularly to make sure the meds weren't causing any damage to my body. Well, on one of those blood tests a few months later, the doctor found out my blood sugar was extremely high. If I hadn't gotten the arthritis it's possible they might have never figured out that I had type 2 Diabetes.

My wife's uncle is in the hospital now. He just had surgery on an infection with his leg. But because of that surgery, they ran some tests and found out that he has significantly lower blood flow because of blockages in his body. He is going to need emergency bypass surgery. In fact, he could be in it right now for all I know. As unpleasant as the infection is, it may have saved his life by letting the doctors know about the blockages. And conversely the blockages may have prevented the infection from spreading as quickly.

Needless to say, we've been praying for him. And I am confident he will recover.

My point is that sometimes the bad things that occur in our life are for a higher purpose. I know I have significantly changed my diet because of what's occured to me. And I am much happier and closer to the Lord because of it.

If your son is angry at God, then encourage him to go to the Lord and discuss his concerns with Him. Perhaps the Lord will use this event to draw them to Him.

Remember, the Son of Man suffered even more than this. He descended below all things to lift us above all things. And none of us are greater than He is. If Christ was called to suffer pains, we will be too. Everything we experience will be for our Eternal good.

When he is stabilized, you can look at it as an opportunity to ask him where he would have went if he died that night. It is an opportunity for him to look to God.

I will certainly pray for your son and his friend.

Please dont be angry with yourself. You didn't cause the accident. Sometimes we are called to pass through tribulations. Bad things happen, but the Lord can use the trials in our life to work together for our own good.

A few years ago, I was dealing with incredibly physical pain in my joints. For months the doctors couldnt figure out what was causing it. Some thought I was making it up. after about 6 months I found out I had a form of arthritis that was difficult to diagnose.

After that, I was put on meds and I had to get my blood tested regularly to make sure the meds weren't causing any damage to my body. Well, on one of those blood tests a few months later, the doctor found out my blood sugar was extremely high. If I hadn't gotten the arthritis it's possible they might have never figured out that I had type 2 Diabetes.

My wife's uncle is in the hospital now. He just had surgery on an infection with his leg. But because of that surgery, they ran some tests and found out that he has significantly lower blood flow because of blockages in his body. He is going to need emergency bypass surgery. In fact, he could be in it right now for all I know. As unpleasant as the infection is, it may have saved his life by letting the doctors know about the blockages. And conversely the blockages may have prevented the infection from spreading as quickly.

Needless to say, we've been praying for him. And I am confident he will recover.

My point is that sometimes the bad things that occur in our life are for a higher purpose. I know I have significantly changed my diet because of what's occured to me. And I am much happier and closer to the Lord because of it.

If your son is angry at God, then encourage him to go to the Lord and discuss his concerns with Him. Perhaps the Lord will use this event to draw them to Him.

Remember, the Son of Man suffered even more than this. He descended below all things to lift us above all things. And none of us are greater than He is. If Christ was called to suffer pains, we will be too. Everything we experience will be for our Eternal good.

God is definitely big enough to handle a little human anger. I wouldn't sweat that one.

As most on here know, I have an illness that carries a prognosis of 3 - 5 years. I am in year 3. My husband knew he was dying and I always wanted to know as well, but as you know, most of us aren't given that privilege. My illness has called my hand on everything. Without it I would have become a miser, always worried if I would have enough money to make it to whatever age I thought I would be. As it is, I can spend money and do things I want to do to the extent the illness will allow. This disease is horrible, I do my own pump and Hickman catheter care because I am a nurse, and that has allowed me to remain independent. Most people cannot do what I can do in that area. If my husband had not died young, I would not have been a nurse. Nor would I ever have become my own person. Also, I would never have gotten my children out of KY. I guess you can get the drift.

The Universe is a place of balance. For every loss there is a gain. I always challenged my patients to reframe the bad things that happened to them in life, and to look for the gain. It is always there.
Jeri, you are not responsible for what happened to Don. No loving God would hold you responsible for that. Both he and your son are alive. Give thanks for that and move forward.

Thank you for your prayers, your kind words, your encouragement and wisdom. It brings tears to my eyes to see your love and I love you back with the love God gave me. I wish you a beautiful day you guys. I love you. I know everything will be alright. Derideo is right. I need to thank God they are alive and move on. It's going to be alright. If there is a lesson to be learned -something - I'm sure he'll let me know. If he doesn't, that is okay too. See ya'll later. Love, Jeri
You know I am an athiest. However, if I were a believer, I would surely believe that God would want you to turn to him for comfort. I've read the Bible three times, and the message in the New Testament is clear to believers. God is love. not a source of guilt.
J, I'm a firm believer in 'everything happens for a reason'.

We may not always know the reason, or may realize the reason long after something happens ... but I do know that what sometimes seems senseless and confusing at the time is often, in the long run, for the best.

Keep us posted on your son and his friend.
I need your prayers this morning. My son and his best friend were in a terrible car accident last night. They hit a telephone pole going 50 mph and neither of them had their seat belts on. My sons precious friend, Don, his beautiful face went into the windshield and was badly damaged. My son called us in the middle of the night last night. He said he was not injured but he is sore and his nose bled. He says he is fine. He didn't have a scratch on him. He doesn't understand how God could allow this to happen and this morning he is angry with God. I know this.

He should be angry with me. Not God. Last night I was at a prayer meeting. I brought with me 3 pages full of names front and back - covered in names! The screen names of the people on this message board. The names of the Jewish people I know and have met on message boards, the names of family members both my husbands and mine. Names of people I've met in the past. I listed every name I could think of!

The Pastor at the prayer meeting handed me back the papers with all the names and said, You can stand up and read them out loud and we will agree with you in prayer. So I did this and I listed every single name - I listed some of you for needs such as Bayou Bill, Gracie, CMike, Professor, Billo Really, I named you and asked God to bless Billy for his kindness toward me, a special blessing, I prayed for my own son and his girlfriend towards the end of the list that they would come to the Lord with their whole hearts. My son and his girlfriend are Christians but they are not walking with him as they should be. I thought I had covered it all! Oh! I thought I had it all laid before the Lord! But I didn't! My sons best friends name was not on that prayer list! It is because of ME that he is suffering today! I feel so undone and sorry for not praying for him! Why didn't I think of him? Why wasn't his name on that list?

I am praying for him this morning and would appreciate your prayers for him. His name is Don. I'm asking the Lord why I missed something so important today. Because I do not understand. I need your prayers this morning. My son needs your prayers and his best friend needs your prayers that he will recover from this and have no scars from this accident, that God will restore his face completely and that he will know God saved his life. That he will know God loves him deeply!

I need my son to realize that it was his own mothers fault for not pleading the blood of Jesus every day over his best friend and his car and that God did not fail. I did! I failed my sons best friend and I'm having a very hard time this morning. I need Jesus to come to me and help me. I'm desperate this morning for God to help me.

Last night I was attacked by someone for speaking the truth about something the Lord showed me that was going on in the church. It was not received well. I came home and asked the Lord, why is this happening to me? The Lord said, The devil is coming down with great wrath, because he knows he has but a short time. He tried to kill my son last night but he couldn't. Because before my son was in that accident I had prayed for him. The church had prayed for him.

My heart is breaking this morning because I didn't do that for his best friend. I had no idea they were even out last night in a car. I didn't know. But God did. Now you know why I pray for God to protect you people! Do you see? This is why I pray for you!! Now I need your prayers! Please! Please pray for me that God will not let me miss someone in need of prayer like this ever again! Even my sons own best friend! May God forgive me!

Just remember this; God is the Creator of ALL things. He's the one who planned this accident so there's no others to blame but Him alone.

Your prayers are already answered before this visible world appeared so if your prayers aren't answered in the way you expected them to be answered, then you prayed in vain, which means they were meaningless to our Creator.

Whatever happens happened according to our Creator so trust in Him rather than blame His creative abilities to deceive ALL His people during this age with His plan of Lucifer and the beast. He did this for the reason of connecting with His servant ( Christ ) in His prophets and saints to reveal Himself and let us know what's going on in the past, present and future. Now that He's finishing this work through His last saint, we are on the way to the next age but only after this one is destroyed. All the rest of man's flesh in this world will perish during the "Last Day" of this age. This is according to the prayers of God's saints who have the knowledge to know that ALL God's people will remain alive in Him and live in the next age called the New Heaven and Earth.
prayers for your son and your family dear

hang in there... just be his dad right now..worry about all the other stuff later
Remember that along with Love Thy Neighbor, forgiving those who trespass against us is one of His most important commandments. It is a very key part of the Lords Prayer. Jeremiah, that means forgiving yourself as well. Take it to Him and you will find that He has already forgiven any perceived transgression long ago. If nothing else, He is a loving God. And when does a father not love his chidren? You KNOW the answer to that Jeremiah. You KNOW because you are a father as well.

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