I need your prayers this morning.

Personally, I prefer to focus on God and his principles, rather than the Devil. Fill your time with right minded things, as much as you can. Where you can effect,make the effort to make a difference. Who does God Not work through? Where is God absent? There are lessons in pretty much everything we go through, search them out. The message, the goal, is salvation, harmony and communion, through surrendering that within us, which is offense, to His will. This should be a time for reflecting, strengthening, comforting, and healing, not throwing stones, or being diverted from what is truly important. Be there for your Son and his Friend. He is going to be blaming himself and, in need of real support.
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I particularly like the story of God speaking through an ass:

28 And the Lord opened the mouth of the ass, and she said unto Balaam, What have I done unto thee, that thou hast smitten me these three times?

29 And Balaam said unto the ass, Because thou hast mocked me: I would there were a sword in mine hand, for now would I kill thee.

30 And the ass said unto Balaam, Am not I thine ass, upon which thou hast ridden ever since I was thine unto this day? was I ever wont to do so unto thee? and he said, Nay.

Numbers 22: 28 - 30

And Samson slew a thousand men with the jawbone of an ass:

15 And he found a new jawbone of an ass, and put forth his hand, and took it, and slew a thousand men therewith.

16 And Samson said, With the jawbone of an ass, heaps upon heaps, with the jaw of an ass have I slain a thousand men.

17 And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking, that he cast away the jawbone out of his hand, and called that place Ramathlehi.

Judges 15: 15 - 17.

Asses still speak today. Internet forums are proof of it. And God continues to allow their, at least figurative, demise to occur with the wielding of the jawbone of an ass. :D
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Jeri, They didn't wreck because you were remiss. They were going to fast in a car and didn't have their seat belts on. That was the cause, now look at the results:
Your son called you, not the morgue. A blessing not bestowed on every mother this day.

Praise God. What we leave out of prayer, the Holy Spirit fills in.
So while this may sound odd, I am thankful for your good fortune today.
Hug your boy, and tell him there are streets in Heaven where no one ever totals their cars.

Dear God in Heaven, Thank you for knowing what we need before we even ask. Thank you for watching over Jeri and her family in the toughest of times. You are faithful to the end of the age.
And if it's your will, remove the anger from our hearts and replace it with a love that surpasses understanding. Reach those that have doubt, heal those that are hurting, and open our eyes to your presence. Thank you for your infinite wisdom. Amen and Amen. So may it be, so may it be.
Jeri, I just now saw this : (( My heart is filled with woe for you and the son's friend's mother as well ..... and all those who love them.

I am certain, even knowing you the little I do, that you have done your best as a mother. And I'm certain that 'best' was pretty awesome! I'm also certain it couldn't have been perfect since you are only human - and even with the LORD's guidance we can't sustain perfection in this world.

Do NOT blame youself, no - and thank the LORD that both those boys are alive. Now, I'm going to join you in thanking Him - and I'm going to ask him for complete healing for both those boys.

You are going to need a lot of strength to deal with the too-slow progress of that recovery: when you feel your strength failing, turn to us again - and to the LORD! - and we will help you find the strength you need.

May GOD bless the two young men with a full and complete healing!
Jeri, how is your son's friend doing? How is your son handling it?

I'm not real happy with my son tonight, Coyote. My husband said he had rededicated his life to the Lord but when I saw him tonight I didn't pick that up in my spirit at all. You cannot fool the Holy Ghost! He is still holding out. So that is something I will need to pray about when I get off here. I cannot sleep tonight and I have been up for quite awhile... I am exhausted. I am hoping getting this story straightened out will help me because I feel undone over what I have just seen and heard from both boys!

This is the latest news: I have been calling my son on his cell phone, ( other than one morning phone call and he wanted to go - he sleeps during the day and works through the night some times - then during day other times ) he didn't answer, I called Don on his cell phone, no answer, I have been trying to make contact with them but I learned tonight they have been working the graveyard shift at their workplace. Don is my sons boss and his best friend. So tonight I told my husband after I got off computer - I am going to lay down, he comes in and says to me, I have to go pick them up and give them a ride to work tonight because Dons' car is totaled. So I said, wait! I need to go with you. This is my chance to talk to them and see them in person as I had the feeling they are avoiding me! Although I wasn't sure why.

So I get in the car with my husband, I am exhausted even then and we pick up my son and then pick up his friend to take them to work. ( graveyard shift ) I see my son first, not a scratch on him just as my husband had told me. Then we pick up his friend and he gets in the backseat. NOT A SCRATCH ON HIS FACE! NOTHING! I said to my son, You told me that Don's face was badly damaged - his face went into the windshield! He said, I know mom! I thought it did because his head was covered in blood! He had glass sticking in the top of his head and the blood was running down his face. I couldn't tell because of all the blood! I thought his face was badly damaged! I said, why didn't you call me back and tell me that his face was alright? He said, I never thought about it! I've had alot going on! Oh my gosh! Coyote! It was all I could do to not say some things but I held my tongue! Then I turn to my husband and say why didn't YOU tell me Dons face was not injured? He said, this is the first time I am seeing him! I went by what he told me when I picked him up to eat! I never saw Don! Oh! Getting second hand information is definitely not the way to go - I am telling you now!

I told my son, I have told people what you told me! And it is not true! He said, sorry. Okay. I gave all of you what he told me the night he was in the accident. I gave the story exactly as it was told to me. No more, no less. Let me move onto what really happened! First? They were both drinking. Neither of them had their seat belts on.

His best friend was behind the wheel and hit the telephone pole at 50 mph. How do we know this? My son had just looked at the speedometer! Then the telephone pole snaps in half from the impact! Next? My sons friends head hits the windshield so hard it shatters glass into the top of his head. He was covered in blood but not a scratch on his face! NOT A SCRATCH I AM TELLING YOU! Then? Then I look at the photographs on my sons telephone - he has one of those smooth screen phones with the big window thing on it. Don't know what they are - fancy - I'm not sure what they are called..

Anyhow I see two very clear photographs of the vehicle. The windshield on the drivers side has what appears to be a slight concave on the glass but it is held together and that concave shape is where his head hit the windshield imbedding it with shards of glass. Still the windshield was intact. The front of the jeep has a V shape where the front end of vehicle impacted the telephone pole. It hit so hard that it snapped the pole in half! I see the second photograph and I see the major damage was to the right side of the windshield! Not the drivers side. My son's side! I say to my son, What is that big hole in the windshield?! Did your head go through the windshield? My son says, I don't think so, Mom, that is where the telephone pole came through! What??!! Don said, yes, the telephone pole snapped in two when we hit it.

A friend here said to me she thought that my sons head must have hit the windshield because it would be impossible for it not to have hit it. Or hit the visor. I think she is right. I think his head went completely through it on impact - with no injuries other than his nose bled for a moment. It hit the top of his head so hard it caused blood to come out of his nose. Then it stopped. Then the telephone pole came through the windshield in front of him. But no bruises to his chest - body - he told me I think I have a bruise on top of my head but I'm not sure. Can you see anything? I looked - he has a very short haircut and I couldn't see anything but it was dark in the car as this discussion took place driving down the road. Listen, I wanted to tell him the LORD saved your lives and neither of you have a scratch on your faces! OR your bodies! Just the top of their heads - my son thinks he maybe has a bruise on the top of his head? Are you kidding me? Oh, yes, God answered my prayers alright! He kept my son from harm and his friend and both boys are so handsome if you saw them? You'd know. Now my sons friend said it was his wake up call. He has learned his lesson. I believe him. My son? Ahhhhhh! God has work still to do on him. I don't listen to what people tell me, I listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying and the report is not good!

Now I know this story sounds incredible - so I asked my son to forward me the photos when he gets wi -fi to send them - he said he needs that to send them to me. Then I will post them on this thread so everyone can see for themselves how bad this accident was! Then I am going to see if the police have photographs of the snapped telephone pole. Then I will show you a photograph of the new phone pole the city had to put up and oh yes! They are making both boys pay for the telephone pole because it was totally destroyed! Good! I will also send photos of both of the boys to Lovebears and Irish Ram so they can confirm to the rest of you - not a scratch - it really happened just that way ---------->and only God could have kept both these boys faces - their bodies - with no seat belts on - protected like this. What a testimony of the power of prayer- the protection of God - the power of what He did - is an absolute miracle!

Other than some glass on the top of Dons head and a bruise my son" thinks" may be there on top of his head but he can't tell - they are perfectly fine. All the way home from dropping them off from work tonight - all I could think of was God? You saved their lives! You saved my sons life and didn't allow any harm to come to him! You saved his best friends life and didn't allow his face to get a scratch! Not a scratch! Thank you, God! Thank you!

That was all I could think of besides being totally in shock over the telephone pole going through the windshield right in front of my sons seat. I'm blown away over this. I cannot even tell you what I am feeling right now. In awe! Awe of God! Awe of his faithfulness! Awe of his hand of protection over my sons life! I'm in awe of the divine favor Jesus has bestowed over my life, over my family, over my prayers! Thank God for an open heaven, people! It is open to all of us! Just live for God! It's reasonable! Trust me!

My husband told me on the way home, God did answer your prayers over Don through Wayne! He told me, Wayne was in the car with Don while Don was driving. The prayers you prayed over Wayne covered Don because they were in the car together. I know this is true because Benny Hinn told me a story years ago about his getting in a plane crash ( a small plane that holds maybe 6 - 8 people ) and he didn't have a scratch either. The people in the plane survived because he was on board. It's the anointing,people. What can I tell you... My son is called to preach but he has been riding on my prayers and taking some things for granted here which is about to change! Seriously change! I have had it! I think I will go soak in some worship music and wind down now... thanks for asking, Coyote. God is awesome. I praise His holy name! - Karen
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The fact that Don's face is unharmed - not touched - restores my faith that God covers me completely with even my intentions - in case I did forget someone - He has got my back!

A long time ago, when the Lord sent me to another state to minister to someone and lead them to Jesus Christ, he taught me a valuable lesson. I didn't want to go because my son was moving into his first apartment and I said, Lord! I want to decorate my sons apartment! Surely you could not expect me to leave now! I am moving soon to another state and this is my only time to enjoy this moment with him! The Lord still said, I need you to go. So I did! The woman believed on the Lord and accepted him and I got back on the plane and flew home. My husband picks me up at the airport. He said, guess what happened while you were gone? My first thought is, my son! He said, he is alright but listen to what happened to him! He was walking through a very dangerous neighborhood in broad daylight and a gang of older people started following him through "the hood",, my son was talking a shortcut to go to his friends house! Through the most dangerous neighborhood in the city! On foot! As he was walking he told my husband he looked behind him and saw a gang following him and knew they were about to get him. He called on the Lord in his heart. A woman drives up right beside the sidewalk he was on and says, Need a ride, Son? My son said, yes! Opens the door and hops in and off he goes! So right then I said in my heart, Lord! Thank you for saving my son like that! You know what he said to me? You take care of my business and I'll take care of yours. Can you beat that? Ha! Ha! I surely can't! Who got the better end of that deal? ME! That's who!

There is nothing to compare to the Spirit led life of a christian. Absolutely nothing. It is worth it all. Truly it is! Oh and I repent for saying I wanted to go to bed early on the other thread - about woman caught in adultery. That was selfish of me. I'm cured now! Wide awake. lol....
The fact that Don's face is unharmed - not touched - restores my faith that God covers me completely with even my intentions - in case I did forget someone - He has got my back!

A long time ago, when the Lord sent me to another state to minister to someone and lead them to Jesus Christ, he taught me a valuable lesson. I didn't want to go because my son was moving into his first apartment and I said, Lord! I want to decorate my sons apartment! Surely you could not expect me to leave now! I am moving soon to another state and this is my only time to enjoy this moment with him! The Lord still said, I need you to go. So I did! The woman believed on the Lord and accepted him and I got back on the plane and flew home. My husband picks me up at the airport. He said, guess what happened while you were gone? My first thought is, my son! He said, he is alright but listen to what happened to him! He was walking through a very dangerous neighborhood in broad daylight and a gang of older people started following him through "the hood",, my son was talking a shortcut to go to his friends house! Through the most dangerous neighborhood in the city! On foot! As he was walking he told my husband he looked behind him and saw a gang following him and knew they were about to get him. He called on the Lord in his heart. A woman drives up right beside the sidewalk he was on and says, Need a ride, Son? My son said, yes! Opens the door and hops in and off he goes! So right then I said in my heart, Lord! Thank you for saving my son like that! You know what he said to me? You take care of my business and I'll take care of yours. Can you beat that? Ha! Ha! I surely can't! Who got the better end of that deal? ME! That's who!

There is nothing to compare to the Spirit led life of a christian. Absolutely nothing. It is worth it all. Truly it is! Oh and I repent for saying I wanted to go to bed early on the other thread - about woman caught in adultery. That was selfish of me. I'm cured now! Wide awake. lol....

p.s. I do pray protection over you, your families, your homes and now? Your cars...every day... every single day. Satan won't have a crack to get through if you refuse to give him a foothold! :eusa_angel:
Hon, you are really stressing out over things beyond your control. God does not cause accidents because you didn't have a name on a list. He knows what is in your heart.

You really need to unwind. And I will pray for you to find some peace.
Hon, you are really stressing out over things beyond your control. God does not cause accidents because you didn't have a name on a list. He knows what is in your heart.

You really need to unwind. And I will pray for you to find some peace.

Gracie, I appreciate your concern. But I am truly not stressing out over anything now. You're right. God didn't cause that accident! Satan did! We've got a real enemy and he isn't playing games! I will most definitely be keeping ya'll in my prayers for protection. Whether you think you need it or not! Sweet dreams, Jesus loves you, I love you and I'm off to bed now!

Good night, Gracie. If you marry a guy named George that could be a cute sign off! :eusa_angel:
Hon, you are really stressing out over things beyond your control. God does not cause accidents because you didn't have a name on a list. He knows what is in your heart.

You really need to unwind. And I will pray for you to find some peace.

Gracie, I appreciate your concern. But I am truly not stressing out over anything now. You're right. God didn't cause that accident! Satan did! We've got a real enemy and he isn't playing games! I will most definitely be keeping ya'll in my prayers for protection. Whether you think you need it or not! Sweet dreams, Jesus loves you, I love you and I'm off to bed now!

Good night, Gracie. :eusa_angel:
Oh my gosh Jeremiah - you've been through the wringer on this (((hugs))) - relax now and be glad things turned out ok :)
Im glad to hear they are alright physically. I will continue to pray for their souls as well.
Hon, you are really stressing out over things beyond your control. God does not cause accidents because you didn't have a name on a list. He knows what is in your heart.

You really need to unwind. And I will pray for you to find some peace.

Gracie, I appreciate your concern. But I am truly not stressing out over anything now. You're right. God didn't cause that accident! Satan did! We've got a real enemy and he isn't playing games! I will most definitely be keeping ya'll in my prayers for protection. Whether you think you need it or not! Sweet dreams, Jesus loves you, I love you and I'm off to bed now!

Good night, Gracie. If you marry a guy named George that could be a cute sign off! :eusa_angel:

Sorry about the accident, but lets not blame it on the devil. Your son and his friend had been drinking, and shouldn't have been driving in the first place. Neither had seat belts on. They caused the crash, it is their cross to bear, not the devils.
Hon, you are really stressing out over things beyond your control. God does not cause accidents because you didn't have a name on a list. He knows what is in your heart.

You really need to unwind. And I will pray for you to find some peace.

Gracie, I appreciate your concern. But I am truly not stressing out over anything now. You're right. God didn't cause that accident! Satan did! We've got a real enemy and he isn't playing games! I will most definitely be keeping ya'll in my prayers for protection. Whether you think you need it or not! Sweet dreams, Jesus loves you, I love you and I'm off to bed now!

Good night, Gracie. If you marry a guy named George that could be a cute sign off! :eusa_angel:

Sorry about the accident, but lets not blame it on the devil. Your son and his friend had been drinking, and shouldn't have been driving in the first place. Neither had seat belts on. They caused the crash, it is their cross to bear, not the devils.

They were on the devils playground, drinking it up, having a big time.. both of them working 16 hours a day graveyard shift -over tired, should have been home resting and not doing this but instead? They were thinking this is how they will reward themselves for a night off and that temptation to get drunk came from somewhere, Noomi..... Yes, the devil is most certainly involved in this one!! But here is the good news! It is written: When satan comes in like a flood the Spirit of God will raise up a standard against him! That is a promise.. not wishful thinking..... So my focus is on the Lord not the devil. My God is greater. Hallelujah! Have an awesome day, Noomi, you are a precious woman! I believe Gods very best for you! Every day.. - J.
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