I need your prayers this morning.


My thoughts and prayers for you, your son, his friend and your respective families.

I hope you find equanimity and serenity.
I will certainly pray for your son and his friend.

Please dont be angry with yourself. You didn't cause the accident. Sometimes we are called to pass through tribulations. Bad things happen, but the Lord can use the trials in our life to work together for our own good.

A few years ago, I was dealing with incredibly physical pain in my joints. For months the doctors couldnt figure out what was causing it. Some thought I was making it up. after about 6 months I found out I had a form of arthritis that was difficult to diagnose.

After that, I was put on meds and I had to get my blood tested regularly to make sure the meds weren't causing any damage to my body. Well, on one of those blood tests a few months later, the doctor found out my blood sugar was extremely high. If I hadn't gotten the arthritis it's possible they might have never figured out that I had type 2 Diabetes.

My wife's uncle is in the hospital now. He just had surgery on an infection with his leg. But because of that surgery, they ran some tests and found out that he has significantly lower blood flow because of blockages in his body. He is going to need emergency bypass surgery. In fact, he could be in it right now for all I know. As unpleasant as the infection is, it may have saved his life by letting the doctors know about the blockages. And conversely the blockages may have prevented the infection from spreading as quickly.

Needless to say, we've been praying for him. And I am confident he will recover.

My point is that sometimes the bad things that occur in our life are for a higher purpose. I know I have significantly changed my diet because of what's occured to me. And I am much happier and closer to the Lord because of it.

If your son is angry at God, then encourage him to go to the Lord and discuss his concerns with Him. Perhaps the Lord will use this event to draw them to Him.

Remember, the Son of Man suffered even more than this. He descended below all things to lift us above all things. And none of us are greater than He is. If Christ was called to suffer pains, we will be too. Everything we experience will be for our Eternal good.

God is definitely big enough to handle a little human anger. I wouldn't sweat that one.

As most on here know, I have an illness that carries a prognosis of 3 - 5 years. I am in year 3. My husband knew he was dying and I always wanted to know as well, but as you know, most of us aren't given that privilege. My illness has called my hand on everything. Without it I would have become a miser, always worried if I would have enough money to make it to whatever age I thought I would be. As it is, I can spend money and do things I want to do to the extent the illness will allow. This disease is horrible, I do my own pump and Hickman catheter care because I am a nurse, and that has allowed me to remain independent. Most people cannot do what I can do in that area. If my husband had not died young, I would not have been a nurse. Nor would I ever have become my own person. Also, I would never have gotten my children out of KY. I guess you can get the drift.

The Universe is a place of balance. For every loss there is a gain. I always challenged my patients to reframe the bad things that happened to them in life, and to look for the gain. It is always there.

I'm going to be praying for you. I need to know specifically what it is and you can send me an email so I curse that thing at the root and the Lord will dry that thing up and blow it away. If you will only agree with me that God can heal you'll see him heal you, Sunshine. I know it. I've seen it too many times to doubt it. I've prayed for terminal ill people and watch God raise them up off the bed - they went home and cleaned their houses! 2 women off the bat I can think of. One was dying of colon cancer and they had already made the funeral arrangements -the other one was in Hospice Facility and was bed ridden - she could not walk - she had troubles with her spine I think - also and she had little white gloves on her hands to keep her warm for poor circulation I believe. She was elderly woman and lost her will to live. God restored that will back to her - Anyhow, God raised her off the bed - her husband told me that night she got up and walked to the bathroom! She had been in a wheelchair for years. He about fell over! ha! ha! I wasn't there to see that - I had already left. But I knew God would do it. What he will do for one person - he will do for any person! Christian, Muslim, Jew, unbeliever, Atheist, Agnostic, Hindu, ANYONE. I know he will - he loves us all! Lavishly too! :eusa_angel: God is a lavish lover. I like that. He taught you to be lavish. Good. Now he can heal you! Oh! Yeah! Glory to God! I see another story for His Glory! <--------------that just came to me! I like that! I better write that one down somewhere... I sure feel better this morning reading all of ya'lls posts. You people are sweet as sugar! :eusa_angel:
I will certainly pray for your son and his friend.

Please dont be angry with yourself. You didn't cause the accident. Sometimes we are called to pass through tribulations. Bad things happen, but the Lord can use the trials in our life to work together for our own good.

A few years ago, I was dealing with incredibly physical pain in my joints. For months the doctors couldnt figure out what was causing it. Some thought I was making it up. after about 6 months I found out I had a form of arthritis that was difficult to diagnose.

After that, I was put on meds and I had to get my blood tested regularly to make sure the meds weren't causing any damage to my body. Well, on one of those blood tests a few months later, the doctor found out my blood sugar was extremely high. If I hadn't gotten the arthritis it's possible they might have never figured out that I had type 2 Diabetes.

My wife's uncle is in the hospital now. He just had surgery on an infection with his leg. But because of that surgery, they ran some tests and found out that he has significantly lower blood flow because of blockages in his body. He is going to need emergency bypass surgery. In fact, he could be in it right now for all I know. As unpleasant as the infection is, it may have saved his life by letting the doctors know about the blockages. And conversely the blockages may have prevented the infection from spreading as quickly.

Needless to say, we've been praying for him. And I am confident he will recover.

My point is that sometimes the bad things that occur in our life are for a higher purpose. I know I have significantly changed my diet because of what's occured to me. And I am much happier and closer to the Lord because of it.

If your son is angry at God, then encourage him to go to the Lord and discuss his concerns with Him. Perhaps the Lord will use this event to draw them to Him.

Remember, the Son of Man suffered even more than this. He descended below all things to lift us above all things. And none of us are greater than He is. If Christ was called to suffer pains, we will be too. Everything we experience will be for our Eternal good.

God is definitely big enough to handle a little human anger. I wouldn't sweat that one.

As most on here know, I have an illness that carries a prognosis of 3 - 5 years. I am in year 3. My husband knew he was dying and I always wanted to know as well, but as you know, most of us aren't given that privilege. My illness has called my hand on everything. Without it I would have become a miser, always worried if I would have enough money to make it to whatever age I thought I would be. As it is, I can spend money and do things I want to do to the extent the illness will allow. This disease is horrible, I do my own pump and Hickman catheter care because I am a nurse, and that has allowed me to remain independent. Most people cannot do what I can do in that area. If my husband had not died young, I would not have been a nurse. Nor would I ever have become my own person. Also, I would never have gotten my children out of KY. I guess you can get the drift.

The Universe is a place of balance. For every loss there is a gain. I always challenged my patients to reframe the bad things that happened to them in life, and to look for the gain. It is always there.

I'm going to be praying for you. I need to know specifically what it is and you can send me an email so I can curse that thing at the root and the Lord will dry that thing up and blow it away. If you will only agree with me that God can heal you'll see him heal you, Sunshine. I know it. I've seen it too many times to doubt it. I've prayed for terminal ill people and watch God raise them up off the bed - they went home and cleaned their houses! 2 women off the bat I can think of. One was dying of colon cancer and they had already made the funeral arrangements -the other one was in Hospice Facility and was bed ridden - she could not walk - she had troubles with her spine I think - also and she had little white gloves on her hands to keep her warm for poor circulation I believe. ( this has been some years ago - I'm recalling what I can ) She was elderly woman and lost her will to live. God restored that will back to her - Anyhow, God raised her off the bed - her husband told me that night she got up and walked to the bathroom! She had been in a wheelchair for years. He about fell over! ha! ha! I wasn't there to see that - I had already left. But I knew God would do it. What he will do for one person - he will do for any person! Christian, Muslim, Jew, unbeliever, Atheist, Agnostic, Hindu, ANYONE. I know he will - he loves us all! Lavishly too! :eusa_angel: God is a lavish lover. I like that. He taught you to be lavish. Good. Now he can heal you! Oh! Yeah! Glory to God! I see another story for His Glory! <--------------that just came to me! I like that one! I sure feel better this morning reading all of ya'lls posts. You people are sweet as sugar! :eusa_angel: I couldn't sleep tonight and I got up and I can't believe ya'll had this going since this morning! God bless all of you!
My prayer for their quick recovery has been said.
What religion they follow isn't so important as long as they know of the Almighty and follow a good path.
Peace be upon all of you.
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Remember that along with Love Thy Neighbor, forgiving those who trespass against us is one of His most important commandments. It is a very key part of the Lords Prayer. Jeremiah, that means forgiving yourself as well. Take it to Him and you will find that He has already forgiven any perceived transgression long ago. If nothing else, He is a loving God. And when does a father not love his chidren? You KNOW the answer to that Jeremiah. You KNOW because you are a father as well.

You're right! I can't pray for someone if I don't think of it or God don't bring it to my mind! I'm human and don't know anything unless he lets me know or makes me think about it. Which is something I want to bring up, Sniper. You know, a member of my extended family was upset with me about not sending a card to a sick family member years ago. I dedicated 5 hours a day to praying for that girl and some other things. One morning I was coming down the stairs after praying for her and the Holy Ghost told me they were mad I hadn't sent a card! I said, how could I send a card when you didn't remind me! God is not a "customary - traditional" kind of God and when you get lost in Him you ain't going to do things the way the rest of the world does them because your out of step with it. It is offensive to some people but as sure as the Lord lives I never wanted to offend anyone!

So if I miss something just realize God hasn't told me to do it or reminded me to do it. That is the best I can figure out because I don't know his ways. They are alot higher than mine. I love your wisdom and I need you to know I'm not a man I am a woman. My name is Karen - I only signed Jeri to give ya'll something else to call me. I picked my screen name because I like Jeremiah in the Torah. He cried alot while he prayed for Israel and gave them the bad news God gave him for them and that means he did love them alot. So you can call me Karen or whatever you want to call me. Thanks for caring about me. It means alot!
Every parent's nightmare. Very sorry.

I've had more middle of the night phone calls over my son than I care to recollect, Meathead. Only God knows what I've been through but because of him God did teach me how to get desperate in my praying. I reckon he thinks I'm ready now as my husband came home and said guess what? I said hold on - don't tell me now.. he said you will want to hear this! I said, what is it? He told me that he told our son - you need to come back to the Lord, when are you going to do it? He replied, I have. He did it today and didn't tell anyone. I'm glad my husband asked him! Now this is what I think. The devil meant to do me harm and God has turned it around to set both boys on the right path! That is what I think might be going on. As I'm reading this thread more thoughts are coming to me too.

I hope this encourages some other parent out there praying for their son or daughter. I've been praying for my son for over 20 years. It kept him alive while God was getting to him. The truth is I think God used my son to teach me the only way I'd ever see a change was to get real first myself. My son was being real. I wasn't. Now I am. That is when I think God said, Okay, I'm ready to do it now. I am thinking this morning I am the one who held things up before. Not my son. He writes music and plays the guitar. I'm thinking he is going to write some amazing music in the future!
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I love ya'll more than you know. That is the truth! - Karen

I want to thank you too, my dear Jeri/Karen.

By sharing your personal anguish and pain that is every parent's nightmare you were the catalyst for something wonderful to happen. People of all faiths and no faith reached out to comfort you in your time of need. They put aside petty differences and came together out of love and compassion for one amongst us who was hurting.

So thank you for this opportunity to show that our humanity is a stronger bond that unites all of us than our differences of opinion that we discuss on a daily basis. We are a community who has it's "family squabbles" but underneath that lies what we have in common, our core values of love and compassion.

Thank you too to all who posted and to those who read these posts. Your kind thoughts and feelings contributed to this heartwarming moment. In the space of a few day we have gone from the remembrance of our shared national sorrow to this opportunity to reach out, touch and help to heal one amongst us. This was a glimpse through the window at our better selves within.

I'm so very sorry this happened. By now you must be emotionally and physically wrung out. So happy that your son came through it without injury and hope that Don survives and heals.

Check your email -
I just saw this. Thank God your son came through okay. Prayers sent for Don. You know that neither of them will drive without seat belts from now on. Keep us posted.
Jer, I am so sorry for the overwhelming pain that you are feeling. But I must say that I truly believe that past prayers you have prayed are in a place called eternity. Where God lives is void of time. So no matter when you pray they are answered in His time. He knows all things, and I also believe that the crash could have been much worse, and it is only God's protection that kept them from being hurt worse or even killed.

I think you are feeling false guilt. You need to remember that the devil will use any negative against you because you are serving with all your heart. You cannot expect yourself to be perfect. It is only He that is perfect. This is why you nor I or any other human being died on the cross.

Don't allow this circumstance to mess with you. Your faith in God is all you need. He will do the rest.

Prayers for you and all your beloved! :eusa_pray:
I'm Praying for You and Yours, too...... Seek comfort.
Holy Bible / Old Testament / Ecclesiastes / 3

3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

3:2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

3:3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

3:4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

3:5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

3:6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

3:7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

3:8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

3:9 What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein he laboureth?

3:10 I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it.

3:11 He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end. Defenders Notes >> Defenders Notes >>

3:12 I know that there is no good in them, but for a man to rejoice, and to do good in his life.

3:13 And also that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labour, it is the gift of God.

3:14 I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him. Defenders Notes >>

3:15 That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past. Defenders Notes >>

3:16 And moreover I saw under the sun the place of judgment, that wickedness was there; and the place of righteousness, that iniquity was there.

3:17 I said in mine heart, God shall judge the righteous and the wicked: for there is a time there for every purpose and for every work.

3:18 I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts.

3:19 For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast: for all is vanity.

3:20 All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again. Defenders Notes >>

3:21 Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth? Defenders Notes >>

3:22 Wherefore I perceive that there is nothing better, than that a man should rejoice in his own works; for that is his portion: for who shall bring him to see what shall be after him?

The Holy Bible
I need your prayers this morning. My son and his best friend were in a terrible car accident last night. They hit a telephone pole going 50 mph and neither of them had their seat belts on. My sons precious friend, Don, his beautiful face went into the windshield and was badly damaged. My son called us in the middle of the night last night. He said he was not injured but he is sore and his nose bled. He says he is fine. He didn't have a scratch on him. He doesn't understand how God could allow this to happen and this morning he is angry with God. I know this.

He should be angry with me. Not God. Last night I was at a prayer meeting. I brought with me 3 pages full of names front and back - covered in names! The screen names of the people on this message board. The names of the Jewish people I know and have met on message boards, the names of family members both my husbands and mine. Names of people I've met in the past. I listed every name I could think of!

The Pastor at the prayer meeting handed me back the papers with all the names and said, You can stand up and read them out loud and we will agree with you in prayer. So I did this and I listed every single name - I listed some of you for needs such as Bayou Bill, Gracie, CMike, Professor, Billo Really, I named you and asked God to bless Billy for his kindness toward me, a special blessing, I prayed for my own son and his girlfriend towards the end of the list that they would come to the Lord with their whole hearts. My son and his girlfriend are Christians but they are not walking with him as they should be. I thought I had covered it all! Oh! I thought I had it all laid before the Lord! But I didn't! My sons best friends name was not on that prayer list! It is because of ME that he is suffering today! I feel so undone and sorry for not praying for him! Why didn't I think of him? Why wasn't his name on that list?

I am praying for him this morning and would appreciate your prayers for him. His name is Don. I'm asking the Lord why I missed something so important today. Because I do not understand. I need your prayers this morning. My son needs your prayers and his best friend needs your prayers that he will recover from this and have no scars from this accident, that God will restore his face completely and that he will know God saved his life. That he will know God loves him deeply!

I need my son to realize that it was his own mothers fault for not pleading the blood of Jesus every day over his best friend and his car and that God did not fail. I did! I failed my sons best friend and I'm having a very hard time this morning. I need Jesus to come to me and help me. I'm desperate this morning for God to help me.

Last night I was attacked by someone for speaking the truth about something the Lord showed me that was going on in the church. It was not received well. I came home and asked the Lord, why is this happening to me? The Lord said, The devil is coming down with great wrath, because he knows he has but a short time. He tried to kill my son last night but he couldn't. Because before my son was in that accident I had prayed for him. The church had prayed for him.

My heart is breaking this morning because I didn't do that for his best friend. I had no idea they were even out last night in a car. I didn't know. But God did. Now you know why I pray for God to protect you people! Do you see? This is why I pray for you!! Now I need your prayers! Please! Please pray for me that God will not let me miss someone in need of prayer like this ever again! Even my sons own best friend! May God forgive me!

Me and mine are praying for you and yours by name, Jeri. Simply rest and be in the Lord's love. Rest.
Romans 8:28.

And stop putting yourself above God. He can do this with our without you.

If that is true I pray God exposes it publicly, BD. God knows my heart. I'd rather be humiliated publicly than live in pride without him. On the latter part if God could do this without humans he would never have commanded us to go out into all the world and preach the gospel. He would have never told us to pray and fast. In all honesty, I believe God has done all he is ever going to do and the rest is now up to us. We either do what He told us or we don't. It is our own choice. Not His.
I wasn't going to share this but I will now. The Lord let me know that when we are obeying God we are going to be on the firing line and the devil is going to be coming against us. He is not just going to sit back and watch you plunder his kingdom. Preaching the gospel makes a believer a target. Some folks don't ever bump into the devil because they are headed in the same direction he is going. Anyhow, God let me know what my problem is. When the destroyer comes at me with an attack - I need to laugh at him. Yesterday I knew he was telling me to laugh at the devil! To come back at him with laughter because laughter is warfare! I knew that but forgot about that weapon. I'm not defeated by any attack. The word says the Joy of the Lord is our strength. That is where laughter becomes our defense against hard times and depression. God wants us to be free of fear, doubt and worry. Intense is right. We need to be focused on God and his principles. NOT THE DEVIL. I receive that word, Intense. Thanks for the correction! I do have a teachable spirit you know!
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