I never respected Ross Perot

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Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
never had any chance of winning in 92. Ran as a spoiler. Had elephant ears.

At least George Wallace thought he could win.
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Most of what he said in his campaign came true. He was the only one trying to stop NAFTA. He may be ugly and have big ears and as long as the voters consider those traits as reason to not elect a candidate we will continue to elect crappy leaders. At least they look good while taking a dump on us.
Other candiditates with large ears have gotten elected.............
Other candiditates with large ears have gotten elected.............

Most of what he said in his campaign came true. He was the only one trying to stop NAFTA. He may be ugly and have big ears and as long as the voters consider those traits as reason to not elect a candidate we will continue to elect crappy leaders. At least they look good while taking a dump on us.

:lol: I voted for the old Koot... I liked him.
Most of what he said in his campaign came true. He was the only one trying to stop NAFTA. He may be ugly and have big ears and as long as the voters consider those traits as reason to not elect a candidate we will continue to elect crappy leaders. At least they look good while taking a dump on us.

:lol: I voted for the old Koot... I liked him.

I voted for him also. I've still got a bumper sticker for him. I think I'll put it on my truck. I think we need Ron Paul/Ross Perot RPRP THE TEXAS TWINS 2012
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