I only have 2 questions about Benghazi.

I'm confused why the President is directly responsible for this? Wasn't this a failure on the military's part?

I think two things.

1. he is the freakin' commander in chief.

2. He took numerous victory laps over his alleged killing of OBL.
Because that is the way it works in the real world, just like it worked when you insisted Obama get credit for bin Laden.

You mean the President risking his entire Presidency and legacy on a mission that took literally years of planning to kill the most wanted man in the world is the same as a spontaneous terrorist attack in a third world hell hole?


Tell me something, why would anyone who is president not take out bin Laden if he had a shot? If Obama wanted to impress me he would have had people running around talking about how barve he was to make the call.

Clinton had a chance to....and didn't.
I'm confused why the President is directly responsible for this? Wasn't this a failure on the military's part?

I think two things.

1. he is the freakin' commander in chief.

2. He took numerous victory laps over his alleged killing of OBL.

[ame=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoQz79gMlHA]Victory Lap[/ame]
Remember we were told that burial at sea was done so fast in order to comply with Muslim tradition?

Why wasn't the Boston shooter buried at sea in one day? Of course they were lying.

Seems that burial at sea breaks Muslim law. Which isn't surprising being as Islam is a religion built by desert goat herders.

Sea burial of Osama bin Laden breaks sharia law, say Muslim scholars

US decision to dispose of body in the sea prevents grave site becoming a shrine but clerics warn it may lead to reprisals

Sea burial of Osama bin Laden breaks sharia law, say Muslim scholars | World news | The Guardian

There were no reprisals, there were not protests that I remember, why? Because I believe it wasn't him.
But if the President hands these issues to subordinates in the military while he's off involved in every other thing on the planet, why is it on him?

Also, why did we not give a fuck when this over ten more times to George W. Bush?

Are you saying that you do not care about the death of 4 Americans?
Non combat wusses like you make me sick.

Are you saying you don't care about the deaths of 5000 Americans in Iraq?
You pretend combat wusses make me sick.

Here we go again. The issue is the failure to attempt a rescue mission.

President Gerald R. Ford 4 rescue missions
Jimmy Carter 1 success and one failure ( at least he tried )
Ronald Reagan 1 rescue mission
George H W Bush 5 rescue missions
Bill Clinton 11 rescue missions
George W Bush 3 rescue missions
Obama 1 recue mission and 1 no attempt at a rescue mission.

I have the deepest respect for all those who made the supreme sacrifice in our wars. My father lost two nephews in WWll.

LBJ - 58,209 made the supreme sacrifice in Vietnam. I fought in Vietnam as a Marine Infantry Fire Team Leader. I will never forget them, especially the members of the 2nd Plt.
Charlie Co. 1st Bn 4th Marines.

You are living proof of the long term effects of ritalin,
I'm confused why the President is directly responsible for this? Wasn't this a failure on the military's part?

You do know what the president’s connection to the military is right?

It is a failure of his administration because he is the one in charge. Simple as that.

The consulate is under state department jurisdiction and is not a military installation.
Are you saying that you do not care about the death of 4 Americans?
Non combat wusses like you make me sick.

Are you saying you don't care about the deaths of 5000 Americans in Iraq?
You pretend combat wusses make me sick.

Here we go again. The issue is the failure to attempt a rescue mission.

President Gerald R. Ford 4 rescue missions
Jimmy Carter 1 success and one failure ( at least he tried )
Ronald Reagan 1 rescue mission
George H W Bush 5 rescue missions
Bill Clinton 11 rescue missions
George W Bush 3 rescue missions
Obama 1 recue mission and 1 no attempt at a rescue mission.

I have the deepest respect for all those who made the supreme sacrifice in our wars. My father lost two nephews in WWll.

LBJ - 58,209 made the supreme sacrifice in Vietnam. I fought in Vietnam as a Marine Infantry Fire Team Leader. I will never forget them, especially the members of the 2nd Plt.
Charlie Co. 1st Bn 4th Marines.

You are living proof of the long term effects of ritalin,

What "rescue" mission under Reagan? Over 250 marines in Lebanon got blown to bits.

Not really sure where you are coming up with your metrics, what counts as a rescue mission?

Obama's administration has "rescued" a ship taken by pirates, 2 reporters taken by North Korea and hikers in Iran.

That's the stuff we know about.
Remember we were told that burial at sea was done so fast in order to comply with Muslim tradition?

Why wasn't the Boston shooter buried at sea in one day? Of course they were lying.

Seems that burial at sea breaks Muslim law. Which isn't surprising being as Islam is a religion built by desert goat herders.

Sea burial of Osama bin Laden breaks sharia law, say Muslim scholars

US decision to dispose of body in the sea prevents grave site becoming a shrine but clerics warn it may lead to reprisals

Sea burial of Osama bin Laden breaks sharia law, say Muslim scholars | World news | The Guardian

There were no reprisals, there were not protests that I remember, why? Because I believe it wasn't him.

Or maybe:

Osama Bin Laden isn't the popular figure you deem him to be.
The Obama administration took him out in a way that was relatively neat and showed respect for the Muslim community in the disposal of the body.
You mean the President risking his entire Presidency and legacy on a mission that took literally years of planning to kill the most wanted man in the world is the same as a spontaneous terrorist attack in a third world hell hole?


Tell me something, why would anyone who is president not take out bin Laden if he had a shot? If Obama wanted to impress me he would have had people running around talking about how barve he was to make the call.

Clinton had a chance to....and didn't.

That's a lie.

Tell me something, why would anyone who is president not take out bin Laden if he had a shot? If Obama wanted to impress me he would have had people running around talking about how barve he was to make the call.

Clinton had a chance to....and didn't.

That's a lie.

I guess it depends on who you want to believe...
Of course he denies it, and of course the libs will believe anything he says.

Hank Crumpton, Former CIA Officer: Clinton Wouldn't Authorize Osama Bin Laden Kill In 1999
You do know what the president’s connection to the military is right?

It is a failure of his administration because he is the one in charge. Simple as that.

But if the President hands these issues to subordinates in the military while he's off involved in every other thing on the planet, why is it on him?

Also, why did we not give a fuck when this over ten more times to George W. Bush?

Obviously, you and most Democrats do not know of the Warrior Ethos. Those who served in the Armed Forces know it well ( especially those of us who engaged in combat against enemy forces ).

As I said before, this one belongs to Obama. Remember, we are talking about rescuing Americans from a dangerous situation in a foreign country.

Yup. They had loads of warning on this one and the State Department did nothing.

They should have beefed up security or closed the damned embassy and consulate just like the Brits and the Red Cross did.

They left our boys hanging and if anyone thinks the jackass POTUS gives shit one about four dead men then they are living in la la land.

Hell jackass jetted off to his fundraiser in Vegas while his cousulate was under attack and four very good men were dying.

Should show anyone all they need to know about the jackass in chief. Not much.

This isn't about Bush and what he did or didn't do as POTUS. This is about Barry and what he did or didn't do. Barry, not Bush.

Oh yeah and the buck stops right on Barry Boys desk.
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Who made the decision not to attempt a rescue mission?
What was the reason for not attempting a rescue mission?

I don't want to hear about Bush. This one belongs to Obama.

As General told a reporter the prior to Desert Storm: "the loss of one American is one too many"
Ronald Reagan ordered the military to rescue American medical students from Grenada.

President Carter ordered the military to rescue the Iranian Hostages. The mission was a fiasco. However at least he tried. The CIA (ARGO )rescued Americans who took refuge at the Canadian Embassy in Iran.

This may be the first time no military action was taken to save Americans who were in great danger in a foreign country.
» Congresswoman: Obama Gave Benghazi Stand Down Order Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Who made the final decision? I want a name. Where is the written order denying military order?

Obama was in the middle of a political campaign. A response wasn't part of the script. It's too messy. He wasn't about to actually do his God Damned job when he had campaigning to do in the morning.
Clinton had a chance to....and didn't.

That's a lie.

I guess it depends on who you want to believe...
Of course he denies it, and of course the libs will believe anything he says.

Hank Crumpton, Former CIA Officer: Clinton Wouldn't Authorize Osama Bin Laden Kill In 1999

If anything at all, the so called hit on Osama was actually a rescue mission, as Johnny Winter would say: he's still alive and well. Otherwise, where's the beef?
As for Benghazi, who cares? You agree to take a posting in a Chinese restaurant, you're probably going to get some Chinese food spilled on you sooner or later.
I'm confused why the President is directly responsible for this? Wasn't this a failure on the military's part?

You do know what the president’s connection to the military is right?

It is a failure of his administration because he is the one in charge. Simple as that.

The consulate is under state department jurisdiction and is not a military installation.

The military doesn't provide security only at military installations.

Course, if you have an administration that hates the military one can understand why they weren't invited to provide any in Benghazi.

Here we go again. The issue is the failure to attempt a rescue mission.

President Gerald R. Ford 4 rescue missions
Jimmy Carter 1 success and one failure ( at least he tried )
Ronald Reagan 1 rescue mission
George H W Bush 5 rescue missions
Bill Clinton 11 rescue missions
George W Bush 3 rescue missions
Obama 1 recue mission and 1 no attempt at a rescue mission.

The Mayguez "rescue mission" was a comlete clusterfuck. You really want to go there. Oh, yeah, and I don't count Grenada as a "rescue mission". This was us beating up on a smaller country to feel better about ourselves.

I have the deepest respect for all those who made the supreme sacrifice in our wars. My father lost two nephews in WWll.

LBJ - 58,209 made the supreme sacrifice in Vietnam. I fought in Vietnam as a Marine Infantry Fire Team Leader. I will never forget them, especially the members of the 2nd Plt.
Charlie Co. 1st Bn 4th Marines.

You are living proof of the long term effects of ritalin,


58,209 made the sacrifice because our politicians lied to us. Because the people in the intelligence community TOLD them that the Vietnamese people loved Ho Chi Mihn and hated the Catholic Collaborators we were trying to prop up.

But LBJ didn't want to have Republicans beat him over the head with "Who lost Vietnam" the way they beat Truman over the head with "Who Lost China".

(FOr the record, neither one of those places were ours to lose.)
As for Benghazi, who cares? You agree to take a posting in a Chinese restaurant, you're probably going to get some Chinese food spilled on you sooner or later.

I'm sure if you were related to one of the dead your would be singing a different tune.

This was preventable. The State Department fucked up big time and four very good men are dead.

The adminstration then came out and lied their asses off.

If that doesn't bother you then I don't suppose that anything would.

Of course if Bush were POTUS it would bother the hell out of you. You'd be screaming for answers and wanting to know all about the lies that were told.

Hypocrisy much??

Here we go again. The issue is the failure to attempt a rescue mission.

President Gerald R. Ford 4 rescue missions
Jimmy Carter 1 success and one failure ( at least he tried )
Ronald Reagan 1 rescue mission
George H W Bush 5 rescue missions
Bill Clinton 11 rescue missions
George W Bush 3 rescue missions
Obama 1 recue mission and 1 no attempt at a rescue mission.

The Mayguez "rescue mission" was a comlete clusterfuck. You really want to go there. Oh, yeah, and I don't count Grenada as a "rescue mission". This was us beating up on a smaller country to feel better about ourselves.

I have the deepest respect for all those who made the supreme sacrifice in our wars. My father lost two nephews in WWll.

LBJ - 58,209 made the supreme sacrifice in Vietnam. I fought in Vietnam as a Marine Infantry Fire Team Leader. I will never forget them, especially the members of the 2nd Plt.
Charlie Co. 1st Bn 4th Marines.

You are living proof of the long term effects of ritalin,


58,209 made the sacrifice because our politicians lied to us. Because the people in the intelligence community TOLD them that the Vietnamese people loved Ho Chi Mihn and hated the Catholic Collaborators we were trying to prop up.

But LBJ didn't want to have Republicans beat him over the head with "Who lost Vietnam" the way they beat Truman over the head with "Who Lost China".

(For the record, neither one of those places were ours to lose.)

Part of The Grenada Invasion was to evacuate the US Medical Students who were caught up in Violent Coup that was taking place. All the students were evacuated.

The point is that there was no attempted rescue mission for the Americans in Benghazi! This could be the first time this happened.

Typical Liberal bull shit about Vietnam. The only thing you know about Vietnam is that you were never there.

You need to read: Following Ho Chi Minh by Colonel Bui Tin and Viet Cong Memoir by Troung Nhu Tang. Instead of the typical Socialist bull shit.

You just can't comprehend that a rescue mission is different from a war.

Prior to the execution of Operation Storm, General Schwarzkopf said to a reporter who asked what the estimated casualties would be: " the loss of one American life is one too many"
As for Benghazi, who cares? You agree to take a posting in a Chinese restaurant, you're probably going to get some Chinese food spilled on you sooner or later.

I'm sure if you were related to one of the dead your would be singing a different tune.

This was preventable. The State Department fucked up big time and four very good men are dead.

The adminstration then came out and lied their asses off.

If that doesn't bother you then I don't suppose that anything would.

Of course if Bush were POTUS it would bother the hell out of you. You'd be screaming for answers and wanting to know all about the lies that were told.

Hypocrisy much??

Shit happens in that kind of job and in that part of the world. GW Bush and Cheney fucked up way worse than 4 measly peeps who volunteered for a dangerous posting. Keep it in perspective.

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