I only have 2 questions about Benghazi.

You do know what the president’s connection to the military is right?

It is a failure of his administration because he is the one in charge. Simple as that.

The consulate is under state department jurisdiction and is not a military installation.

The military doesn't provide security only at military installations.

Course, if you have an administration that hates the military one can understand why they weren't invited to provide any in Benghazi.

You do understand the mission of diplomats in foreign countries, right?

Hint: They aren't supposed to be safe houses for CIA operatives.
As for Benghazi, who cares? You agree to take a posting in a Chinese restaurant, you're probably going to get some Chinese food spilled on you sooner or later.

I'm sure if you were related to one of the dead your would be singing a different tune.

This was preventable. The State Department fucked up big time and four very good men are dead.

The adminstration then came out and lied their asses off.

If that doesn't bother you then I don't suppose that anything would.

Of course if Bush were POTUS it would bother the hell out of you. You'd be screaming for answers and wanting to know all about the lies that were told.

Hypocrisy much??

Shit happens in that kind of job and in that part of the world. GW Bush and Cheney fucked up way worse than 4 measly peeps who volunteered for a dangerous posting. Keep it in perspective.

Sure shit happens. This shit was preventable. The State Department ignored the warnings. The same warnings that prompted the Brits and the Red Cross to leave.

The administration then came out an lied about Benghazi.

Again. We aren't talking about Bush or Cheney. We're talking about Barry and his State Department.

You need to keep it in perspective.
I'm sure if you were related to one of the dead your would be singing a different tune.

This was preventable. The State Department fucked up big time and four very good men are dead.

The adminstration then came out and lied their asses off.

If that doesn't bother you then I don't suppose that anything would.

Of course if Bush were POTUS it would bother the hell out of you. You'd be screaming for answers and wanting to know all about the lies that were told.

Hypocrisy much??

Shit happens in that kind of job and in that part of the world. GW Bush and Cheney fucked up way worse than 4 measly peeps who volunteered for a dangerous posting. Keep it in perspective.

Sure shit happens. This shit was preventable. The State Department ignored the warnings. The same warnings that prompted the Brits and the Red Cross to leave.

The administration then came out an lied about Benghazi.

Again. We aren't talking about Bush or Cheney. We're talking about Barry and his State Department.

You need to keep it in perspective.

They ignored the warnings about Hitler too. Shit happens.
Who made the decision not to attempt a rescue mission?
What was the reason for not attempting a rescue mission?

I don't want to hear about Bush. This one belongs to Obama.

As General told a reporter the prior to Desert Storm: "the loss of one American is one too many"
Ronald Reagan ordered the military to rescue American medical students from Grenada.

President Carter ordered the military to rescue the Iranian Hostages. The mission was a fiasco. However at least he tried. The CIA (ARGO )rescued Americans who took refuge at the Canadian Embassy in Iran.

This may be the first time no military action was taken to save Americans who were in great danger in a foreign country.
» Congresswoman: Obama Gave Benghazi Stand Down Order Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Who made the final decision? I want a name. Where is the written order denying military order?

This is not the first time no military action was taken to save Americans who were in great danger. Israelis tried to sink a navy ship the Liberty, killing and wounding many sailors, not to mention the damage to the ship, and no military action was taken. Israelis kidnapped a former congresswoman (on a peace mission) from a ship in international waters and took her in custody, barely a blip in the news and of course no military action to rescue her. Obama did nothing either.

Here we go again. The issue is the failure to attempt a rescue mission.

President Gerald R. Ford 4 rescue missions
Jimmy Carter 1 success and one failure ( at least he tried )
Ronald Reagan 1 rescue mission
George H W Bush 5 rescue missions
Bill Clinton 11 rescue missions
George W Bush 3 rescue missions
Obama 1 recue mission and 1 no attempt at a rescue mission.

The Mayguez "rescue mission" was a comlete clusterfuck. You really want to go there. Oh, yeah, and I don't count Grenada as a "rescue mission". This was us beating up on a smaller country to feel better about ourselves.

I have the deepest respect for all those who made the supreme sacrifice in our wars. My father lost two nephews in WWll.

LBJ - 58,209 made the supreme sacrifice in Vietnam. I fought in Vietnam as a Marine Infantry Fire Team Leader. I will never forget them, especially the members of the 2nd Plt.
Charlie Co. 1st Bn 4th Marines.

You are living proof of the long term effects of ritalin,


58,209 made the sacrifice because our politicians lied to us. Because the people in the intelligence community TOLD them that the Vietnamese people loved Ho Chi Mihn and hated the Catholic Collaborators we were trying to prop up.

But LBJ didn't want to have Republicans beat him over the head with "Who lost Vietnam" the way they beat Truman over the head with "Who Lost China".

(For the record, neither one of those places were ours to lose.)

Part of The Grenada Invasion was to evacuate the US Medical Students who were caught up in Violent Coup that was taking place. All the students were evacuated.

The point is that there was no attempted rescue mission for the Americans in Benghazi! This could be the first time this happened.

Typical Liberal bull shit about Vietnam. The only thing you know about Vietnam is that you were never there.

You need to read: Following Ho Chi Minh by Colonel Bui Tin and Viet Cong Memoir by Troung Nhu Tang. Instead of the typical Socialist bull shit.

You just can't comprehend that a rescue mission is different from a war.

Prior to the execution of Operation Storm, General Schwarzkopf said to a reporter who asked what the estimated casualties would be: " the loss of one American life is one too many"

Vietnam happened because Eisenhower refused to allow a general election take place in the country because he was afraid that Ho Chi Minh would have won it. And he was right.

It represented a betrayal of Vietnam, who helped the US in WWII.
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I'm sure if you were related to one of the dead your would be singing a different tune.

This was preventable. The State Department fucked up big time and four very good men are dead.

The adminstration then came out and lied their asses off.

If that doesn't bother you then I don't suppose that anything would.

Of course if Bush were POTUS it would bother the hell out of you. You'd be screaming for answers and wanting to know all about the lies that were told.

Hypocrisy much??

Shit happens in that kind of job and in that part of the world. GW Bush and Cheney fucked up way worse than 4 measly peeps who volunteered for a dangerous posting. Keep it in perspective.

Sure shit happens. This shit was preventable. The State Department ignored the warnings. The same warnings that prompted the Brits and the Red Cross to leave.

The administration then came out an lied about Benghazi.

Again. We aren't talking about Bush or Cheney. We're talking about Barry and his State Department.

You need to keep it in perspective.

No it didn't.

In FACT it was Republicans that came out and LIED about the contents of the emails.
I'm sure if you were related to one of the dead your would be singing a different tune.

This was preventable. The State Department fucked up big time and four very good men are dead.

The adminstration then came out and lied their asses off.

If that doesn't bother you then I don't suppose that anything would.

Of course if Bush were POTUS it would bother the hell out of you. You'd be screaming for answers and wanting to know all about the lies that were told.

Hypocrisy much??

Shit happens in that kind of job and in that part of the world. GW Bush and Cheney fucked up way worse than 4 measly peeps who volunteered for a dangerous posting. Keep it in perspective.

Sure shit happens. This shit was preventable. The State Department ignored the warnings. The same warnings that prompted the Brits and the Red Cross to leave.

The administration then came out an lied about Benghazi.

Again. We aren't talking about Bush or Cheney. We're talking about Barry and his State Department.

You need to keep it in perspective.

Seems that Stevens, himself, ignored warnings. As did the Special Forces guys.

Which begs the question, exactly what were those folks doing there that day?

Who made the decision not to attempt a rescue mission?
What was the reason for not attempting a rescue mission?

Boy, you really gobbled the manufactured bullshit, eh?

You seem to believe no rescue missions were sent when, in fact, two were sent.

You know those four Americans you piss drinkers are constantly working up a faux lather over? Well, fool, two of those dead Americans were part of the first rescue team!

What does it say about you that you did not know this?

The attack on the consulate lasted just minutes, and that is when the first two American were killed. As soon as the CIA Annex heard of the attack on the consulate, they sent a rescue team to the consulate. Upon their arrival, they rounded up the survivors and headed back to the annex. In the meantime, a rescue team was sent from Tripoli as well. It was two members of this team who were later killed on the attack on the annex over seven hours later.

Yet another rescue team was formed up in Tripoli, and they were hoping to board a Libyan C-130 heading their way, but were unable to get permission from the proper Libyan authorities before that plane left. They boarded a later plane, and arrived after the attack at the annex.

A third team comprised of special forces was assigned to guard the Tripoli assets so our Tripoli embassy would not be left unprotected.

So if those were your only two questions, consider them answered.
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Hicks insisted that the second attack in Benghazi could have been prevented if the U.S. military had scrambled jet fighters or sent in a C-130 cargo plane to scare off the insurgents with a show of force. He said he learned in conversations with veteran Libyan revolutionaries that they understood decisive air power after the U.S.-led NATO operation that helped oust Moammar Gadhafi. Former US official describes Libya attack
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Shit happens in that kind of job and in that part of the world. GW Bush and Cheney fucked up way worse than 4 measly peeps who volunteered for a dangerous posting. Keep it in perspective.

Sure shit happens. This shit was preventable. The State Department ignored the warnings. The same warnings that prompted the Brits and the Red Cross to leave.

The administration then came out an lied about Benghazi.

Again. We aren't talking about Bush or Cheney. We're talking about Barry and his State Department.

You need to keep it in perspective.

No it didn't.

In FACT it was Republicans that came out and LIED about the contents of the emails.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Last I heard Rice worked for Barry's administration.

Last I heard and saw she was out there lying her ass off about demonstrations and a u-tube video when they knew from the get go, via the CIA, that it was AQ. She lied on every morning news show she was on.

Of course she could have been employed by the GOP but somehow I doubt it.
As for Benghazi, who cares? You agree to take a posting in a Chinese restaurant, you're probably going to get some Chinese food spilled on you sooner or later.

I'm sure if you were related to one of the dead your would be singing a different tune.

This was preventable. The State Department fucked up big time and four very good men are dead.

The adminstration then came out and lied their asses off.

If that doesn't bother you then I don't suppose that anything would.

Of course if Bush were POTUS it would bother the hell out of you. You'd be screaming for answers and wanting to know all about the lies that were told.

Hypocrisy much??

Shit happens in that kind of job and in that part of the world. GW Bush and Cheney fucked up way worse than 4 measly peeps who volunteered for a dangerous posting. Keep it in perspective.

IOW, Obama gets a pass on every-fucking-thing he has done, is doing, or will ever do.....just because BOOOOOOSSSSHHHHHH.

You're fucking cracked
The Mayguez "rescue mission" was a comlete clusterfuck. You really want to go there. Oh, yeah, and I don't count Grenada as a "rescue mission". This was us beating up on a smaller country to feel better about ourselves.


58,209 made the sacrifice because our politicians lied to us. Because the people in the intelligence community TOLD them that the Vietnamese people loved Ho Chi Mihn and hated the Catholic Collaborators we were trying to prop up.

But LBJ didn't want to have Republicans beat him over the head with "Who lost Vietnam" the way they beat Truman over the head with "Who Lost China".

(For the record, neither one of those places were ours to lose.)

Part of The Grenada Invasion was to evacuate the US Medical Students who were caught up in Violent Coup that was taking place. All the students were evacuated.

The point is that there was no attempted rescue mission for the Americans in Benghazi! This could be the first time this happened.

Typical Liberal bull shit about Vietnam. The only thing you know about Vietnam is that you were never there.

You need to read: Following Ho Chi Minh by Colonel Bui Tin and Viet Cong Memoir by Troung Nhu Tang. Instead of the typical Socialist bull shit.

You just can't comprehend that a rescue mission is different from a war.

Prior to the execution of Operation Storm, General Schwarzkopf said to a reporter who asked what the estimated casualties would be: " the loss of one American life is one too many"

Vietnam happened because Eisenhower refused to allow a general election take place in the country because he was afraid that Ho Chi Minh would have won it. And he was right.

It represented a betrayal of Vietnam, who helped the US in WWII.

Yet you carry on about Bush's involvement in Iraq.

I see that almost everyone in this thread is completely ignoring the fact that a rescue mission was sent in, and the 2 specialists who were killed (Woods and Doherty) were part of that rescue mission.
2,000 Americans were killed in Iraq. Only 360 of them were killed while Bush was president. When obama became president he changed the rules of engagement specifically to increase American casualties. It worked, the death toll spiked dramatically.

You need to go change your pants. You've obviously shit yours.

iCasualties: Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom Casualties

Year US UK Other Total
2003 486 53 41 580
2004 849 22 35 906
2005 846 23 28 897
2006 823 29 21 873
2007 904 47 10 961
2008 314 4 4 322

2009 149 1 0 150
2010 60 0 0 60
2011 54 0 0 54
2012 1 0 0 1
Total 4486 179 139 4804
You mean the President risking his entire Presidency and legacy on a mission that took literally years of planning to kill the most wanted man in the world is the same as a spontaneous terrorist attack in a third world hell hole?


Tell me something, why would anyone who is president not take out bin Laden if he had a shot? If Obama wanted to impress me he would have had people running around talking about how barve he was to make the call.

Clinton had a chance to....and didn't.
So did Bush...and didn't. Your point?
Part of The Grenada Invasion was to evacuate the US Medical Students who were caught up in Violent Coup that was taking place. All the students were evacuated.

The point is that there was no attempted rescue mission for the Americans in Benghazi! This could be the first time this happened.

Typical Liberal bull shit about Vietnam. The only thing you know about Vietnam is that you were never there.

You need to read: Following Ho Chi Minh by Colonel Bui Tin and Viet Cong Memoir by Troung Nhu Tang. Instead of the typical Socialist bull shit.

You just can't comprehend that a rescue mission is different from a war.

Prior to the execution of Operation Storm, General Schwarzkopf said to a reporter who asked what the estimated casualties would be: " the loss of one American life is one too many"

Vietnam happened because Eisenhower refused to allow a general election take place in the country because he was afraid that Ho Chi Minh would have won it. And he was right.

It represented a betrayal of Vietnam, who helped the US in WWII.

Yet you carry on about Bush's involvement in Iraq.


Read the 2 books I previously listed above. One by former Colonel in the North Vietnamese Army and a high ranking member of the Viet Cong. They tell a different story than the Socialists do. I dare you to read them.
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Are you saying that you do not care about the death of 4 Americans?
Non combat wusses like you make me sick.

Are you saying you don't care about the deaths of 5000 Americans in Iraq?
You pretend combat wusses make me sick.

Here we go again. The issue is the failure to attempt a rescue mission.

President Gerald R. Ford 4 rescue missions
Jimmy Carter 1 success and one failure ( at least he tried )
Ronald Reagan 1 rescue mission
George H W Bush 5 rescue missions
Bill Clinton 11 rescue missions
George W Bush 3 rescue missions
Obama 1 recue mission and 1 no attempt at a rescue mission.

I have the deepest respect for all those who made the supreme sacrifice in our wars. My father lost two nephews in WWll.

LBJ - 58,209 made the supreme sacrifice in Vietnam. I fought in Vietnam as a Marine Infantry Fire Team Leader. I will never forget them, especially the members of the 2nd Plt.
Charlie Co. 1st Bn 4th Marines.

You are living proof of the long term effects of ritalin,

It was dishonest for you to mention the four rescue missions by Gerald Ford and not mention the fact that one of them was the biggest failure in the history of attempted rescue missions which resulted in the needless deaths of many of your fellow marines and included the leaving behind of three of them to later be killed.

Why the revisionist history?

Not one person can prove that any rescue mission attempted by Obama would have been successful and I can't even begin to imagine the shrill cries from your side of the aisle had another Mayaguez Incident occurred under THIS president.
Vietnam happened because Eisenhower refused to allow a general election take place in the country because he was afraid that Ho Chi Minh would have won it. And he was right.

It represented a betrayal of Vietnam, who helped the US in WWII.

Yet you carry on about Bush's involvement in Iraq.


Read the 2 books I previously listed above. One by former Colonel in the North Vietnamese Army and a high ranking member of the Viet Cong. They tell a different story than the Socialists do. I dare you to read them.

"I dare you"??
Are you 12?

I was merely commenting on the off-handed mentioning of Eisenhower's involvement in the affairs of 'Nam in contrast to the progressive Left's hand-wringing over America having a role in Iraq's constitution.

Double-Standard, thy name is Liberal.

The 2 books are original sources. It is interesting how your ilk fail to search for original sources.
If you ever read these books, then we can debate the issues.
It appears you are unable to provide a viable source to back up your statement.

This is very typical among those who don't practice "Due Diligence.
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