I only have 2 questions about Benghazi.

You mean how they didn't politicize the dozen embassy attacks under Bush or the high body count racked up by his administration for this very same thing?

I knew you couldn't do it.

You're asking me if the Democrats tried to politicize the deaths of Americans like a bunch of dickless clown car morons like the Republicans are? And the answer is no.

Why wasn't the rescue misson carried out ?
That's what I'm wondering, why are conservatives pissing on themselves over all the wrong things?

Excuse me Balls............... Not only do we want to know why this happened and what was done, but have those who killed Americans been found, arrested, or killed yet.

It's the same issue, DON'T SPIN MY WORDS.
Well it's just odd that American diplomats and embassies were being attacked regularly under Bush and no one gave a shit. Now all of a sudden there's an organic fuck up in the Middle East and the Republicans think this is going to be the Kenyan birth certificate they've been looking for since '09. It's fucking stupid and pathetically hypocritical as are most conservative political points.

Bush never covered up what happened,asshole..

Proof? Cocksucker.

Sorry I called you asshole when your signature tells a different and more accurate story.
Have those who killed our people been caught or killed yet?

Where is that discussion on this issue as well?

The solution to catching who did it is to get the CIA and FBI out of there and send in the Boston police department. They nailed the Boston bombers in four days with less evidence.
But if the President hands these issues to subordinates in the military while he's off involved in every other thing on the planet, why is it on him?

Also, why did we not give a fuck when this over ten more times to George W. Bush?

Because that is the way it works in the real world, just like it worked when you insisted Obama get credit for bin Laden.

You mean the President risking his entire Presidency and legacy on a mission that took literally years of planning to kill the most wanted man in the world is the same as a spontaneous terrorist attack in a third world hell hole?


Tell me something, why would anyone who is president not take out bin Laden if he had a shot? If Obama wanted to impress me he would have had people running around talking about how barve he was to make the call.
Libs have short memories when it's convenient. They trashed Bush, trashed Petraus with the Betray Us BS, and showed body counts over and over again.

Yet when Obama got control of the Wars they shut up and fell in line like sheep. The military basically kept the same strategies as Bush had with the timelines.


Typical Liberal Hypocrisy
That's what I'm wondering, why are conservatives pissing on themselves over all the wrong things?

Excuse me Balls............... Not only do we want to know why this happened and what was done, but have those who killed Americans been found, arrested, or killed yet.

It's the same issue, DON'T SPIN MY WORDS.

He's confused
That's what I'm wondering, why are conservatives pissing on themselves over all the wrong things?

Excuse me Balls............... Not only do we want to know why this happened and what was done, but have those who killed Americans been found, arrested, or killed yet.

It's the same issue, DON'T SPIN MY WORDS.

He's confused

Either that or he can't remember.
I'm confused why the President is directly responsible for this? Wasn't this a failure on the military's part?

You do know what the president’s connection to the military is right?

It is a failure of his administration because he is the one in charge. Simple as that.

But if the President hands these issues to subordinates in the military while he's off involved in every other thing on the planet, why is it on him?

Also, why did we not give a fuck when this over ten more times to George W. Bush?

Obviously, you and most Democrats do not know of the Warrior Ethos. Those who served in the Armed Forces know it well ( especially those of us who engaged in combat against enemy forces ).

As I said before, this one belongs to Obama. Remember, we are talking about rescuing Americans from a dangerous situation in a foreign country.
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you do know what the president’s connection to the military is right?

It is a failure of his administration because he is the one in charge. Simple as that.

but if the president hands these issues to subordinates in the military while he's off involved in every other thing on the planet, why is it on him?

Also, why did we not give a fuck when this over ten more times to george w. Bush?

obviously, you and most democrats do not know of the warrior ethos. Those who served in the armed forces know it well ( especially those of us who fought in combat ).

As i said before, this one belongs to obama.

bravo zulu!
I'm confused why the President is directly responsible for this? Wasn't this a failure on the military's part?

You do know what the president’s connection to the military is right?

It is a failure of his administration because he is the one in charge. Simple as that.

But if the President hands these issues to subordinates in the military while he's off involved in every other thing on the planet, why is it on him?

Also, why did we not give a fuck when this over ten more times to George W. Bush?

Are you saying that you do not care about the death of 4 Americans?
Non combat wusses like you make me sick.
Who made the decision not to attempt a rescue mission?
What was the reason for not attempting a rescue mission?

I don't want to hear about Bush. This one belongs to Obama.

As General told a reporter the prior to Desert Storm: "the loss of one American is one too many"
Ronald Reagan ordered the military to rescue American medical students from Grenada.

President Carter ordered the military to rescue the Iranian Hostages. The mission was a fiasco. However at least he tried. The CIA (ARGO )rescued Americans who took refuge at the Canadian Embassy in Iran.

This may be the first time no military action was taken to save Americans who were in great danger in a foreign country.
» Congresswoman: Obama Gave Benghazi Stand Down Order Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Who made the final decision? I want a name. Where is the written order denying military order?

There was a rescue mission. It just didn't arrive on time to do any good.

Carter tried to rescue the hostages FIVE MONTHS after they had been taken.

In Benghazi, relief forces were on the ground within hours... Just not enough time to save Ambassador Stevens.

You know, your outrage on this issue would be more impressive if you actually knew what you were upset about.
You do know what the president’s connection to the military is right?

It is a failure of his administration because he is the one in charge. Simple as that.

But if the President hands these issues to subordinates in the military while he's off involved in every other thing on the planet, why is it on him?

Also, why did we not give a fuck when this over ten more times to George W. Bush?

Are you saying that you do not care about the death of 4 Americans?
Non combat wusses like you make me sick.

Are you saying you don't care about the deaths of 5000 Americans in Iraq?
You pretend combat wusses make me sick.
2,000 Americans were killed in Iraq. Only 360 of them were killed while Bush was president. When obama became president he changed the rules of engagement specifically to increase American casualties. It worked, the death toll spiked dramatically.
Who made the decision not to attempt a rescue mission?
What was the reason for not attempting a rescue mission?

I don't want to hear about Bush. This one belongs to Obama.

As General told a reporter the prior to Desert Storm: "the loss of one American is one too many"
Ronald Reagan ordered the military to rescue American medical students from Grenada.

President Carter ordered the military to rescue the Iranian Hostages. The mission was a fiasco. However at least he tried. The CIA (ARGO )rescued Americans who took refuge at the Canadian Embassy in Iran.

This may be the first time no military action was taken to save Americans who were in great danger in a foreign country.
» Congresswoman: Obama Gave Benghazi Stand Down Order Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Who made the final decision? I want a name. Where is the written order denying military order?

There was a rescue mission. It just didn't arrive on time to do any good.

Carter tried to rescue the hostages FIVE MONTHS after they had been taken.

In Benghazi, relief forces were on the ground within hours... Just not enough time to save Ambassador Stevens.

You know, your outrage on this issue would be more impressive if you actually knew what you were upset about.

You didn't give us a name
I'm confused why the President is directly responsible for this? Wasn't this a failure on the military's part?

You do know what the president’s connection to the military is right?

It is a failure of his administration because he is the one in charge. Simple as that.

But if the President hands these issues to subordinates in the military while he's off involved in every other thing on the planet, why is it on him?

Also, why did we not give a fuck when this over ten more times to George W. Bush?

You apparently have no concept of what it means to be in charge. The success and failure of those beneath you are on you, period. The simple reality is that the president does nothing at all. Nothing. Everything that he succeeds or fails at is given to his subordinates. Bills that he passes are created by congress, military actions by the people on the ground and anything else that he ‘does’ is done by those that he told what to do. That does not diminish the credit but it also does not diminish the blame.

Further, beside this having nothing to do with Bush, he would not be held to the fire had he come out and stated the failure in the beginning. This would have fizzled out into the non-issue that it was. Instead, we were told that a you tube video was to blame. Threats were leveled at that video. We were led to believe that it was spontaneous and not planned. Essentially, we were lied to and that is where the outrage lies. You might want to place it somewhere else so that you can beat the Bush straw man but even you know that is bullshit.
2,000 Americans were killed in Iraq. Only 360 of them were killed while Bush was president. When obama became president he changed the rules of engagement specifically to increase American casualties. It worked, the death toll spiked dramatically.

Can you support that? That is an interesting claim but meaningless without a cite.

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