I predict TRUMP vs Hillary, TRUMP gonna win the Florida(29 electoral votes)


Dec 27, 2015
I predict GOP going to win Florida in 2016, If GOP nominates conservative candidate like Trump or Carson with white voters factor.

Florida is normaly considered as swing state. But since 2015, General Elecion Polls outcome, It says it is becoming to Red state from Swing state.

1. Latest Poll
Florida Atlantic University(11/15~11/16, 829 RV) Trump 49% | Hillary 41%
Florida Atlantic University(11/15~11/16, 829 RV) Carson 50% | Hillary 41%
reference: Polls : Florida Atlantic University - College of Business

2. Demographic in Florida

1) Total
White 56% | Hispanic 24% | Black 17% | Asian 3%

2) Actual influence on the election, Vote shares + Voting Rate(turn out)
White 63.5% | Hispanic 17% | Black 17.5% | Asian 2%

Normally, Democrat has lead on Hispanic on National USA to GOP with 7:3 ratio.

But in flordia, There are many Cuban Hispanics is living. Which is more conservative than other Hispanics. (Most of them ran away from Castro Communsim Cuba.) Cuban Hispanics Population in florida nearly to 1.5 million. (1/3 of Hispanic who live in florida.) Election 2012, GOP gathered 40% support from Cuban Hispanic. (Democrat gathered 50% support)

so in florida Democrat doesnt have much advantage from the hispanic.
(with 10% leads, just 1.7% advantage from actual vote share of Total Votes)

In my Opinon, if GOP gather just bit more white support compare to 2012 election.(which was 61%) can easily win with Racial vote share forecast in 2016.(Black won’t vote Enthusiastic as They did 2008,2012(they had motivation to make Black president). But, in 2016 there is no Black candidate of Democrat, White going to vote enthusiastic if Trump become candidate becuz of terrorism,Immigration factors.

3. Conclusion) if GOP get 64% support from White, 40% from hispanic,
10% from Black, 50% from Asian(got 48% in mid term election 2014)

White 63.5%(actual vote share) x 63.5% = 40.32%

Hispanic 17% (actual vote share) x 40% = 6.8%

Black 17.5%(actual vote share) x 10% = 1.75%

Asian 2% (actual vote share) x 50% = 1%

Total 49.87% enough to Win(because 3rd candidates gonna gather around 1% at least)

It isnt hard at all, GOP raise white support from 61%(2012)

to 63.5%(2016) because of Terrorism and immigration issues.

As I wrote on the above, Trump and Carson already got 49~50% on the Florida general election Poll against to hillary. (consider there was 10% respondent was ‘unsure’ if GOP,Democrat split 5:5 ratio,

actual poll outcome was kinda GOP 54~55% Hillary 46%.

Personally, I predict GOP going to win Florida in 2016, If GOP nominates conservative candidate like Trump or Carson with white voters factor.
I predict GOP going to win Florida in 2016, If GOP nominates conservative candidate like Trump or Carson with white voters factor.

Florida is normaly considered as swing state. But since 2015, General Elecion Polls outcome, It says it is becoming to Red state from Swing state.

1. Latest Poll
Florida Atlantic University(11/15~11/16, 829 RV) Trump 49% | Hillary 41%
Florida Atlantic University(11/15~11/16, 829 RV) Carson 50% | Hillary 41%
reference: Polls : Florida Atlantic University - College of Business

2. Demographic in Florida

1) Total
White 56% | Hispanic 24% | Black 17% | Asian 3%

2) Actual influence on the election, Vote shares + Voting Rate(turn out)
White 63.5% | Hispanic 17% | Black 17.5% | Asian 2%

Normally, Democrat has lead on Hispanic on National USA to GOP with 7:3 ratio.

But in flordia, There are many Cuban Hispanics is living. Which is more conservative than other Hispanics. (Most of them ran away from Castro Communsim Cuba.) Cuban Hispanics Population in florida nearly to 1.5 million. (1/3 of Hispanic who live in florida.) Election 2012, GOP gathered 40% support from Cuban Hispanic. (Democrat gathered 50% support)

so in florida Democrat doesnt have much advantage from the hispanic.
(with 10% leads, just 1.7% advantage from actual vote share of Total Votes)

In my Opinon, if GOP gather just bit more white support compare to 2012 election.(which was 61%) can easily win with Racial vote share forecast in 2016.(Black won’t vote Enthusiastic as They did 2008,2012(they had motivation to make Black president). But, in 2016 there is no Black candidate of Democrat, White going to vote enthusiastic if Trump become candidate becuz of terrorism,Immigration factors.

3. Conclusion) if GOP get 64% support from White, 40% from hispanic,

10% from Black, 50% from Asian(got 48% in mid term election 2014)

White 63.5%(actual vote share) x 63.5% = 40.32%

Hispanic 17% (actual vote share) x 40% = 6.8%

Black 17.5%(actual vote share) x 10% = 1.75%

Asian 2% (actual vote share) x 50% = 1%

Total 49.87% enough to Win(because 3rd candidates gonna gather around 1% at least)

It isnt hard at all, GOP raise white support from 61%(2012)

to 63.5%(2016) because of Terrorism and immigration issues. As I wrote on the above, Trump and Carson already got 49~50% on the Florida general election Poll against to hillary. (consider there was 10% respondent was ‘unsure’ if GOP,Democrat split 5:5 ratio,

actual poll outcome was kinda GOP 54~55% Hillary 46%.

Personally, I predict GOP going to win Florida in 2016, If GOP nominates conservative candidate like Trump or Carson with white voters factor.

Once Trump comes in second place at any point he will jump ship..

Trump is a "progressive" acting like a "progressive"..
little early to be basing your hopes on any kinda polls....lot of movement will occur between now and the elections as people stop the bullshit and get serious about the election and take a hard look at the candidates....and realize how fucked this country is....both parties
little early to be basing your hopes on any kinda polls....lot of movement will occur between now and the elections as people stop the bullshit and get serious about the election and take a hard look at the candidates....and realize how fucked this country is....both parties

Yet you will still vote for Clinton in 2016 no matter what!

That is what you far left drones do!

By you drones voting for Obama twice, you set the bar incredibly low..
Trump wont win. People are too smart to vote for a fascist.

They voted for Obama twice now didn't they..
The first time I could understand. The recession was on. McCain looked and sounded old and didnt bring anything new to the mix. Second time was a fluke.

It is the greatest joke in the world, they voted for "hope and change" and got worse than Bush.
Look at what Obama ran on in 2008 and you wouldn't recognize him.
Trump wont win. People are too smart to vote for a fascist.

They voted for Obama twice now didn't they..

you only disagree with him.

that doesn't make him a fascist. trump is full on.

but then again, no one ever said you were bright. please nominate trump.

pretty please.

It is funny to watch the far left drones and their hatred towards a "progressive"..

They have to hate him as he has an (R) next to his name..
Florida is a red state


Look at that, Romney won 54 to Obama's 13. Yet Obama got more votes. Go figure.

In Florida 17.8% of the vote was Latino. You lose the Latino vote in Florida, you're sinking. 31% of Latinos in Florida vote Republican, according to Latino Influence on 2012 Election: President

73,000 votes were in it for Romney's defeat to Obama. You annoy another 650,000 Republican voting Hispanics, and what do you get? Obama got 4.2 million votes, add in another 650,000 (well maybe half of this) and you get what? Not a clear victory.

30% are Hispanics.

Obama lost by 10%.

23% of Hispanics voted Republican.

That's about 7% of the Hispanic vote, a 7% swing is a 14% increase for Democrats, that's a 4% win for the Democrats.

Go Trump.

Then take the Jewish vote which would certainly vote against Trump, and you have a bigger margin.
I predict GOP going to win Florida in 2016, If GOP nominates conservative candidate like Trump or Carson with white voters factor.

Florida is normaly considered as swing state. But since 2015, General Elecion Polls outcome, It says it is becoming to Red state from Swing state.

1. Latest Poll
Florida Atlantic University(11/15~11/16, 829 RV) Trump 49% | Hillary 41%
Florida Atlantic University(11/15~11/16, 829 RV) Carson 50% | Hillary 41%
reference: Polls : Florida Atlantic University - College of Business

2. Demographic in Florida

1) Total
White 56% | Hispanic 24% | Black 17% | Asian 3%

2) Actual influence on the election, Vote shares + Voting Rate(turn out)
White 63.5% | Hispanic 17% | Black 17.5% | Asian 2%

Normally, Democrat has lead on Hispanic on National USA to GOP with 7:3 ratio.

But in flordia, There are many Cuban Hispanics is living. Which is more conservative than other Hispanics. (Most of them ran away from Castro Communsim Cuba.) Cuban Hispanics Population in florida nearly to 1.5 million. (1/3 of Hispanic who live in florida.) Election 2012, GOP gathered 40% support from Cuban Hispanic. (Democrat gathered 50% support)

so in florida Democrat doesnt have much advantage from the hispanic.
(with 10% leads, just 1.7% advantage from actual vote share of Total Votes)

In my Opinon, if GOP gather just bit more white support compare to 2012 election.(which was 61%) can easily win with Racial vote share forecast in 2016.(Black won’t vote Enthusiastic as They did 2008,2012(they had motivation to make Black president). But, in 2016 there is no Black candidate of Democrat, White going to vote enthusiastic if Trump become candidate becuz of terrorism,Immigration factors.

3. Conclusion) if GOP get 64% support from White, 40% from hispanic,
10% from Black, 50% from Asian(got 48% in mid term election 2014)

White 63.5%(actual vote share) x 63.5% = 40.32%

Hispanic 17% (actual vote share) x 40% = 6.8%

Black 17.5%(actual vote share) x 10% = 1.75%

Asian 2% (actual vote share) x 50% = 1%

Total 49.87% enough to Win(because 3rd candidates gonna gather around 1% at least)

It isnt hard at all, GOP raise white support from 61%(2012)

to 63.5%(2016) because of Terrorism and immigration issues.

As I wrote on the above, Trump and Carson already got 49~50% on the Florida general election Poll against to hillary. (consider there was 10% respondent was ‘unsure’ if GOP,Democrat split 5:5 ratio,

actual poll outcome was kinda GOP 54~55% Hillary 46%.

Personally, I predict GOP going to win Florida in 2016, If GOP nominates conservative candidate like Trump or Carson with white voters factor.

If you think there's plenty of predictive value in polls this far ahead of an election, consider this.

Romney was shown ahead of Obama in Florida, in the final polls, in 2012.

2012 - Florida: Romney vs. Obama | RealClearPolitics

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