Zone1 I pushed my kids to succeed academically to escape racism. But it doesn't work that way

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TYou are hopeless

Black people are more criminally inclined than whites
Either comments like this should not be allowed in zone 1 or we should be able to call this garbage what it is. The record of this nations shows that whites have been the most criminal and violent group. That's reality not a factless opinion based on white bigotry.
There is only 1 kind of human.
Either comments like this should not be allowed in zone 1 or we should be able to call this garbage what it is. The record of this nations shows that whites have been the most criminal and violent group. That's reality not a factless opinion based on white bigotry.
Whites are the largest group

But based on percentage of population blacks are more criminal
That is not true, a stereotype and proof of your soft racism that I described above.
Saying blacks are more criminally included COULD be seen as a value judgment. But it is a FACT that blacks commit violent crime at 3x the rate of their white counterparts, and that behavior does lead to racist attitudes by many.

The solution is the opposite of what Democrats propose, which is to release violent offenders back into the streets and otherwise be soft on crime. A better strategy would be to punish people harshly with jail time and at the same time protect innocent people from their savage behavior.
That is not true, a stereotype and proof of your soft racism that I described above.
Maybe you could explain to us then how the statistics prove that blacks commit violent crimes at a far higher rate than whites, Asians, and other races. Is it heredity or their environment?
Never made such claims. My math is better than yours. You guys hide behind per capita because there are more if you so you can use that to excuse the high crime in white communities. I can guarantee that if blacks had the same number of people as whites, we would not lead the nation in criminal offenders every year like whites do.

Furthermore, using per capita includes people who don't commit crimes. Therefore it is an inaccurate measure of crime. Per capita shows that 95 percent of blacks and 98 percent of whites do not commit crime. So that destroys the racist argument of the high black crime rate. So instead of broad brushing using per capita, we break it down into individuals who are actually criminal offenders and doing it that way shows that more white individuals commit crime.

Now that we've got this out of the way, the thread topic is about blacks who have done everything you chumps tell us we should do and they still face white racism. The way you guys always try reverting to the black crime argument when you are shown that white racism is exactly the problem we say it is shows that you guys are too cowardly to face this truth and discuss how you can work to end the racism in the white community. Doing that is called taking responsibility and that's apparently something you right wingers cannot do.
Its a fact

Black DNA is not more criminal than white

But black culture is more criminal
American history, to include this very second, has documented proof that white culture is more criminal.
Maybe you could explain to us then how the statistics prove that blacks commit violent crimes at a far higher rate than whites, Asians, and other races. Is it heredity or their environment?
Whites lead in total number of violent crimes every year.
Whites lead in total number of violent crimes every year.

In your trolling world, is murder a violent crime? If I was black, I'd be ashamed of these figures and want to work toward solutions rather than be an instigator making it worse. But hey, you are who you are.

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