I really like RFK Jr.

Seems like a normal guy with strong first principles and no fear of telling it like he sees it. I don't agree with some of his progressive positions, but on the immediate issues that are threatening this republic, particularly the politicization of our institutions, I love the guy. The other stuff is chump change at this point, and I don't think he'd go crazy on any of it. I prefer Trump, but I'd be more than ok with RFK Jr.
LOL! God save us from another stupid, incompetent, Leftest, arrogant, morally fucked up, filthy rich Kennedy asshole. We had enough of the sonofabitches in the past.

If you want somebody with strong first principles and no fear of telling it like he sees it than may I suggest Vivek Ramaswamy?

Of course unlike that Kennedy asshole Ramaswamy doesn't have an agenda to turn this country into a Socialist shithole so he may not interest Moon Bats like you.

You need to Google the term cause and effect

You arbitrarily tie the collapse of urban America to blacks gaining the vote and Civil Rights

You are, indeed, a moron
You do not reveal intelligence with your name calling and insults.
Why do you say that? It is plain to see that, while well intentioned, we have taken the blacks backwards.
rightwinger has strong opinions that he is unable to defend rationally. He is not even sure if his opinions are valid. People get angry when opinions that they desperately hope are valid but fear are not are challenged.

I am confident in the validity of my opinions. That is the reason I remain calm in the face of the abuse of those who cannot refute them. :cool:
I am confident in the validity of my opinions. That is the reason I remain calm in the face of the abuse of those who cannot refute them

Let’s look at the validity of your claims, shall we?

The right to vote and Civil Rights was a negative for blacks

Grossly incorrect. The vote brought political power to blacks and Civil Rights opened new opportunities that were previously unavailable

The rise in black crime and illegitimacy since 1963 substantiate conservative arguments against the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty.

Again you struggle with cause and effect. You assume that because a rise in black crime and illegitimacy after Civil Rights, that Civil Rights must have caused them.

Restricting most blacks to second class citizenship was a violation of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendment's. It also made it possible for the United States to recover from the Great Depression and win the Second World War.

No, WWII Jobs ended the Great Depression. if anything, minimizing the contribution of skilled blacks hurt our war effort.

The Second World War also made the civil rights movement possible. After the revelations of the Holocaust fewer Americans wanted to believe that racial differences mattered, or that they even existed.

White revisionist history. White America did not see the abuse of the Jews and decide to change how they treated blacks. The opposite occurred. Whites wanted blacks to come back from the war to business as usual. Blacks that had fought for our country did not want to return to the back of the bus and waged protests. It was the violent white response to those protests and resulting terrorism that convinced America we needed to change.

Many whites cold not understand why a black, battle scared veteran of the Second World War could not dine at a restaurant that served white men who had not been in uniform.

Actually, they did not care. They told blacks to be patient and that change would come in good time. Blacks like MLK said we are tired of waiting and we want change NOW.
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Never heard of the Democrat Party
I am a registered Democrat. I vote for the Democrat Party. This nonsense over names is getting ridiculous. I have even been told not use the word "Negro." Martin Luther King, Jr. used the word "Negro" fifteen times in his "I have a dream" speech. Consequently I will keep on using the word "Negro." Get used to it.
I am a registered Democrat. I vote for the Democrat Party. This nonsense over names is getting ridiculous. I have even been told not use the word "Negro." Martin Luther King, Jr. used the word "Negro" fifteen times in his "I have a dream" speech. Consequently I will keep on using the word "Negro." Get used to it.
There is no such thing as the Democrat Party
Why do Conservatives struggle so much?
I have even been told not use the word "Negro." Martin Luther King, Jr. used the word "Negro" fifteen times in his "I have a dream" speech. Consequently I will keep on using the word "Negro." Get used to it.

Negro and Colored along with “The N Word” were common labels to demean blacks in Jim Crow America.
Restrooms and Water Fountains were labeled White and Colored. Negro was used as a term of segregation and demeaning.
Around 1968, the “Black is Beautiful” movement instilled pride in being black and blacks discarded the terms Negro and Colored as vestiges of Jim Crow America.

Why do you insist on using a term that people today find offensive?
Negro and Colored along with “The N Word” were common labels to demean blacks in Jim Crow America.
Restrooms and Water Fountains were labeled White and Colored. Negro was used as a term of segregation and demeaning.
Around 1968, the “Black is Beautiful” movement instilled pride in being black and blacks discarded the terms Negro and Colored as vestiges of Jim Crow America.

Why do you insist on using a term that people today find offensive?
Because I do not think "Negro" is offensive. If it was Martin Luther King, Jr. would not have used it.

Right now we are supposed to use the term "African American." I have never heard a Negro use that term.

I also use the word "Oriental." Generally speaking, I prefer Orientals to whites. This is because they tend to be more intelligent than we are, and they have lower rates of crime and illegitimacy. They deserve to be called "the model minority."
Because I do not think "Negro" is offensive. If it was Martin Luther King, Jr. would not have used it.

Right now we are supposed to use the term "African American." I have never heard a Negro use that term.

I also use the word "Oriental." Generally speaking, I prefer Orientals to whites. This is because they tend to be more intelligent than we are, and they have lower rates of crime and illegitimacy. They deserve to be called "the model minority."

Your use of offensive terms reflects negatively on you, not the people you use them on

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