I Really Like Ron Paul but I'm Enthusiastically Voting for Obama!

The way I (still, for those from the last Ron Paul thread I got involved in) see it, we will have two choices in November.

We can re-elect Obama who will almost certainly be even more radical once he doesn't have to worry about re-election. . . .

. . . or . . . .

We can throw our support behind the very imperfect Republican nominee who will likely be Romney, Santorum, Gingrich, or Paul. Even if none of those four achieve the necessary number of delegates and we go to a brokered convention, we will still have a flawed Republican candidate running against Obama.

That flawed Republican candidate is going to do a lot of things the true conservatives among us cannot condone or support. He or she is going to make us madder than hell. He or she is going to screw up and miss any number of opportunities to make a positive difference.

But he or she will in no way be as destructive or dangerous as Obama has been and will no doubt continue to be.

And I still say that those who refuse to vote for either, are putting Obama back in the White House.

Although I disagree with you on candidates, I admire your ability to address the topic so intelligently. You also make excellent points for those who Lean Right to consider if they want to get Obama out of the White House. I hope they ignore them. :eusa_angel:

LOL! Thank you! Yeah I was REALLY pissed about that one and still am. But I cooled down and realized that Republicans were as responsible for passing it as Democrats.

Unlike some here, I am free to change my mind and opinions without the worry that the Thought Masters of party / ideology will disapprove.
Another example is Global Warming. I used to be SURE it was man-made. But a NON-WHACKJOB (you know, those people who aren't complete ficking morons who post about people, rather than issues? Yeah them.) made some excellent points and addressed the issue with verifiable facts. A technique you wouldn't know about...
Oh, so you were action out of emotion back then, but you're oh so "logical" today.

Funny you should say that. Just a couple of hours ago, my wife said, "we need a cow with all the milk we go through around here." I told her, "what we really need is the equipment to produce gasoline."


LOL! You are right on.

Those who think gov't regulation is bad in this country have never lived anywhere else. Gov't agents are now lurking behind the trees of dairy farms in Wisconsin....Just waiting to leap when that farmer pulls the wrong teat....I love it when people make incredibly stupid comments like this and then don't back it up with facts....

Feds sting Amish farmer selling raw milk locally - Washington Times
So they are going after the Amish.. Next they will force them to pay for birth control pills and force them to take them too for population control. I would not put this past Obama for a minute
Funny you should say that. Just a couple of hours ago, my wife said, "we need a cow with all the milk we go through around here." I told her, "what we really need is the equipment to produce gasoline."


LOL! You are right on.

Those who think gov't regulation is bad in this country have never lived anywhere else. Gov't agents are now lurking behind the trees of dairy farms in Wisconsin....Just waiting to leap when that farmer pulls the wrong teat....I love it when people make incredibly stupid comments like this and then don't back it up with facts....

Feds sting Amish farmer selling raw milk locally - Washington Times

There is a difference here though. Paulie said "produce our own milk" and in this case you linked it seems they were selling milk.


If you really like Paul that much you might as well vote for Obama.
Both are wasted votes

I really like the philosophy of government by the ruled (bounded by limitations on the authority of government to avoid oppressive rule), but I am going to enthusiastically vote for rigid controls being placed on all people by some wannabe dictator.

-- Same basic concept as expressed by the stupid author of the idiotic OP.
Oh, so you were action out of emotion back then, but you're oh so "logical" today.


When you get over your hysterics, do you want to try discussing a topic some time? I mean it's flattering that you follow me through all these threads and post about nothing but me! :razz:
But if you would like to take a crack at a topic someday.... oh wait. That's right it's you.
Well okay then. :lol:
Oh, so you were action out of emotion back then, but you're oh so "logical" today.


When you get over your hysterics, do you want to try discussing a topic some time? I mean it's flattering that you follow me through all these threads and post about nothing but me! :razz:
But if you would like to take a crack at a topic someday.... oh wait. That's right it's you.
Well okay then. :lol:

Your fail is almost complete independentoflogic.

I'm Conservative on: Gun Ownership, Climate Change, Oil Drilling, Unions, Coal, Success!, ObamaCare Sucks, Reducing Government, No Handouts Subsidies etc...

Obama and the Dems are right there for ya on ALL these issues...

I really like the philosophy of government by the ruled (bounded by limitations on the authority of government to avoid oppressive rule), but I am going to enthusiastically vote for rigid controls being placed on all people by some wannabe dictator.

-- Same basic concept as expressed by the stupid author of the idiotic OP.

Hmmm. Are you "rigidly controlled"? How?
How do you think I am "rigidly controlled"?
I have a great life! My family is happy. I own my own business, which is nice. We play tennis every day, travel fairly often and generally have a lot to be grateful for.

So where is all this "rigid control'?

You may not continue your "short angry man rants" if you want or hey, what the heck, you could try a discussion!
Oh, so you were action out of emotion back then, but you're oh so "logical" today.


When you get over your hysterics, do you want to try discussing a topic some time? I mean it's flattering that you follow me through all these threads and post about nothing but me! :razz:
But if you would like to take a crack at a topic someday.... oh wait. That's right it's you.
Well okay then. :lol:
It looks like YOUR thread YOU started is all about YOU. :cuckoo:
Oh, so you were action out of emotion back then, but you're oh so "logical" today.


When you get over your hysterics, do you want to try discussing a topic some time? I mean it's flattering that you follow me through all these threads and post about nothing but me! :razz:
But if you would like to take a crack at a topic someday.... oh wait. That's right it's you.
Well okay then. :lol:

Your fail is almost complete independentoflogic.

LOL! Well if by fail, you mean not meeting the approval of a short, fat anonymous "internet person" who has made more post about me (I'm flattered with your obssession over me btw! :razz:) than about any issues, then OOoooh that tragedy! :lol::lol:

You are one FUNNY little man! Wanna talk about politics now?
Oh, so you were action out of emotion back then, but you're oh so "logical" today.


When you get over your hysterics, do you want to try discussing a topic some time? I mean it's flattering that you follow me through all these threads and post about nothing but me! :razz:
But if you would like to take a crack at a topic someday.... oh wait. That's right it's you.
Well okay then. :lol:
It looks like YOUR thread YOU started is all about YOU. :cuckoo:

Well Si Modo, I did give my opinions. Then I backed them up with some reasons and facts that led to those opinions.

Do you not state your opinions here? Or do all the whackjobs simply post about other posters instead of the issues in the threads?

I know there are at least one or two Conservs on this board who can actually intelligently debate subjects. Too bad none of them have come into this thread. Oh well!
You guys may now continue posting about me. It's funny to watch.

Or hey, here's a novel idea. You could tell me who YOU'RE voting for and why? (Not holding breath)
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When you get over your hysterics, do you want to try discussing a topic some time? I mean it's flattering that you follow me through all these threads and post about nothing but me! :razz:
But if you would like to take a crack at a topic someday.... oh wait. That's right it's you.
Well okay then. :lol:
It looks like YOUR thread YOU started is all about YOU. :cuckoo:

Well Si Modo, I did give my opinions. Then I backed them up with some reasons and facts that led to those opinions.

Do you not state your opinions here? Or do all the whackjobs simply post about other posters instead of the issues in the threads?

I know there are at least one or two Conservs on this board who can actually intelligently debate subjects. Too bad none of them have come into this thread. Oh well!
You guys may now continue posting about me. It's funny to watch.

Or hey, here's a novel idea. You could tell me who YOU'RE voting for and why? (Not holding breath)
I certainly did post my opinion about your topic, rather sarcastically. I'm not at all shocked that you are voting for Obama. Not in the least.

And, I don't share who got my vote or who will get my vote, with one exception. I voted for Perot for President. Otherwise, I don't ever share that information. Ever.
It looks like YOUR thread YOU started is all about YOU. :cuckoo:

Well Si Modo, I did give my opinions. Then I backed them up with some reasons and facts that led to those opinions.

Do you not state your opinions here? Or do all the whackjobs simply post about other posters instead of the issues in the threads?

I know there are at least one or two Conservs on this board who can actually intelligently debate subjects. Too bad none of them have come into this thread. Oh well!
You guys may now continue posting about me. It's funny to watch.

Or hey, here's a novel idea. You could tell me who YOU'RE voting for and why? (Not holding breath)
I certainly did post my opinion about your topic, rather sarcastically. I'm not at all shocked that you are voting for Obama. Not in the least.

And, I don't share who got my vote or who will get my vote, with one exception. I voted for Perot for President. Otherwise, I don't ever share that information. Ever.

LOL! Okey dokey! That is entirely your choice. So basically you criticize those with the courage to state their convictions, while not having sufficient supply to do so yourself. What a marvelous example of "internet people"!

And Ross Perot? Really? Yeah I guess that seems to fit you.
Well Si Modo, I did give my opinions. Then I backed them up with some reasons and facts that led to those opinions.

Do you not state your opinions here? Or do all the whackjobs simply post about other posters instead of the issues in the threads?

I know there are at least one or two Conservs on this board who can actually intelligently debate subjects. Too bad none of them have come into this thread. Oh well!
You guys may now continue posting about me. It's funny to watch.

Or hey, here's a novel idea. You could tell me who YOU'RE voting for and why? (Not holding breath)
I certainly did post my opinion about your topic, rather sarcastically. I'm not at all shocked that you are voting for Obama. Not in the least.

And, I don't share who got my vote or who will get my vote, with one exception. I voted for Perot for President. Otherwise, I don't ever share that information. Ever.

LOL! Okey dokey! That is entirely your choice. So basically you criticize those with the courage to state their convictions, while not having sufficient supply to do so yourself. What a marvelous example of "internet people"!

And Ross Perot? Really? Yeah I guess that seems to fit you.
Hmmm. Telling someone that their vote is not surprising, then telling that same person that a thread they made about themselves IS a thread about them, are criticisms.

My, my, my. Your feelings seem to be quite fragile.
Oh, so you were action out of emotion back then, but you're oh so "logical" today.


When you get over your hysterics, do you want to try discussing a topic some time? I mean it's flattering that you follow me through all these threads and post about nothing but me! :razz:
But if you would like to take a crack at a topic someday.... oh wait. That's right it's you.
Well okay then. :lol:
The topic, as was already pointed out, is you talking about you...Again.

Good thing you're not totally conceited or anything like that. :rolleyes:
I Really Like Ron Paul but I'm Enthusiastically Voting for Obama!

So you're dumb about both of these individules...

Do you do anything right???

Second thought, who cares...

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