I Really Like Ron Paul but I'm Enthusiastically Voting for Obama!

Judging the majority by the actions of a very small vocal minority doesn't speak very well for you.

Besides that, it's about time somebody brought new blood and a little excitement to the notion of strictly limited gubmint and adherence to the Constitution, rather than the lip service paid to it by the golf clapping poseurs currently populating the GOP.
And the GOP is trying to foist their candidates upon us regardless what we think...the elites in the GOP loathe the TEA Party

Why shouldn't they?

They "know" they have us by the gonads because we sure as hell are not going to vote for Obama and they don't expect the few they lose to the third parties to cost them the election.

Classic case of arrogance if you ask me.

The TEA Party isn't a true 'party' as Democrat/Republican...YOU are missing the boat. It's a movement of like minded people from allover the country fed up with Government, and that government ignoring the people for thier partisan politics for party over country.

YES Both parties are guily.
you are dumb as a box of rocks if you think "obama's been pretty damn good" jaysus h chreeeeist.

Considering the disaster left by the republicans and their inane partisan obstructionism, Obama as done as well as can be expected under nearly impossible conditions.
Look at what Republicans are offering.

Recession, war, and an erosion of civil liberties, based upon their past performance.

Whatever Obama’s faults and failures, they’re nowhere as bad as was the Bush debacle.

Sorry, Obama owns this mess... only a brain dead imbecile is still blaming this on Bush. Anyway, wasn't Obama supposed to be like the smartest person EVVA??? Guess not so much.

And the GOP is trying to foist their candidates upon us regardless what we think...the elites in the GOP loathe the TEA Party

Why shouldn't they?

They "know" they have us by the gonads because we sure as hell are not going to vote for Obama and they don't expect the few they lose to the third parties to cost them the election.

Classic case of arrogance if you ask me.

The TEA Party isn't a true 'party' as Democrat/Republican...YOU are missing the boat. It's a movement of like minded people from allover the country fed up with Government, and that government ignoring the people for thier partisan politics for party over country.

YES Both parties are guily.

Right and most people who side with the Tea Party, when election day comes they are going to vote for Romney because they are not going to vote for Obama and should Romney garner enough votes to beat Obama we will have another free spender in the white house.

Why shouldn't they?

They "know" they have us by the gonads because we sure as hell are not going to vote for Obama and they don't expect the few they lose to the third parties to cost them the election.

Classic case of arrogance if you ask me.

The TEA Party isn't a true 'party' as Democrat/Republican...YOU are missing the boat. It's a movement of like minded people from allover the country fed up with Government, and that government ignoring the people for thier partisan politics for party over country.

YES Both parties are guily.

Right and most people who side with the Tea Party, when election day comes they are going to vote for Romney because they are not going to vote for Obama and should Romney garner enough votes to beat Obama we will have another free spender in the white house.


Not if Romney wants to be a two termer, which I believe he will want to be. He has a pretty good Tea Party endorsement, but they will not tolerate another George W. Bush type spender. If Romney doesn't toe the line fiscally, he will be challenged by their fiscally conservative candidate in 2016. If the GOP does not reform itself, I fully expect there to be a viable third party by the time the 2014 election rolls around.
Why shouldn't they?

They "know" they have us by the gonads because we sure as hell are not going to vote for Obama and they don't expect the few they lose to the third parties to cost them the election.

Classic case of arrogance if you ask me.

The TEA Party isn't a true 'party' as Democrat/Republican...YOU are missing the boat. It's a movement of like minded people from allover the country fed up with Government, and that government ignoring the people for thier partisan politics for party over country.

YES Both parties are guily.

Right and most people who side with the Tea Party, when election day comes they are going to vote for Romney because they are not going to vote for Obama and should Romney garner enough votes to beat Obama we will have another free spender in the white house.


And the purpose of the TEA party is what? Please stop being so short-sighted.
It's gotta start somewhere.
you are dumb as a box of rocks if you think "obama's been pretty damn good" jaysus h chreeeeist.

Considering the disaster left by the republicans and their inane partisan obstructionism, Obama as done as well as can be expected under nearly impossible conditions.
Look at what Republicans are offering.

Recession, war, and an erosion of civil liberties, based upon their past performance.

Whatever Obama’s faults and failures, they’re nowhere as bad as was the Bush debacle.
Name one of those policies that your golden calf Boiking has completely reversed....Just one.

C'mon...Dazzle us, tovarich.

I mean just the other day Clayton denied the unconstitutionality of the NDAA.

Imagine if the NDAA was Bush's though???
Considering the disaster left by the republicans and their inane partisan obstructionism, Obama as done as well as can be expected under nearly impossible conditions.

Recession, war, and an erosion of civil liberties, based upon their past performance.

Whatever Obama’s faults and failures, they’re nowhere as bad as was the Bush debacle.
Name one of those policies that your golden calf Boiking has completely reversed....Just one.

C'mon...Dazzle us, tovarich.

I mean just the other day Clayton denied the unconstitutionality of the NDAA.

Imagine if the NDAA was Bush's though???
They'd be shitting themselves...I'm just about convinced that he's one of Cass Sunstein's paid propagandists.
Name one of those policies that your golden calf Boiking has completely reversed....Just one.

C'mon...Dazzle us, tovarich.

I mean just the other day Clayton denied the unconstitutionality of the NDAA.

Imagine if the NDAA was Bush's though???
They'd be shitting themselves...I'm just about convinced that he's one of Cass Sunstein's paid propagandists.

I second the suspicion.
Judging the majority by the actions of a very small vocal minority doesn't speak very well for you.

Besides that, it's about time somebody brought new blood and a little excitement to the notion of strictly limited gubmint and adherence to the Constitution, rather than the lip service paid to it by the golf clapping poseurs currently populating the GOP.

You may have a point there and I will consider it. But I am looking at the bigger picture here and why a Ron Paul isn't able to gain any traction even within the Tea Party that supports all his fiscal goals. Should not his supporters at least consider rethinking their tactics and how they treat those who question their candidate? Demonizing and criticizxing people for being skeptics and accusing them if they question anything about him and/or do not immediately jump on his wagon is not usually going to be persuasive or a winning proposition.

Until Ron Paul supporters are able to promote their candidate in a positive manner and answer his crtitcs in a civil manner and persuade them as to why he is the best candidate, he will not be the nominee and he will not be POTUS. Also the idea that Ron Paul supporters are willing to have Obama re-elected if they can't have their candidate is a huge turn off for many.

There's a lot of irony in this post.

Please point it out.
Ron Paul is really the only guy worth watching in the debates. He's just so danm honest! I agree with him on a LOT of points too e.g. Why TF are we giving money to foreign politicians when we don't even trust our own; the war on drugs has already been lost etc...
But the stuff I disagree with him on, I disagree with so strongly that I won't vote for him. Plus I find the Libertarian Philosophy very flawed when it comes to The Market correcting itself. I've lived in places that had virturally no corporate regulation. No thanks.
I didn't like Obama at all for about two years. There are two things I'm still pretty furious with him about: ObamaCare and NDAA. Oh well.
But he has kept a LOT of his promises (including ObamaCare, which was one I wish he hadn't).
I didn't blame Bush for high prices and I don't blame Obama (well, maybe just a little but not to the extent the ConservaRepubs would like to believe).
I find this to be the most absurd time in history for the GOP to be so focused on social issues. I am former military and had friends who were Force Recon in Afghanistan. An Army translator listened in on chatter and kept them away from some seriously bad juju. Turned out he was gay. Took weeks to get another guy fluent in Pashtu or whatever TF it was.
So repealing DADT was a seriously big deal to a lot of people.
Also, as the DOO of a charity that helps returning troops and Veterans, I watched them get screwed by the GOP for years. Obama has funded a TON of programs for Vets and the VA that I like a lot. Also, he specifically had language written in that put in place the strongest protective measures of women in the military in history.
When I'm volunteering, the three candidates I hear the most positives things about are #1. Obama #2. Ron Paul and #3. "Anyone but Obama" (from the diehard ConservaRepubs). But there is no denying, this guy is liked a lot more military than any Dem in a long time.
Getting us out of Iraq is a big deal. I know it was already set but gee, have presidents spun things and broken promises before. So okey dokey.
He said he'd take the focus to Afghanistan and go after the people who actually attacked America. He killed more Taliban and Al Qaeda leaders in a couple years, than Bush did in eight. He followed the leads from dozens of SOF ops to Pakistan. Then, right in public, he negotiated the release of a US spy from the Pakistan government. A couple months later, He got Bin Laden and yes, I give him credit for that. Now that we finally MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, he's announced the withdraw from Afghanistan. All Bush's wars are over. The most important one, won by Obama.
And waddya know. We're getting out.
Libya. The Republicans (Boehner, Cantor) were screaming we should "Do Something". Then, with an actual NATO led force, we did. Not one American life. Quick withdraw. So of course, the Republicans suddenly became doves and screamed "Hey! He DID something!". WTF??? Hypocrisy much?
Same thing with Aw Lakhi. Suddenly the GOP sounded more like the ACLU! WTF!!!!

So what are the Republicans offering me? Romney seemed worth a look but he has been forced into Romney Version 5.9 by the other two. Now he is so socially Conservative! For now.

After months of talking about the fact that, even if the Dow is going up and UnEmployment is (according to FOX) going down and manufacturing is going up and.... well whatever, ALL is Doom & Gloom! Also it's all about the DEFICIT! That's the key folks!
So they all released their budgets. All of their budgets RAISE THE DEFICIT!!! WTF??? (okay not Ron Paul).
The same low taxes that haven't made a dam bit of difference in the economy or unemployment for years, will suddenly cure all ills if we elect them. Riiiiight.
Gay marriage? Like I care. But I do think they should be able to visit each other in hospitals and get benefits or whatever? Sure why not.
Contraception? Are you outta your dam mind??? Yeah, THAT will get my vote.
All these social issues leave me and pretty much everyone I know, unimpressed. Especially now.

The GOP candidates suck. Really, badly.
Obama isn't great but during the last year he's been pretty dam good.
I'm voting for him.

WOW! Call me surprised. :rolleyes:
Yeah. Some people think the Mainstream Media is the Gospel Truth. :eek:
The TEA Party isn't a true 'party' as Democrat/Republican...YOU are missing the boat. It's a movement of like minded people from allover the country fed up with Government, and that government ignoring the people for thier partisan politics for party over country.

YES Both parties are guily.

Right and most people who side with the Tea Party, when election day comes they are going to vote for Romney because they are not going to vote for Obama and should Romney garner enough votes to beat Obama we will have another free spender in the white house.


Not if Romney wants to be a two termer, which I believe he will want to be. He has a pretty good Tea Party endorsement, but they will not tolerate another George W. Bush type spender. If Romney doesn't toe the line fiscally, he will be challenged by their fiscally conservative candidate in 2016. If the GOP does not reform itself, I fully expect there to be a viable third party by the time the 2014 election rolls around.

I respectfully do not agree. Just as today, the Dems are not offering anyone to replace President Obama, if Romney wins he will be the 2016 candidate. A third party has no chance in our political climate for generations to come.

Edit: Note to The T: Sorry for the "short-sightedness" but that is how I see it. Call me hopeless if you want... in one manner of speaking you would be 100% correct.

Last edited:
The TEA Party isn't a true 'party' as Democrat/Republican...YOU are missing the boat. It's a movement of like minded people from allover the country fed up with Government, and that government ignoring the people for thier partisan politics for party over country.

YES Both parties are guily.

Right and most people who side with the Tea Party, when election day comes they are going to vote for Romney because they are not going to vote for Obama and should Romney garner enough votes to beat Obama we will have another free spender in the white house.


Not if Romney wants to be a two termer, which I believe he will want to be. He has a pretty good Tea Party endorsement, but they will not tolerate another George W. Bush type spender. If Romney doesn't toe the line fiscally, he will be challenged by their fiscally conservative candidate in 2016. If the GOP does not reform itself, I fully expect there to be a viable third party by the time the 2014 election rolls around.

The Ron Paul ideology is so hard core and uncompromising that it appears radical.

Why should we conpromise when it comes to freedom?


That's a reasonable post. And although among the Ron Paul supporters, there is a component of whackjobs that come off with the angry-mob-cult mentality, there are a lot of Ron Paul supporters who can do something that the whackjobs & weak among the ConservaRepubs can't: They can state specifically why they like their candidate, what he has done that they approve of - some even have the balls to admit there are things they disagree with RP on! Imagine that!
So while most posters here are just weak whackjobs who will come into a thread just to be azzholes and sling petty insults at others, The Indies, Libs and Ron Paul supporters are the only ones with the balls to address exactly what they like and dislike about their candidates and why.
There are three or four Conservatives here who do actually debate well, address points directly and support their statements with facts. Big Fitz is one.
Easily. He passed the NDAA, that alone makes him 100% unworthy of being president in my eyes. And before you ask, yes, I feel the same way about anyone else who voted for it or supports it (like Romney).

Unlike the rest of you party hacks, I don't put party politics above my right to a fair trial.

Abso-fucking-lutely!!! Obama shits on the Constitution with the NDAA, he blows another couple TRILLION dollars and because Nerdly gets some free health care,and because IL gets something good for the vets, they're all good with it.

What the fuck are you guys THINKING?!?

Because I am registered decline to state I will vote for Ron Paul in the Primary (which is allowed in my state) and after that neither side is a winner on NDAA. Ron Paul truely cares about the constition and would truely reduce the deficit. All the rest are mostly BS.

Both sides are for subsidized health care. Obama'a is actually less so in my mind. Granted, he is just using the government versus private insurers which I don't prefer. But, he is attacking preventative care instead of blowing dollars when it is too late. Advantage: Obama

Lastly I think Obama is more serious about reducing the deficit. So I will vote for him. I don't want to hear about more tax breaks for the wealthy when revenue is already at record lows.
The trouble with Obama's Health care is the build-in layering that will triple again the already-high medical costs to do business passed onto the average American family that is already paying $1500 more per year of Obama's pain at the pump idea. I'm here to tell you, Sactowndog, higher medical costs, higher gas costs, higher restaurant costs, higher natural foods costs, higher real estate costs, higher interest costs, and higher taxes are going to destroy families. Everybody is already cranky about the higher gas costs which were targeting lower usage.

The only trouble is, that lower usage is tanking the small business owners of the tourist industry, because families are staying home summers instead of driving across country to see a National Park.

That hamstrings everything Theodore Roosevelt ever did to promote Americans getting to see the beauty of this country.

Please rethink, and think of American middle class families who are not going to have a good vacation this upcoming summer, because gas is projected at going to a dollar higher yet from what I've read.

That will put these National Parks on the visitation lists of the higher upper class, moneyed people to get to see them.

Obama doesn't see people, he sees a good thing in lowering gas usage that hurts American citizens but giving citizenship to people because they came somewhere that had an out-of-control birthrate and uses America to dump its (1) incorrigible criminals they do not wish to pay for housing for, (2) a way to get illegal drugs to America that puts its own young at risk to problems of addiction, and (3) a thoroughfare for terrorist cells.

Obama isn't going to address real problems. He's just passing the buck to average American citizens to foot the bill, while he's talking silly about 1% paying 80% of the taxes. 1% will have to start firing people to pay higher taxes if he does that.

All this experimentalism that Obama does--are tried and true warning signs that are hallmarks of societies that fail. When you punish the hardworking stiffs who are America's backbone, you destroy the body, fast. Don't let Obama do any more experimentalism on America.

Don't let any President destroy America just because it would be nice if America could boast a black president... It would be. But this one is playing with the matches of community-ism that reached its climax of failure while America-the-middle-class-promoter country was developing wealth for everyone with tried-and-true methods of success--like encouraging people to work hard and get financial and social benefits out of life.

The community experiment stuff failed in Russia, it failed in China, and it fails to free people from misery, but puts a high misery index on everyone.

You can vote your heart out, but you can't stop Obama from his madcap programs that are proved failures elsewhere.
Right and most people who side with the Tea Party, when election day comes they are going to vote for Romney because they are not going to vote for Obama and should Romney garner enough votes to beat Obama we will have another free spender in the white house.


Not if Romney wants to be a two termer, which I believe he will want to be. He has a pretty good Tea Party endorsement, but they will not tolerate another George W. Bush type spender. If Romney doesn't toe the line fiscally, he will be challenged by their fiscally conservative candidate in 2016. If the GOP does not reform itself, I fully expect there to be a viable third party by the time the 2014 election rolls around.

I respectfully do not agree. Just as today, the Dems are not offering anyone to replace President Obama, if Romney wins he will be the 2016 candidate. A third party has no chance in our political climate for generations to come.

Edit: Note to The T: Sorry for the "short-sightedness" but that is how I see it. Call me hopeless if you want... in one manner of speaking you would be 100% correct.


Don't be too sure. In the general disatisfaction with both major political parties, Ross Perot successfully developed a viable third party with a whole lot less focus and inspiration and direction than what the Tea Party would come up with. I am not at all certain that if he hadn't gone looney tunes , quit and came back, he could have been elected in that first campaign. When he wigged out, most of his supporters and volunteers felt betrayed and were bitterly disappointed and didn't get back on board when he re-entered the race. Even with all that he got 19% of the vote which is amazing. Clinton won with a scant 43% of the vote.

Despite how the media spins it, the Tea Party is not an arm of the GOP. The Tea Party intentionally is the driving force behind the resurgence of the GOP. The Tea Party has intentionally set about to reform the GOP and infuse it with true conservatives rather than form a third party at this time. If the GOP doesn't respond to that, there will be a third party, however. And given the abysmal track record of both the Dems and GOP, I would expect that third party to be even more successful than Perot's Reform Party.
The Ron Paul ideology is so hard core and uncompromising that it appears radical.

Why should we conpromise when it comes to freedom?


Freedom is not somebody else dictating what freedom is. That is no different than dictatorship. You compromise when the alternative is the loss of still more freedoms and the right to self governance. Just as not one of the Founders got everything he wanted in the U.S. Constitution, you work together to get the best plan that everybody can agree to. You don't throw the country under the bus just because you aren't able to get everything you want.

We have had 100 years of creeping big government intrusion into every aspect of our lives. We won't be able to reverse that overnight. But we can begin the difficult and sometimes painful process of rolling it back and increasing our liberties, opportunities, and choices.

We won't get all that with a Mitt Romney or any of the other GOP hopefuls. But we will have a chance to begin the process.

We have zero chance for that with a Barack Obama.

And THAT is why we compromise.
The Ron Paul ideology is so hard core and uncompromising that it appears radical.

Why should we conpromise when it comes to freedom?


Freedom is not somebody else dictating what freedom is. That is no different than dictatorship. You compromise when the alternative is the loss of still more freedoms and the right to self governance. Just as not one of the Founders got everything he wanted in the U.S. Constitution, you work together to get the best plan that everybody can agree to. You don't throw the country under the bus just because you aren't able to get everything you want.

We have had 100 years of creeping big government intrusion into every aspect of our lives. We won't be able to reverse that overnight. But we can begin the difficult and sometimes painful process of rolling it back and increasing our liberties, opportunities, and choices.

We won't get all that with a Mitt Romney or any of the other GOP hopefuls. But we will have a chance to begin the process.

We have zero chance for that with a Barack Obama.

And THAT is why we compromise.

And one has to remember that the US Constitution is NOT a suicide pact against ourselves.

Sadly many politicians think that it is.

Liberty of the individual and responsible government needs to be the focus with the containment policy being the Constituion.
Abso-fucking-lutely!!! Obama shits on the Constitution with the NDAA, he blows another couple TRILLION dollars and because Nerdly gets some free health care,and because IL gets something good for the vets, they're all good with it.

What the fuck are you guys THINKING?!?

Because I am registered decline to state I will vote for Ron Paul in the Primary (which is allowed in my state) and after that neither side is a winner on NDAA. Ron Paul truely cares about the constition and would truely reduce the deficit. All the rest are mostly BS.

Both sides are for subsidized health care. Obama'a is actually less so in my mind. Granted, he is just using the government versus private insurers which I don't prefer. But, he is attacking preventative care instead of blowing dollars when it is too late. Advantage: Obama

Lastly I think Obama is more serious about reducing the deficit. So I will vote for him. I don't want to hear about more tax breaks for the wealthy when revenue is already at record lows.
The trouble with Obama's Health care is the build-in layering that will triple again the already-high medical costs to do business passed onto the average American family that is already paying $1500 more per year of Obama's pain at the pump idea. I'm here to tell you, Sactowndog, higher medical costs, higher gas costs, higher restaurant costs, higher natural foods costs, higher real estate costs, higher interest costs, and higher taxes are going to destroy families. Everybody is already cranky about the higher gas costs which were targeting lower usage.

The only trouble is, that lower usage is tanking the small business owners of the tourist industry, because families are staying home summers instead of driving across country to see a National Park.

That hamstrings everything Theodore Roosevelt ever did to promote Americans getting to see the beauty of this country.

Please rethink, and think of American middle class families who are not going to have a good vacation this upcoming summer, because gas is projected at going to a dollar higher yet from what I've read.

That will put these National Parks on the visitation lists of the higher upper class, moneyed people to get to see them.

Obama doesn't see people, he sees a good thing in lowering gas usage that hurts American citizens but giving citizenship to people because they came somewhere that had an out-of-control birthrate and uses America to dump its (1) incorrigible criminals they do not wish to pay for housing for, (2) a way to get illegal drugs to America that puts its own young at risk to problems of addiction, and (3) a thoroughfare for terrorist cells.

Obama isn't going to address real problems. He's just passing the buck to average American citizens to foot the bill, while he's talking silly about 1% paying 80% of the taxes. 1% will have to start firing people to pay higher taxes if he does that.

All this experimentalism that Obama does--are tried and true warning signs that are hallmarks of societies that fail. When you punish the hardworking stiffs who are America's backbone, you destroy the body, fast. Don't let Obama do any more experimentalism on America.

Don't let any President destroy America just because it would be nice if America could boast a black president... It would be. But this one is playing with the matches of community-ism that reached its climax of failure while America-the-middle-class-promoter country was developing wealth for everyone with tried-and-true methods of success--like encouraging people to work hard and get financial and social benefits out of life.

The community experiment stuff failed in Russia, it failed in China, and it fails to free people from misery, but puts a high misery index on everyone.

You can vote your heart out, but you can't stop Obama from his madcap programs that are proved failures elsewhere.

When the system lets me reload. REPS YOUR WAY :clap2::clap2:

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