I really liked Judge Jackson's answer on the definition of a "woman."

Usually in a debate it would be up to you to prove your claim that trans men don't compete but since it's obvious that you don't educate yourself before you speak out of ignorance I don't mind taking the opportunity to educate you myself, as if you were a small child.

What About The Trans Athletes Who Compete and Win In Men's Sports
Ezra is a sick puppy. Cross country doesn't require upper body strength like swimming does anyway. Ezra is mentally ill and if you believe she is a man, so are you.
I like how you think you get to assert, "A person is whatever they identify as" without ever being required to define what it is they're identifying as, but you get to demand that WE define "biological man" and "biological woman" as though WE are the ones saying something abnormal and need to justify ourselves sufficiently to YOU.

I have a better idea. YOU define "man" and "woman", and we'll let you know whether or not you've earned the right to say anything else on the subject at all.
In debate if you're going to make a claim (like trans women aren't real women) then it's on you to prove that claim. In this case proof would be defining what a real woman is in an intellectually consistent manner and showing how trans women didn't fit that. I don't have any problem making my argument, I have before and I will again but the onus is supposed to be on you.

There is no good biological answer. We have a lot of methods that are mostly right but they aren't always right. Whether you want to use chromosomes or sex organs or the ability to give birth you will be leaving out people who don't neatly fit into those biological categories. If a person can be born with XY chromosomes and a vagina and be considered a woman why not trans people?
Ezra is a sick puppy. Cross country doesn't require upper body strength like swimming does anyway. Ezra is mentally ill and if you believe she is a man, so are you.
The college educated professionals are the ones who decide who's mentally ill and these days that's more likely to the ignorant bigots on the right rather than trans individuals. 😁 You know your the side losing because Ezra gets to compete and all you can do is cry about it. 😄
Right now one of the platforms of the democratic party is gender fluidity because it allows them to embrace a greater number of voters not because it makes any sense.

Also because of their use as a tool in the ongoing effort to legitimize pedophilia.
Since you're obviously a fucking genius, tell us why women transgendering to men don't compete in men's sports.

In most sports, a “trans man” competing against actual men would get “his” ass kicked, just as actual women are getting their asses kicked by “trans women” competing against them in their sports.
The college educated professionals are the ones who decide who's mentally ill and these days that's more likely to the ignorant bigots on the right rather than trans individuals. 😁 You know your the side losing because Ezra gets to compete and all you can do is cry about it. 😄
The college professionals are mentally ill if they think a man is a woman. I never said Ezra shouldn't compete but she does have gender dysphoria and all you can do is condone her believing she is a male which she can never be.
The college professionals are mentally ill if they think a man is a woman. I never said Ezra shouldn't compete but she does have gender dysphoria and all you can do is condone her believing she is a male which she can never be.
What does condone it mean? Do I need to condone gravity? The more we study trans individuals the more we discover how different their brains are and how they more closely resemble the brains of their chosen gender. There's nothing to condone or condemn there. Science doesn't do that. It doesn't think trans brains are wrong, just different but that difference is real. I'm not sure why that scientific reality should frighten you.
In debate if you're going to make a claim (like trans women aren't real women) then it's on you to prove that claim. In this case proof would be defining what a real woman is in an intellectually consistent manner and showing how trans women didn't fit that. I don't have any problem making my argument, I have before and I will again but the onus is supposed to be on you.

There is no good biological answer. We have a lot of methods that are mostly right but they aren't always right. Whether you want to use chromosomes or sex organs or the ability to give birth you will be leaving out people who don't neatly fit into those biological categories. If a person can be born with XY chromosomes and a vagina and be considered a woman why not trans people?
If trans women are 'real women' they why do you call them 'trans women?' The Swyer syndrome (women born with XY chromosomes), is abnormal but most grow up to be women, not men.
If trans women are 'real women' they why do you call them 'trans women?' The Swyer syndrome (women born with XY chromosomes), is abnormal but most grow up to be women, not men.
So if you acknowledge you can have XY chromosomes and still be a woman how would you biological discern men from women in a scientifically consistent manner?
In debate if you're going to make a claim (like trans women aren't real women) then it's on you to prove that claim. In this case proof would be defining what a real woman is in an intellectually consistent manner and showing how trans women didn't fit that. I don't have any problem making my argument, I have before and I will again but the onus is supposed to be on you.

There is no good biological answer. We have a lot of methods that are mostly right but they aren't always right. Whether you want to use chromosomes or sex organs or the ability to give birth you will be leaving out people who don't neatly fit into those biological categories. If a person can be born with XY chromosomes and a vagina and be considered a woman why not trans people?

In debate, if you're going to make a claim like "transgender women are real women", then it's on you to prove that claim. In this case, proof would be defined what a real woman is in an intellectually consistent manner and showing how transgenders and real woman both fit that. Every time you tell me, "I don't have any problem making my argument" without actually making the argument, all I hear is, "I have no argument, I'm full of shit, please ignore me and laugh at me." And so I do.

I agree that there's no good biological answer . . . which agrees with your muddled bullshit. There's an excellent biological answer that agrees with my statement of fact. It is, in fact, always correct. I've already provided it on this message board. Your turn. And no, "If you make accommodations for people with rare birth defects, that means there IS no definition and you have to accept normal people as the opposite sex" is not science, or logic, or any more true THIS time that you blankly asserted it as fact than it has any other time.

So again, what is your definition? So far, we are at 12 pages of you assuring us that you have one, that you know the facts, that science is on your side, without you getting anywhere near actually showing your work. I'm curious to see how many more pages you can keep up this deflecting dance.
What does condone it mean? Do I need to condone gravity? The more we study trans individuals the more we discover how different their brains are and how they more closely resemble the brains of their chosen gender. There's nothing to condone or condemn there. Science doesn't do that. It doesn't think trans brains are wrong, just different but that difference is real. I'm not sure why that scientific reality should frighten you.
Bullshit, mens brains are different from women's brains.

Sorry, 'closely resemble' is nothing but an opinion and has nothing to do with science.
What does condone it mean? Do I need to condone gravity? The more we study trans individuals the more we discover how different their brains are and how they more closely resemble the brains of their chosen gender. There's nothing to condone or condemn there. Science doesn't do that. It doesn't think trans brains are wrong, just different but that difference is real. I'm not sure why that scientific reality should frighten you.
Science calls it "gender dysphoria". It's a mental disorder.
The college educated professionals are the ones who decide who's mentally ill and these days that's more likely to the ignorant bigots on the right rather than trans individuals. 😁 You know your the side losing because Ezra gets to compete and all you can do is cry about it. 😄

Tremendously brilliant. So you're going to combat mental illness by simply calling it sanity. If you don't acknowledge it, it doesn't exist, right? I wonder if it'll work as well as "We'll lower the crime rate by simply redefining things as not-crimes."
So if you acknowledge you can have XY chromosomes and still be a woman how would you biological discern men from women in a scientifically consistent manner?
Because MOST women have XX chromosomes and most men have XY chromosomes. Transgender is aberrant. You promote aberration by condoning children to question their own sexuality. Women with XY chromosomes have female genitalia and typically grow up as women, not men.

the past 15 years or so, there’s been a sea change as new technologies have generated a growing pile of evidence that there are inherent differences in how men’s and women’s brains are wired and how they work.
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So if you acknowledge you can have XY chromosomes and still be a woman how would you biological discern men from women in a scientifically consistent manner?

Is that your idea of "science"? "Look, there's a rare birth defect! That invalidates the biology of the entire species, and we all just have to wander around pretending to be confused!"?
How are brains scans an opinion?

By being one vague study, with a small subject group, that didn't really measure anything significant.

I know, I know. The instant someone tells you, "Look, you can say you were right!" that's all you need. Because you care about "science".

EDIT: I forgot to ask. If there's no clear definition of what a woman is, how did the "scientists" in the brain scan study you love so much know whose scans to compare the transgenders' scans to?
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