I really liked Judge Jackson's answer on the definition of a "woman."

No, I'm the majority, Shit Bird. There is science and then there is how we apply science. Biologists and scientists are concerned with DNA and chromosomes, genes and alleles, their work happens on a different plain of existence. Who gets to be considered a man or woman is a consideration that largely happens on the social plain of existence, not the cellular one. Science can inform us but biology and nature aren't perfect and sometimes people with XY chromosomes get to be considered women even though they are genetically men and may have testicles. Why? Because that is how they see themselves even though genetically the truth is more complicated. You also see this thinking exhibited on the Right (though usually as a lack of empathy) when they suggest liberal men aren't real men. There they are also acknowledging the social aspect of gender rather than the biological one just from the standpoint of a complete asshole.
That post deserves the Forum loony award..... :cuckoo:
Of course a mental midget like you wouldn't be able to show how anything I said was inaccurate. 😁
You haven't said anything noteworthy. You're pretty much used to dealing with naive college kids, huh. Are you a Harvard professor?
Of course a mental midget like you wouldn't be able to show how anything I said was inaccurate. 😁
You idiot, you said that who gets to be a man or woman is a consideration of a social 'plain.' Besides the bad grammar, even your radical lefty nominee said that biology is the factor. Why is it you deny Father nature, a black female judge and reality? Are you trans or something?
Then show us the science, dipshit. Give us the scientific definition of a woman.
Do you not know how debate works you dipshit? I've already given my argument and linked to the science that shows biology isn't neatly black and white. Isn't neatly male or female. If you want to counter that argument, you moron, you have to bring your own science and so far none of you mental midgets have been able to.
You idiot, you said that who gets to be a man or woman is a consideration of a social plain. Besides the bad grammar, even your radical lefty nominee said that biology is the factor. Why is it you deny Father nature and reality? Are you trans or something?
Mentally ill, for sure.
Do you not know how debate works you dipshit? I've already given my argument and linked to the science that shows biology isn't neatly black and white. Isn't neatly male or female. If you want to counter that argument, you moron, you have to bring your own science and so far none of you mental midgets have been able to.
Wrong. You've given YOUR opinion. You're not the science dictionary.
You idiot, you said that who gets to be a man or woman is a consideration of a social plain. Besides the bad grammar, even your radical lefty nominee said that biology is the factor. Why is it you deny Father nature and reality? Are you trans or something?
Biology is a factor, A Factor, you moron, not the entire calculation. Also the brain is also part of human Biology and that is where the sense of the body being the wrong gender comes from. Is the brain not a biological factor?
Do you not know how debate works you dipshit? I've already given my argument and linked to the science that shows biology isn't neatly black and white. Isn't neatly male or female. If you want to counter that argument, you moron, you have to bring your own science and so far none of you mental midgets have been able to.
Science does not call normal an outlier, dufus. Science identifies outliers as being abnormal. Homosexuality is abnormal. Learn to live with that.
Biology is a factor, A Factor, you moron, not the entire calculation. Also the brain is also part of human Biology and that is where the sense of the body being the wrong gender comes from. Is the brain not a biological factor?
There is no such thing as "wrong gender". You're either a male or female, scientific fact. What's wrong is their thinking. Gender Dysphoria.
Biology is a factor, A Factor, you moron, not the entire calculation. Also the brain is also part of human Biology and that is where the sense of the body being the wrong gender comes from. Is the brain not a biological factor?
Biology is the main factor, you brainwashed POS.
Science does not call normal an outlier, dufus. Science identifies outliers as being abnormal. Homosexuality is abnormal. Learn to live with that.
Abnormal in sciencetific terms doesn't mean wrong you moron, it just means it doesn't occur in the majority of people. Left handedness is also abnormal but if a bunch of clowns went around calling left handed people the embodiment of Satan normal people would think they were assholes. That's how the world see you clowns.
There is no such thing as "wrong gender". You're either a male or female, scientific fact. What's wrong is their thinking. Gender Dysphoria.
See until you link to a credible medical journal that says that that is just your opinion, fucktard.
Abnormal in sciencetific terms doesn't mean wrong you moron, it just means it doesn't occur in the majority of people.
Nobody said homosexuality was wrong, it's aberrant. You seem to want to make aberrant 'normal' which is a ludicrous position. It is not normal in any way shape or form. There is a reason why it doesn't occur in the majority of people. Can you tell us why?
Nobody said homosexuality was wrong, it's aberrant. It is not normal in any way shape or form. There is a reason why it doesn't occur in the majority of people.
Again, you say that you understand that abnormal doesn't mean wrong but you clearly want people to see homosexuality as wrong. It's no different than being left handed or a red head.
If you want to claim I'm wrong then provide the evidence that supports that you dipshit.


1. An individual of the sex which conceives and brings forth young, or (in a wider sense) which has an ovary and produces ova. The male and female of each living thing. (Drayton)
2. (Science: botany) a plant which produces only that kind of reproductive organs which are capable of developing into fruit after impregnation or fertilization; a pistillate plant.
Origin: oe. Femel, femal, f. Femelle, fr. L. Femella, dim. Of femina woman. See feminine.
1. Belonging to the sex which conceives and gives birth to young, or (in a wider sense) which produces ova; not male. As patient as the female dove When that her golden couplets are disclosed. (Shak)
2. Belonging to an individual of the female sex; characteristic of woman; feminine; as, female tenderness. Female usurpation.’b8 (Milton) To the generous decision of a female mind, we owe the discovery of America.” (Belknap)
3. (Science: botany) Having pistils and no stamens; pistillate; or, in cryptogamous plants, capable of receiving fertilization.

Fears Ukraine War Could Lead to Rise in COVID-19, Other Infectious Diseases

Last updated on October 26th, 2021

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1. An individual of the sex which conceives and brings forth young, or (in a wider sense) which has an ovary and produces ova. The male and female of each living thing. (Drayton)
2. (Science: botany) a plant which produces only that kind of reproductive organs which are capable of developing into fruit after impregnation or fertilization; a pistillate plant.
Origin: oe. Femel, femal, f. Femelle, fr. L. Femella, dim. Of femina woman. See feminine.
1. Belonging to the sex which conceives and gives birth to young, or (in a wider sense) which produces ova; not male. As patient as the female dove When that her golden couplets are disclosed. (Shak)
2. Belonging to an individual of the female sex; characteristic of woman; feminine; as, female tenderness. Female usurpation.’b8 (Milton) To the generous decision of a female mind, we owe the discovery of America.” (Belknap)
3. (Science: botany) Having pistils and no stamens; pistillate; or, in cryptogamous plants, capable of receiving fertilization.

Fears Ukraine War Could Lead to Rise in COVID-19, Other Infectious Diseases
Last updated on October 26th, 2021

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That's not a medical journal you moron. The dictionary doesn't give context to those definitions. For instance number 1 does that mean women who can't give birth aren't real women?
If this loser can’t define a woman then she can’t support equal rights, she can’t support women's rights either
How can you support womens rights when you don’t know what a woman is.
She’s an idiot.

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