I really missed certain people here....


I said I would not harass you or pick on you. I meant it. But I was not aware of what exactly went down when you got your vaycay. I do now.

I dislike you very much. You are truly an evil horrible person to say what you said. Your schtick no longer works with me. No longer am I on the fence about your intent. Anyone that could say such an awful thing to another person is nothing but ..well....let's just say a NOBODY. I don't feel sorry for you. I don't like you. I don't think you are a good person. I don't think you are what you claim. I think you are very very very good at what you do and for me..I no longer want to see it. You are on the level of Godless Ashtray in my book. On iggie you go. And I kick dirt on you at the same time, just like my dog does after she takes a dump then walks away.

Gonna have to fill me in on the bitterness...just dont see it.
I was waiting for that G force meltdown to come.
Nope. It's your choice to believe her bullshit and accept the awful shit she said to another person. MY choice is to finally see her clearly. What she said can never be taken back. Ever.

And it isn't bitterness. It is standing up for someone that was spoken to in such a manner and throwing dirt on the one that said it.

Wrong is WRONG. Period.

I said I would not harass you or pick on you. I meant it. But I was not aware of what exactly went down when you got your vaycay. I do now.

I dislike you very much. You are truly an evil horrible person to say what you said. Your schtick no longer works with me. No longer am I on the fence about your intent. Anyone that could say such an awful thing to another person is nothing but ..well....let's just say a NOBODY. I don't feel sorry for you. I don't like you. I don't think you are a good person. I don't think you are what you claim. I think you are very very very good at what you do and for me..I no longer want to see it. You are on the level of Godless Ashtray in my book. On iggie you go. And I kick dirt on you at the same time, just like my dog does after she takes a dump then walks away.

Gonna have to fill me in on the bitterness...just dont see it.

I already know. I heard. You are out of the loop. Ha ha. :funnyface:

Apparently so. Bonzi hasn't done anything to me so I wont hold hearsay against her.
In fact she's always been a sweetheart.

I said I would not harass you or pick on you. I meant it. But I was not aware of what exactly went down when you got your vaycay. I do now.

I dislike you very much. You are truly an evil horrible person to say what you said. Your schtick no longer works with me. No longer am I on the fence about your intent. Anyone that could say such an awful thing to another person is nothing but ..well....let's just say a NOBODY. I don't feel sorry for you. I don't like you. I don't think you are a good person. I don't think you are what you claim. I think you are very very very good at what you do and for me..I no longer want to see it. You are on the level of Godless Ashtray in my book. On iggie you go. And I kick dirt on you at the same time, just like my dog does after she takes a dump then walks away.

Gonna have to fill me in on the bitterness...just dont see it.

I already know. I heard. You are out of the loop. Ha ha. :funnyface:

Apparently so. Bonzi hasn't done anything to me so I wont hold hearsay against her.
In fact she's always been a sweetheart.
Fine. My post was to Bonzi. Not to you. Do as you please. Has no bearing on how the rest of us deal with each other. Unless it does to you.

And..it is not hearsay. I saw it with my own eyes compliments of someone who had a screenshot and shall not be named.

How ANY of you can condone that is beyond me. But....your choice.
It must be painful to think you and everyone can NEVER make a mistake, or face ETERNAL DAMNATION.

I said I would not harass you or pick on you. I meant it. But I was not aware of what exactly went down when you got your vaycay. I do now.

I dislike you very much. You are truly an evil horrible person to say what you said. Your schtick no longer works with me. No longer am I on the fence about your intent. Anyone that could say such an awful thing to another person is nothing but ..well....let's just say a NOBODY. I don't feel sorry for you. I don't like you. I don't think you are a good person. I don't think you are what you claim. I think you are very very very good at what you do and for me..I no longer want to see it. You are on the level of Godless Ashtray in my book. On iggie you go. And I kick dirt on you at the same time, just like my dog does after she takes a dump then walks away.

Gonna have to fill me in on the bitterness...just dont see it.

I already know. I heard. You are out of the loop. Ha ha. :funnyface:

Apparently so. Bonzi hasn't done anything to me so I wont hold hearsay against her.
In fact she's always been a sweetheart.

That's because you're a guy. :D She's a phony. Lol.

I said I would not harass you or pick on you. I meant it. But I was not aware of what exactly went down when you got your vaycay. I do now.

I dislike you very much. You are truly an evil horrible person to say what you said. Your schtick no longer works with me. No longer am I on the fence about your intent. Anyone that could say such an awful thing to another person is nothing but ..well....let's just say a NOBODY. I don't feel sorry for you. I don't like you. I don't think you are a good person. I don't think you are what you claim. I think you are very very very good at what you do and for me..I no longer want to see it. You are on the level of Godless Ashtray in my book. On iggie you go. And I kick dirt on you at the same time, just like my dog does after she takes a dump then walks away.

Gonna have to fill me in on the bitterness...just dont see it.

I already know. I heard. You are out of the loop. Ha ha. :funnyface:

Apparently so. Bonzi hasn't done anything to me so I wont hold hearsay against her.
In fact she's always been a sweetheart.
Fine. My post was to Bonzi. Not to you. Do as you please. Has no bearing on how the rest of us deal with each other. Unless it does to you.

Fine with me.
I've found it's best not to get in the middle of chick fights.
Although I will take sides if I ever learn the truth.

I said I would not harass you or pick on you. I meant it. But I was not aware of what exactly went down when you got your vaycay. I do now.

I dislike you very much. You are truly an evil horrible person to say what you said. Your schtick no longer works with me. No longer am I on the fence about your intent. Anyone that could say such an awful thing to another person is nothing but ..well....let's just say a NOBODY. I don't feel sorry for you. I don't like you. I don't think you are a good person. I don't think you are what you claim. I think you are very very very good at what you do and for me..I no longer want to see it. You are on the level of Godless Ashtray in my book. On iggie you go. And I kick dirt on you at the same time, just like my dog does after she takes a dump then walks away.

Gonna have to fill me in on the bitterness...just dont see it.

I already know. I heard. You are out of the loop. Ha ha. :funnyface:

Apparently so. Bonzi hasn't done anything to me so I wont hold hearsay against her.
In fact she's always been a sweetheart.

That's because you're a guy. :D She's a phony. Lol.
She's selectively attentive.

I said I would not harass you or pick on you. I meant it. But I was not aware of what exactly went down when you got your vaycay. I do now.

I dislike you very much. You are truly an evil horrible person to say what you said. Your schtick no longer works with me. No longer am I on the fence about your intent. Anyone that could say such an awful thing to another person is nothing but ..well....let's just say a NOBODY. I don't feel sorry for you. I don't like you. I don't think you are a good person. I don't think you are what you claim. I think you are very very very good at what you do and for me..I no longer want to see it. You are on the level of Godless Ashtray in my book. On iggie you go. And I kick dirt on you at the same time, just like my dog does after she takes a dump then walks away.

Gonna have to fill me in on the bitterness...just dont see it.

I already know. I heard. You are out of the loop. Ha ha. :funnyface:

Apparently so. Bonzi hasn't done anything to me so I wont hold hearsay against her.
In fact she's always been a sweetheart.

That's because you're a guy. :D She's a phony. Lol.
She's selectively attentive.

Or desperate for attention. :D Lol.

I said I would not harass you or pick on you. I meant it. But I was not aware of what exactly went down when you got your vaycay. I do now.

I dislike you very much. You are truly an evil horrible person to say what you said. Your schtick no longer works with me. No longer am I on the fence about your intent. Anyone that could say such an awful thing to another person is nothing but ..well....let's just say a NOBODY. I don't feel sorry for you. I don't like you. I don't think you are a good person. I don't think you are what you claim. I think you are very very very good at what you do and for me..I no longer want to see it. You are on the level of Godless Ashtray in my book. On iggie you go. And I kick dirt on you at the same time, just like my dog does after she takes a dump then walks away.

Gonna have to fill me in on the bitterness...just dont see it.

I already know. I heard. You are out of the loop. Ha ha. :funnyface:

Apparently so. Bonzi hasn't done anything to me so I wont hold hearsay against her.
In fact she's always been a sweetheart.
Fine. My post was to Bonzi. Not to you. Do as you please. Has no bearing on how the rest of us deal with each other. Unless it does to you.

Fine with me.
I've found it's best not to get in the middle of chick fights.
Although I will take sides if I ever learn the truth.
Yeah...sure. Ok. Long as she is a sweetheart to you, all is ok.

Some things are beneath hitting below the belt. She did exactly that. NOW I can feel free without wondering about her. NOW I know. Mystery solved.
The end.

Now y'all can climb all over me for standing firm on speaking out against things that should never have been said. Knock yourselves out. Hold your Bonzi close and consider her a "sweetheart". Remember..carrying that snake across the river will wind up with you dead cuz you got bit.

Over and out.
Gonna have to fill me in on the bitterness...just dont see it.

I already know. I heard. You are out of the loop. Ha ha. :funnyface:

Apparently so. Bonzi hasn't done anything to me so I wont hold hearsay against her.
In fact she's always been a sweetheart.

That's because you're a guy. :D She's a phony. Lol.
She's selectively attentive.

Or desperate for attention. :D Lol.
Sure, she wants attention.

I said I would not harass you or pick on you. I meant it. But I was not aware of what exactly went down when you got your vaycay. I do now.

I dislike you very much. You are truly an evil horrible person to say what you said. Your schtick no longer works with me. No longer am I on the fence about your intent. Anyone that could say such an awful thing to another person is nothing but ..well....let's just say a NOBODY. I don't feel sorry for you. I don't like you. I don't think you are a good person. I don't think you are what you claim. I think you are very very very good at what you do and for me..I no longer want to see it. You are on the level of Godless Ashtray in my book. On iggie you go. And I kick dirt on you at the same time, just like my dog does after she takes a dump then walks away.

Gonna have to fill me in on the bitterness...just dont see it.

I already know. I heard. You are out of the loop. Ha ha. :funnyface:

Apparently so. Bonzi hasn't done anything to me so I wont hold hearsay against her.
In fact she's always been a sweetheart.

That's because you're a guy. :D She's a phony. Lol.

May be some truth to that. Which of course is why I never involve myself in chick fights. Because God knows no man can understand em.
I already know. I heard. You are out of the loop. Ha ha. :funnyface:

Apparently so. Bonzi hasn't done anything to me so I wont hold hearsay against her.
In fact she's always been a sweetheart.

That's because you're a guy. :D She's a phony. Lol.
She's selectively attentive.

Or desperate for attention. :D Lol.
Sure, she wants attention.

I don't hate her. I just think she's a clown. Lol.

I said I would not harass you or pick on you. I meant it. But I was not aware of what exactly went down when you got your vaycay. I do now.

I dislike you very much. You are truly an evil horrible person to say what you said. Your schtick no longer works with me. No longer am I on the fence about your intent. Anyone that could say such an awful thing to another person is nothing but ..well....let's just say a NOBODY. I don't feel sorry for you. I don't like you. I don't think you are a good person. I don't think you are what you claim. I think you are very very very good at what you do and for me..I no longer want to see it. You are on the level of Godless Ashtray in my book. On iggie you go. And I kick dirt on you at the same time, just like my dog does after she takes a dump then walks away.

Gonna have to fill me in on the bitterness...just dont see it.

I already know. I heard. You are out of the loop. Ha ha. :funnyface:

Apparently so. Bonzi hasn't done anything to me so I wont hold hearsay against her.
In fact she's always been a sweetheart.

That's because you're a guy. :D She's a phony. Lol.

May be some truth to that. Which of course is why I never involve myself in chick fights. Because God knows no man can understand em.
Men aren't as complicated as women are. Women in groups are devastating.
Apparently so. Bonzi hasn't done anything to me so I wont hold hearsay against her.
In fact she's always been a sweetheart.

That's because you're a guy. :D She's a phony. Lol.
She's selectively attentive.

Or desperate for attention. :D Lol.
Sure, she wants attention.

I don't hate her. I just think she's a clown. Lol.
I think she's sad. AND she pushes a lot of people's buttons.

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