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I regret my vote for Cruz in the primary.

So you think Trump is worse than Hillary?
I don't know what to think anymore. I had always placed my faith in my conservative roots & gave the gop the benefit of the doubt on most things. It has become quite obvious that I've been a puppet for some time now.

Fuck them all
Finally a Republican getting it! Someone waking up from the brainwashing right in front of our eyes. This is great. I've never met a Republican to admit they were wrong. You the man gramps.

And you support Hillary or Bernie, isn't that kind of the pot calling the kettle black?
Nope! Just because your party is finally imploding doesn't mean our party has the same problems. We need to take back federal and state house & Senate seats. We need democratic governors. We need to appoint that supreme.

And we need the masses to vote every two years not 4. Our country sucks because the system is rigged. Your own party just got tea bagged. I love this!
THIS is exactly what could save the GOP. Enough people standing up and saying "enough, you assholes don't represent us" I believe Trump represents that.

It's just too bad that so many stupid liberals believe Hillary cares about, or represents them. A Trump Presidency would destroy both parties stranglehold over our political system and then perhaps we could actually get some things accomplished.

The problem is that they don't represent us. The problem is that they do. And its scary that there are as many people who think a con man like Trump does represent them that is problematic for our society.

Regardless of the outcome this year, we need to repent and turn to the Lord as a people or we will be destroyed.
The politicians vote the way their constituents tell them to vote. If you look at midterms you see only 30% of us vote. Mostly Republicans show up to midterms. So Republicans have received the government they asked for.

I'm glad their finally telling the GOP their tactics don't work for the masses. It's why they don't win general elections
He is still the most qualified candidate we have.
Cruz is not more qualified than Kasich.
He's more right wing. That's why they want Cruz not kasich. Cruz will use the bully pulpit to push as many of his extreme right wing agenda.

Who would appoint a moderate supreme kasich or Cruz? Who would be more divisive?

Remember Terry shivo? Expect a Cruz presidency to be a Bible thumping certainly not a secular government
So you think Trump is worse than Hillary?
I don't know what to think anymore. I had always placed my faith in my conservative roots & gave the gop the benefit of the doubt on most things. It has become quite obvious that I've been a puppet for some time now.

Fuck them all

Which is how I've felt since the midterms.
I'll vote for Trump just to fuck over the republican party.
If that means the beast gets elected so be it.

I pretty much agree, but Trump just makes me gag with his patronizing bull shit. Wasn't all at once, but over time. That and he is very popular on fox. He is even getting his balls cupped by Megan Kelly tommrow night. Doesn't matter who gets in. Nothing will change.
I am considering now voting for Trump in the general in the hope that it will sink the Republican party.

Make no mistake about it, I CAN'T STAND TRUMP.


Childish logic when there is more at stake than your damn petulance
Listen up Jackass.

There is no petulant attitude. There is no foot stomping. There is no whining. There is no crying.
There is unbiased observation & disgust with MY PARTY.
I have no dog in the race. I voted for Cruz for Christ's sake. Now I see him joining in the win at any cost bandwagon. My support for him was tepid at best and now he is digging in his heels on what I consider a liberal methodology of do whatever it takes to win.
I let slide the Colorado bullshit because it's "within the rules". No he is joining forces with Kasich whom I consider Democrat Lite to skirt the "rules", and I use the term loosely, to oust the man who has MORE VOTES AND MORE DELEGATES from a legitimate shot at winning. And keep in mind that I am NO TRUMP SUPPORTER as evidenced by my months of bashing the man. But one thing is more important than my opinion of someone else.... what I deem to be right vs wrong.

I know that line of thinking might be hard to understand but when you've lived the life I have where you were deprived of everything but your very breath there's only one thing left to hold onto. YOUR INTEGRITY.

You don't have to agree with me, you don't even have to respect me. But by God there is NO WAY IN HELL you will ever buy me if it interferes with my integrity. What the gop is doing, IN MY OPINION, is wrong. Telling me that if I don't play along I'll be served Hillary for my non-compliance is the easiest way for them to get what I'm giving to you......

My middle fucking finger.

So you think Trump is worse than Hillary?
I don't know what to think anymore. I had always placed my faith in my conservative roots & gave the gop the benefit of the doubt on most things. It has become quite obvious that I've been a puppet for some time now.

Fuck them all

Which is how I've felt since the midterms.
I'll vote for Trump just to fuck over the republican party.
If that means the beast gets elected so be it.

I pretty much agree, but Trump just makes me gag with his patronizing bull shit. Wasn't all at once, but over time. That and he is very popular on fox. He is even getting his balls cupped by Megan Kelly tommrow night. Doesn't matter who gets in. Nothing will change.

I must have missed something since I stopped watching FOX after MayGun tried to tell me who to vote for after the first debate.
So she's now kissing up to Trump?
As far as nothing is going to change goes I figure Trump will be the acid test. If it's the same old shit if he gets elected this country is ripe for revolution.
So you think Trump is worse than Hillary?
I don't know what to think anymore. I had always placed my faith in my conservative roots & gave the gop the benefit of the doubt on most things. It has become quite obvious that I've been a puppet for some time now.

Fuck them all

Which is how I've felt since the midterms.
I'll vote for Trump just to fuck over the republican party.
If that means the beast gets elected so be it.

I pretty much agree, but Trump just makes me gag with his patronizing bull shit. Wasn't all at once, but over time. That and he is very popular on fox. He is even getting his balls cupped by Megan Kelly tommrow night. Doesn't matter who gets in. Nothing will change.

I must have missed something since I stopped watching FOX after MayGun tried to tell me who to vote for after the first debate.
So she's now kissing up to Trump?
As far as nothing is going to change goes I figure Trump will be the acid test. If it's the same old shit if he gets elected this country is ripe for revolution.

Yes sir they are going to kiss and make up. She even stuck up for Donald when a guy made fun of him. Hat to be a foil hat about it, but I wonder if Donald made it happen? Her making nice as well as fox being so pro trump.
I don't care about you fucking disgust with your party. Do what's right. Elect someone serious. Take you goddamn feelings, build a bridge and get over it.

Voting isn't about teaching a party a "lesson". It's not a game. It's about the leader who is going to represent us to the world...and you're worried about electing s charlatan who doesn't represent your ideology because the GOP Waaa Waa waaa...
So you think Trump is worse than Hillary?
I don't know what to think anymore. I had always placed my faith in my conservative roots & gave the gop the benefit of the doubt on most things. It has become quite obvious that I've been a puppet for some time now.

Fuck them all

Which is how I've felt since the midterms.
I'll vote for Trump just to fuck over the republican party.
If that means the beast gets elected so be it.

I pretty much agree, but Trump just makes me gag with his patronizing bull shit. Wasn't all at once, but over time. That and he is very popular on fox. He is even getting his balls cupped by Megan Kelly tommrow night. Doesn't matter who gets in. Nothing will change.

I must have missed something since I stopped watching FOX after MayGun tried to tell me who to vote for after the first debate.
So she's now kissing up to Trump?
As far as nothing is going to change goes I figure Trump will be the acid test. If it's the same old shit if he gets elected this country is ripe for revolution.

Yes sir they are going to kiss and make up. She even stuck up for Donald when a guy made fun of him. Hat to be a foil hat about it, but I wonder if Donald made it happen? Her making nice as well as fox being so pro trump.

Other than Hannity FOX has been decidedly anti Trump.
This is a new revelation that frankly I find disturbing and disingenuous on FOXs part.
Kissing up to the apparent winner is chicken shit.
I don't care about you fucking disgust with your party. Do what's right. Elect someone serious. Take you goddamn feelings, build a bridge and get over it.

Voting isn't about teaching a party a "lesson". It's not a game. It's about the leader who is going to represent us to the world...and you're worried about electing s charlatan who doesn't represent your ideology because the GOP Waaa Waa waaa...
Glad you recognize Hillary as a charlatan.

Also glad to see I owned your ass so bad you were left with nothing but doubling down on your petulant nonsense.
I don't care about you fucking disgust with your party. Do what's right. Elect someone serious. Take you goddamn feelings, build a bridge and get over it.

Voting isn't about teaching a party a "lesson". It's not a game. It's about the leader who is going to represent us to the world...and you're worried about electing s charlatan who doesn't represent your ideology because the GOP Waaa Waa waaa...

STFU clown boy.
You've shown your ability to lie even when the evidence clearly shows you're wrong.
Absolutely no one takes you seriously anymore.
I don't care about you fucking disgust with your party. Do what's right. Elect someone serious. Take you goddamn feelings, build a bridge and get over it.

Voting isn't about teaching a party a "lesson". It's not a game. It's about the leader who is going to represent us to the world...and you're worried about electing s charlatan who doesn't represent your ideology because the GOP Waaa Waa waaa...
Glad you recognize Hillary as a charlatan.

Also glad to see I owned your ass so bad you were left with nothing but doubling down on your petulant nonsense.

I don't care about you fucking disgust with your party. Do what's right. Elect someone serious. Take you goddamn feelings, build a bridge and get over it.

Voting isn't about teaching a party a "lesson". It's not a game. It's about the leader who is going to represent us to the world...and you're worried about electing s charlatan who doesn't represent your ideology because the GOP Waaa Waa waaa...
Glad you recognize Hillary as a charlatan.

Also glad to see I owned your ass so bad you were left with nothing but doubling down on your petulant nonsense.

The dumb bitch is famous for doubling down on stupid.
I'm about to start filling the ignore coffer again.
I don't care about you fucking disgust with your party. Do what's right. Elect someone serious. Take you goddamn feelings, build a bridge and get over it.

Voting isn't about teaching a party a "lesson". It's not a game. It's about the leader who is going to represent us to the world...and you're worried about electing s charlatan who doesn't represent your ideology because the GOP Waaa Waa waaa...
Glad you recognize Hillary as a charlatan.

Also glad to see I owned your ass so bad you were left with nothing but doubling down on your petulant nonsense.

And now speechless.

Love it
I don't know what to think anymore. I had always placed my faith in my conservative roots & gave the gop the benefit of the doubt on most things. It has become quite obvious that I've been a puppet for some time now.

Fuck them all

Which is how I've felt since the midterms.
I'll vote for Trump just to fuck over the republican party.
If that means the beast gets elected so be it.

I pretty much agree, but Trump just makes me gag with his patronizing bull shit. Wasn't all at once, but over time. That and he is very popular on fox. He is even getting his balls cupped by Megan Kelly tommrow night. Doesn't matter who gets in. Nothing will change.

I must have missed something since I stopped watching FOX after MayGun tried to tell me who to vote for after the first debate.
So she's now kissing up to Trump?
As far as nothing is going to change goes I figure Trump will be the acid test. If it's the same old shit if he gets elected this country is ripe for revolution.

Yes sir they are going to kiss and make up. She even stuck up for Donald when a guy made fun of him. Hat to be a foil hat about it, but I wonder if Donald made it happen? Her making nice as well as fox being so pro trump.

Other than Hannity FOX has been decidedly anti Trump.
This is a new revelation that frankly I find disturbing and disingenuous on FOXs part.
Kissing up to the apparent winner is chicken shit.

I never noticed until I watched Gretta. She gets pretty gewy over the donald. Hell, he could likely take all the women who do outnumbered if he wanted, as well as bill hemmer to. I had to do one night worth of DVR to be convinced.
As I said at the time it was a reluctant vote and this latest stunt by Cruz & Kasuck confirms my reluctance.

I am considering now voting for Trump in the general in the hope that it will sink the Republican party.

Make no mistake about it, I CAN'T STAND TRUMP.


The PEOPLE have voted for him so all the underhanded bullshit the gop is pulling trying to stop him imo is a violation of the trust we placed with them. I don't give a fuck if the shit they're pulling is "within the rules" it is a violation of honor & integrity.

I am getting to the point that if they take the choice of the people and replace it with one of their own I may in fact vote for HILLARY CLINTON just to make sure the gop burns in hell for four years.

Now I know some of you are gonna come in here & call me a liberal because your tiny heads can't comprehend why someone would put their vote up for grab based simply on INTEGRITY. Well I'm sorry that you're too shallow to understand how someone can take a stand on principles.

I hope at the very least a new, VIABLE party is formed out of this. One that listens to the people.

The gop is playing with fire & I hope they get 3rd degree burns for it.

You want a new viable party, vote for one then. Research the third parties and see what's going on. You won't get anything viable out of the main two parties, not even from their ashes.
Cruz is not more qualified than Kasich.

You think Bernie is qualified, so your opinion is worthless.

Based on qualifications. Cruz is light years more qualified that anyone else running on either ticket.

Personally I'd rather see him as a SCOTUS justice than President. He is a brilliant jurist, but not much of a people person.
There is no question that what the GOP as a whole has become is worse than HRC. On one side you have the crazies like Trump and Cruz with Kasich joining them, you have Cruz and Kasich conniving to thwart the will of the voters, and the RNC is doing the same thing.

I will vote for Gary Johnson, because the GOP nationally should not be running anything except from the voters.

Everyone keeps calling Cruz "crazy", and yet never provide any evidence besides "hes a Christian nutter" and "grumble grumble, shutdown, fake filibuster, grumble grumble."
Cruz is dishonest. Very dishonest. And there is no way he would win against Clinton.

I actually like some of Cruz's ideas, but he conveys them in an extremely dishonest manner. If he was honest, more Americans would be attracted to the conservative cause.

Considering the people he is running against, his honesty puts him smack dab in the middle.

Clinton lies, Trump just blathers on about doing things he knows he couldn't actually do, Sanders is honest, but his ideas are terrible.

Cruz can win, because he doesn't need to win over the country, just a few key States, like either candidate.

How many times have we had to explain to the Right...

With Kaisch, Clinton has the best record for telling the truth in the race.

Why do you think the right has to go to a story that happened 20 years ago to get her caught on a lie which happened 8 years ago.....

Trump and Cruz can't last 8 minutes...
Cruz is not more qualified than Kasich.

You think Bernie is qualified, so your opinion is worthless.

Based on qualifications. Cruz is light years more qualified that anyone else running on either ticket.

Personally I'd rather see him as a SCOTUS justice than President. He is a brilliant jurist, but not much of a people person.

I suggest you look up the meaning of qualified....

The problem with Cruz is he is an ass... Even the guys in his own party thinks he is an ass...

The who roomed with him thinks he is an ass...

The single biggest problem with him is he is an ass...

As for being a SCOTUS justice, the guys head is so far up his ass do you think he could enact law without prejudice.

Seriously you want a SCOTUS to have a moral compass somewhat close to the people not an ass...
I suggest you look up the meaning of qualified....

The problem with Cruz is he is an ass... Even the guys in his own party thinks he is an ass...

So the qualification for President is that some Bolshevik in Wales not think you are an "ass?"


The who roomed with him thinks he is an ass...

The single biggest problem with him is he is an ass...

As for being a SCOTUS justice, the guys head is so far up his ass do you think he could enact law without prejudice.

Seriously you want a SCOTUS to have a moral compass somewhat close to the people not an ass...

You are a patently absurd leftist who has zero grasp of jurisprudence and has zero stake in the American process.

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