I say.......YES!!

Bullshit. If anyone is going to make the determination as to whether or not my child needs to incur corporal punishment it will be me. Not some fuckwit school district employee.
Bullshit. If anyone is going to make the determination as to whether or not my child needs to incur corporal punishment it will be me. Not some fuckwit school district employee.

My kids have always went to a private school and I knew everyone of their teachers... thats the difference in my opinion.

You are right about public schools.... I dont know them folks well enough to allow it, and they are usually idiots to begin with in my opinion.... so screw that! Hands off my kid!
Bullshit. If anyone is going to make the determination as to whether or not my child needs to incur corporal punishment it will be me. Not some fuckwit school district employee.

I can agree with that.

My point was not so much that the school should do it, but parents should not have to fear the government pounding down your door if you should consider disciplining your children.

[E]vidence clearly suggests that corporal punishment does not effectively teach children how to behave and does not improve their learning. Given the risks it poses, the question is: why would an adult use such a method of discipline at all when there are other methods available? Do the risks outweigh the benefits of immediate compliance? If children can be effectively disciplined and learn in the process, what then is the justification for using physical punishment to control them?

Spare the rod and teach the child | Victoria Talwar and Stephanie M Carlson | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Another problem with corporal punishment is it reinforces the legitimacy of violence as a means to resolve conflict.

:lol: how far down the childless faculty lounge code phrase lefty bible did you have to dig for for that bullshit?
Bullshit. If anyone is going to make the determination as to whether or not my child needs to incur corporal punishment it will be me. Not some fuckwit school district employee.

I can agree with that.

My point was not so much that the school should do it, but parents should not have to fear the government pounding down your door if you should consider disciplining your children.


[E]vidence clearly suggests that corporal punishment does not effectively teach children how to behave and does not improve their learning. Given the risks it poses, the question is: why would an adult use such a method of discipline at all when there are other methods available? Do the risks outweigh the benefits of immediate compliance? If children can be effectively disciplined and learn in the process, what then is the justification for using physical punishment to control them?

Spare the rod and teach the child | Victoria Talwar and Stephanie M Carlson | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Another problem with corporal punishment is it reinforces the legitimacy of violence as a means to resolve conflict.

:lol: how far down the childless faculty lounge code phrase lefty bible did you have to dig for for that bullshit?

:lmao: How did I miss that one :confused:
Just for the record, my response was to the OP and the OP only. I did not read the entire thread before posting...
I don't think it works. Just adds calluses to both sides of the relationship.

Now what I did is I had the kids do push ups. It built them up. And half the time I was right there with them showing I wasn't going to have them do anything I couldn't do too. By the time they were in 4th grade they could do 40.

And they hated it. And they tried to avoid it.

I had a cousin that got disciplined with coat hangers. He wound up in Juvie early, which he prefered. And from there it was a step to a long stretch in Maximim security

If either of our kids were in trouble...it would be me they'd get a spanking from, their dad never did, so i was the "bad" guy :). It didn't happen often, and i'm only about 5'1" tall and it got to a point they really weren't afraid of me either :). But we never had problems with them outside the home, at school...they grew up to respect others, didn't get in fights.

My daughter is now 27 and a very down to earth good person with lots of friends & good job. My son is a Sgt in the Army with 3 of his own kids now. When he punishes his 5 & 7 yr olds, it's not by hitting, but one of the things he does is make them get next to a wall, stoop down like they're in a sitting position (with no chair) and stay there till they can't stand it anymore. They hate that!! He gets pretty creative... :)
Corporal punishment is not allowed in the system in which I teach but it has recently come under fire for its over-bearing, zero tolerance discipline policy. To the surprise of many, the union does not set education policy, the parents do. The parents wanted the system to lighten up on discipline so we did. The parents said it was too difficult to get an A so we lowered the standard. The problem now is that when Little Johnny and Little Sweetie runs wild or can't get into their dream college, which is starting to happen, the teachers get blamed for not doing our job. Thankfully my two graduated there before the neutering took place.

Controlling kids can happen without hitting them. As a teacher, I cringe at the thought of coming to the point of getting physical with one of my students. It takes hard work to build a relationship with students. I show them I give a damn about them as a person and care about their future which usually translates to mutual respect.
Should Your Child Be Spanked at School?

It is one of the most controversial methods of child discipline, but spanking in school -- usually with a wooden or fiberglass paddle -- is still allowed by law in 19 states. The practice is most prevalent in the Midwest and South. According to a report from the Juvenile Information Exchange, more than 28,500 students in Georgia were spanked in 2008, mostly in rural counties.

Should Your Child Be Spanked at School? - Yahoo!

I have no problem as long as the child needs it, it's handed out fairly and as long as another teacher is there as a witness.
Red Letter Day.

Goose is right. I've worked in and around education enough to realize that some of these little smartasses and budding criminals would get their shit in order if they knew they could get a paddle to the backside for their bad behavior.
That was pretty much a normal thing when I was going to school. That, and the other spanking you got at home for getting a spanking in school. It didn't seem to stunt my growth or anything.

We evolve. You don't smack kids around, you work with them.
yeah.... you try.

As someone who works with school children, I can guarantee you 80% of the kids are no problem at all. 15% who are trouble can be worked with through positive other means 4% need threats of taking away things they like and negative reinforcement and 1% need physical pain to focus them on good behavior.
That was pretty much a normal thing when I was going to school. That, and the other spanking you got at home for getting a spanking in school. It didn't seem to stunt my growth or anything.

We evolve. You don't smack kids around, you work with them.
That's a noble attitude, Sarah. Unfortunately the "work with them" approach simply does not work with some kids because the only thing they respond to is manifest anger in the form of administered pain.

According to my grandchildren the situation in today's Catholic schools is not the same as it was in my time. But back in the 40s and 50s (as I vividly recall) the Franciscan brothers and Carmelite nuns wouldn't hesitate to use a cat-o-nine-tails or a blackboard pointer on one who stepped out of line -- and if need be a few of those Franciscans would drag you into the gym and "beat the devil out of you."

But the bottom line is St. Francis Xavier School and Academy won top academic honors in New York State year after year and St. Francis grads were invited to some of the Nation's best universities.
One of the biggest surprises I ever had was from a Somali immigrant mother who came to me with her son who had recieved 15 write-ups (5 for biting other students) and said "He trouble? You beat him!"

Not that I could, and he was a kindergartner, but we finally had to expel him because he was a danger to others. No positive or negative encouragement worked on that kid. Once they're in that mode, there's nothing you can do but get rid of them, although it seemed he only respected fear of pain because of the environment he was raised in.

How is a teacher or other faculty supposed to work with that without all methods on the table?
Should Your Child Be Spanked at School?.

Hell no. I carried them for 9 months (all the while they're stomping on my liver) and then endured hell on earth as I turned inside-out to give birth to the little hellions. I earned the right to be the sole beater of my children. No one else is gonna take that away from me, dammit. :evil:
Should Your Child Be Spanked at School?.

Hell no. I carried them for 9 months (all the while they're stomping on my liver) and then endured hell on earth as I turned inside-out to give birth to the little hellions. I earned the right to be the sole beater of my children. No one else is gonna take that away from me, dammit. :evil:
I suspect they are part of the 80% that won't need it then, if you're pre-empting it and putting the fear of you into them if they don't obey the teacher, faculty or bus driver.

My kinda parent then. Nothing better than to get the kids in line by saying "do I need to talk to your mom and dad?" and watching them go "NO!!!! I'll be good! PLEASE DON'T!!"

I know I was that way when I was a kid. Last thing in the world, I wanted was for my parents to mete out punishment.
I am a teacher as well, albeit at the college level, and I tend to agree with the other educators who have posted. Big Fitz is correct that there are simply those students (and about 1% is right) who will respond to nothing but brute force. I do think that developing a relationship of mutual respect is far more important and will solve most of the problems before they occur, but there are those who understand nothing but pain and without the ability to give it to them there's really not much you can do. That is a detriment to them and to the rest of the students.

I say bring back the paddles.
I suspect they are part of the 80% that won't need it then, if you're pre-empting it and putting the fear of you into them if they don't obey the teacher, faculty or bus driver.

My kinda parent then. Nothing better than to get the kids in line by saying "do I need to talk to your mom and dad?" and watching them go "NO!!!! I'll be good! PLEASE DON'T!!"

I know I was that way when I was a kid. Last thing in the world, I wanted was for my parents to mete out punishment.

Well I think this is one of the big problems. When I was a kid if I got in trouble at school my parents sided with the school. Now parents tend to side with their child so when you have a kid that needs discipline you are frequently dealing with a parent that needs discipline too.
I suspect they are part of the 80% that won't need it then, if you're pre-empting it and putting the fear of you into them if they don't obey the teacher, faculty or bus driver.

My kinda parent then. Nothing better than to get the kids in line by saying "do I need to talk to your mom and dad?" and watching them go "NO!!!! I'll be good! PLEASE DON'T!!"

I know I was that way when I was a kid. Last thing in the world, I wanted was for my parents to mete out punishment.

Well I think this is one of the big problems. When I was a kid if I got in trouble at school my parents sided with the school. Now parents tend to side with their child so when you have a kid that needs discipline you are frequently dealing with a parent that needs discipline too.
kinda fucks the works up too, don't it?

Little timmy is a total angel. He'd never punch out 4 people during math class because he got the question wrong. I don't care what that videotape says. it's a dirty filthy lie on film and you should be arrested for abusing him so badly. There was no cause to taser him as he was eating the janitor's arm. Dirty rotten filthy lies concocted by crazed video technicians to slander my darling little child. He could never do those things.
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kinda fucks the works up too, don't it?

Little timmy is a total angel. He'd never punch out 4 people during math class because he got the question wrong. I don't care what that videotape says. it's a dirty filthy lie on film and you should be arrested for abusing him so badly. There was no cause to taser him as he was eating the janitor's arm. Dirty rotten filthy lies concocted by crazed video technicians to slander my darling little child. He could never do those things.

Yeah that sounds eerily familiar. :clap2: :D
No, i don't believe spanking as way to discipline your child. You can do it in different ways other than hurting them.
That was pretty much a normal thing when I was going to school. That, and the other spanking you got at home for getting a spanking in school. It didn't seem to stunt my growth or anything.

We evolve. You don't smack kids around, you work with them.

:lol: Parents who "work with" their kids, raise rotten little brats who push them around. My son misbehaves and I crack his ass the other way. Guess what. It's not something I have to do all that often and he rarely gets in trouble at school.

You spanking your son is different than a teacher spanking your son!

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