I see only TWO sides on this forum and in this world. I'm trying to unite the honest side

Please explain why you would call me "race traitor"? Let's everyone see you show your colors.
The trolls posing as left, right, independent, communist, imperialist, are all one side that we must disregard. If anyone here is on the side of justice and honesty, I am here to unite that side, because I believe that outside these forums and the MSM media which makes up the political industry, vast majority of people would LOVE to have an opportunity to have a clear alternative to the MSM presentation of puppet circus. I believe I described the details as best as I could on my web site, the question now is whether we can find a way.
given your past posts that i have read, which many were rebuffed due to my perceived view of your stance about THE United States of America and has a web site that reads "newworldgovernment,net" , it just reeks of................, well................, communism ! :up:
I've not read the thread, but your conclusion is probably accurate. Even though he was given a chance here in the US to make a great life for himself, by his mother bringing him here for just that, he seems vunerable and unable to escape the indoctrination he received in his former communist country.
The trolls posing as left, right, independent, communist, imperialist, are all one side that we must disregard. If anyone here is on the side of justice and honesty, I am here to unite that side, because I believe that outside these forums and the MSM media which makes up the political industry, vast majority of people would LOVE to have an opportunity to have a clear alternative to the MSM presentation of puppet circus. I believe I described the details as best as I could on my web site, the question now is whether we can find a way.
given your past posts that i have read, which many were rebuffed due to my perceived view of your stance about THE United States of America and has a web site that reads "newworldgovernment,net" , it just reeks of................, well................, communism ! :up:
The trolls posing as left, right, independent, communist, imperialist, are all one side that we must disregard. If anyone here is on the side of justice and honesty, I am here to unite that side, because I believe that outside these forums and the MSM media which makes up the political industry, vast majority of people would LOVE to have an opportunity to have a clear alternative to the MSM presentation of puppet circus. I believe I described the details as best as I could on my web site, the question now is whether we can find a way.
Why are you excluding Democrats?
Pretty much the same reason I excluded communists, socialists, anarchists etc.
So YOU are the "Prophet"?
I will let this quote, which is not to be taken out of context answer your question:
True word of God has been obscured and overshadowed by the salesmen who distort reality, twist the truth and turn the message of God into a joke, burying it within thousands of pages. And as far as religious leaders, popes, rabbis and clerics, it must be understood that any known war criminal can get some plastic surgery or put on some make up, learn the language of the local people, learn Koran, Bible or Talmud, come to town and act as their religious leader. And although people may laugh if they recognize the war criminal, they will not laugh if they are hungry and in need, and if the new religious leader is backed by international bankers and can provide them with food and other essentials, they will then soon recognize this new leader as the true messenger of God. I am just a working man who decided to distance myself from their reality a long time ago, and if the establishment which criticizes them continues referring to them as presidents, popes, kings, highnesses, legends, princes, clerics, lords, prime ministers, dukes and duchesses, then please allow me to introduce myself: I am Prophet Abrutis - a Prophet who shall never profit from politics and who asks to be killed, exterminated if I ever begin to profit from my political writings, speech making or governing, because it is exactly those types of career politicians who create conflicts in the first place: They are like businesses looking after their business, and they need to distinguish themselves instead of uniting humanity. I shall continue working with concrete, I will carry on my father's business to support myself until my death or retirement. New World Government - an Alternative to the New World Order
So YOU are the "Prophet"?
I will let this quote, which is not to be taken out of context answer your question:
True word of God has been obscured and overshadowed by the salesmen who distort reality, twist the truth and turn the message of God into a joke, burying it within thousands of pages. And as far as religious leaders, popes, rabbis and clerics, it must be understood that any known war criminal can get some plastic surgery or put on some make up, learn the language of the local people, learn Koran, Bible or Talmud, come to town and act as their religious leader. And although people may laugh if they recognize the war criminal, they will not laugh if they are hungry and in need, and if the new religious leader is backed by international bankers and can provide them with food and other essentials, they will then soon recognize this new leader as the true messenger of God. I am just a working man who decided to distance myself from their reality a long time ago, and if the establishment which criticizes them continues referring to them as presidents, popes, kings, highnesses, legends, princes, clerics, lords, prime ministers, dukes and duchesses, then please allow me to introduce myself: I am Prophet Abrutis - a Prophet who shall never profit from politics and who asks to be killed, exterminated if I ever begin to profit from my political writings, speech making or governing, because it is exactly those types of career politicians who create conflicts in the first place: They are like businesses looking after their business, and they need to distinguish themselves instead of uniting humanity. I shall continue working with concrete, I will carry on my father's business to support myself until my death or retirement. New World Government - an Alternative to the New World Order

A simple yes or no will be sufficient.

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