I Should Have Stuck With Trump From The Beginning

toobfreak the bottom line is that both jackasses and RINOS shit all over the place. I never said that Trump was perfect but he's a true American and patriot. That's who I want for our president. A cognitive person who says what he says and does what he does for the love of our country, not because other people expect him to do it or say it.
Oh, let me see? Indictment No.1 - you can't rape women!
There is not now and has never been any indictment against Trump charging rape. You moron.
Indictment No.2 - An ex-President may not hold onto current Iranian battle plans.
That’s not what Indictment 1 is about. You moron.
Indictment No.3 - You can't violently overthrow the government of the United States.
Not what he’s charged with in indictment 2. You moron.
And Indictment No.4 - You can't install fake electors in a State election for President.
Not what he’s charged with in indictment 3. You moron.
Then be prepared to take action if/when Trump is convicted of those phony strained and stretched charges!

Government will certainly have the military prepared!
Your advice is retarded like you. And it is of course rejected. Hurry back to the Democrap Underground and get some better topics to flail away at.
Why don’t you just be honest with yourself
We stole the 2020 election and you don’t have a clue on how we did it

Just a hint…..It had nothing to do with mail in ballots or Dominion

If you vote for Trump, we will just switch it to Biden
I would not bother to vote if I were you.
I'm a Canadian and so I can't vote.
The clue on how the election was stolen has been expressed openly by people such as Rudy and the Kraken lady. Our side are believers!
I never said that Trump was perfect
He's far from perfect. But Biden is SO imperfect, he makes Trump's indiscretions look like ant hills!

but he's a true American and patriot.
That he is. Joe Biden is not. I'd be happy to have ANY of the GOP hopefuls over Biden. Even Pence or Christie. I never thought I'd be hearing myself say someone made Obumma look mild in comparison! And here I thought the Biden presidency was going to be boring and stale!

That's who I want for our president. A cognitive person who says what he says and does what he does for the love of our country, not because other people expect him to do it or say it.
Can't blame you for that; I just question whether Trump is yet taking the easiest, shortest path to reelection, and whether or not he will get there, but he has A GOOD CHANCE. I believe in expecting the worst, but hoping for the best, that way, I'm never disappointed.
So OP, you want to lose the House and fail to take back the Senate? You want four years of the likes of Adam Schiff? That's exactly what you will get with a Trump nomination.

Trump might eek-out a win due to the electoral college but congressional races are decided by popular vote.
When the Lincoln project robber barons saw that DeSantis had a chance to replace Trump, they all showed up with their dirty money and elitist ideas, ready to make Ron their man. Neocons suck almost as much as Democrats. Stick with Trump. MAGA.
Wrong, dildo_really.

What you have are allegations based on absolutely strained and stretched legal definition of “crimes.” If you actually knew anything beyond what your masters demand you believe, maybe someday your eyes could open.

What? Can you rape a woman? Can you hold onto Iranian battle plans if you are not President? Can you lead a coup against the United States of America? Can you defraud a State election with fake electors?
The clue on how the election was stolen has been expressed openly by people such as Rudy and the Kraken lady. Our side are believers!

Rudy and the Kraken Lady?
They are Democratic plants. Nobody is really that creepy.

Stealing the election is actually quite easy.
Ever been to a 3D movie?
Remember the special glasses they give you?

Well Democrats are given special “Voting Glasses” that they bring with them.
If a Republican tries to vote, they see a button marked “Donald Trump” so they push it

Someone wearing their Voting Glasses would know that button really says “Joe Biden”
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What? Can you rape a woman?
No. And he wasn’t ever charged with rape. You moron.
Can you hold onto Iranian battle plans if you are not President?
Nope. Irrelevant question, though. You’re taking an accusation as if it were a fact. You moron.
Can you lead a coup against the United States of America?

No. And nobody did. You moron.
Can you defraud a State election with fake electors?
No. And nobody did. You moron.
Besides, even if it wasn't for the fact that I don't trust that Ramaswamy knows what he's doing, he wants to pardon the Biden family. We can't overlook that.
^^ lusting after the promised blood bath by Trump**

** impeached

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