I Should Have Stuck With Trump From The Beginning

Zzz. Thanks for sharing your partisan speculation as though it were of any value, Canuck.

Are the Canuck bots all less intelligent than even most other libtards? Or is it just you, Duck?
Nah, that's one's just extra retarded. There's a female extra retarded Canuck here too.

Drawing a blank on her handle at the moment..DJS and others here are OK.
DeSantis didn't say anything wrong in that video.

Trump did win the election and he had nothing to do with the lockdowns. The house was and it has been packed with democrats for quite some time now. Trump didn't have anything to do with mail-in ballots either.
Allow me to let you in on a little secret

In 2020, we Democrats figured out how to switch votes away from Donald Trump. We got to be very good at it

We still haven’t figured how to switch votes on the other Republicans.

So your vote for Trump will just turn out to be a vote for Biden
True or not, that's the question that needs to be answered!

A Biden or Newsom win can only be seen as another stolen election. Americans of all political persuasions are soon going to have to uphold what 'they' see as justice.

Trump isn't going to go out with a whimper! And with a Biden win, democracy isn't going out with just a whimper!
So far we only know two of the seventy something crimes that Trump has been accused of. I don't think that even Trump knows the rest.
True or not, that's the question that needs to be answered!

A Biden or Newsom win can only be seen as another stolen election. Americans of all political persuasions are soon going to have to uphold what 'they' see as justice.

Trump isn't going to go out with a whimper! And with a Biden win, democracy isn't going out with just a whimper!
Why don’t you just be honest with yourself
We stole the 2020 election and you don’t have a clue on how we did it

Just a hint…..It had nothing to do with mail in ballots or Dominion

If you vote for Trump, we will just switch it to Biden
I would not bother to vote if I were you.
You don't have to be a hack to know Trump broke the law. And broke several laws. So GFY.
Wrong, dildo_really.

What you have are allegations based on absolutely strained and stretched legal definition of “crimes.” If you actually knew anything beyond what your masters demand you believe, maybe someday your eyes could open.

Zzz. Thanks for sharing your partisan speculation as though it were of any value, Canuck.

Are the Canuck bots all less intelligent than even most other libtards? Or is it just you, Duck?
Just be prepared for the worst. If government should call out the military, be prepared with equal weaponry.

If Biden wins then it will be by stealing the election.
If Trump wins then government will need to take action to save democracy!

I Should Have Stuck With Trump From The Beginning​

Well, understand this:
  1. Trump is his own worst enemy. It probably wouldn't be inaccurate to say that half his troubles he has CAUSED if not at least greatly added fuel to. Sometimes I hear him give speeches and I grimace that after all this time, he STILL has not gotten a speech coach to teach him to stop rambling and repeating stuff and going far off topic while never making the points he ought to be making that would win him millions more swing and undecided votes and the presidency!
  2. If somehow the Left succeed in getting Trump removed from the ballot, DeSantis will be the GOP nominee. I've not spent a lot of time listening to him, but generally, he is a far, far better person for office than Biden, and in a 1-on-1 general debate, he stands a good chance of making an ass out of Biden. He just needs to stop sounding so effeminate and wishy washy. DeSantis is trying to embrace the right while not being so strident that he drives away moderates.
  3. I've liked what I've heard from Vivek, even though I give his chances nil opportunity of winning. That said, he's a smart man and my guess is that if he said he would consider pardoning the Bidens, understand that would be contingent on their being CONVICTED first, and I believe he only said that, again, trying to appeal to moderates who are "impeachment-weary." Push come to shove, I doubt Vivek would actually pardon Biden, but it doesn't hurt to say so now to try to garner votes from the middle-left.
Ironic though that while the nation is frazzled from two impeachments and 8 years of accusations and forced scandals, now when someone finally comes along that really SHOULD be impeached, the GOP are shying away from it! Meanwhile, if the democrats could, they'd happily impeach Trump a third time, and I believe, if Trump is reelected, they will impeach him. So, like hapless parents unable to control their miscreant children, the GOP have indeed allowed the democrat party to get so far out of hand and IMO, are incapable now of wresting law and order again in the country. That leaves these possibilities:
  1. Trump wins election and we are subject to another 4 years of democrat impeachments, attacks and scandals while RINOS stab him in the back more.
  2. Biden wins and kicks it into Biden 2.0 making his first term look like a cake walk.
  3. Trump is barred from running again and DeSantis becomes the nominee and beats Biden as a moderate republican. Democrats holler and DeSantis compromises on many things to avoid a meltdown. But I'm not sure DeSantis would beat Biden.
America is fucked so long as our people and government are not lawful enough to keep house. To clean things up now would take draconian efforts. Trump could have been the guy to get the job done, but he was always too busy shooting his mouth off, patting himself on the back, and necessarily offending any and all within his purview at every turn.

People might not like hearing that, but this is what lays ahead.
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Just be prepared for the worst. If government should call out the military, be prepared with equal weaponry.

If Biden wins then it will be by stealing the election.
If Trump wins then government will need to take action to save democracy!
Go quiver in some US protected snow pile in upper Canuckistan.
You clearly didn’t understand them.
Oh, let me see? Indictment No.1 - you can't rape women! Indictment No.2 - An ex-President may not hold onto current Iranian battle plans. Indictment No.3 - You can't violently overthrow the government of the United States. And Indictment No.4 - You can't install fake electors in a State election for President.
Wrong, dildo_really.

What you have are allegations based on absolutely strained and stretched legal definition of “crimes.” If you actually knew anything beyond what your masters demand you believe, maybe someday your eyes could open.

Then be prepared to take action if/when Trump is convicted of those phony strained and stretched charges!

Government will certainly have the military prepared!

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