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I stand with Israel.

I just don't think Tel Aviv should be dictating our foreign policy, as the neocons seem to think so.

Thanks to ODS, and the brilliant political minds in the GOP, supporting Israel has taken on the image of being a partisan issue. It isn't. Assholes.
I Stand with Israel.....................Do you stand with Israel...........................

Fitting now that deal is struck with Iran.........................

WHAT SAY YOU.....................DO YOU STAND WITH ISRAEL?????????????

Just like with the unity government, this deal has nothing to do with Israel.

What Israel needs to do, is mind its own fucking business!
As an American patriot, first and foremost, I stand with the United States.

Its Israel who needs to stand with us.

And so do the Republicans.

And who gave you the Golden Globe Award for being the only Americans who Stand with their own country and not Israel.................................

Why should we support you when you ram your ideals down our throats and tell us to get on the back of the bus.............

We speak our mind and if you don't like it so be it.

I didn't say that I 'stand with my own country and not Israel'.

I didn't say or even hint at the rest of this garbled post.
I stand with Israel.

I just don't think Tel Aviv should be dictating our foreign policy, as the neocons seem to think so.

Thanks to ODS, and the brilliant political minds in the GOP, supporting Israel has taken on the image of being a partisan issue. It isn't. Assholes.

Why aren't the Republicans standing with the US?

Why did they promise Iran they could build their nukes?

Why did they purposely sabotage their own country?

And why are so many RW's eager to do the same?
...Bullshit. Its ALWAYS been a foreign policy influenced by politicians backed by AIPAC and Israel its self to further Israeli interests in the ME at the US's expense...
Bullshit, right back at'cha.

...Iraq x 2...
Neither Iraq War was fought primarily to advance the interests of Israel.

The first was fought to take back the Kuwaitii oil fields from Saddam and remove his ability to interdict oil shipments in future.

The second was fought for a half-dozen wrong (and even lying) reasons - Saddam getting uppity again, refusing WMD inspections, violating no-fly zones, shooting at Coalition aircraft, finishing Daddy's war, avenging Saddam's assassination attempt on Daddy, hell, even Saddam's support of Palestinian terrorists (suicide bomber family subsidies), possession of yellow-cake uranium, the enriching of war-contractor friends, preemptive striking at a former and potential future threat, and on and on and on... a lot of it bogus, some of it mistaken, some of it very real... all-in all, an apparent trumped-up casus belli. But in no way primarily undertaken on behalf of Israel or in accordance with Israeli lobbying.

Bullshit, again.

Your KKK-Skinhead Kool-Aid is impairing your judgment.

...Paid off Saudi Arabia,put puppet dictators in power across the region who either were to weak to dumb or paid off by the US to leave Israeli interests in the ME alone. Anyone who was deemed a threat by the CIA,MOSSAD or Israel its self was either taken out or invaded.

We have, indeed, spent a few billion over time, serving-up military aid to the likes of Egypt and Saudi Arabia, with an eye towards (1) getting them to ease-off of Israel and (2) keep the peace in the region and (3) strengthen them as allies against a time of need and (4) not act against American interests and (5) protect our own oil and other interests in the region and (6) prevent them from drifting (back) into the Russian-Chinese sphere of influence and alliance. But we did it for many reasons, mostly our own, rather than Israel's, and to the extent that we did undertake some of that with Israel in mind, well, we were going to do it anyway, so, it's a bonus, if it also helps a good friend and ally along the way. MEH.

A lot of the other Flying Shit now seen in the region is attributable to a largely failed Arab Spring, as well as our badly-timed and badly-executed form of withdrawal from Iraq, leaving behind, in both cases, a vacuum of political power and popular hopes and dreams, into which flowed the first semi-appealing 'thing' (the ISIS-ISIL-IS-Brotherhood critter) to coalesce or leak-into or spill over into that vacuum.

The Real World is a wee bit more complex than your Jews-Control-America happy horseshit philosophy allows room for, Horatio.

Why don't you grow-the-phukk up?
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As an American, I stand with MY COUNTRY FIRST AND FOREMOST.... then other allies.

Well said.

America first.

And only then, secondly, our friends and allies.

Including Israel.

Virtually all of the Americans posting here might differ - bitterly - over what constitutes the 'best interests of America'.

But it's a good bet that virtually all will get behind you in supporting that statement or sentiment.

And, it serves as a good 'cooling off' sentiment when the fur starts flying around here, between Americans holding different views about our involvement with Israel.
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Yes, of course I do.

I stand with the liberal society expressing its self-determination on a tiny piece of land surrounded by a vast expanse of barbaric, illiberal primitives rather than siding with the primitives.

I am neither a right wing Nazi, a left wing Nazi nor a psychotic conspiracy theorist.
...Why aren't the Republicans standing with the US?...
But they ARE standing with the US.

Against a President who appears to be acting in a weak and naive manner, in dealing with a barbaric Iranian theocracy, against the interests of the United States.

They ARE standing with the US.

There are merely standing AGAINST its present Lame-Duck executive, who has lost the trust of much of Congress, and much of the American People, and who has repeatedly demonstrated that he now needs to be kept on a short Congressional Leash, to minimize the damage he does between now and January 20, 2017.

The President is not the US.

You and I are the US.

The Pubs are doing a great job of manifesting as Standing With the People and the Republic, rather than its present autocrat, who rules by Imperial Decree.

Standing against the President is not ipso facto the same thing as standing against the Nation.

It's simply that it has been so long since there has been such division between the President and the Congress and the People, that this old state of affairs seems new again - we've forgotten that Congress was designed to act as a Braking Mechanism on a runaway or misguided Executive, which is exactly what we see unfolding in the present day.

The Constitution is working exactly as the Founding Fathers intended in this context, and the Universe is unfolding as it should. All is well, in that regard.

...Why did they promise Iran they could build their nukes?...
The Republicans did not promise Iran that they could build nuclear weapons.

They merely told the Iranians that Congress would not honor any Bad Deal made by this current and un-trusted President.

Putting them on notice that they would face a much harsher scrutiny and/or bargaining and/or sanctions and/or worse, once we get past January 20, 2017.

...Why did they purposely sabotage their own country?...
They did not.

They acted within their Constitutional Mandate, to prevent a misguided and un-trusted President from sabotaging his own country's interests.

...And why are so many RW's eager to do the same?

A great many Americans on the Right and in the Center, are eager to prevent a misguided and un-trusted President, from sabotaging his own country's interests.

Although, unlike you few remaining Orgasmic ObamaBots, who accuse your Opponents of 'purposely sabotaging', your Opponents, upon reflection, will, for the most part, not attribute 'purposeful sabotage' to you-and-yours, but rainbows and unicorns and naivete and foolhardy self-delusion as the basis and motivation for your own pathetic outcomes.

Hope that helps to clear things up a bit.
I Stand with Israel.....................Do you stand with Israel...........................

Fitting now that deal is struck with Iran.........................

WHAT SAY YOU.....................DO YOU STAND WITH ISRAEL?????????????

Just like with the unity government, this deal has nothing to do with Israel.

What Israel needs to do, is mind its own fucking business!
Tell that to Hamas and Hezballah who use Iranian weapons to attack Israel all the time. Who have been in an undeclared War with Iran for many Decades.

This is their back yard, and they are fighting those equipped and trained by Iran. A country that has vowed to destroy them.

So a Nuclear Iran is Israel's business......and the only reason they haven't hit these sites is we are in the way.
Yes, of course I do.

I stand with the liberal society expressing its self-determination on a tiny piece of land surrounded by a vast expanse of barbaric, illiberal primitives rather than siding with the primitives.

I am neither a right wing Nazi, a left wing Nazi nor a psychotic conspiracy theorist.
So you are a centrist Nazi ?
So you are a centrist Nazi ?

I am not the one siding with the culture that revolves around the subjugation of women, the persecution of gay people, the desire for genocide of Jews and the implementation of a rigid totalitarian state antithetical to every humanist value imaginable.

I leave that to profoundly stupid psychopaths among us.
Yes, of course I do.

I stand with the liberal society expressing its self-determination on a tiny piece of land surrounded by a vast expanse of barbaric, illiberal primitives rather than siding with the primitives.

I am neither a right wing Nazi, a left wing Nazi nor a psychotic conspiracy theorist.
So you are a centrist Nazi ?
The only Nazis around here are supporters of Hamas and Fatah and Hezbollah.
I Stand with Israel.....................Do you stand with Israel...........................

Fitting now that deal is struck with Iran.........................

WHAT SAY YOU.....................DO YOU STAND WITH ISRAEL?????????????

The Bible says that God will bless those who bless Israel, and curse those who curse Israel. If America abandons Israel, our fate is sealed.
Lol...you people crack me up.
Your derision is noted, and dismissed as irrelevant.
You blind sheepish loyalty is noted and laughed at. :) Oh and only thing that will HOPEFULLY be irrelevant soon will be the state of Israel. Just another racist apartheid state as a foot note of history

says the anti-Semitic racist.....
All you got their cupcake? Nothing to refute my facts because you can't.
Israel is our friend. Leave it to Obama to turn his back on them.
One hell of a friend...spies on us,5 mossad agents detained on 9/11 for cheering and videotaping the attacks,attacked the USS liberty in 1967....one hell of a spy! By those standards we should be friends with North Korea or China!
Yes, of course I do.

I stand with the liberal society expressing its self-determination on a tiny piece of land surrounded by a vast expanse of barbaric, illiberal primitives rather than siding with the primitives.

I am neither a right wing Nazi, a left wing Nazi nor a psychotic conspiracy theorist.
So you are a centrist Nazi ?
The only Nazis around here are supporters of Hamas and Fatah and Hezbollah.
our side has had 3 opportunities to become the State is keeps bitching about................and all 3 times your side has rejected the negotiated Palestinian State.
What right do Jews have to "negotiate" a Palestinian state? My side called for self-determination for all Semites living in 1948 Palestine. That meant an election with all eligible voters casting their ballots. My side is agreeable to the same conditions today. Your side has said since long before 1948 Jews will not accept a minority of non-Jews exceeding 20% of the total population living between the river and the sea. You are NOT that special.

You're RACISTS, and your racist state will disappear.
So you are a centrist Nazi ?

I am not the one siding with the culture that revolves around the subjugation of women, the persecution of gay people, the desire for genocide of Jews and the implementation of a rigid totalitarian state antithetical to every humanist value imaginable.

I leave that to profoundly stupid psychopaths among us.
You did see the UN report on women's rights did you not? Israel was the worst offender.
I'll stand on it, as we put it back where it belongs, in the history books. Does that count?
I already knew that about you.....................No surprise there.................

Your vote is counted.............as a NO..............thanks for answering the poll.................


I say only simple minds ask simple questions. Yes, means screw the Palestinians, No, means screw the Israels.

I believe both deserve peace and a land to call their own. Of course the extremists in both camps want it all, and they will continue to kill each other's kids, as they have for over 65 years.

Is it freedom fighters v. freedom fighters; or, terrorists v. terrorists, or is one side the former, and the others the latter? A much more complicated series of questions, and one only a partisan will answer.

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