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[QUOTE="eots, post: 11120348, member: 3851

You have a chemical imbalance in your brain involving serotonin and dopamine which is quite obviously not being treated. You are also uneducated, lacking any real knowledge of the world. As a result of your psychosis, your abject ignorance, and your exposure to the internet, your resulting world view has been skewed by all the conspiracy sites designed to take advantage of the psychotic and the ignorant to the point you are little more than a useful idiot for those who have designed them.

It'd pretty laughable how the mentally ill look for conspiracies everywhere but the ones actually influencing them.[/QUOTE]

so all the reporters and FBI and CIA agents in this News broadcast
are all mentally ill ?..well stop press you have a huge breaking story
Tell that to Hamas and Hezballah who use Iranian weapons to attack Israel all the time.
There's nothing wrong with Iran sending them weapons to defend themselves from Israeli aggression.

Who have been in an undeclared War with Iran for many Decades.
You're full of shit!

This is their back yard, and they are fighting those equipped and trained by Iran. A country that has vowed to destroy them.
That statement has been completely debunked many times over, yet you still insist on re-telling that bullshit lie.

So a Nuclear Iran is Israel's business......and the only reason they haven't hit these sites is we are in the way.
Again, you're full of shit!
Only if you ignore the words of all the groups I've quoted including Iran on their GOAL to DESTROY ISRAEL..........................

We need a backhoe to shovel the shit your side has been shoveling............it's getting deep.
George, after 67 years don't you think the Palefakians have had enough time to "Git 'er done" and stop the incessant whining and dodging reality?
There are currently equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea. Jews are afraid of living in a state in which more than 20% of the total population are non-Jews. When can we expect al-Nakba 2.0?
George, after 67 years don't you think the Palefakians have had enough time to "Git 'er done" and stop the incessant whining and dodging reality?
There are currently equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea. Jews are afraid of living in a state in which more than 20% of the total population are non-Jews. When can we expect al-Nakba 2.0?
Make a reservation. Israel is busy planning a bunker buster raid.
George, after 67 years don't you think the Palefakians have had enough time to "Git 'er done" and stop the incessant whining and dodging reality?
There are currently equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea. Jews are afraid of living in a state in which more than 20% of the total population are non-Jews. When can we expect al-Nakba 2.0?
Make a reservation. Israel is busy planning a bunker buster raid.
He's probably already there.................If he's American............then he's a traitor....................

He stands for the extermination of Israel..............and can go to hell with all his Radical buddies.
I don't stand with Israel because they killed Jesus. I don't stand with Islam either, because Radical Islam is the enemy of all mankind.
The Jews didn't kill Jesus. Every man women and child on the planet killed Him, because we are all sinners. Or did you not know that it was His intention to die all along?
Saying you "stand with Israel" is RW code for "I hate our president and this country".

My, how times have changed. I can still remember it like it was yesterday when I watched an Arab terrorist killing the liberal presidential hopeful for following liberal ideology when it comes to supporting Jews against illiberal Arab aggressors.

Now, we have come to the point when teenagers on the internet are telling us that it is actually hating Israel that is the requirement in order to be a right, proper, lockstep leftist.
The Bible says that God will bless those who bless Israel, and curse those who curse Israel. If America abandons Israel, our fate is sealed.
Lol...you people crack me up.
Your derision is noted, and dismissed as irrelevant.
You blind sheepish loyalty is noted and laughed at. :) Oh and only thing that will HOPEFULLY be irrelevant soon will be the state of Israel. Just another racist apartheid state as a foot note of history

says the anti-Semitic racist.....
All you got their cupcake? Nothing to refute my facts because you can't.
Israel is our friend. Leave it to Obama to turn his back on them.
One hell of a friend...spies on us,5 mossad agents detained on 9/11 for cheering and videotaping the attacks,attacked the USS liberty in 1967....one hell of a spy! By those standards we should be friends with North Korea or China!
As an American, I stand with MY COUNTRY FIRST AND FOREMOST.... then other allies.

Exactly what I posted.

And our allies should stand with us. As should our own Republican party.

I love this country and agree with standing beside her, and yet we have made mistakes in the past that I absolutely disagree with, and will never get behind. Denying Blacks their civil rights is one instance, and arming terrorists who insist they be allowed to destroy a Nation of people is another.
This country should have left the table the minute Iran said that their goal of wiping out a portion of humanity was non negotiable. I'm embarrassed that this great country isn't incensed by that position, regardless of the intended target, and even more embarrassed that we are willing to help in that regard. We should all be.
The Bible says that God will bless those who bless Israel, and curse those who curse Israel. If America abandons Israel, our fate is sealed.
Lol...you people crack me up.
Your derision is noted, and dismissed as irrelevant.
You blind sheepish loyalty is noted and laughed at. :) Oh and only thing that will HOPEFULLY be irrelevant soon will be the state of Israel. Just another racist apartheid state as a foot note of history

says the anti-Semitic racist.....
All you got their cupcake? Nothing to refute my facts because you can't.
Israel is our friend. Leave it to Obama to turn his back on them.
One hell of a friend...spies on us,5 mossad agents detained on 9/11 for cheering and videotaping the attacks,attacked the USS liberty in 1967....one hell of a spy! By those standards we should be friends with North Korea or China!

Like we were caught spying on our ally Germany? 5 Jews cheered? Seriously? Did you miss the reaction of the Muslim states we are now embracing, where 5 Muslims didn't cheer?
I stand with Israel as God stands with Israel. I do not stand with the Lucifereans and pagan idolators (Arab muslims & Catholics & all other false religion - forms of Baal worship) who are presently there but I know that God is going to drive out everything that doesn't belong there in the future - just as He is going to drive out everything that does not belong in America in the future. That is what judgment does - it purges the land (that belongs to the LORD / was dedicated to the LORD) of all the wicked. Amen.
our side has had 3 opportunities to become the State is keeps bitching about................and all 3 times your side has rejected the negotiated Palestinian State.
What right do Jews have to "negotiate" a Palestinian state? My side called for self-determination for all Semites living in 1948 Palestine. That meant an election with all eligible voters casting their ballots. My side is agreeable to the same conditions today. Your side has said since long before 1948 Jews will not accept a minority of non-Jews exceeding 20% of the total population living between the river and the sea. You are NOT that special.

You're RACISTS, and your racist state will disappear.

Only in the twisted mind of a subhuman would the desire of a small ethnicity that has experienced genocide to live free from such be considered "racist".

It's a neat trick if you can pull it off, though. Characterize any Jew who doesn't want you to kill them as being "racist" for wanting to live and then use this supposed racism as your justification for killing them.
our side has had 3 opportunities to become the State is keeps bitching about................and all 3 times your side has rejected the negotiated Palestinian State.
What right do Jews have to "negotiate" a Palestinian state? My side called for self-determination for all Semites living in 1948 Palestine. That meant an election with all eligible voters casting their ballots. My side is agreeable to the same conditions today. Your side has said since long before 1948 Jews will not accept a minority of non-Jews exceeding 20% of the total population living between the river and the sea. You are NOT that special.

You're RACISTS, and your racist state will disappear.

Learned commentary on a par with the above hyperbole...

Lol...you people crack me up.
Your derision is noted, and dismissed as irrelevant.
You blind sheepish loyalty is noted and laughed at. :) Oh and only thing that will HOPEFULLY be irrelevant soon will be the state of Israel. Just another racist apartheid state as a foot note of history

says the anti-Semitic racist.....
All you got their cupcake? Nothing to refute my facts because you can't.
Israel is our friend. Leave it to Obama to turn his back on them.
One hell of a friend...spies on us,5 mossad agents detained on 9/11 for cheering and videotaping the attacks,attacked the USS liberty in 1967....one hell of a spy! By those standards we should be friends with North Korea or China!

Like we were caught spying on our ally Germany? 5 Jews cheered? Seriously? Did you miss the reaction of the Muslim states we are now embracing, where 5 Muslims didn't cheer?
5 jews who "just happened" to be filming the attack BEFORE it happened....a bomb dog reacted to bomb material in the van they were driving etc etc etc....You are a hopeless case dunno why I am wasting my time Oh and I don't see you people slobbering over the US's relationship with Germany like you do with Israel. I also see you managed to completely ignore the attack on the Liberty.
I stand with with juduism jewish people who live in Israel who want to reform that corrupt government of theirs they have and get rid of their evil mossad.

those kind of Israel people I DO stand with just as I stand with americans who want to get rid of our evil corrupt CIA and FBI and this corrupt two party system in america of demopublicans and reprocrats which is in reality a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two so the stupid american sheople think they have a choice in who gets elected.

for the fools here in america who think we elect these corrupt politicians and put them in office and who stand behind the atrocities of the government of Israel they commit,you are a traiter to america and need to get the hell out of this country and move to Israel.
Your derision is noted, and dismissed as irrelevant.
You blind sheepish loyalty is noted and laughed at. :) Oh and only thing that will HOPEFULLY be irrelevant soon will be the state of Israel. Just another racist apartheid state as a foot note of history

says the anti-Semitic racist.....
All you got their cupcake? Nothing to refute my facts because you can't.
Israel is our friend. Leave it to Obama to turn his back on them.
One hell of a friend...spies on us,5 mossad agents detained on 9/11 for cheering and videotaping the attacks,attacked the USS liberty in 1967....one hell of a spy! By those standards we should be friends with North Korea or China!

Like we were caught spying on our ally Germany? 5 Jews cheered? Seriously? Did you miss the reaction of the Muslim states we are now embracing, where 5 Muslims didn't cheer?
5 jews who "just happened" to be filming the attack BEFORE it happened....a bomb dog reacted to bomb material in the van they were driving etc etc etc....You are a hopeless case dunno why I am wasting my time Oh and I don't see you people slobbering over the US's relationship with Germany like you do with Israel. I also see you managed to completely ignore the attack on the Liberty.

yep another brainwashed sheep in america no doubt.someone who probably is clueless on how evil the mossad and the CIA are,the ones who were behind the attacks. :rolleyes-41:

I love how the fools who think the government of Israel is so innocent ignore those facts you mentioned about the dancing Israels on the roofs of new york and the attack on the liberty. the REAL terrorists are the mossad,the CIA,Bush,
.Clinton and many other politicians in washington who cover up their murderous actions .:rolleyes-41:

hopeless case is an UNDERSTATEMENT.
Nope. Just America. Where ALL Americans should be standing with. Have you made plans to move to Israel yet?

thats why america is such a mess with this corrupt one party system we have.the brainwashed american sheep think they put these criminals in washington running the country in office not getting it that we dont elect these people.

these criminals in washington wont fix america,they are just interested in serving the interests of Israel.

For all the fools on here who want to be worried about Israel instead of fixing the corruption in washington and in america,move the hell to Israel then.
our side has had 3 opportunities to become the State is keeps bitching about................and all 3 times your side has rejected the negotiated Palestinian State.
What right do Jews have to "negotiate" a Palestinian state? My side called for self-determination for all Semites living in 1948 Palestine. That meant an election with all eligible voters casting their ballots. My side is agreeable to the same conditions today. Your side has said since long before 1948 Jews will not accept a minority of non-Jews exceeding 20% of the total population living between the river and the sea. You are NOT that special.
You're RACISTS, and your racist state will disappear.
Only in the twisted mind of a subhuman would the desire of a small ethnicity that has experienced genocide to live free from such be considered "racist".
It's a neat trick if you can pull it off, though. Characterize any Jew who doesn't want you to kill them as being "racist" for wanting to live and then use this supposed racism as your justification for killing them.
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Nope. Just America. Where ALL Americans should be standing with. Have you made plans to move to Israel yet?

thats why america is such a mess with this corrupt one party system we have.the brainwashed american sheep think they put these criminals in washington running the country in office not getting it that we dont elect these people.

these criminals in washington wont fix america,they are just interested in serving the interests of Israel.

For all the fools on here who want to be worried about Israel instead of fixing the corruption in washington and in america,move the hell to Israel then.
Nice conspiracy theory. Where did you get it from?

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