• Total voters
Make a reservation. Israel is busy planning a bunker buster raid.
Does this mean you'll be investing in Gaza beachfront soon?
I stand with with juduism jewish people who live in Israel who want to reform that corrupt government of theirs they have and get rid of their evil mossad.

those kind of Israel people I DO stand with just as I stand with americans who want to get rid of our evil corrupt CIA and FBI and this corrupt two party system in america of demopublicans and reprocrats which is in reality a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two so the stupid american sheople think they have a choice in who gets elected.

for the fools here in america who think we elect these corrupt politicians and put them in office and who stand behind the atrocities of the government of Israel they commit,you are a traiter to america and need to get the hell out of this country and move to Israel.

If you are to speak of stupid Americans, shouldn't you at least learn to write the English language at a level above that of a remedial 5th grader?
our side has had 3 opportunities to become the State is keeps bitching about................and all 3 times your side has rejected the negotiated Palestinian State.
What right do Jews have to "negotiate" a Palestinian state? My side called for self-determination for all Semites living in 1948 Palestine. That meant an election with all eligible voters casting their ballots. My side is agreeable to the same conditions today. Your side has said since long before 1948 Jews will not accept a minority of non-Jews exceeding 20% of the total population living between the river and the sea. You are NOT that special.

You're RACISTS, and your racist state will disappear.

Learned commentary on a par with the above hyperbole...


Shit clumps, Comrade.
Thanks for voting..............So far........it looks like 72.7% STAND WITH ISRAEL.

and..............................27.3% Don't....................

our side has had 3 opportunities to become the State is keeps bitching about................and all 3 times your side has rejected the negotiated Palestinian State.
What right do Jews have to "negotiate" a Palestinian state? My side called for self-determination for all Semites living in 1948 Palestine. That meant an election with all eligible voters casting their ballots. My side is agreeable to the same conditions today. Your side has said since long before 1948 Jews will not accept a minority of non-Jews exceeding 20% of the total population living between the river and the sea. You are NOT that special.

You're RACISTS, and your racist state will disappear.

Learned commentary on a par with the above hyperbole...


Shit clumps, Comrade.

Not having much luck with that Divide-and-Conquer shit yer shovelin', are you, Achmed?
Not having much luck with that Divide-and-Conquer shit yer shovelin', are you, Achmed?
Better luck than you're having shovelin' ethnic cleansing, Benny:
"In November 1947, just days after the United Nations General Assembly voted to partition Palestine and create a Jewish state that was to have a population of 520,000 Jews and 320,000 Arabs, the Zionist leader David Ben-Gurion, who would become Israel’s first prime minister, told a gathering of his party’s supporters, 'This fact must be viewed in all its clarity and sharpness. With such a composition, there cannot even be complete certainty that the government will be held by a Jewish majority. . . There can be no stable and strong Jewish state so long as it has a Jewish majority of only 60 percent.'

"The solution, according to Ben-Gurion, was that 'it would be better to expel' the Arabs than allow them to remain, thus ensuring a homogenous Jewish state. (Quoted in The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1947-1949, by Benny Morris, Cambridge University Press, 1987, p. 28.) Moreover, Ben-Gurion and other Zionist leaders accepted the UN partition only as a preliminary stage.

"They dreamed that eventually Israel would consist of all of historic Palestine from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea."
Ethnic Cleansing Israel s apartheid policies against Palestinians.

Too bad.
Right, Benny?
Not having much luck with that Divide-and-Conquer shit yer shovelin', are you, Achmed?
Better luck than you're having shovelin' ethnic cleansing, Benny:
"In November 1947, just days after the United Nations General Assembly voted to partition Palestine and create a Jewish state that was to have a population of 520,000 Jews and 320,000 Arabs, the Zionist leader David Ben-Gurion, who would become Israel’s first prime minister, told a gathering of his party’s supporters, 'This fact must be viewed in all its clarity and sharpness. With such a composition, there cannot even be complete certainty that the government will be held by a Jewish majority. . . There can be no stable and strong Jewish state so long as it has a Jewish majority of only 60 percent.'

"The solution, according to Ben-Gurion, was that 'it would be better to expel' the Arabs than allow them to remain, thus ensuring a homogenous Jewish state. (Quoted in The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1947-1949, by Benny Morris, Cambridge University Press, 1987, p. 28.) Moreover, Ben-Gurion and other Zionist leaders accepted the UN partition only as a preliminary stage.

"They dreamed that eventually Israel would consist of all of historic Palestine from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea."
Ethnic Cleansing Israel s apartheid policies against Palestinians.

Too bad.
Right, Benny?

Gallup Polls say you're failing with your Divide-and-Conquer tactics, Achmed...

While your own propaganda maps prove the progress to date of the Reconquista....


Sux to be you, I'm sure...
Gallup Polls say you're failing with your Divide-and-Conquer tactics, Achmed...
Not so much among young Americans, Benny:
"The new concern in the American-Jewish community is the number 25. According to a Gallup poll conducted in the midst of the Gaza war, 42 percent of all Americans supported Israel’s action. Among people aged 18 to 29, that number was 25 percent.

"This set off all the usual alarm bells here and in Israel. Israel has one great and powerful ally in the world — the United States of America. But that support ultimately depends on the will of the people. And the young people — they’re not so willing."

Hasbara to the rescue?

Young Americans and Israel a disconnect Rob Eshman Jewish Journal
While your own propaganda maps prove the progress to date of the Reconquista....
So you support ethnic cleansing, Benny?
" What is undeniable and not in dispute by any credible historian, journalist, or scholar is that the Israeli government destroyed hundreds of Palestinian villages and seized land that had belonged to Palestinians without compensating them. It then refused the refugees the right to return to their homes even after hostilities ended, and applied this dictum even to internally displaced refugees."
Would you feel the same way if thousands of Jews had been separated from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts?
Ethnic Cleansing Israel s apartheid policies against Palestinians.
I Stand with Israel.....................Do you stand with Israel...........................

Fitting now that deal is struck with Iran.........................

WHAT SAY YOU.....................DO YOU STAND WITH ISRAEL?????????????

I do, Eagle. Seeing as 74.3% of this board stands with Israel I think it is time that Israel gets the same privilege that Iran and Iraq and other sovereign nations enjoy on USMB. Namely their own Forum. The Israel Forum. I'd say it is past due! There is historical evidence that those who work against Israel - namely the United States in past negotiations have suffered repeatedly for it and I would hate to see USMB miss out on the blessings of God and incur His wrath instead. Stranger things have happened. To not put up an Israel forum is like saying - we don't acknowledge Israel. Not a good message for any message board to send. For some reason I feel compelled to share that with everyone reading this morning.
I Stand with Israel.....................Do you stand with Israel...........................

Fitting now that deal is struck with Iran.........................

WHAT SAY YOU.....................DO YOU STAND WITH ISRAEL?????????????


Doesn't matter who you goyim stand for, only Jews matter on Israel
Inwardly I am a Jew, while you are not. What I have to say about Israel matters very much to God. (who watches over Israel continuously) You are going to find that out one day, Guno.
Inwardly I am a Jew, while you are not. What I have to say about Israel matters very much to God. (who watches over Israel continuously) You are going to find that out one day, Guno.
Do you believe Jews have human rights superior to all other nations? Many influential Jews over the past century have spoken as if they do.
"In 1923, radical Zionist Ze'ev Jabotinsky-- spiritual father of not only of Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin but of Brooklyn Rabbi Meir Kahane-- wrote:

"'the "sole way" for Jews to deal with Arabs in Palestine was through "total avoidance of all attempts to arrive at a settlement"-which Jabotinsky euphemistically termed the "iron wall" approach. Not coincidentally, a picture of Jabotinsky graces Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's desk. Source: The Village Voice, "Death Wish in the Holy Land," Dec. 12, 2001.'"

Inwardly I am a Jew, while you are not. What I have to say about Israel matters very much to God. (who watches over Israel continuously) You are going to find that out one day, Guno.
Do you believe Jews have human rights superior to all other nations? Many influential Jews over the past century have spoken as if they do.
"In 1923, radical Zionist Ze'ev Jabotinsky-- spiritual father of not only of Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin but of Brooklyn Rabbi Meir Kahane-- wrote:

"'the "sole way" for Jews to deal with Arabs in Palestine was through "total avoidance of all attempts to arrive at a settlement"-which Jabotinsky euphemistically termed the "iron wall" approach. Not coincidentally, a picture of Jabotinsky graces Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's desk. Source: The Village Voice, "Death Wish in the Holy Land," Dec. 12, 2001.'"

While your own propaganda maps prove the progress to date of the Reconquista....
So you support ethnic cleansing, Benny? " What is undeniable and not in dispute by any credible historian, journalist, or scholar is that the Israeli government destroyed hundreds of Palestinian villages and seized land that had belonged to Palestinians without compensating them. It then refused the refugees the right to return to their homes even after hostilities ended, and applied this dictum even to internally displaced refugees." Would you feel the same way if thousands of Jews had been separated from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts? Ethnic Cleansing Israel s apartheid policies against Palestinians.
The remaining Palestinians have to go.

They can remain and fight and die in-place, or they can pack up and leave.

Far better to leave, and to begin new lives, elsewhere, where they have a future, and can once again be safe, and begin to prosper once again.

There is no future for them in Gaza and the West Bank.

After 66 years of stupidity on the part of the Palestinians, they need to get it through their thick Neanderthal skulls that they've lost.

Time to go.

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