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Contributed by the Israelis, and the UN at-large, which can finally put its money where its mouth is, and oversee evacuation transport and logistics, doing something useful for once, rather than just sitting in New York and clucking tongues like a bunch of old ladies.

Old ladies should be clucking their tongues over apartheid in Israel.
Military operations of the 2006 Lebanon War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Map showing some of the Israeli localities attacked by rockets fired from Lebanese soil as of Monday 7 August.
As part of the Hezbollah rocket campaign that began in July, they have fired rockets into all major cities of northern Israel including Haifa, Hadera, Nazareth, Nazareth Illit, Tiberias, Nahariya, Safed, Afula,[11] Kiryat Shmona, Beit She'an,Karmiel, and Maalot, and dozens of kibbutzim, moshavim, and Druze andArab villages, as well as the northern West Bank.[12][13] It also hit a hospital in Safed in northern Galilee on 18 July, wounding 8.[14]

By August 13, 2006, Hezbollah had fired about 3,900 rockets into Israel during the 34 days of the 2006 Lebanon War, killing 44 Israeli civilians and 106 soldiers including 12 reserve soldiers, and wounding some 1400 civilians.[15] According to another report a total of 4,228 Hezbollah rockets hit Israel. Of those 972 (23%) landed within built-up areas. The number of longer range rockets (over 50 km) was approximately 250 (or 6% of the total). Israel suffered 53 fatalities, 250 severely wounded and 2,000 lightly wounded, and hundreds of buildings were damaged.[16]
Military operations of the 2006 Lebanon War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Map showing some of the Israeli localities attacked by rockets fired from Lebanese soil as of Monday 7 August.
As part of the Hezbollah rocket campaign that began in July, they have fired rockets into all major cities of northern Israel including Haifa, Hadera, Nazareth, Nazareth Illit, Tiberias, Nahariya, Safed, Afula,[11] Kiryat Shmona, Beit She'an,Karmiel, and Maalot, and dozens of kibbutzim, moshavim, and Druze andArab villages, as well as the northern West Bank.[12][13] It also hit a hospital in Safed in northern Galilee on 18 July, wounding 8.[14]

By August 13, 2006, Hezbollah had fired about 3,900 rockets into Israel during the 34 days of the 2006 Lebanon War, killing 44 Israeli civilians and 106 soldiers including 12 reserve soldiers, and wounding some 1400 civilians.[15] According to another report a total of 4,228 Hezbollah rockets hit Israel. Of those 972 (23%) landed within built-up areas. The number of longer range rockets (over 50 km) was approximately 250 (or 6% of the total). Israel suffered 53 fatalities, 250 severely wounded and 2,000 lightly wounded, and hundreds of buildings were damaged.[16]
What are you trying to tell us with this^^^
Only if you ignore the words of all the groups I've quoted including Iran on their GOAL to DESTROY ISRAEL..........................

We need a backhoe to shovel the shit your side has been shoveling............it's getting deep.
Take it easy, take it easy
Don't let the sound of your own wheels
Drive you crazy
Lighten up while you still can
Don't even try to understand
Just find a place to make your stand
And take it easy
Military operations of the 2006 Lebanon War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Map showing some of the Israeli localities attacked by rockets fired from Lebanese soil as of Monday 7 August.
As part of the Hezbollah rocket campaign that began in July, they have fired rockets into all major cities of northern Israel including Haifa, Hadera, Nazareth, Nazareth Illit, Tiberias, Nahariya, Safed, Afula,[11] Kiryat Shmona, Beit She'an,Karmiel, and Maalot, and dozens of kibbutzim, moshavim, and Druze andArab villages, as well as the northern West Bank.[12][13] It also hit a hospital in Safed in northern Galilee on 18 July, wounding 8.[14]

By August 13, 2006, Hezbollah had fired about 3,900 rockets into Israel during the 34 days of the 2006 Lebanon War, killing 44 Israeli civilians and 106 soldiers including 12 reserve soldiers, and wounding some 1400 civilians.[15] According to another report a total of 4,228 Hezbollah rockets hit Israel. Of those 972 (23%) landed within built-up areas. The number of longer range rockets (over 50 km) was approximately 250 (or 6% of the total). Israel suffered 53 fatalities, 250 severely wounded and 2,000 lightly wounded, and hundreds of buildings were damaged.[16]
What are you trying to tell us with this^^^
You brought up the Lebanon War..........Not I.........and it was in response to Terror attacks and Rocket attacks.............

But of course you only want one side of the story now don't you????????????
Yes. Israel is a bastion of individual liberty in a sea of Totalitarian oppression.
Individual liberty for Jews or for all Israelis? Since Israel spends three times more on schools for Jews than it does for Arab schools, does that mean the individual liberty for Jews is three times greater than for Arabs?
The Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign s discussion Israel s apartheid policies against Palestinians.

Your moral relativism is quite telling. To you, Jews not "spending as much" on schools for Palestinians is worse that Islamists murdering Christian students.

Get a grip.
Your moral relativism is quite telling. To you, Jews not "spending as much" on schools for Palestinians is worse that Islamists murdering Christian students.
There are no Islamists murdering Christian students in Palestine. There are Jews murdering Islamists in order to steal their land and water, however. Maybe you should stop hating?
Your moral relativism is quite telling. To you, Jews not "spending as much" on schools for Palestinians is worse that Islamists murdering Christian students.
There are no Islamists murdering Christian students in Palestine. There are Jews murdering Islamists in order to steal their land and water, however. Maybe you should stop hating?

Take off the Blinders, bub.
Hell, ya! After what Jews have been through, they, at the least, deserve a land mass the size of New Jersey that they can call home.
Next time, and there will be one, give them land that other aren't already living on...
There wasn't any land left that didn't have goddamn muslims occupying it since the time the Jews were run out of the middle east thousands of years before.
Your moral relativism is quite telling. To you, Jews not "spending as much" on schools for Palestinians is worse that Islamists murdering Christian students.
There are no Islamists murdering Christian students in Palestine. There are Jews murdering Islamists in order to steal their land and water, however. Maybe you should stop hating?

Take off the Blinders, bub.

I'm taking it you're not familiar with georgies deranged posts?
Your moral relativism is quite telling. To you, Jews not "spending as much" on schools for Palestinians is worse that Islamists murdering Christian students.
There are no Islamists murdering Christian students in Palestine. There are Jews murdering Islamists in order to steal their land and water, however. Maybe you should stop hating?

Take off the Blinders, bub.

I'm taking it you're not familiar with georgies deranged posts?

Actually, I'm all too familiar, in the most reluctant sense possible, with his spew.
Your moral relativism is quite telling. To you, Jews not "spending as much" on schools for Palestinians is worse that Islamists murdering Christian students.
There are no Islamists murdering Christian students in Palestine. There are Jews murdering Islamists in order to steal their land and water, however. Maybe you should stop hating?

Take off the Blinders, bub.

I'm taking it you're not familiar with georgies deranged posts?

Actually, I'm all too familiar, in the most reluctant sense possible, with his spew.

It's not his fault. He's a miserable human being living in a studio apartment in a community full of Latino gangs living off welfare checks.

Word has it that his Jewish landlord raised his rent again, so George is even more pissed at the Jews ;)
Your moral relativism is quite telling. To you, Jews not "spending as much" on schools for Palestinians is worse that Islamists murdering Christian students.
There are no Islamists murdering Christian students in Palestine. There are Jews murdering Islamists in order to steal their land and water, however. Maybe you should stop hating?

Take off the Blinders, bub.

I'm taking it you're not familiar with georgies deranged posts?

Actually, I'm all too familiar, in the most reluctant sense possible, with his spew.

It's not his fault. He's a miserable human being living in a studio apartment in a community full of Latino gangs living off welfare checks.

Word has it that his Jewish landlord raised his rent again, so George is even more pissed at the Jews ;)

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