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Another troll topic with full of troll posters of the forum

Why, Mineva, can we include you as a troll? After all, you basically want only to tell us the crimes in Turkey (crime happens all over the world) or else you want to tell us what business Turkey is doing (when business takes place also all over the world). If you have nothing to say about what is going on in Yemen, Syria or Iraq, the least you could do is give us some news about what is happening in Oman, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait, Bahrain, etc. By the way, Mineva, we certainly don't stand with your Muslim brethren who are murdering people for their religious beliefs in the Muslim world. I bet you that Mineva doesn't even care when her Sunni brethren are busy murdering the Shia.
Nope. Just America. Where ALL Americans should be standing with. Have you made plans to move to Israel yet?

thats why america is such a mess with this corrupt one party system we have.the brainwashed american sheep think they put these criminals in washington running the country in office not getting it that we dont elect these people.

these criminals in washington wont fix america,they are just interested in serving the interests of Israel.

For all the fools on here who want to be worried about Israel instead of fixing the corruption in washington and in america,move the hell to Israel then.
Nice conspiracy theory. Where did you get it from?

theory my ass.i see you are one of the sheep i was talking about who has been brainwashed by our corrupt school system. the only conspiracy THEORY of yours is that we elect these people,.you might try and pick up a book called VOTESCAM,it documents it all how our votes dont count.:rolleyes-41:

apparently you are dense of the fact that clinton and bush have been long time pals as well,have no clue of the mena arkansas drug scandal they were involved in together,that barbara bush has said clinton is like a second son to her,and that Obama has continued the policys of bush that he said he would reverse,and that obama,bush and clinton are always hanging out together.

you are so far gone you actually think there is a difference between the two parties.:lmao:
Another troll topic with full of troll posters of the forum

Why, Mineva, can we include you as a troll? After all, you basically want only to tell us the crimes in Turkey (crime happens all over the world) or else you want to tell us what business Turkey is doing (when business takes place also all over the world). If you have nothing to say about what is going on in Yemen, Syria or Iraq, the least you could do is give us some news about what is happening in Oman, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait, Bahrain, etc. By the way, Mineva, we certainly don't stand with your Muslim brethren who are murdering people for their religious beliefs in the Muslim world. I bet you that Mineva doesn't even care when her Sunni brethren are busy murdering the Shia.

so says the paid shill troll of Israel.:lmao:
I stand with with juduism jewish people who live in Israel who want to reform that corrupt government of theirs they have and get rid of their evil mossad.

those kind of Israel people I DO stand with just as I stand with americans who want to get rid of our evil corrupt CIA and FBI and this corrupt two party system in america of demopublicans and reprocrats which is in reality a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two so the stupid american sheople think they have a choice in who gets elected.

for the fools here in america who think we elect these corrupt politicians and put them in office and who stand behind the atrocities of the government of Israel they commit,you are a traiter to america and need to get the hell out of this country and move to Israel.

If you are to speak of stupid Americans, shouldn't you at least learn to write the English language at a level above that of a remedial 5th grader?

so typical of a brainwashed sheep,instead of addressing the FACTS,you evade them and do the typical troll thing,evade and change the topic.:clap:

thats our wonderful corrupt government for you.:banana:
so typical of a brainwashed sheep,instead of addressing the FACTS,you evade them and do the typical troll thing,evade and change the topic.:clap:

I do imagine that if you could ever get on Xyprexa and then finish your G.E.D. , you might actually start contributing to society in some small way.
so typical of a brainwashed sheep,instead of addressing the FACTS,you evade them and do the typical troll thing,evade and change the topic.:clap:

I do imagine that if you could ever get on Xyprexa and then finish your G.E.D. , you might actually start contributing to society in some small way.
keep evading troll.just proves you have no debating skills.:thup::banana:
Your moral relativism is quite telling. To you, Jews not "spending as much" on schools for Palestinians is worse that Islamists murdering Christian students.
There are no Islamists murdering Christian students in Palestine. There are Jews murdering Islamists in order to steal their land and water, however. Maybe you should stop hating?

right on all three counts.you nailed it.:thup:

Breaking News..the rest of the world has had it up to here with you nuttyahoo

That being said, your are either misinformed or Lying about Iran supplying these weapons to Lebanon and Gaza...........Just today I read that the current stock pile of rockets and missiles in Lebanon are estimated at 60,000..........In 2006 they fired roughly 6000 of these weapons at Israel which prompted a military intervention there...........
How many times have Jews invaded Lebanon and Gaza, more than Iran has?
"The US is committed to maintaining Israel’s military edge in the Middle East, US defence secretary Chuck Hagel said on Monday as he unveiled a new round of advanced arms sales.

"The Obama administration will sell Israel missiles to target air defences, as well as advanced radar and refuelling tankers, part of a $10bn deal that also includes Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates which the US describes as a direct response to the potential threat from Iran.

Israel and the US are the biggest threats to global peace. Maybe you need to adjust the antennae on your tin-foil hat?


Israel and the US are the biggest threats to global peace. Maybe you need to adjust the antennae on your tin-foil hat?
thats the understatement of the century.:thup::udaman:
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The Nazis were Roman Catholic, Eots. Not Israeli. Do your homework next time.
that was then.. this is now

Well, one day at a time. I have to go. I'll be keeping you in my prayers and thank you again for posting the thread exposing how politicians sell their souls to Satan in exchange for power / money - same goes for corporations and none so big (imo) as what we are seeing on Madison Ave. and Hollywood - the Satanism out there is rampant. Totally. Thank you again for that thread. It took a lot of courage. It's going to wake up a lot of people, EOTS. You did a good thing by posting it.

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