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Tell that to Hamas and Hezballah who use Iranian weapons to attack Israel all the time.
There's nothing wrong with Iran sending them weapons to defend themselves from Israeli aggression.

Who have been in an undeclared War with Iran for many Decades.
You're full of shit!

This is their back yard, and they are fighting those equipped and trained by Iran. A country that has vowed to destroy them.
That statement has been completely debunked many times over, yet you still insist on re-telling that bullshit lie.

So a Nuclear Iran is Israel's business......and the only reason they haven't hit these sites is we are in the way.
Again, you're full of shit!

Well said.

America first.

And only then, secondly, our friends and allies.

Including Israel.

Virtually all of the Americans posting here might differ - bitterly - over what constitutes the 'best interests of America'.

But it's a good bet that virtually all will get behind you in supporting that statement or sentiment.

And, it serves as a good 'cooling off' sentiment when the fur starts flying around here, between Americans holding different views about our involvement with Israel.
You'd sell out this country in a heartbeat, if Netanfuckyou asked you to.

Well said.

America first.

And only then, secondly, our friends and allies.

Including Israel.

Virtually all of the Americans posting here might differ - bitterly - over what constitutes the 'best interests of America'.

But it's a good bet that virtually all will get behind you in supporting that statement or sentiment.

And, it serves as a good 'cooling off' sentiment when the fur starts flying around here, between Americans holding different views about our involvement with Israel.
You'd sell out this country in a heartbeat, if Netanfuckyou asked you to.
Didn't I tell you months ago, to stick to the Kiddie Table, and to stop bothering the grownups?


Now, stop trying to dry-hump my pants-cuff, little doggie,and let the grownups go about the business of talking about grownup stuff, in connection with America and Israel.
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Well said.

America first.

And only then, secondly, our friends and allies.

Including Israel.

Virtually all of the Americans posting here might differ - bitterly - over what constitutes the 'best interests of America'.

But it's a good bet that virtually all will get behind you in supporting that statement or sentiment.

And, it serves as a good 'cooling off' sentiment when the fur starts flying around here, between Americans holding different views about our involvement with Israel.
You'd sell out this country in a heartbeat, if Netanfuckyou asked you to.
Didn't I tell you months ago, to stick to the Kiddie Table, and top stop bothering the grownups?


Now, stop trying to dry-hump my pants-cuff, little doggie,and let the grownups go about the business of talking about grownup stuff, in connection with America and Israel.
that's how gown ups talk ?

Well said.

America first.

And only then, secondly, our friends and allies.

Including Israel.

Virtually all of the Americans posting here might differ - bitterly - over what constitutes the 'best interests of America'.

But it's a good bet that virtually all will get behind you in supporting that statement or sentiment.

And, it serves as a good 'cooling off' sentiment when the fur starts flying around here, between Americans holding different views about our involvement with Israel.
You'd sell out this country in a heartbeat, if Netanfuckyou asked you to.
Didn't I tell you months ago, to stick to the Kiddie Table, and top stop bothering the grownups?


Now, stop trying to dry-hump my pants-cuff, little doggie,and let the grownups go about the business of talking about grownup stuff, in connection with America and Israel.
that's how gown ups talk ?
Indeed... that's how grown-ups talk when dealing with unruly and rude man-child -types with a long-standing reputation for obscenity and viciousness and unprovoked ad hominem attacks and chronic and extreme disrespectful treatment of their peers and colleagues. Any other questions? Next contestant, please.
I stand with Israel.

I just don't think Tel Aviv should be dictating our foreign policy, as the neocons seem to think so.

Thanks to ODS, and the brilliant political minds in the GOP, supporting Israel has taken on the image of being a partisan issue. It isn't. Assholes.

Why aren't the Republicans standing with the US?

Why did they promise Iran they could build their nukes?

Why did they purposely sabotage their own country?

And why are so many RW's eager to do the same?
As you type those lying questions are you sniffing glue or Obama's crotch?
our side has had 3 opportunities to become the State is keeps bitching about................and all 3 times your side has rejected the negotiated Palestinian State.
What right do Jews have to "negotiate" a Palestinian state? My side called for self-determination for all Semites living in 1948 Palestine. That meant an election with all eligible voters casting their ballots. My side is agreeable to the same conditions today. Your side has said since long before 1948 Jews will not accept a minority of non-Jews exceeding 20% of the total population living between the river and the sea. You are NOT that special.

You're RACISTS, and your racist state will disappear.
George, after 67 years don't you think the Palefakians have had enough time to "Git 'er done" and stop the incessant whining and dodging reality?
I stand with Israel.

I just don't think Tel Aviv should be dictating our foreign policy, as the neocons seem to think so.

Thanks to ODS, and the brilliant political minds in the GOP, supporting Israel has taken on the image of being a partisan issue. It isn't. Assholes.

Why aren't the Republicans standing with the US?

Why did they promise Iran they could build their nukes?

Why did they purposely sabotage their own country?

And why are so many RW's eager to do the same?
As you type those lying questions are you sniffing glue or Obama's crotch?

Saying you "stand with Israel" is RW code for "I hate our president and this country".
I stand with Israel. We need a real ally in the Middle East and Israel can be depended upon. More than he can depend on us!
Besides being a loyal ally, Israel is the watchdog in the mid-East and they have our back. We should have their back too and Obama isn't going to be allowed to screw it up.
So what exactly has this self interested watch dog saved us from ?
A repeat of 9/11 and countless other disasters.
I stand with Israel.

I just don't think Tel Aviv should be dictating our foreign policy, as the neocons seem to think so.

Thanks to ODS, and the brilliant political minds in the GOP, supporting Israel has taken on the image of being a partisan issue. It isn't. Assholes.

Why aren't the Republicans standing with the US?

Why did they promise Iran they could build their nukes?

Why did they purposely sabotage their own country?

And why are so many RW's eager to do the same?
As you type those lying questions are you sniffing glue or Obama's crotch?

Saying you "stand with Israel" is RW code for "I hate our president and this country".
Half correct. I am and have been a soldier for this country and don't try to denigrate that fact.Now, about the current President.............you win a seegar.
I stand with Israel.

I just don't think Tel Aviv should be dictating our foreign policy, as the neocons seem to think so.

Thanks to ODS, and the brilliant political minds in the GOP, supporting Israel has taken on the image of being a partisan issue. It isn't. Assholes.

Why aren't the Republicans standing with the US?

Why did they promise Iran they could build their nukes?

Why did they purposely sabotage their own country?

And why are so many RW's eager to do the same?
As you type those lying questions are you sniffing glue or Obama's crotch?

Saying you "stand with Israel" is RW code for "I hate our president and this country".

Boy are you gullible. You believe anything that the left says.
Our Nation has been standing with Israel since1948 and it has continued with both sides.
I stand with Israel. We need a real ally in the Middle East and Israel can be depended upon. More than he can depend on us!
Besides being a loyal ally, Israel is the watchdog in the mid-East and they have our back. We should have their back too and Obama isn't going to be allowed to screw it up.
So what exactly has this self interested watch dog saved us from ?
A repeat of 9/11 and countless other disasters.
I Stand with Israel.....................Do you stand with Israel...........................

Fitting now that deal is struck with Iran.........................

WHAT SAY YOU.....................DO YOU STAND WITH ISRAEL?????????????


Doesn't matter who you goyim stand for, only Jews matter on Israel

Leaves you out fake Jew...You stand with the leftist Jew haters anyway:thup:
Tell that to Hamas and Hezballah who use Iranian weapons to attack Israel all the time.
There's nothing wrong with Iran sending them weapons to defend themselves from Israeli aggression.

Who have been in an undeclared War with Iran for many Decades.
You're full of shit!

This is their back yard, and they are fighting those equipped and trained by Iran. A country that has vowed to destroy them.
That statement has been completely debunked many times over, yet you still insist on re-telling that bullshit lie.

So a Nuclear Iran is Israel's business......and the only reason they haven't hit these sites is we are in the way.
Again, you're full of shit!
When the time is right, bunker busters will fall like raindrops. You'll hear about it on Fox News.
I don't stand with Israel because they killed Jesus. I don't stand with Islam either, because Radical Islam is the enemy of all mankind.
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As an American patriot, first and foremost, I stand with the United States.

Its Israel who needs to stand with us.

And so do the Republicans.

And who gave you the Golden Globe Award for being the only Americans who Stand with their own country and not Israel.................................

Why should we support you when you ram your ideals down our throats and tell us to get on the back of the bus.............

We speak our mind and if you don't like it so be it.
He doesn't stand with America he stands with Obama who works to weaken this country globally
[QUOTE="eots, post: 11120348, member: 3851

You have a chemical imbalance in your brain involving serotonin and dopamine which is quite obviously not being treated. You are also uneducated, lacking any real knowledge of the world. As a result of your psychosis, your abject ignorance, and your exposure to the internet, your resulting world view has been skewed by all the conspiracy sites designed to take advantage of the psychotic and the ignorant to the point you are little more than a useful idiot for those who have designed them.

It's pretty laughable how the mentally ill look for conspiracies everywhere but the ones actually influencing them.
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I don't stand with Israel because they killed Jesus. I don't stand with don't stand with Islam either, because Radical Islam is the enemy of all mankind.
Roman soldiers killed Jesus according to recorded history.
our side has had 3 opportunities to become the State is keeps bitching about................and all 3 times your side has rejected the negotiated Palestinian State.
What right do Jews have to "negotiate" a Palestinian state? My side called for self-determination for all Semites living in 1948 Palestine. That meant an election with all eligible voters casting their ballots. My side is agreeable to the same conditions today. Your side has said since long before 1948 Jews will not accept a minority of non-Jews exceeding 20% of the total population living between the river and the sea. You are NOT that special.

You're RACISTS, and your racist state will disappear.
Noted as usual from you..............They offered the 1967 boundaries and refused...........and again you refuse to say a thing about Trans Jordan or present day Jordan which was in the original Mandate after WWI. Palestine would have been a Nation in 1948 but your side chose WAR.............

In 1967 your side chose WAR.........and again................Sadat chose PEACE and was killed by the Arab League for it..................

Your a LIAR over the whole situation...............and your last quote is your racist state will disappear..........Which is the Stated GOAL of IRAN, the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD, FATAH, HAMAS, HEZBALLAH, PLO...........and others.................

Your side doesn't want PEACE............it wants WAR.............and when BEATEN TIME AND TIME AGAIN.............you cry to the world to do something about a country you want to destroy because you can't win on the battlefield...............

Peace is there for the taking if your side would chose it.................You don't..........so there is WAR...............

I STAND WITH ISRAEL..............and not those WHO WANT TO EXTERMINATE ALL OF ISRAEL..........

That's the deal.

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