I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Wrong in every way. Trump's economy was good compared to the awful economies of both Obama & Biden. Trump had 1 recession attributable to him. Obama had 7. Biden has had 3 (so far).

The pandemic and its economic negatives, are attributable to Democrats
1. Obama's NIH funded the Wuhan lab
2. Democrat governors kept the shutdowns going.
3. Pelosi blocked stimulus checks

You're out of your fucking mind, gramps. :cuckoo:
Frankenstein Jun’24 Sisdkw insists that President Joe Biden: had both chambers for two years. frnkstn 240625 Sisdkw02143

That means nothing without sixty Senators caucusing with the President to write tax laws that benefit the working class when Republican Senators need to maintain their donorship status with the uber rich who want the majority of any tax cuts going to them in their constant time of need.
There is no such thing as tax raises that benefit the working class, all tax raises include loopholes to wealthy donors, spare me meathead. Joe will not bite the hand that pays for his campaign neither will a Republican!
Pretty pathetic when you use the disgraced, corrupt Fani Willis as a source.
I am not using Fani Willis as a source. I am using Jenna Ellis

Saint_J.Ellis is a white born again Christian Nationalist lawyer who loves Trump with her purity of goodness based upon a Biblical worldview. She does not have a southern twang. She pled guilty to the charge that she lied about what happened in State Farm Arena.

That Fulton County election workers at State Farm Arena ordered poll watchers and members of the media to leave the tabulation area on the night of November ,3 2020, and continued to operate after ordering everyone to leave;

She confessed to being a felon who lied for her legal client for whom she says she wiil still vote if he becomes the nominee.
She was on the frontline of the illegal action that cost her her dignity and reputation as a lawyer and as a Didciple of Jesus Christ.

You Saint_Protectionist know nothing about what happened in State Farm Arena that night. You are lying for Trump, and I have no cause or reason to step into your world of devotion to unrestrained irrationality of Biblical proportions.
TrumpPutin 3.jpg

So as I said, after the Trump tax cuts, revenues increased.
Tax receipts usually increase from one year to the next because of inflation. I demonstrated that tax receivpts increased more under Obama and Biden. What really increased under Trump was the national debt.
There is no such thing as tax raises that benefit the working class, all tax raises include loopholes to wealthy donors, spare me meathead. Joe will not bite the hand that pays for his campaign neither will a Republican!
The working class benefits from government programs that help them and which are paid for by high taxes on the rich.


MARCH 11, 2024

FACT SHEET: The President’s Budget Cuts Taxes for Working Families and Makes Big Corporations and the Wealthy Pay Their Fair Share​

Since taking office, President Biden has fought to build a fairer tax system that rewards work, not wealth; asks the wealthiest Americans and largest corporations to pay their fair share; and requires all Americans to play by the same rules and pay the taxes they owe. He has already secured historic legislation to make our tax code fairer, from enacting a corporate minimum tax so that billion-dollar companies can’t get away with paying $0 in Federal income taxes to giving the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) the tools it needs to make wealthy tax cheats pay the taxes they owe. President Biden will fight to stop Republican plans to add trillions to the deficit with tax cuts skewed to the wealthy and largest corporations. Republicans would rather add trillions to the national debt than take back even one dollar of the $150 billion annual rate cut corporations received under President Trump. Now, President Biden’s Budget will cut taxes for working families and lower deficits by trillions of dollars over a decade by making the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share—and no one earning less than $400,000 per year will pay a penny in new taxes.

Makes Big Corporations and Special Interests Pay Their Fair Share...

Cracks Down on Tax Avoidance by Large Multinationals and Big Pharma...

Denies Corporate Tax Breaks for Million Dollar Executive Compensation...

Quadruples the Stock Buybacks Tax...

Eliminates Tax Subsidies for Oil and Gas...

Eliminates Tax Subsidies for Real Estate...

Eliminate Tax Subsidies for Cryptocurrency Transactions...

Makes Wealthy People Pay Their Fair Share

President Biden has already secured additional funding for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that is enabling it to crack down on the high-income individuals and corporations who too often avoided paying their lawfully owed taxes and to improve service for the millions of Americans that do pay their taxes. Already, the IRS has collected more than $500 million in unpaid taxes from fewer than 2,000 delinquent millionaires, launched enforcement action against 25,000 millionaires who have not filed a tax return since 2017, and started cracking down on high-end tax evasion like deducting personal use of corporate jets as a business expense. President Biden’s tax plan would build on this progress with reforms that will finally make the wealthiest Americans pay their fair share. The President’s Budget:

Requires Billionaires to Pay at Least 25 Percent of Income in Taxes...

Increases the Top Tax Rate on the Wealthiest Americans to 39.6 Percent...

Ends Capital Income Tax Breaks and Other Loopholes for the Very Wealthy...

Requires Wealthy People to Pay their Fair Share Toward Medicare to Extend Medicare Solvency Indefinitely...

Closes Loopholes for the Wealthy...

Ensures That the IRS Can Continue to Collect Taxes Owed by Wealthy Tax Cheats...

Cracks Down on Corporate Jet Loopholes...

Cuts Taxes for 19 Million Working-class Americans...

Makes Lower Health Insurance Premiums Permanent...

Last edited:
I am not using Fani Willis as a source. I am using Jenna Ellis

Saint_J.Ellis is a white born again Christian Nationalist lawyer who loves Trump with her purity of goodness based upon a Biblical worldview. She does not have a southern twang. She pled guilty to the charge that she lied about what happened in State Farm Arena.

That Fulton County election workers at State Farm Arena ordered poll watchers and members of the media to leave the tabulation area on the night of November ,3 2020, and continued to operate after ordering everyone to leave;

She confessed to being a felon who lied for her legal client for whom she says she wiil still vote if he becomes the nominee.
She was on the frontline of the illegal action that cost her her dignity and reputation as a lawyer and as a Didciple of Jesus Christ.

You Saint_Protectionist know nothing about what happened in State Farm Arena that night. You are lying for Trump, and I have no cause or reason to step into your world of devotion to unrestrained irrationality of Biblical proportions.
Ellis is another victim of fascist Fani Willis extortion > Plead guilty or go to prison for 30 years. How did this witch ever get power in Georgia ? Oh that right - lots of blacks living there.

White ? Christian ? Nationalist ? And you think that's bad ? :rolleyes:
View attachment 967190

Tax receipts usually increase from one year to the next because of inflation. I demonstrated that tax receivpts increased more under Obama and Biden. What really increased under Trump was the national debt.
What really increased under Trump was
1. the nation's GDP - 34.8% (highest in US history).
2. the median wage - (highest in US history)
3. numbers of blacks & hispanics employed (lowest unemployment for them in US history)
4. highest numbers in stock market ever
5. 10 million jobs in 4 months, created over 400,000 manufacturing jobs,
6. vocational training topped 4 million - highest ever,
7. FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history
8. $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic (the most ever)
9. expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care (I got surgeries and benefits from this myself),
10. pressured NATO allies, and they're spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016
11. Increased the military with th Space Force
12. Increased US exports with an E.U. deal
13. Increased quality detention centers for migrant children in Southwest Key Programs
14. 8,700 Opportunity Zones with investment incentives for companies to invest in distressed communities
15. Increased Middle East peace through Israel/UAE/Bahrain agreement (the Abraham Accord)
16. Increased Middle East peace by destroying ISIS, and killed their leaders incl. # 1 al Baghdadi.
17. Increased law & order by stopping domestic terrorist mobs by sending federal troops & National Guard
18. Boosted the economy with record of number of regulations cut
19. Increased wages for military personnel
20. Increased national health by Covid mortality rate REDUCED from over 17,000/week in April. to about 2000/week in June. 90% REDUCTION. > HUGE SUCCESS.
21. Increased production of Ventilators - left in short supply after the Obama/Biden admin.
22. Increased economic activity with the stimulus checks
23. Increased federal aid to hospitals, rapidly expanding production & distribution of medical supplies
24. fast, continual development of a vaccine, and rapid success of Operation Warp Speed
25. $ 250 Million/year to black colleges.


As for the natIonal debt, most of its increases were in 2020, caused by the Covid pandemic, brought about and lengthened by Democrats.
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What really increased under Trump was
1. the nation's GDP - 34.8% (highest in US history).
2. the median wage - (highest in US history)
3. numbers of blacks & hispanics employed (lowest unemployment for them in US history)
4. highest numbers in stock market ever
5. 10 million jobs in 4 months, created over 400,000 manufacturing jobs,
6. vocational training topped 4 million - highest ever,
7. FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history
8. $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic (the most ever)
9. expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care (I got surgeries and benefits from this myself),
10. pressured NATO allies, and they're spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016

I got only as far as your first item to see you're lying. Annualized real GDP under was 2%, not 34.8%
The working class benefits from government programs that help them and which are paid for by high taxes on the rich.


MARCH 11, 2024

FACT SHEET: The President’s Budget Cuts Taxes for Working Families and Makes Big Corporations and the Wealthy Pay Their Fair Share​

Since taking office, President Biden has fought to build a fairer tax system that rewards work, not wealth; asks the wealthiest Americans and largest corporations to pay their fair share; and requires all Americans to play by the same rules and pay the taxes they owe. He has already secured historic legislation to make our tax code fairer, from enacting a corporate minimum tax so that billion-dollar companies can’t get away with paying $0 in Federal income taxes to giving the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) the tools it needs to make wealthy tax cheats pay the taxes they owe. President Biden will fight to stop Republican plans to add trillions to the deficit with tax cuts skewed to the wealthy and largest corporations. Republicans would rather add trillions to the national debt than take back even one dollar of the $150 billion annual rate cut corporations received under President Trump. Now, President Biden’s Budget will cut taxes for working families and lower deficits by trillions of dollars over a decade by making the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share—and no one earning less than $400,000 per year will pay a penny in new taxes.

Makes Big Corporations and Special Interests Pay Their Fair Share...

Cracks Down on Tax Avoidance by Large Multinationals and Big Pharma...

Denies Corporate Tax Breaks for Million Dollar Executive Compensation...

Quadruples the Stock Buybacks Tax...

Eliminates Tax Subsidies for Oil and Gas...

Eliminates Tax Subsidies for Real Estate...

Eliminate Tax Subsidies for Cryptocurrency Transactions...

Makes Wealthy People Pay Their Fair Share

President Biden has already secured additional funding for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that is enabling it to crack down on the high-income individuals and corporations who too often avoided paying their lawfully owed taxes and to improve service for the millions of Americans that do pay their taxes. Already, the IRS has collected more than $500 million in unpaid taxes from fewer than 2,000 delinquent millionaires, launched enforcement action against 25,000 millionaires who have not filed a tax return since 2017, and started cracking down on high-end tax evasion like deducting personal use of corporate jets as a business expense. President Biden’s tax plan would build on this progress with reforms that will finally make the wealthiest Americans pay their fair share. The President’s Budget:

Requires Billionaires to Pay at Least 25 Percent of Income in Taxes...

Increases the Top Tax Rate on the Wealthiest Americans to 39.6 Percent...

Ends Capital Income Tax Breaks and Other Loopholes for the Very Wealthy...

Requires Wealthy People to Pay their Fair Share Toward Medicare to Extend Medicare Solvency Indefinitely...

Closes Loopholes for the Wealthy...

Ensures That the IRS Can Continue to Collect Taxes Owed by Wealthy Tax Cheats...

Cracks Down on Corporate Jet Loopholes...

Cuts Taxes for 19 Million Working-class Americans...

Makes Lower Health Insurance Premiums Permanent...

Democrats constantly crow about cutting taxes on the rich...BUT, since Trump changed the tax rates in 2018 (with bigger cuts for the lower incomes), the tax rates haven't changed one dime.
Calls for higher taxes for those at the top end of the income and wealth spectrum, were a major part of Biden's 2020 campaign.
But the $430 billion Inflation Reduction Act signed into law by the Biden administration ended up with no direct change in tax rates for rich Americans -- or any Americans for that matter. When Trump left office, the top tax rate on the richest American was 37%. Guess what it is now (after 3.5 years of Biden in office)- still 37%.

Under the 2018 TCJA, depending on income bracket, single filers paid > 10%....12....22....24....32....35....37

Guess what the rates are right now 2024 under Biden

Not a dime different.

Compare Biden's tax rates on the rich with those of past Republican presidents. Biden's 37% tax on the super rich, is FAR less than was the taxes under FOUR Republican presidents.
  • Eisenhower - 91-92%
  • Nixon - 70%
  • Ford - 70%
  • Reagan - 50% (most of his years)>>
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Democrats constantly crow about cutting taxes on the rich...BUT, since Trump changed the tax rates in 2018 (with bigger cuts for the lower incomes), the tax rates haven't changed one dime.
Calls for higher taxes for those at the top end of the income and wealth spectrum, were a major part of Biden's 2020 campaign.
But the $430 billion Inflation Reduction Act signed into law by the Biden administration ended up with no direct change in tax rates for rich Americans -- or any Americans for that matter. When Trump left office, the top tax rate on the richest American was 37%. Guess what it is now (after 3.5 years of Biden in office)- still 37%.

Under the 2018 TCJA, depending on income bracket, single filers paid > 10%....12....22....24....32....35....37

Guess what the rates are right now 2024 under Biden

Not a dime different.

Compare Biden's tax rates on the rich with those of past Republican presidents. Biden's 37% tax on the super rich, is FAR less than was the taxes under FOUR Republican presidents.
  • Eisenhower - 91-92%
  • Nixon - 70%
  • Ford - 70%
  • Reagan - 50% (most of his years)>>
When the top tax rate never got below 70%, and was often higher, there was a steady decline in the national debt as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP). This continued until 1980.

President Reagan cut the top tax rate fro 70% to 28%. It has fluctuated since, but it has never gotten as high as it was before the Reagan administration.

Republicans are using increases in the national debt for which they are responsible in an excuse to cut or eliminate popular domestic spending programs.
When the top tax rate never got below 70%, and was often higher, there was a steady decline in the national debt as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP). This continued until 1980.

President Reagan cut the top tax rate fro 70% to 28%. It has fluctuated since, but it has never gotten as high as it was before the Reagan administration.

Republicans are using increases in the national debt for which they are responsible in an excuse to cut or eliminate popular domestic spending programs.
FALSE! Democrats are responsible for increases in the national debt, including in 2020, when they previously facilitated/funded the Wuhan lab, and then went on a campaign to stop Trump's election campaign, by destroying th 2020 economy (they only succeeded in the 1st 2 quarters), with shutdowns and stifling the sending of stimulus checks.
FALSE! Democrats are responsible for increases in the national debt, including in 2020, when they previously facilitated/funded the Wuhan lab, and then went on a campaign to stop Trump's election campaign, by destroying th 2020 economy (they only succeeded in the 1st 2 quarters), with shutdowns and stifling the sending of stimulus checks.
As Budget director for the Reagan administration. Stockman was one of the key architects of the Reagan Revolution plan to reduce taxes, cut spending, and shrink the role of the government.

And unlike your blurb without a source, I have one >>>

The Great Money Bubble, by David A. Stockman, Humanix Books, 2022.

His entire bearing was just the opposite of what your graphic here shows. As such, that + the fact that Democrats are known to come up fake drawings, fake pictures, fake claims, fakes of all kinds, + the fact that this thing had no source link (are we just supposed to take this on faith) , I reject this as FAKE NEWS.

HA. There are few things in life that I have less faith in, than Democrats talking about politics.
The working class benefits from government programs that help them and which are paid for by high taxes on the rich.


MARCH 11, 2024

FACT SHEET: The President’s Budget Cuts Taxes for Working Families and Makes Big Corporations and the Wealthy Pay Their Fair Share​

Since taking office, President Biden has fought to build a fairer tax system that rewards work, not wealth; asks the wealthiest Americans and largest corporations to pay their fair share; and requires all Americans to play by the same rules and pay the taxes they owe. He has already secured historic legislation to make our tax code fairer, from enacting a corporate minimum tax so that billion-dollar companies can’t get away with paying $0 in Federal income taxes to giving the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) the tools it needs to make wealthy tax cheats pay the taxes they owe. President Biden will fight to stop Republican plans to add trillions to the deficit with tax cuts skewed to the wealthy and largest corporations. Republicans would rather add trillions to the national debt than take back even one dollar of the $150 billion annual rate cut corporations received under President Trump. Now, President Biden’s Budget will cut taxes for working families and lower deficits by trillions of dollars over a decade by making the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share—and no one earning less than $400,000 per year will pay a penny in new taxes.

Makes Big Corporations and Special Interests Pay Their Fair Share...

Cracks Down on Tax Avoidance by Large Multinationals and Big Pharma...

Denies Corporate Tax Breaks for Million Dollar Executive Compensation...

Quadruples the Stock Buybacks Tax...

Eliminates Tax Subsidies for Oil and Gas...

Eliminates Tax Subsidies for Real Estate...

Eliminate Tax Subsidies for Cryptocurrency Transactions...

Makes Wealthy People Pay Their Fair Share

President Biden has already secured additional funding for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that is enabling it to crack down on the high-income individuals and corporations who too often avoided paying their lawfully owed taxes and to improve service for the millions of Americans that do pay their taxes. Already, the IRS has collected more than $500 million in unpaid taxes from fewer than 2,000 delinquent millionaires, launched enforcement action against 25,000 millionaires who have not filed a tax return since 2017, and started cracking down on high-end tax evasion like deducting personal use of corporate jets as a business expense. President Biden’s tax plan would build on this progress with reforms that will finally make the wealthiest Americans pay their fair share. The President’s Budget:

Requires Billionaires to Pay at Least 25 Percent of Income in Taxes...

Increases the Top Tax Rate on the Wealthiest Americans to 39.6 Percent...

Ends Capital Income Tax Breaks and Other Loopholes for the Very Wealthy...

Requires Wealthy People to Pay their Fair Share Toward Medicare to Extend Medicare Solvency Indefinitely...

Closes Loopholes for the Wealthy...

Ensures That the IRS Can Continue to Collect Taxes Owed by Wealthy Tax Cheats...

Cracks Down on Corporate Jet Loopholes...

Cuts Taxes for 19 Million Working-class Americans...

Makes Lower Health Insurance Premiums Permanent...

He promised to go after the rich and didn't. I for one am ok with that, he still lied because he knows who funds his campaigns
There is no such thing as tax raises that benefit the working class, all tax raises include loopholes to wealthy donors, spare me meathead. Joe will not bite the hand that pays for his campaign neither will a Republican!
He hasnt after 3.5 years in office. The top bracket tax is still at 37%, same as what Trump set it at, 6 years ago.

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