I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

If you think this world exist only in the numbers, and that there is no organic substance to any of it, then you are totally disconnected with your own human being, and with what the creator had purposed it to be in this life.

We are multifaceted creature's that encompass a multitude of attributes and gifts that help us to discern all points of life and it's meaning.
Unfortunately for those that don't believe in Mother Nature, she always wins in the end. Mother nature is all about truths. You may believe 100% (as Trump believes) that he knows more than anyone else but when Mother Nature comes calling, the facts, data, and statistics win.


Meme aside, here is what it is all about:

Why do facts and statistics help persuade?

Statistics give arguments more weight and impartiality by supplying facts and numerical data. Messages become stronger and more effective as a result. Uncertainty is reduced by statistics. Rather than only making generalizations, they provide accurate, quantifiable information
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nfbw 240921 Visdkw03142

i An Athiest Student as she has claimed, brings a lawsuit with the help of the ACLU? 120116 {postā€¢325}. beagle9 {Janā€™12 Saasas} being one who loves the values and morals of true Christianity says: ā€œā€¦.we see (repression) of the message in which holds those values and morals within the message whom most hold dear unto them, but is fast becoming the norm in this nation to repress or stomp out that message, and this by what they are experiencing or seeing more and more of each day in America.ā€ bvvglvN 120116 Saasas00325

ii. A question for the USMB left. 240623. {postā€¢471}. NotfooledbyW Junā€™24 Saqftu: Why does the historically proven fact that John Adams, our second president and founding revolutionary, did not believe in original sin, always bring out white Christian Biblicists like Saint_Beagle9ā€™s paranoia about his Christianity (that is based upon ORIGINAL SIN) is being repressed by the sinful left in Saint_Beagle9ā€™s white Christian version of America? nfbw 240623 Vaqftu00471

iii. Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 220905 {postā€¢5090}. NotfooledbyW Sepā€™22 Vrvwgo: Trump said he would Pardon this NAZI who attacked the Capitol for TRUMP on JAN6.

Tim Cusanelli,

a Jan6 rioter. Are you ok with that? nfbw 220905 Vrvwgo05090. ā€¢. nfbw 240622 Vaqftu00410 to bvvglv 240622 Saqftu00402

iv. Black Americans demand to know what ā€˜Black jobsā€™ are after Trump debate comment. 240916 {postā€¢1100}. beagle9 says we have no proof old dumb Don Trump is a racist: You have no proof the man is a racist. bvvglvN 240916Sbadtk01100

v. I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About. 240921 {postā€¢3139}. Saint Beagle9 says smart voter Luckyone is ā€œdisconnectedā€ from ā€œTHEā€ Creator: ā€œyou are totally disconnected with your own human being, and with what the creator had purposed it to be in this life.ā€ bvvglv 240921 Sisdkw03139

vi. Black Americans demand to know what ā€˜Black jobsā€™ are after Trump debate comment. 240921 {postā€¢1104}. beagle9 says he canā€™t wait to see Trump be able to pardon a Nazi next year: Can't wait to wake up too another Trump victory like 2016. MAGA !!! bvvglvN 240921 Sbadtk01104

vii . I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About. 240921 {postā€¢3142}

NotfooledbyW Sepā€™24 Visdkw: White Christian Biblicists like adv001 Saint Beagle9 uses his white Christian paranoia to ignore the indisputable fact that Trump is a racist among many other deplorable antisocial behaviors

Can you not wait Saint Beagle to see the black Nazi Mark Robinson become governor of North Carolina so can fly the confederate flag over the NC capitol bldg again?

nfbw 240921 Visdkw03142
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Unfortunately for those that don't believe in Mother Nature, she always wins in the end. Mother nature is all about truths. You may believe 100% (as Trump believes) that he knows more than anyone else but when Mother Nature comes calling, the facts, data, and statistics win.

View attachment 1015646

Meme aside, here is what it is all about:

Why do facts and statistics help persuade?

Statistics give arguments more weight and impartiality by supplying facts and numerical data. Messages become stronger and more effective as a result. Uncertainty is reduced by statistics. Rather than only making generalizations, they provide accurate, quantifiable information
All depends on what the stats are being derived from or how they are being created as to their meaning, and then how the stats are being manipulated if so be the case.
All depends on what the stats are being derived from or how they are being created as to their meaning, and then how the stats are being manipulated if so be the case.
well then it should be easy to show that the stats have been manipulated, simply by proving that the stats are manipulated or showing different stats to where the companies giving the stats can be compared and analyzed for veracity.
nfbw 240921 Visdkw03142

i An Athiest Student as she has claimed, brings a lawsuit with the help of the ACLU? 120116 {postā€¢325}. beagle9 {Janā€™12 Saasas} being one who loves the values and morals of true Christianity says: ā€œā€¦.we see (repression) of the message in which holds those values and morals within the message whom most hold dear unto them, but is fast becoming the norm in this nation to repress or stomp out that message, and this by what they are experiencing or seeing more and more of each day in America.ā€ bvvglvN 120116 Saasas00325

ii. A question for the USMB left. 240623. {postā€¢471}. NotfooledbyW Junā€™24 Saqftu: Why does the historically proven fact that John Adams, our second president and founding revolutionary, did not believe in original sin, always bring out white Christian Biblicists like Saint_Beagle9ā€™s paranoia about his Christianity (that is based upon ORIGINAL SIN) is being repressed by the sinful left in Saint_Beagle9ā€™s white Christian version of America? nfbw 240623 Vaqftu00471

iii. Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 220905 {postā€¢5090}. NotfooledbyW Sepā€™22 Vrvwgo: Trump said he would Pardon this NAZI who attacked the Capitol for TRUMP on JAN6.

Tim Cusanelli,

a Jan6 rioter. Are you ok with that? nfbw 220905 Vrvwgo05090. ā€¢. nfbw 240622 Vaqftu00410 to bvvglv 240622 Saqftu00402

iv. Black Americans demand to know what ā€˜Black jobsā€™ are after Trump debate comment. 240916 {postā€¢1100}. beagle9 says we have no proof old dumb Don Trump is a racist: You have no proof the man is a racist. bvvglvN 240916Sbadtk01100

v. I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About. 240921 {postā€¢3139}. Saint Beagle9 says smart voter Luckyone is ā€œdisconnectedā€ from ā€œTHEā€ Creator: ā€œyou are totally disconnected with your own human being, and with what the creator had purposed it to be in this life.ā€ bvvglv 240921 Sisdkw03139

vi. Black Americans demand to know what ā€˜Black jobsā€™ are after Trump debate comment. 240921 {postā€¢1104}. beagle9 says he canā€™t wait to see Trump be able to pardon a Nazi next year: Can't wait to wake up too another Trump victory like 2016. MAGA !!! bvvglvN 240921 Sbadtk01104

vii . I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About. 240921 {postā€¢3142}

NotfooledbyW Sepā€™24 Visdkw: White Christian Biblicists like adv001 Saint Beagle9 uses his white Christian paranoia to ignore the indisputable fact that Trump is a racist among many other deplorable antisocial behaviors

Can you not wait Saint Beagle to see the black Nazi Mark Robinson become governor of North Carolina so can fly the confederate flag over the NC capitol bldg again?

nfbw 240921 Visdkw03142
A true manipulator you are. Listen -no-one is fooled by you- so why don't you stop before you truly make a (no going back) dyed in the wool fool of yourself on this forum. Oh wait, you've already achieved that one.

So here's a little something for you to chew on in your cult like following of Kamala the Heretic - a person holding an opinion at odds with what is generally accepted or basically is stone walling or lying about everything in order to be accepted.

A little bit of language involved, but the points are explosive. Next you'll claim that you are black, and that you can dispute the woman's rant due to your black experience... rotflmbo šŸ¤£
If people violate the rules, then yes the rules should apply, but how does one violate the rules if they are basically being analytical after one's own word's might be showing signs of a mounting defense concerning some topics or conversations in which these back and forths begin to reveal in a conversation ??????

because the accusation is quite vile with no basis in fact. the opining of some biased MB trolling asshole is not qualified to do so based on his biased opinion with such an accusation & is actionable per the rules, because said asshole did EXACTLY that.

Are there positions being taken in the conversations discussed, otherwise that reveal a person's slant or lean within a conversation ??????

well then it should be easy to show that the stats have been manipulated, simply by proving that the stats are manipulated or showing different stats to where the companies giving the stats can be compared and analyzed for veracity.
Actual life experiences or boots on the ground are the basis used by most folks in comparing the faked stats with their real experiences being felt in real time, such as with the illegals situation, the economy, the inflation, Joe Biden and Kamala's failures etc.
Actual life experiences or boots on the ground are the basis used by most folks in comparing the faked stats with their real experiences being felt in real time, such as with the illegals situation, the economy, the inflation, Joe Biden and Kamala's failures etc.
You don't seem to understand something so basic as the simple fact that humans are by nature fallible, meaning that if you look for something wrong, you will always find something wrong.

When you say "actual life experiences or boots on the ground", you will find folks that have suffered injustice but that can be said about both sides (left of right).

The decisions that have to be made in life is about the SUM TOTAL of good and bad. Life is rough and we all have to expect that some bad will be experienced. If the good is more, you go with the better one.

It is clearly evident where there is more good than bad.
So if one puts themself in a category or shows a biased opinion because of their speak, and it is then being found on certain issue's where possible lights or conclusions begin to be drawn or is then being spot lighted by other's because of that speak, then are people not allowed to explore the possible forgone conclusions of one's speak, otherwise if it is a speaking that might begin to show a pattern of what a person believes or is suggesting that they believe with the very speak coming out of their own mouths ??

Just curious about the so called rules on such things around here.

Subjects can be touchy and revealing, so it is suggested that people be very careful in their speak and opinions if they don't want people drawing a conclusion on what that speak or language used might actually mean.
Rotflmbo šŸ¤£... Gaslighting eh ? No one is gaslighting America like you people are right now.

So far we have had Obama serve 12 year's as president, and now he's trying to go for 4 more. Kamala just like Joe are empty suits ready to swing by the puppet strings of the machine being controlled by a cabal that has Obama as the head puppet master. Hillary and Joe had one thing in common, and that was that they didn't care about anything other than being stroked as a power holder with the benefits that come with the office. Obama on the other hand wants nothing but to sit there in the shadows pulling the strings. He is on a mission to finish the so called fundamental transformation in more ways than one.
JD says it best concerning Springfield

Actual life experiences or boots on the ground are the basis used by most folks in comparing the faked stats with their real experiences being felt in real time, such as with the illegals situation, the economy, the inflation, Joe Biden and Kamala's failures etc.
Gas still 3.70 where I live in Chicago
You don't seem to understand something so basic as the simple fact that humans are by nature fallible, meaning that if you look for something wrong, you will always find something wrong.

When you say "actual life experiences or boots on the ground", you will find folks that have suffered injustice but that can be said about both sides (left of right).

The decisions that have to be made in life is about the SUM TOTAL of good and bad. Life is rough and we all have to expect that some bad will be experienced. If the good is more, you go with the better one.

It is clearly evident where there is more good than bad.
I can agree with your analogy, but why is it then, that when the stats are derived from "the people" in which are telling one thing as opposed to another (and you don't like the result's), then you and your buds go into spin mode or into an outright denial of what the people are saying and wanting ???
Gas still 3.70 where I live in Chicago
And it'll stay that way until we get Trump back in office. Oh yeah the Democrat's will play with the price's by robbing the strategic reserves (something the government has control over), but only so much of that can be done. Their war on energy has come back to haunt the American people in a huge way, but they manipulate the message in an attempt to fool the people just long enough to get a vote.

Hopefully people stop being so stupid about this stuff.
I can agree with your analogy, but why is it then, that when the stats are derived from "the people" in which are telling one thing as opposed to another (and you don't like the result's), then you and your buds go into spin mode or into an outright denial of what the people are saying and wanting ???
The one factor that you are NOT considering and yet plays a strong part in all of this, is Trump. Trump does not truly represent what the right wants and needs, if for no other reason that he is incompetent and narcissistic. He does not represent the issues. He represents only himself and his wants and needs and is only USING the issues to get elected. Once in power, he will use it for his benefit and screw the issues.. in addition, he is so incompetent that it does not even begin to guarantee that if he wins, the issues the right is fighting for, are going to GET DONE. Those are not good for either side.

If this election was truly about the issues, it could be discussed. This election is about chaos and peace and about survival and death and not because of the issues but because of one man..........Trump.

It truly amazes me that the right has put all the man's negatives aside (have chosen to ignore them) simply because he is their only hope for being in power.

I am not necessarily against the right. I am against Trump and all the blind-by-choice people that refuse to see what a disaster that MAN would be to this country.
The one factor that you are NOT considering and yet plays a strong part in all of this, is Trump. Trump does not truly represent what the right wants and needs, if for no other reason that he is incompetent and narcissistic. He does not represent the issues. He represents only himself and his wants and needs and is only USING the issues to get elected. Once in power, he will use it for his benefit and screw the issues.. in addition, he is so incompetent that it does not even begin to guarantee that if he wins, the issues the right is fighting for, are going to GET DONE. Those are not good for either side.

If this election was truly about the issues, it could be discussed. This election is about chaos and peace and about survival and death and not because of the issues but because of one man..........Trump.

It truly amazes me that the right has put all the man's negatives aside (have chosen to ignore them) simply because he is their only hope for being in power.

I am not necessarily against the right. I am against Trump and all the blind-by-choice people that refuse to see what a disaster that MAN would be to this country.
I want 2.50 gas and 1.50 gallon of milk, eggs for 1.00 and no wars. Why do you need higher prices and war?
1. The highest number in your chart was reached by Biden - TWICE.

2. Did somebody say something about "facts, data and statistics" ? View attachment 1015586

That's because ALMOST all places were humans gather are Gun-Free Zones.

Can you name a place that's NOT a Gun-Free Zone?

Even "Gun Shows" are Gun-Free Zones.
Because you are a Trumper and he favors the rich
Not correct. When he created tax breaks, the middle and lower class got bigger tax cuts than the rich.

Secondly, historically, Republicans have taxed the rich at far higher rates than Democrats.
  • Clinton - 39.6%
  • Obama - 35%
  • Biden 37%

  • Eisenhower - 91-92%
  • Nixon - 70%
  • Ford - 70%
  • Reagan - 50% (most of his years)>>
And didnt Biden say he was going to raise taxes on th rich. He began his presidency with a tax in th rich of 37%. 3.5 years later, hasn't changed one dime.

Stop watching CNN/MSNBC.

That's because ALMOST all places were humans gather are Gun-Free Zones.

Can you name
  • Clinton - 39.6%
  • Obama - 35%
  • Biden 37%

  • Eisenhower - 91-92%
  • Nixon - 70%
  • Ford - 70%
  • Reagan - 50% (most of his years)>>

Even "Gun Shows" are Gun-Free Zones.
They are Gun-Free Zones because Democrats make them be that.

a place that's not a gun free zone>> banks, beaches, fishing piers, parks, office buildings, most stores, some schools (the smart ones)

Here's what a gun free zone looks like to a mass shooter >>>
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