I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

No, not up to Jack Smith, It is up to the Constiution. Trump had his own electors to submit, so it was a question not of stopping certification, becase Trump was willing to go ahead with certifiction but with his electors, whom he contends were the valid ones.

So the issue here is not stopping a certification, but rather which certification is valid. (as trump centined the certifactions that Pence accepted, were invalid.
Great, brings us to #2, what you just mentioned.

trump brought a FAKE alternative group of FAKE ELECTORS in 7 States, (They said nice things about trump...LOLLOLL).

Show me, in the CONSTITUTION, where it says a Presidential Candidate that losses the election can THEN bring in his own electors becase Trump was willing to go ahead with certifiction but with his electors, whom he contends were the valid ones.
Great, brings us to #2, what you just mentioned.

trump brought a FAKE alternative group of FAKE ELECTORS in 7 States, (They said nice things about trump...LOLLOLL).

Show me, in the CONSTITUTION, where it says a Presidential Candidate that losses the election can THEN bring in his own electors becase Trump was willing to go ahead with certifiction but with his electors, whom he contends were the valid ones.
I SHOWED YOU in the Constitution in Post # 978 - read it.

I'm off the computer - 1:00 time for Gunsmoke.
I'm in another discussion with another poster regarding the actual TOPIC.

Your posts have been DEMOLISHED, by me and BY YOU YOURSELF. I'm not intersted in talkmg with lightweights like you, who hang yourself.
You have tapped out and surrendered again !!You lost again !!!

You have some serious serious explaining to do here. You can not even defend your own words and post !!! You have made a fool of yourself yet again and you have nothing to say but surrender !!!

My chart is what the GDPs were for the quarters shown.
What the fuck do you mean by this?? What are you saying?? What the fuck do you mean by actual GDP??

Do you think that Trump's 2020 Q3 (35.3%) was only 35.3% more than the previous quarter - when GDP went from MINUS 29.9
WOW !!!!
You have buried yourself retard, that is exactly what it means, the economy shrank by 29.9% QoQ in Q2, then grew only by 35.3% QoQ, and GDP growth was negative for the year. You are too stupid to even read your own graph.

Well if your data was just like mine, the numbers would be the same, but they're not.
My data is REAL GDP (which means inflation is subtracted out) which is more accurate, and I posted this repeatedly (its says it right on the chart). Your data is not adjusted for inflation, that is why it is different you dumb fuck.

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Great, brings us to #2, what you just mentioned.

trump brought a FAKE alternative group of FAKE ELECTORS in 7 States, (They said nice things about trump...LOLLOLL).

Show me, in the CONSTITUTION, where it says a Presidential Candidate that losses the election can THEN bring in his own electors becase Trump was willing to go ahead with certifiction but with his electors, whom he contends were the valid ones.
Hitlery had hers 2016, in fact one of her electors voted for her in Texas even though trump won the state! Did you know that?
You have tapped out and surrendered again !!You lost again !!!

You have some serious serious explaining to do here. You can not even defend your own words and post !!! You have made a fool of yourself yet again and you have nothing to say but surrender !!!

What the fuck do you mean by this?? What are you saying?? What the fuck do you mean by actual GDP??

WOW !!!!
You have buried yourself retard, that is exactly what it means, the economy shrank by 29.9% QoQ in Q2, then grew only by 35.3% QoQ, and GDP growth was negative for the year. You are too stupid to even read your own graph.

My data is REAL GDP (which means inflation is subtracted out) which is more accurate, and I posted this repeatedly (its says it right on the chart). Your data is not adjusted for inflation, that is why it is different you dumb fuck.

Your oddball jibberish doesn't even deserve the dignity of response, and I have already posted the data. Obama flunked/crashed 2015, (when Obama's GDPs SUNK like a lead ball > 3.3.......2.3.......1.3......0.6.

Trump brought us (GDP) back up again - 2017. > 1.7......2......3.4.....4.1 Ho hum. yawn****

If this person wants to makes a clown out of himself,... not my problem. :rolleyes:



Trump to the RESCUE >>>


These are THE DATA. Period

And if Banker Buffoon wants to talk about "inflation", OK, we can do that :biggrin:>>

  • U.S. inflation rate for 2022 was 8.00%, a 3.3% increase from 2021.
  • U.S. inflation rate for 2021 was 4.70%, a 3.46% increase from 2020
  • .
  • U.S. inflation rate for 2020 was 1.23%, a 0.58% decline from 2019.
  • U.S. inflation rate for 2019 was 1.81%, a 0.63% decline from 2018.
This is what I sat when you are batshit crazy and have provided no evidence to back up your claim.
Pretty stupid to claim that another poster has no evidence, when I posted evidence (govt data) 15 times since Post # 914. HA HA HA..

I think you are ready for another hobby. Fishing maybe. Take Banker Bufoon with you. :icon_rolleyes:
Your oddball jibberish doesn't even deserve the dignity of response, and I have already posted the data. Obama flunked/crashed 2015, (when Obama's GDPs SUNK like a lead ball > 3.3.......2.3.......1.3......0.6.

Trump brought us (GDP) back up again - 2017. > 1.7......2......3.4.....4.1 Ho hum. yawn****

If this person wants to makes a clown out of himself,... not my problem. :rolleyes:


View attachment 813215

Trump to the RESCUE >>>

View attachment 813216

These are THE DATA. Period

And if Banker Buffoon wants to talk about "inflation", OK, we can do that :biggrin:>>

  • U.S. inflation rate for 2022 was 8.00%, a 3.3% increase from 2021.
  • U.S. inflation rate for 2021 was 4.70%, a 3.46% increase from 2020
  • .
  • U.S. inflation rate for 2020 was 1.23%, a 0.58% decline from 2019.
  • U.S. inflation rate for 2019 was 1.81%, a 0.63% decline from 2018.

So wait wait what about the actual GDP?? Now you realize its a percent inc and you realize you have no fuckin clue what you are talking about?? what does your chart show???

You are hiding data and misleading people, zoom out and look at the data, adjusted for inflation. The REAL data, zoomed out, directly from US bureau of economic analysis:

US GDP presidents.png

HERE IT IS BY YEAR, Percent inc, which is how it is calculated.

Screen Shot 2023-08-09 at 6.49.17 PM.png

Trump's GDP is very similar to Obama's, but Trump ramped up the deficit massively to get that same GDP. Trump needed mega massive deficits, to get the same GDP growth.

Trump deficit by year:
2016: $487B
2017: $587B
2018 $665B
2019: $987B
2020: $3.1T

so Trump ramped up the deficit massively to get the same GDP growth as Obama. Trump got a little bump in GDP then it faded and the economy tanked in 2H 2018 and Trump needed rate cuts and QE again...

You just zoomed in and tried to focus on a small time period, but when you look at all the data its the same as Obama's.

Explain this:

My chart is what the GDPs were for the quarters shown.

What the fuck do you mean by this?? What are you saying?? What the fuck do you mean by actual GDP??

So wait wait what about the actual GDP?? Now you realize its a percent inc and you realize you have no fuckin clue what you are talking about?? what does your chart show???

You are hiding data and misleading people, zoom out and look at the data, adjusted for inflation. The REAL data, zoomed out, directly from US bureau of economic analysis:

View attachment 813240

HERE IT IS BY YEAR, Percent inc, which is how it is calculated.

View attachment 813243

Trump's GDP is very similar to Obama's, but Trump ramped up the deficit massively to get that same GDP. Trump needed mega massive deficits, to get the same GDP growth.

Trump deficit by year:
2016: $487B
2017: $587B
2018 $665B
2019: $987B
2020: $3.1T

so Trump ramped up the deficit massively to get the same GDP growth as Obama. Trump got a little bump in GDP then it faded and the economy tanked in 2H 2018 and Trump needed rate cuts and QE again...

You just zoomed in and tried to focus on a small time period, but when you look at all the data its the same as Obama's.

Explain this:

What the fuck do you mean by this?? What are you saying?? What the fuck do you mean by actual GDP??
HA HA HA. Poor soul. :rolleyes:

Read this, and learn, poor soul >>>

HA HA HA. Poor soul. :rolleyes:

Read this, and learn, poor soul >>>

trump promised GDP of 4% or 5% or even 6%.
trump never had a GDP for the year at even 3%.

Broken Promises.
"I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About"

That he could win the election, even with all the bad press they have given him.
HA HA HA. Poor soul. :rolleyes:

Read this, and learn, poor soul >>>

Yea nice try
You have buried yourself here and have been destroyed like always.

Trump had a garbage economy built on government spending and massive debt and deficit. Trump blew upo the deficit from day one of his presidency and only got a small short lived bump in GDP growth, then the economy crashed in 2nd half of 2018 when they tried to raise rates to a little 2%. Trump's weak economy couldn;t even handle 2% rates and then they needed to cut rates back down and do more QE.

Strong economies don't need QE and rate cuts, and strong economies can easily handle 2% rates.

Yrump gave us massive debt and deficit, pre-covid, he gave us 25% of our total debt in his 4 years of failure. Terrible.

Bush inherited a balanced budget and blew up the economy destroying our balanced budget, Trump did the same thing and gave us tons of debt for little growth, the same as Obama's growth rate.

Trump and Bush and the GOP own this debt because their failed policies gave it to us.
It's your claim, junior, you back it up! And no, there is no proof out there. These are just bullshit right wing lies.
there is video, photographic, and email evidence that senile joe was taking bribes from foreign interests and using Hunter as his bag man. NO proof???????????????? Bullshit, there are tons of proof.
After 4 years of incredible successes of the Trump administration, all despite constant Democrat obstruction and harrassment, everybody in America should agree that the current president of the United States should be Donald Trump.

This is especially true in light of the 2 disasters we have occupying the White House right now (Biden & Harris). But even putting that aside, I just dont understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man, who made our country great again, after 8 miserable years of racial turmoil, the rise of ISIS, and economic decline of the Obama administration.

Mystifying. :dunno:
its fear!. the dem/libs know that in a second term Trump will expose their corruption, treason, and lies. The deep state in DC is scared shitless of a president who cannot be bought by them and controlled by them.
there is video, photographic, and email evidence that senile joe was taking bribes from foreign interests and using Hunter as his bag man. NO proof???????????????? Bullshit, there are tons of proof.
how about this new information?

Now multiply that by however many states had questionable tactics. It's truly sad how afraid of americans demofks really are.
Pretty stupid to claim that another poster has no evidence, when I posted evidence (govt data) 15 times since Post # 914. HA HA HA..

I think you are ready for another hobby. Fishing maybe. Take Banker Bufoon with you. :icon_rolleyes:
Listen you Russian troll, I don't need no graph telling me about the economy during covid. I lived it. And the economy didn't grow! It collapsed. In large part to your Russian oligarch Donald Trump.
there is video, photographic, and email evidence that senile joe was taking bribes from foreign interests and using Hunter as his bag man. NO proof???????????????? Bullshit, there are tons of proof.
Then provide it, dickwad!
I'm upset about Mr. Trump, feeling that he has to constantly prove, that white men can't dance.

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