I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

nope the economy was the same as Trump's but with much much lower deficits.

All trump did was borrow trillions of dollars and pump it into the economy, destroying the deficit and giving us a little small bump that was short lived. Look at the REAL GDP data, it says it all, 2016 and 2019 are the same.

PS now we have record low unemployment, 50 yer low !!! But lso lower deficits from Trump's mega massive deficits. Thanks Joe !!

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geez dude, wake up. Obozo doubled the national debt DOUBLED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From 9 T to 20 T. stop posting the lying dem propaganda.
nope the economy was the same as Trump's but with much much lower deficits.
Trump spent like a drunken sailor, had the Fed backing him with TRILLIONS in inflationary stimulus, BEGGED the Fed for even MORE, and had broken bond yields to feed his stock market.

But these people haven't been told about any of that. Trying to explain it is pointless. They can't, and won't, understand.
Trump spent like a drunken sailor, had the Fed backing him with TRILLIONS in inflationary stimulus, BEGGED the Fed for even MORE, and had broken bond yields to feed his stock market.

But these people haven't been told about any of that. Trying to explain it is pointless. They can't, and won't, understand.
please look up obama's debt record and post it. how did the national debt change during the 8 obozo years? try to be honest for once
Trump spent like a drunken sailor, had the Fed backing him with TRILLIONS in inflationary stimulus, BEGGED the Fed for even MORE, and had broken bond yields to feed his stock market.

But these people haven't been told about any of that. Trying to explain it is pointless. They can't, and won't, understand.
deficit and debt are not the same thing. look them up, you might learn something. plus Trump had to deal with the Chinese covid attack which cost us trillions and saved the Chinese economy, and now senile joe and his whole family are on the chinese payroll.
please look up obama's debt record and post it. how did the national debt change during the 8 obozo years? try to be honest for once
Where did I discuss Obama? He inherited a disaster and simply stepped back and let the Treausury and Fed do what they had to do.

You don't know what you're talking about. This is my profession.
deficit and debt are not the same thing. look them up, you might learn something. plus Trump had to deal with the Chinese covid attack which cost us trillions and saved the Chinese economy, and now senile joe and his whole family are on the chinese payroll.
Again: You don't know what you're talking about. You only know the one little side you're told in your world. This is my profession.
Now WHY would I post accomplishments from someone I believe should be swinging from a tree? :dunno:

Seriously, Are you being stupid on purpose, or just 'passionate' about your'candidate', you magaturd dumb fuck?

Stop wasting my time.
Like ll other information-deprived victims of liberal OMISSION/DISTORTION media, the first thing you need to do is to find out that you are deranged, from (probably years) of brainwashing.

The maga pill could cure that, but unlike the people in this picture, you won't do the research and get informed, so you'll just continue along on ignorance road, wanting to hang a highly accomplished, great president, while supporting the worst, low-life, pervert, opportunist, globalist, continual lying, election stealer, China ass-kisser ever to steal a presidential election.


While brainwashed leftist airheads were going around calling Trump a "racist", he was doing THIS >>>

I once was where you are now. I was a far-left Democrat and Green, for 40 years. I got cured. You're still sick.
Wow Retard you are too stupid to even read your own graph. You literally are stupid and have no fuckin clue how to read your own data. Your data is QoQ percent change, just like mine you dumb fuck.

The graph you posted and the graph I posted show the same thing, the percent increases in GDP (my data is REAL GDP adjusted for inflation), I just posted all the data for 2018 and 2019, you conveniently left out all of Trump's lower GDP growth in 2019 and end of 2018. Like his Q4 2018 that only came in at a little 1.2%. Look at 2019, not good only 2%, the same as Obama. Look at 2019, Not Good...

What a total joke.

Overall, Trump's GDP growth is the same as Obama's but Trump's deficits are substantially higher.
In 2017 Trump came to office and passed massive massive spending bills that blew up the deficit and gave him a little short lived bump, then Trump's economy sucked and he had to beg the FED for more fake money stimulus when his economy crashed in 2019.

Trump blew up the deficit and ramped up deficits massively before covid, but he had weak GDP growth, the same as Obama. Trump's 2019 is the same as Obama's 2016. Trump's economy sucked and you need to lie and mislead people because it was so bad. 2020 was a negative year for GDP, so don't even start trying to talk about 2020...

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You are wasting your time blabbering what for you is a losing battle. The often showed on conservative TV V+GRAPH, (and never shown on leftist TV) answers what Billo_Really was incorrectly saying.
NO, Trump's GDPs were not the same as Obama's. They were like day & night. For the 3rd time, Obama left office with a SINKING GDP which was 2 consecutive recessions. In Trump's beginning years, he rescued us from the Obama SINKING SHIP, and brought GDPs up. ^^^^


And NO, my data is NOT % change (like your worthless chart). My data shows WHAT the GDPs were, from Q to Q. As for conveniently leaving out, how about you not mentioning Trump's last 2 terrific quarters in 2020 >.....after the ruin of the economy by Democrats in the first 2 quarters ? Forgot the Wuhan lab ? Forgot Fauci & the NIH ? Forgot Pelosi stopping the stimulus checks$$$ ?

And Oh, 2020 was a "negative" year for GDP, was it ? OMG. :rolleyes: Not especially negative, when you have the highest Quarter of GDP (35.3%) in US history. Not hard to see who's doing the lying & misleading around here.

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I once was where you are now. I was a far-left Democrat and Green, for 40 years. I got cured. You're still sick.
You weren't ever anywhere near me. I support small government. I support liberty. I support accountability. I support the constitution and the 1A/2A rights it bestows upon our citizens. I grow my own food and have worked hard my entire life to become pretty much self sufficient. I don't live close to a major city by choice.

I believe magaturds are no different than the blue haired, face tatted regressives they rail about. Just different sides of the same shit pile.

Oh, and Donald Trump has been a fraud pretty much my entire life. Stop trying to fuck that pig.
I didnt say it. The BEA-US Dept of Commerce (part of Joe Biden's cabinet) says it. Can't you read sources or graphs ?

As for covid, Trump had the largest GDP growth % in US history in July 2020 (35.3%). You're not off your rocker. Your just ignorant and stupid, that's all. You're not even able to read a graph. Back to the 4th grade for you.

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You are fucking bat shit crazy!
bullshit, nothing in you post is true. the economy was no booming, it was tanking, Trump turned it around and we had record low unemployment, record high stock market, no new wars, very low inflation, and respect in the world again. As to crimes, have you paid any attention to the well proven crimes of Biden and his family. Bribery and treason are crimes, idiot.
Prove it!
You are wasting your time blabbering what for you is a losing battle. The often showed on conservative TV V+GRAPH, (and never shown on leftist TV) answers what Billo_Really was incorrectly saying.
NO, Trump's GDPs were not the same as Obama's. They were like day & night. For the 3rd time, Obama left office with a SINKING GDP which was 2 consecutive recessions. In Trump's beginning years, he rescued us from the Obama SINKING SHIP, and brought GDPs up. ^^^^

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And NO, my data is NOT % change (like your worthless chart). My data shows WHAT the GDPs were, from Q to Q. As for conveniently leaving out, how about you not mentioning Trump's last 2 terrific quarters in 2020 >.....after the ruin of the economy by Democrats in the first 2 quarters ? Forgot the Wuhan lab ? Forgot Fauci & the NIH ? Forgot Pelosi stopping the stimulus checks$$$ ?

And Oh, 2020 was a "negative" year for GDP, was it ? OMG. :rolleyes: Not especially negative, when you have the highest Quarter of GDP (35.3%) in US history. Not hard to see who's doing the lying & misleading around here.

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Your data is percent change QoQ retard, that's how this works you dumb fuck. You are too stupid to even understand your own chart, go read the legend on your chart dumb fuck.

You have been destroyed again, like always, you are a total joke.

GDP in 2020 was negative retard, it was negative 3.5% for the year...
US GDP was NEGATIVE for the year in 2020... Not good...
You just make up lies.

Show us where Obama had a recession???
Where did Obama have a recession???
In 2015 Obama had +2.7% GDP, almost as good as Trump's 2018, BUT Obama had a budget deficit of only $440B, where Trump had a massive deficit of $800+B in 2018, almost double of Obama.

Trump had 1 good year for GDP growth, 2018, and that was only because he borrowed $trillions and pumped trillions of debt fueled stimulus into the economy, and he only got a little +2.9% GDP growth for the year. Then in 2019, he had the same GDP growth as Obama.

You don't even know how to read your own chart, you are a joke.
Prove it!
The proof is out there for all to see. stop listening to the liars on CNN and do your own checking. The Biden crime family has been proven to being on the take from several foreign governments, its called bribery and treason.
The proof is out there for all to see. stop listening to the liars on CNN and do your own checking. The Biden crime family has been proven to being on the take from several foreign governments, its called bribery and treason.
except you have no evidence of any of this.

You just made it up, and the Devon Archer testimony was a huge fail.

The evidence against Trump is clear, credible, corroborated, and devastating, Trump is fucked if this goes to trial.

The evidence against Biden is fabricated and pathetic. There is no real evidence at all, and certainly nothing that will hold up in court
You weren't ever anywhere near me. I support small government. I support liberty. I support accountability. I support the constitution and the 1A/2A rights it bestows upon our citizens. I grow my own food and have worked hard my entire life to become pretty much self sufficient. I don't live close to a major city by choice.

I believe magaturds are no different than the blue haired, face tatted regressives they rail about. Just different sides of the same shit pile.

Oh, and Donald Trump has been a fraud pretty much my entire life. Stop trying to fuck that pig.
You are just lost in a fog of your own making. Ho hum.
except you have no evidence of any of this.

You just made it up, and the Devon Archer testimony was a huge fail.

The evidence against Trump is clear, credible, corroborated, and devastating, Trump is fucked if this goes to trial.

The evidence against Biden is fabricated and pathetic. There is no real evidence at all, and certainly nothing that will hold up in court
Is that what CNN told you? Actually Archer's testimony connected senile ole joe to an international bribery racket and proved that Joe was lying about never being involved in any of Hunter's meetings or deals. The evidence is hard and substantial, unlike the made up charges against Trump. The truth is coming out, stand by. You stupid dems opened the door for Trump when you issued the fake indictment, now Trump has subpeona power to get the records of vote fraud. BTW why did the jan 6 commission destroy all of their records this week? Afraid of having them subpeoned?
Your data is percent change QoQ retard, that's how this works you dumb fuck. You are too stupid to even understand your own chart, go read the legend on your chart dumb fuck.

You have been destroyed again, like always, you are a total joke.

GDP in 2020 was negative retard, i% was negative 3.5% for the year...
US GDP was NEGATIVE for the year in 2020... Not good...
You just make up lies.

Show us where Obama had a recession???
Where did Obama have a recession???
In 2015 Obama had +2.7% GDP, almost as good as Trump's 2018, BUT Obama had a budget deficit of only $440B, where Trump had a massive deficit of $800+B in 2018, almost double of Obama.

Trump had 1 good year for GDP growth, 2018, and that was only because he borrowed $trillions and pumped trillions of debt fueled stimulus into the economy, and he only got a little +2.9% GDP growth for the year. Then in 2019, he had the same GDP growth as Obama.

You don't even know how to read your own chart, you are a joke.
No it isn't, fool. YOUR chart is % change. (which is a relatively meaningless stat). My chart is what the GDPs were for the quarters shown. Do you think that Trump's 2020 Q3 (35.3%) was only 35.3% more than the previous quarter - when GDP went from MINUS 29.9 (the shutdown economy) to 35.3 when Trump reopened the economy? HA HA HA HA.. Oh man, we're gonna have a field day with this idiot.

Hmmm. I notice your chart is not showing 2015 (when Obama's GDPs SUNK like a lead ball > 3.3.......2.3.......1.3......0.6. You only showed ONE year of Obama (2016) when his GDPs shrunk less. So you're actually changing the subject. This discussion started off with Billo_Really ludicrously claiming > "Trump inherited a booming economy from Obama and drove it into the ground!" Which was exactly the OPPOSITE of what happened.
I posted a BEA chart showing 2015 - 2018, where Obama's GDPs sunk badly, and Trump took over bringing GDPs back up again > 1.7......2......3.4.....4.1

I am surmising that you listen to talking heads on MSNBC, CNN, PBS, etc. who go on the air and flat out bullshit to the viewers, aware that most of the people they're talking to are total airheads, who are unable to discern the difference between a truthful report, and a bunch of concocted gobbledegook, just designed to make Democrats look good. :rolleyes:

And then you come in here and repeat the nonsense, thinking that you know what you're talking about. Maybe I can help free you from those con jobbers. You said > "our data is QoQ percent change, just like mine"
Yeah ? Well if your data was just like mine, the numbers would be the same, but they're not. Not even close. Your % change graph in 2016, shows 1.9 for Q1. my GDP graph shows 2.4 for that quarter. Your Q2 shows 1.8. My graph shows 1.2 for that same quarter, They're NOT the same. in 2017, your graph for Q4 shows 3,5. Mine shows 4.1.

Two different graphs, showing two different things, with the graph showing the actual GDPs (mine) being the only one showing the strength of the economy during these time periods.

So you can call names, act tough, pretend to control this debate, when you are just another leftist joke, spouting out the leftist jibberish that is commonly fed to you from liberal OMISSION media. Ho hum. yawn*****


Is that what CNN told you? Actually Archer's testimony connected senile ole joe to an international bribery racket and proved that Joe was lying about never being involved in any of Hunter's meetings or deals. The evidence is hard and substantial, unlike the made up charges against Trump. The truth is coming out, stand by. You stupid dems opened the door for Trump when you issued the fake indictment, now Trump has subpeona power to get the records of vote fraud. BTW why did the jan 6 commission destroy all of their records this week? Afraid of having them subpeoned?
This is the left's laughable line now regarding Devon Archer. When they just got their asses handed to them, they pretend it's just the opposite, hoping that millions of low intellect people will believe them, and keep voting Democrat.

The left > water is dry..... the sun rises in the west....... nights are sunny.
Hell of a way to go through life. :rolleyes:
The proof is out there for all to see. stop listening to the liars on CNN and do your own checking. The Biden crime family has been proven to being on the take from several foreign governments, its called bribery and treason.
It's your claim, junior, you back it up! And no, there is no proof out there. These are just bullshit right wing lies.

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