I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Are you fucking kidding me? Are you trying to say Trump grew the economy during covid? Man, are you off your rocker!
I didnt say it. The BEA-US Dept of Commerce (part of Joe Biden's cabinet) says it. Can't you read sources or graphs ?

As for covid, Trump had the largest GDP growth % in US history in July 2020 (35.3%). You're not off your rocker. Your just ignorant and stupid, that's all. You're not even able to read a graph. Back to the 4th grade for you.

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7 of what kind of judge's ? Regardless without both sides having representation in a courtroom or hearing, it couldn't be and isn't a fair proceeding or ruling whatsoever. That's why any of this stuff needs to go to trial, and a full trial would then proceed for all involved..... Both sides undoubtedly are scared of a full on trial, because it's probably impossible to get a fair trial for anything anymore.
Courtrooms, juries, judges, trials have all become a farce in 2023. Sad commentary of contemporary American life.
I didnt say it. The BEA-US Dept of Commerce (part of Joe Biden's cabinet) says it. Can't you read sources of graphs ?

As for covid, Trump had the largest GDP growth % in US history in July 2020 (35.3%). You're not off your rocker. Your just ignorant and stupid, that's all. You're not even able to read a graph. Back to the 4th grade for you.

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Presidents are supposed to be accountable to their own terms. You are giving stats about that orange bag O' shit TFG that were respected pre-COVID. :itsok:

However, post-COVID, the magaturd party has failed on so many, many promises. Magaturds are always trying to attempt to create a new domestic policy that will 'Make America Great Again'. Magaturds should all be hung for being absolute traitors to voter rights as outlined in our constitution. :rolleyes:

What has planet magaturd done for the advancement of the average American now? Absolutely nothing. :dunno:

Your grievances? No thanks. I don't care about you're snowflake fucking grievances. And on that note, fuck magaturd feelings forever. This shit will hit eventually your doorstep, and you will continue to complain. And lose elections. Sad. :itsok:

But inevitable. And you're still powerless. Wake the fuck up. :itsok:

You're done.
You conveniently edited the real data.

Trump and GOP passed massive multi-trillion dollar spending bills that blew up the deficit to unsustainable levels and Trump got a small short lived bump in GDP (due to his deficit spending and stimulus), then it fell back down and settled into the same levels as Obama, BUT with much more debt and deficit.

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Trump had a debt and stimulus fueld mediocre economy, that was pretty much the same as Obama's. Worse yet, Trump's mediocre economy crashed in 2H of 2018 when they tried to raise rates to a little 2%, then Trump had to beg the FED for more stimulus, and even QE 4, more fake money printing.

Strong economies don't need FED fake money printing. The reality is you are a gullible sheep that believes any lie you are told and has no clue how to analyze economic data or debt and deficit.
Hey bullshit artist! I did not edit anything. And of anyone wants to review the graphs I posted (from Biden's Dept of Commerce- bureau of Economic Analysis) here is the link to them, and see for yourself. >>

A "small" short-lived bump. HA HA HA. Are you comedian ? 35.3% GDP (2020 -Q3) is the largest GDP growth% in US history, and more than double the previous largest. After that quarter, Trump had a 3.9 (very respectable GDP)

"Same levels as Obama" ? Not hardly. Obama had 2 consecutive recessions from Jan 2015 to Jan 2016. In contrast, after taking over Obama's SINKING ship, Trump's GDPs ROSE continually in 2017 & 2018, as I showed in Post # 914 (>1.7 to 2 to 3.4 to 4.1.)
Some people have to be told twice.

The graph you posted is meaningless. It merely shows CHANGE from one quarter to another, What I posted is WHAT the GDPs were.

Nice try at pretending to look informed. The FACT is the V-GRAPH (never shown on left media) is what information-deprived victims of leftwing OMISSION media, are clueless to. The last thing any leftist wants to do is compare Obama;s SINKING SHIP economy of 2015/2016 to the Trump rescue economy of 2017/2018.

They/you can also forget about trying to disparage Trump for the poor GDPs of the first half of 2020 (PANDEMIC), as everyone now knows that was a result of Democrat fanaticism to stop Trump by any means necessary (Obama/Biden/ Fauci/NIH funding Wuhan lab) + Pelosi's refusal to allow stimulus $$$ to be sent out. We all saw the result in Q3 & Q4, when Republicans caught on to the scheme/ruse, and we had the biggest GDP in US history.

There's your "economic date analysis". You're welcome. No charge for the tutoring.
Presidents are supposed to be accountable to their own terms. You are giving stats about that orange bag O' shit TFG that were respected pre-COVID. :itsok:

However, post-COVID, the magaturd party has failed on so many, many promises. Magaturds are always trying to attempt to create a new domestic policy that will 'Make America Great Again'. Magaturds should all be hung for being absolute traitors to voter rights as outlined in our constitution. :rolleyes:

What has planet magaturd done for the advancement of the average American now? Absolutely nothing. :dunno:

Your grievances? No thanks. I don't care about you're snowflake fucking grievances. And on that note, fuck magaturd feelings forever. This shit will hit eventually your doorstep, and you will continue to complain. And lose elections. Sad. :itsok:

But inevitable. And you're still powerless. Wake the fuck up. :itsok:

You're done.
YOU are pretty much "DONE" in this thread, for doing just what I said (in Post # 926) you were doing, by continually posting trashy rhetoric, totally absent of any facts, sources, links. All you're doing here, is blowing hot air around, while venting emotions, based on zero knowledge.

You got knowledge ? Yeah ? Then let's hear it, instead of your incessant EMPTY rants.

This list of 400 Trump accomplishments is the kind of SUBSTANCE that you appear to be incapable of posting. Read it, to discover how much you don't know >> MAGAPILL
YOU are pretty much "DONE" in this thread, for doing just what I said (in Post # 926) you were doing by continually posting trashy rhetoric, totally absent of any facts, sources, links. All you're doing here, is blowing hot air around, while venting emotions, based on zero knowledge.

You got knowledge ? Yeah ? Then let's hear it, instead of your incessant EMPTY rants.

This list of 400 Trump accomplishments is the kind of SUBSTANCE that you appear to be incapable of posting. Read it to discover how much you don't know >> MAGAPILL
Now WHY would I post accomplishments from someone I believe should be swinging from a tree? :dunno:

Seriously, Are you being stupid on purpose, or just 'passionate' about your'candidate', you magaturd dumb fuck?

Stop wasting my time.
What are we upset about.

1 Million dead from Covid.
65 Million jobs lost
265,000 small businesses shuttered.
riots in the streets
assaults on Democracy

No one misses Trump except for the die hards who can't admit they made a mistake.

It's why half your party wants to move on to DeSatan and hope that no one notices he's a twit.

The dead from covid MOSTLY came from Fauci trying to "flatten the curve" when the science says to do that opposite and accelerate infection among those least vulnerable.
Epidemics can NEVER go away from "flattening the curve", and instead it is only herd immunity from recovery that can ever end any epidemic.

The lost jobs were all from Fauci "flattening the curve".

The closed businesses were all from Fauci "flattening the curve".

Not sure what "riots" you refer to, but BLM riots as well as Jan 6 are all good.
We need the people to be more involved.

The WORST "assault on democracy" was the 2 bogus impeachments.

Trump started no illegal wars like Biden did with the Ukraine, he was right on China, so he is vastly superior in many ways.
The only negative with Trump was him stacking the SCOTUS.
Nope, it's because Trump called it a hoax, lied about how danger it was, told people to inject bleach and held mass spreader events. He did everything he could to undermine Fauci and the Governors trying to contain this thing.

That's like saying the Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg.

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The point was, we DID hit the Covid Iceberg, and Trump failed to respond to it properly.

Nope, I blame Trump for stopping sensible police reform and cheering on abusive cops.

There was no fraud... Even Bob Barr has admitted that.
It was an attempt to overthrow democracy, and he's going to go to jail for it.

Guy, the "Wrong Track" Numbers have been high since the Aughts... that gets you nothing.

The SCIENCE says to do "mass spreader events" for something like covid.
There is no denying irrefutable fact.
Epidemic can NOT ever end if you "flatten the curve".
Instead that makes the last forever.

Fauci was all wrong.
First he claimed it had a lethality of 1%, which is worse than Ebola.
The reality is most people are asymptomatic, so its lethality was only 0.02%.
Fauci was trying to "flatten the curve" so we could wait for the mRNA vaccines, but it turned out they were useless failures.

You can't blame Trump for corrupt police.
We have always had corrupt police and that is a local matter.

I agree there was not significant voter fraud, but a protest a couple hour long is NOT an insurrection.
But calling it an insurrection, that IS an clear assault on democracy.
Because we knew he was the kind of assclown who would treat a major crisis like an episode of his fake game show.

Which is totally what he did when Covid hit.

The evidence, facts, epidemiology science, etc., all says Trump got it right and Fauci/Biden got it all wrong.
What ever happened to the Covid?
Obviously the only thing that can end any epidemic is herd immunity.
The mRNA vaccines totally failed and did nothing.
Which actually should be pretty obvious, since all they did was get some of our own cells to start growing spike proteins, just like our own exosomes already have.
Total waste of time.
Two points.
1) He didn't do a good job. 1 million people died.
2) By using the "Hoax" Language, by opposing mask mandates and vaccinations, Trump made Covid response a partisan issue when it never should have been.


The covid death rate was 30k/month, identical to seasonal flu.
The only reason that 1.3 million finally died is that we would not let it end, and kept it going for OVER 3 years.
When we could have easily ended it in 2 months, with only 60k dead.
Actually, Pfizer and Merc did.

Pfizer and Moderna produce fake mRNA vaccines that were worse than worthless, killing about an additions 10 thousand people.
You can't use spike proteins to trigger the immune system because our own exosomes use the same spike proteins in order to get ACE2 receptors in our cells to open.
Hey bullshit artist! I did not edit anything. And of anyone wants to review the graphs I posted (from Biden's Dept of Commerce- bureau of Economic Analysis) here is the link to them, and see for yourself. >>

A "small" short-lived bump. HA HA HA. Are you comedian ? 35.3% GDP (2020 -Q3) is the largest GDP growth% in US history, and more than double the previous largest. After that quarter, Trump had a 3.9 (very respectable GDP)

"Same levels as Obama" ? Not hardly. Obama had 2 consecutive recessions from Jan 2015 to Jan 2016. In contrast, after taking over Obama's SINKING ship, Trump's GDPs ROSE continually in 2017 & 2018, as I showed in Post # 914 (>1.7 to 2 to 3.4 to 4.1.)
Some people have to be told twice.

The graph you posted is meaningless. It merely shows CHANGE from one quarter to another, What I posted is WHAT the GDPs were.

Nice try at pretending to look informed. The FACT is the V-GRAPH (never shown on left media) is what information-deprived victims of leftwing OMISSION media, are clueless to. The last thing any leftist wants to do is compare Obama;s SINKING SHIP economy of 2015/2016 to the Trump rescue economy of 2017/2018.

They/you can also forget about trying to disparage Trump for the poor GDPs of the first half of 2020 (PANDEMIC), as everyone now knows that was a result of Democrat fanaticism to stop Trump by any means necessary (Obama/Biden/ Fauci/NIH funding Wuhan lab) + Pelosi's refusal to allow stimulus $$$ to be sent out. We all saw the result in Q3 & Q4, when Republicans caught on to the scheme/ruse, and we had the biggest GDP in US history.

There's your "economic date analysis". You're welcome. No charge for the tutoring.
Wow Retard you are too stupid to even read your own graph. You literally are stupid and have no fuckin clue how to read your own data. Your data is QoQ percent change, just like mine you dumb fuck.

The graph you posted and the graph I posted show the same thing, the percent increases in GDP (my data is REAL GDP adjusted for inflation), I just posted all the data for 2018 and 2019, you conveniently left out all of Trump's lower GDP growth in 2019 and end of 2018. Like his Q4 2018 that only came in at a little 1.2%. Look at 2019, not good only 2%, the same as Obama. Look at 2019, Not Good...

What a total joke.

Overall, Trump's GDP growth is the same as Obama's but Trump's deficits are substantially higher.
In 2017 Trump came to office and passed massive massive spending bills that blew up the deficit and gave him a little short lived bump, then Trump's economy sucked and he had to beg the FED for more fake money stimulus when his economy crashed in 2019.

Trump blew up the deficit and ramped up deficits massively before covid, but he had weak GDP growth, the same as Obama. Trump's 2019 is the same as Obama's 2016. Trump's economy sucked and you need to lie and mislead people because it was so bad. 2020 was a negative year for GDP, so don't even start trying to talk about 2020...

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First of all, Trump inherited a booming economy from Obama and drove it into the ground! The only thing he did in office, was give tax cuts to the rich. That's it! That's all he did! The majority of his Presidency, was committing crimes against the people of the United States.
bullshit, nothing in you post is true. the economy was no booming, it was tanking, Trump turned it around and we had record low unemployment, record high stock market, no new wars, very low inflation, and respect in the world again. As to crimes, have you paid any attention to the well proven crimes of Biden and his family. Bribery and treason are crimes, idiot.
bullshit, nothing in you post is true. the economy was no booming, it was tanking, Trump turned it around and we had record low unemployment, record high stock market, no new wars, very low inflation, and respect in the world again. As to crimes, have you paid any attention to the well proven crimes of Biden and his family. Bribery and treason are crimes, idiot.
nope the economy was the same as Trump's but with much much lower deficits.

All trump did was borrow trillions of dollars and pump it into the economy, destroying the deficit and giving us a little small bump that was short lived. Look at the REAL GDP data, it says it all, 2016 and 2019 are the same.

PS now we have record low unemployment, 50 yer low !!! But lso lower deficits from Trump's mega massive deficits. Thanks Joe !!

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